Protestors already gathering at Anthony home in anticipation of CA release from jail.

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I wonder too under what law would the police be allowed to block of a main road like that just to protect priss? People live there, will need to get in and out, what are they going to stop all cars and ask for proof of address. That is not fair either to the neighbors.
According to the articles I read, most of the protestors were out all day SEARCHING. They probably got wind of the Cindy statement bashing TES. IMO

All opinions are appreciated :blowkiss:
I agree about the neighbors, but my God, make this famly move out. The neighbors should join in asking them to move or something. Why are they so special that people cannot have the chance to do what they feel is right, and give that family peace. Maybe if more people show up peacefully, they will move out.

Honestly, I live close. I don't live on the street so maybe I have nothing to comment on however, I do feel some of it and it doesn't bother me one bit. I can't speak for ANYONE else but myself.

The thing that does bother me though is the fact that every time I leave my house, go grocery shopping, errands etc. I'm reminded of a serial sociopath that probably murdered her child with a mother that is probably going to send me to the loony bin with all her lies and cover-ups.
Honestly, I live close. I don't live on the street so maybe I have nothing to comment on however, I do feel some of it and it doesn't bother me one bit. I can't speak for ANYONE else but myself.

The thing that does bother me though is the fact that every time I leave my house, go grocery shopping, errands etc. I'm reminded of a serial sociopath that murdered her child with a mother that is probably going to send me to the loony bin with all her lies and cover-ups.

I cannot imagine living that close to her. I don't think I could control myself. I am so livid over that entire family. I guess I should be greatful that I do not live there. Plus, if she truly murdered her child, you are living near a MURDERER. That can't be safe, ankle bracelet or not.
I wonder too under what law would the police be allowed to block of a main road like that just to protect priss? People live there, will need to get in and out, what are they going to stop all cars and ask for proof of address. That is not fair either to the neighbors.
If there is a potential safety hazard of the kind that would occur with masses of people invading a small neighborhood, the police wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't provide some relief for the people directly affected.

I'm not saying people can't gather to protest, they'd just have to do it a little farther away from the Anthony's front door. Believe me, the news vans would find them, and the neighbors would thank them.
If there is a potential safety hazard of the kind that would occur with masses of people invading a small neighborhood, the police wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't provide some relief for the people directly affected.

I'm not saying people can't gather to protest, they'd just have to do it a little farther away from the Anthony's front door. Believe me, the news vans would find them, and the neighbors would thank them.

I don't know, I guess we shall see. I will say this, but if the police do that to protect her, I will be even more infuriated. Not their fault, but I simply cannot stand this celebrity status she has any longer. It is time to lock her up and throw away the key.
I wonder too under what law would the police be allowed to block of a main road like that just to protect priss? People live there, will need to get in and out, what are they going to stop all cars and ask for proof of address. That is not fair either to the neighbors.
That's exactly what they do. The cops put a sawhorse across the road and the residents show their licenses to get in.

It happens every winter out this way when the floods or fires threaten neighborhoods in canyon-y places like Malibu. Only residents are allowed to drive onto their streets.

ETA: What makes you think the neighbors would be opposed to this? They don't want protesters overrunning their lawns and maybe peeing in the bushes after a long night of well-lubricated hollering. I'll bet some of those neighbors are senior citizens, and the last thing they want are strangers hanging around their premises.
I wish I knew the guy that lets the media camp out on his property across the street from the Anthony's. They MUST pay him right? I would think that if he decided to tell them to get out it would be a little more difficult for them to have set up shop there. I'm sure he's gotten many complaints from the neighbors for this.

One of the good things is the media stays primarily directly across the street and the street itself is pretty dark. The people who are mostly affected are the neighbors that are directly on each side. When you first drive down the street you would never know what was going on until you get up to their house, then you see all the trucks, cameras, lights etc.
That's exactly what they do. The cops put a sawhorse across the road and the residents show their licenses to get in.

It happens every winter out this way when the floods or fires threaten neighborhoods in canyon-y places like Malibu. Only residents are allowed to drive onto their streets.

