Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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The lack of information re: foster care is a real problem for me in completing an accurate profile. We know she came out of foster care at the age of 12. When she went in is the question, for she had five different placements during her time in FC. IF she went in at the age of 3 that is a placement every 1.8 months, if she went in at age of 7 that's a different placement every year or less and could have indicated a severe problem. This has been a sticking point for me. Plus bonding of any type with this history is practically out of the question.

I can certainly see where Elizabeth could have developed major feelings of abandonment and rejection at a child, since while she was in foster care, at some point she likely knew her parents and grandmother were alive, and simply not taking care of her. She may have known the whole time. Awful for any child to experience that.
I can certainly see where Elizabeth could have developed major feelings of abandonment and rejection at a child, since while she was in foster care, at some point she likely knew her parents and grandmother were alive, and simply not taking care of her. She may have known the whole time. Awful for any child to experience that.

You know are so right on with this statement....which leads me to believe, she has not harmed Master Gabe.....hope I'm not o/t!

The lack of information re: foster care is a real problem for me in completing an accurate profile. We know she came out of foster care at the age of 12. When she went in is the question, for she had five different placements during her time in FC. IF she went in at the age of 3 that is a placement every 1.8 months, if she went in at age of 7 that's a different placement every year or less and could have indicated a severe problem. This has been a sticking point for me. Plus bonding of any type with this history is practically out of the question.

Yup, big problem with the laws that protect her history with CPS and worse still if she was DX'ed with a medical/mental disorder the laws protecting her possible health issues. IMO Her rights end, where Gabes start - the laws that protect her, failed him.

We need a happy medium and we are so very far from a happy anything when it comes to protecting at risk children.

DB - are you referring to safe as with new parents or safe with Caylee, Emma, Haleigh....

I can certainly see where Elizabeth could have developed major feelings of abandonment and rejection at a child, since while she was in foster care, at some point she likely knew her parents and grandmother were alive, and simply not taking care of her. She may have known the whole time. Awful for any child to experience that.

It must have been very hard for her and her brother both - people who are sinking in addiction don't have the ability to nurture and protect an infant (let alone 2 infants.) If EJ's time in the system was spent knowing mommy was too sick to care for her it may have been bearable. But knowing how addicts are most often treated by any "system" this is a small to zero chance.

Early on IIRC Logan's family said they have known her since she was a young teen (?) Were they aware of issues with EJ?
You know are so right on with this statement....which leads me to believe, she has not harmed Master Gabe.....hope I'm not o/t!

Are you thinking of this from a healthy mental POV - She won't abandon her child because she knows it hurts? - but she has abandoned him....

If she has an attachment disorder she would be less likely to have any feelings for Gabe as a human being, more likely she viewed him as an object and we know she has no problem destroying "objects'.

Matter of fact it is this type of thinking that allows the parent to decide the child is better off dead than having to struggle thru their life with "issues"; in her case 'abandonment issues' being her most likely issue to develop being raised in foster care and having parents with their own "issues".

KC Anthony said (in one of her letters) maybe it is better this way (for Caylee) never to know a broken heart etc etc.

Stacey Barker (mother of murder victim - 18 mo old Emma Barker) told the detectives she "did it" because she didn't want Emma to grow up to be like her - pregnant young and stuck living at home with her parents."

This very selfish thinking is an excuse IMO. But I'm in way over my head here to try and explain the way anyone with this level of mental health issues thinks.

Of course to think that EJ did the unthinkable - because someone else did so - is wrong. It is just an example of how the mind of these women work sometimes.
Elizabeth didn't mention Gabe in her 'will'. All about her.

I love you Marzzy. I am sorry, be happy for us.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Johnson

This is the most frightening thing I've read since she told Logan she had killed Gabe.

Is Marzzy her maternal GMa? I'm guessing she is. She mentions her religion - She mentions her deceased mother. Wants to be buried with her mother - Marzzy is aware of how much EJ misses her mother.

She feels she let her GMa down by not making something with her life. (Like dropping out of college) But now she is dying :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Be happy for us ... Mom and I will be together

Maybe mom and Gabe and EJ will be together but I'm not feeling it... she just doesn't care....
since she got a little "Postal" on her banana nut we know if she's still in the psych ward ???

