Protesters could be hindering conclusion.

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I think you can rely on the courts, the prosecutor and defense counsel to handle any influence on a potential jury. There are several methods of handling this issue. One is voir dire where each side, prosecution and defense, have a certain number of peremptory challenges. Depending on the charges, the statutes define the number of peremptory challenges for each side. Second, the courts have a number of means of handling juror misconduct for bringing into the jury room evidence not presented at trial. They generally have a number of substitute jurors who sit through the whole trial and once deliberations start, if there is reported jury misconduct, the judge can disqualify the juror and plug in a substitute. Third, they can make motions for a change of venue. Believe it or not, not everyone in the US who is qualified to be a juror is following the blogs. Below are some Florida statues. I haven't updated them.


913.03 Grounds for challenge to individual jurors for cause.

913.08 Number of peremptory challenges.

913.10 Number of jurors.

913.12 Qualifications of jurors.

913.13 Jurors in capital cases.

913.15 Special jurors.

913.03 Grounds for challenge to individual jurors for cause.--A challenge for cause to an individual juror may be made only on the following grounds:

(1) The juror does not have the qualifications required by law;

(2) The juror is of unsound mind or has a bodily defect that renders him or her incapable of performing the duties of a juror, except that, in a civil action, deafness or hearing impairment shall not be the sole basis of a challenge for cause of an individual juror;

(3) The juror has conscientious beliefs that would preclude him or her from finding the defendant guilty;

(4) The juror served on the grand jury that found the indictment or on a coroner's jury that inquired into the death of a person whose death is the subject of the indictment or information;

(5) The juror served on a jury formerly sworn to try the defendant for the same offense;

(6) The juror served on a jury that tried another person for the offense charged in the indictment, information, or affidavit;

(7) The juror served as a juror in a civil action brought against the defendant for the act charged as an offense;

(8) The juror is an adverse party to the defendant in a civil action, or has complained against or been accused by the defendant in a criminal prosecution;

(9) The juror is related by blood or marriage within the third degree to the defendant, the attorneys of either party, the person alleged to be injured by the offense charged, or the person on whose complaint the prosecution was instituted;

(10) The juror has a state of mind regarding the defendant, the case, the person alleged to have been injured by the offense charged, or the person on whose complaint the prosecution was instituted that will prevent the juror from acting with impartiality, but the formation of an opinion or impression regarding the guilt or innocence of the defendant shall not be a sufficient ground for challenge to a juror if he or she declares and the court determines that he or she can render an impartial verdict according to the evidence;

(11) The juror was a witness for the state or the defendant at the preliminary hearing or before the grand jury or is to be a witness for either party at the trial;

(12) The juror is a surety on defendant's bail bond in the case.

913.08 Number of peremptory challenges.--

(1) The state and the defendant shall each be allowed the following number of peremptory challenges:

(a) Ten, if the offense charged is punishable by death or imprisonment for life;

(b) Six, if the offense charged is punishable by imprisonment for more than 12 months but is not punishable by death or imprisonment for life;

(c) Three, for all other offenses.

(2) If two or more defendants are tried jointly, each defendant shall be allowed the number of peremptory challenges specified in subsection (1), and the state shall be allowed as many challenges as are allowed to all of the defendants.

913.10 Number of jurors.--Twelve persons shall constitute a jury to try all capital cases, and six persons shall constitute a jury to try all other criminal cases.

913.12 Qualifications of jurors.--The qualifications of jurors in criminal cases shall be the same as their qualifications in civil cases.

913.13 Jurors in capital cases.--A person who has beliefs which preclude her or him from finding a defendant guilty of an offense punishable by death shall not be qualified as a juror in a capital case.

913.15 Special jurors.--The court may summon jurors in addition to the regular panel.


ANd if that's not quite enough protection to impanel an impartial jury, we should comfort ourselves with the knowledge that both sides will be allowed to submit their own voire dire SCRIPT to ensure fairness....
Protesters are usually protesting the government for redress of grievances. Why don't they go down to the Sherrif's office and demand....
(abve snipped)

To clarify, I have checked with Google, as you advised. There will be many folks protesting abortion today.

The bulk, under your logic are usually at the Supreme Court in DC, marching to get Roe vs Wade, overturned.

However, I am not convinced that an equal and possibly greater number of protestors are in their home towns, gathered at non-governmental abortion clinics.

So, LE going *on camera* and stating they believe Caylee is deceased based on evidence is a *leak* by your definition?

Versus media getting info behind the scenes and reporting on it? That's what I would consider a leak.

This is how I'd define it too. Info seems to start as a leak and then LE ends up confirming it.
Protesters are usually protesting the government for redress of grievances. Why don't they go down to the Sherrif's office and demand....

To clarify, I have checked with Google, as you advised. There will be many folks protesting abortion today.

The bulk, under your logic are usually at the Supreme Court in DC, marching to get Roe vs Wade, overturned.

However, I am not convinced that an equal and possibly greater number of protestors are in their home towns, gathered at non-governmental abortion clinics.

It was a comment I made about the fat chicks that got blown out of proportion. Yeah the kid should not have been there ever but the Anthonys are harboring a psycho that should be locked away for the rest of her life. They take donations and slam the police, the bounty hunters, the public, the media, and Yuri. What have they done lately? Cleaned their yard? At least the protesters are making a stand! The family hasn't done a thing with all the donations they've taken in. Many other parents of missing children have traveled to several different countries and states to look for their children yet this family fails to do so. Something is terribly wrong with that. All they have done in the past month is waste time/money/and protect Casey. They have completely forgot about Caylee and it really ticks me off that people continue to defend these scum. Now I am leaving this thread before I get banned. Thanks for wasting your time protecting Casey

Is there a reason you have to use insulting words like that to describe people?
Is there a reason you have to use insulting words like that to describe people?