ETA: What makes you think the neighbors would be opposed to this? They don't want protesters overrunning their lawns and maybe peeing in the bushes after a long night of well-lubricated hollering. I'll bet some of those neighbors are senior citizens, and the last thing they want are strangers hanging around their premises.

I didn't say the neighbors would be opposed. I just find it disgusting that this might be done to protect that family.

I have to go, I am getting way too upset over all the things people are willing to do for this family. Too many excuses. Too many people posting bond. Too many people not even thinking of how she is lying left and right, too many people not being Caylee's voice. I am not saying you aren't. I think these people should be on their own. Anyway, I didn't mean to imply you don't care about Caylee. I am just so frustrated that so many accommodations are being made so she can continue to lie, lie, lie, and Cindy can continue to abuse respected men like Tim Miller, on national TV.

It truly disgusts me.

I wish I knew the guy that lets the media camp out on his property across the street from the Anthony's. They MUST pay him right? I would think that if he decided to tell them to get out it would be a little more difficult for them to have set up shop there. I'm sure he's gotten many complaints from the neighbors for this.

Respectfully snipped.

I LOVE THE MAN ACROSS THE STREET. If I had his addy, would send him a thank you note.
This is the way I see. The protesters are great. They can do whatever they want as long as they don't break the law in my opinion. I just wish they would help search during the day and protest at night which some probably do.

Those who are taking up the Anthony family are more than likely trying to befriend them. If they are able to do so then they believe they might be able to get a little inside information and possibly a break in this case.

The protesters are right yet the supporters are right but they are both doing the same thing honestly. One side really can't tell the other side they are wrong. Both are basically out there protesting and giving each other a reason to continue doing so.

I know for #@#@ sure if I was in that situation I wouldn't be bonded out by anybody. Actually, I would want to stay locked in jail for protection against my mother. She'd beat the **** out of me if I did something so ignorant. And this is where the family goes bad.

To me, there is no secret that the Anthony's are afraid of Casey. They never disciplined her as a child. She was never taught right from wrong. I'd say she grew up in a hostile environment with crazy Cindy and crazy George arguing and fighting all the time. I'd say they never told Casey "No!" to anything. I'd say she got everything she wanted when she wanted. She says jump and Cindy and George respond "How high highness?"

Casey probably never grew up with a good mother who was brave enough to discipline her child. This is one of the main reasons Cindy is so protective over Casey right now. She feels guilty that she wasn't a good mother. Since she never influenced Casey to be a good mother Casey wasn't a good mother.

Caylee was probably going through everything that Casey did when she was young plus more. Not only did poor little Caylee have to listen to George and Cindy argue but she had to listen to George and Cindy and Casey argue.

As sad as it is to say, Caylee is probably better off. It seems Caylee had a little stuffed animal or doll that she called "mama". I wonder why? She probably spent more time with the doll than her actually parent/s. She eventually took to the doll as though she was her mom because she was with her so much. And I'd say the doll was probably a better mother than Casey or Cindy either thought about being sadly enough.

I am surprised Lee didn't turn out this way. Well, maybe he did and we just don't know it yet? It is very obvious that Cindy and George love telling lies which was passed down from generation to generation. Casey probably dated Hispanics to get back at Cindy which evidently hated Hispanics.

George was a constant internet gambler from what I hear which means he likes to throw away money. Well, guess what? Casey does too! She steals all the money she can because she is addicted to shopping. As stupid as that sounds there are people out there that are addicted to shopping.

Cindy and Casey are very good as using people to get what they want. They used Leonard, they used Tim Miller. They use somebody until that person is tired of being used and then they turn the tables and say that they are the ones actually being used.

Cindy needs to be protested in my opinion. What did Tim Miller do to her? Tim is probably older than Cindy. Yet, he takes time, money, and resources out of his own pocket to help somebody he doesn't even know. I guess you should be mad Cindy? ****

Cindy and Casey are always trying to play the victim role. If you told them you had a cold they'd tell you they had cancer. If you told them you were poor they'd tell you they were in debt up to their ears.

It ticks me off to think how Cindy treats Tim Miller. And Casey too. Tim comes all the way down to Florida to help with the case yet Casey can get out of her room, get off her @$$ and provide proper information to Tim. Cindy on the other hand feeds him a load of bull. Their actions and emotions tells me one thing that we all already know "They don't want Caylee found"
If there is a potential safety hazard of the kind that would occur with masses of people invading a small neighborhood, the police wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't provide some relief for the people directly affected.

I'm not saying people can't gather to protest, they'd just have to do it a little farther away from the Anthony's front door. Believe me, the news vans would find them, and the neighbors would thank them.

Great point Diane B,

Plus, if the police are having to intervene, then they are being taken away from the search for Caylee.

I can understand the frustration however:blowkiss:
hehe. If it wasn't for him we would've missed out on a lot of Cindy's hammering away at no trespassing signs and what not.

That was good stuff, but my personal fav, and this might have been filmed by regular news crew, but it was her being rearrested. That was pure brilliance. Were you there when it happened?
I am saying this with all my respect regarding protestors outside the Anthony home:

If they have the time and energy to go there and boo Casey for getting bail once again, why not donate that time and energy to Equusearch and to little Caylee?

If the child had been found and given a dignifed burial and a resting place, then I could understand 100% the luxury of time to protest outside the Anthony's home. But since the child is still out there and there are ongoing efforts - difficult efforts - to locate her, why not devote that one hour to the VICTIM, instead to narcissist Casey making her feel like a celebrity? If the protestors really are doing this for Caylee they should be out there working with Equusearch not near by the cameras! I know I am generalizing and this has nothing to do with the right of free speech and the right to assembly to peacefully protest.....but a lot of people are driven outside the Anthony home to protest not because of love for Caylee and worry but because of other primitive instincts.

While the child is missing I consider those protesters HYPOCRITES yelling to the Anthonys why they do not search for the child or tell the truth, when they could have been down assisting Tim themselves as well.

Here I said it!


That's exactly what they do. The cops put a sawhorse across the road and the residents show their licenses to get in.

It happens every winter out this way when the floods or fires threaten neighborhoods in canyon-y places like Malibu. Only residents are allowed to drive onto their streets.

ETA: What makes you think the neighbors would be opposed to this? They don't want protesters overrunning their lawns and maybe peeing in the bushes after a long night of well-lubricated hollering. I'll bet some of those neighbors are senior citizens, and the last thing they want are strangers hanging around their premises.

IMO the police have their hands full right now. I called someone who used to be with the State's Atty Office and was told that the protestors were within their legal rights. And, basically when you have Greta and JB doing interviews in your driveway that you invite attention.
IMO the police have their hands full right now. I called someone who used to be with the State's Atty Office and was told that the protestors were within their legal rights. And, basically when you have Greta and JB doing interviews in your driveway that you invite attention.

All depends on how 'peaceful' the protest is. If you're talking about a bunch of people lined up on the sidewalk chanting, I guess the only issue would be whether a permit is obtained, if it's even needed.

But if you're talking about a steady stream of cars weaving slowly down the street beeping their horns and dodging knots of people standing in the middle of the street in the glare of 1000 watt lights screaming at the top of their lungs, well that's a whole different story.
I don't think a permit is needed unless the protest is going to be taking place on private property
That was good stuff, but my personal fav, and this might have been filmed by regular news crew, but it was her being rearrested. That was pure brilliance. Were you there when it happened?

No but the funny thing is we were here watching the webcam and all the sudden these people popped out of nowhere. Some people here were like "go see what is going on". I jumped in the car real quick and went down to the house and man was I shocked. There were people EVERYWHERE (just like you saw on tv). Actually, there were people parked on my street and honestly I thought there were parties going on because of the holiday weekend.

I could barely drive down the road at the part where they live. As I was passing, I saw LE and thought OMG people are gonna get arrested and I'll admit I got nervous and just drove off. As I was walking through my door my DH was like "SHE'S GETTING ARRESTED", LOL. I had not clue and just missed it.

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