It happens, usually when frustrated. It's that "foot in mouth" series of events when you have some adrenaline pumpin', Mono probably couldn't think of a more articulate way of putting it at the time. :doh:
Google has failed to tell me where most protestors can be physically located on any given day. Sorry, not a fact of life.......

:bang:please respond to what I actually wrote.

protesters are arrested all the time for getting out of hand.

Do you deny these people have 'gotten out of hand'? Per my google search results, do you deny that protesters are arrested all the time for 'getting out of hand'?

I said they should go down to the Sherrif's office because they are disturbing the peace of private citizens who have nothing to do with this case. Plus, they are not going to force the Anthony's to arrest Casey, but their protests might have some influence on the Sherrif, who actually can arrest her.
It's a real eye opener IMO

see...............Cindy Anthony Clash: Extended Video

This, IMO, is not's harassment and child abuse. Those women have absolutely no business talking about what kind of mother ANYONE is. They need to take a step back and look at their own parenting skills. Child abuse is not only physical, but can also be psychological...subjecting your children to this and even allowing them to participate should be considered child abuse. And when he becomes injured, she wants to blame someone else besides herself???? Give me a break!
This, IMO, is not's harassment and child abuse. Those women have absolutely no business talking about what kind of mother ANYONE is. They need to take a step back and look at their own parenting skills. Child abuse is not only physical, but can also be psychological...subjecting your children to this and even allowing them to participate should be considered child abuse. And when he becomes injured, she wants to blame someone else besides herself???? Give me a break!

ITA! I can't believe what I just saw! IMO, Cindy demonstrated amazing restraint. That heavy set woman needs to go craw back to her trailer...what a sorry excuse for a mother she herself is! She has some nerve running her mouth the way she was...her son was laying on the street screaming 'Mom!' and she says 'let's go son'.... maybe she needs to worry about her own child before judging someone else. What a loser!
I think the protesters serve the purpose of letting this disgusting family know exactly how outraged the public is over all their lies, excuses and criticism of LE who are doing their best to locate Caylee. I am all in favor of their protesting as long as they stay within the law.

Ciondy has more than exercised her right of free speech. Guess she doesn't like it when anyone else dos.
I think this AND the longer the Anthonys are distracted by this nonsense the longer it will take them to focus their frustrations in other directions. LEAVE THEM ALONE and let them focus on who last saw Caylee.
Cindy would never stand for being left alone imo. She be hammering BIGGER No Tresspassing signs in her yard, or calling Greta or NG. I think she needs her fix of the media. And it was her talking and back pedaling on the media that upset so many people. Now she has a high profile defense atty speaking for her and she STILL jumps in front of the camera every chance she gets. The minute something doesn't go her way she calls the police who do a courtesy call since no one is breaking any laws except Casey. How many charges against her does she have now? 10?
:bang:please respond to what I actually wrote.

Do you deny these people have 'gotten out of hand'? Per my google search results, do you deny that protesters are arrested all the time for 'getting out of hand'?

I said they should go down to the Sherrif's office because they are disturbing the peace of private citizens who have nothing to do with this case. Plus, they are not going to force the Anthony's to arrest Casey, but their protests might have some influence on the Sherrif, who actually can arrest her.

I don't think you can use disturbing the peace before 10[m in most places. Frankly, Cindy hammering in her illegal no tresspeassing digns at midnight is disturbing the peace imo. The Anthonys have been told that is NOT THEIR property by the police, but the law doesn't seem to apply to them imo
Was she buying batteries and flashlights at Target, and lots of food at Winn Dixie to sustain her through her searching for Caylee night and day?

Right, but she was writing checks for cash...either buying a new cell phone or paying off an existing one...things that could be made to appear that she was stealing to gain resources to help her find Caylee.

I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying there are many ways to look at the evidence and the defense is going to use the way that puts Casey in the best light.
Was she buying batteries and flashlights at Target, and lots of food at Winn Dixie to sustain her through her searching for Caylee night and day?

Who knows? I'd love to know what she was buying besides clothes and food to cook at Tony's.
I know this information is from the UK but it has a lot of good information about protesting. I think the protesters outside the Anthony home have gone beyond protesting and it has now turned into harassment. Yes, protesters do have a right to be on public property and express their concerns and beliefs, but I honestly feel it is now out of control.

I don't know if any information like this has been posted anywhere else. Sorry if it has. I looked around but couldn't find it anywhere.
we have so many protester threads. I will merge this one in a minute.
This argument is getting really old. The judge set bond, the bond was met. If you have a problem then take the PROTEST to the judges chambers. Simple.

If you do not like the law, then change the law.

I can believe all day that Casey is guilty. That is not what this is about.

Rights? Let's talk rights...

Which "Right" trumps?

1st amendment - Freedom of speech?
5th amendment - Right to remain silent

Funny thing is... Casey has a right to remain silent.. ACLU's website

50 people's right to protest.... careful be very careful.... with this one.
So do you agree with the weirdo Westboro Baptist church that screams and harasses families of dead soliders?
If it is okay to do in one situation.. then it comes legal precedent in another situation.

Is the ACLU going to have to have an argument with themselves?

I have asked 3 times... what right trumps the other and not one person can answer this.

well said the reason they are not protesting at the Courthouse to the judge is because they would be arrested for disorderly conduct, going to these peoples homes and acting like idiots is not helping Caylee, WHERE IS CAYLEE?
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