Video: Missing Baby's Mother Jail Assault
Updated: Monday, 26 Apr 2010, 6:44 PM MDT
Published : Monday, 26 Apr 2010, 6:44 PM MDT

PHOENIX - Elizabeth Johnson, the woman accused of kidnapping her 8-month-old non-custodial son back in December, is facing additional charges of assault.

Police say she assaulted two female inmates at the Maricopa County Jail, and surveillance video of the incident has been released.

Video from April 3 apparently shows Elizabeth Johnson grab a bottle of cleaning solution and spray another inmate in the face.

The tape shows Johnson then walk towards a second inmate and again spray her with cleaning fluid.

Johnson has been in jail since January, charged with kidnapping. But she refuses to make statements regarding Gabriel's whereabouts.

There are signs the stress of the trial and the months in jail are taking a toll on Johnson. She denies the assault accusations.

The police report says: "The other inmates in the pod were threatening her and making comments such as beating her [expletive] at recreation."

Johnson was placed in the jail's psychiatric ward. She was also refusing the eat Sheriff Arpaio's so-called Nutra-Loaf, made up of water, bread, powdered milk, vegetables, fruit, and chili powder.

Video: Missing Baby's Mother Jail Assault
Updated: Monday, 26 Apr 2010, 6:44 PM MDT
Published : Monday, 26 Apr 2010, 6:44 PM MDT

PHOENIX - Elizabeth Johnson, the woman accused of kidnapping her 8-month-old non-custodial son back in December, is facing additional charges of assault.

Police say she assaulted two female inmates at the Maricopa County Jail, and surveillance video of the incident has been released.

Video from April 3 apparently shows Elizabeth Johnson grab a bottle of cleaning solution and spray another inmate in the face.

The tape shows Johnson then walk towards a second inmate and again spray her with cleaning fluid.

Johnson has been in jail since January, charged with kidnapping. But she refuses to make statements regarding Gabriel's whereabouts.

There are signs the stress of the trial and the months in jail are taking a toll on Johnson. She denies the assault accusations.

The police report says: "The other inmates in the pod were threatening her and making comments such as beating her [expletive] at recreation."

Johnson was placed in the jail's psychiatric ward. She was also refusing the eat Sheriff Arpaio's so-called Nutra-Loaf, made up of water, bread, powdered milk, vegetables, fruit, and chili powder.

Can't trust her when she says she did kill him either. It's impossible to know what to believe. I wish the other inmates had followed through on their threats :innocent:
I think she sprayed them in the face so she could be on lockdown away from all the inmates...I am sure she is scared out of her mind in with general population. EJ is no match for the people in there.......No one likes people who do children wrong!!

Who knows, maybe she will talk more if the inmates go through with their threats...I am sure the ones she sprayed are boiling ticked.
I think she sprayed them in the face so she could be on lockdown away from all the inmated...I am sure she is scared out of her mind in with general population. EJ is no match for the people in there.......No one likes people who do children wrong!!

Who knows, maybe she will talk if the inmates go through with their threats...I am sure the ones she sprayed are boiling ticked.

Good point. That very well might have been her goal. I can't imagine the other inmates are too fond of someone who might be (and claims to be!) a baby killer. Maybe they should let her go out for recreation... she might decide to revoke her right to remain silent. :dance: :crazy:
Can't trust her when she says she did kill him either. It's impossible to know what to believe. I wish the other inmates had followed through on their threats :innocent:

Very true, she is crazy for sure. But I am concerned about Gabe mainly because no one has seen him after 4 long months.
She's a smart <unusual person> tho, got what she wanted without having to punch anyone- which surely she would have gotten hurt if she did... She's now got protection from other inmates, AND good food... Why do I feel like the system is on HER side?
She looks so calm and collected while doing it.. I guess she knew she was on video and didn't want to call attention to herself.
Very true, she is crazy for sure. But I am concerned about Gabe mainly because no one has seen him after 4 long months.
She's a smart <unusual person> tho, got what she wanted without having to punch anyone- which surely she would have gotten hurt if she did... She's now got protection from other inmates, AND good food... Why do I feel like the system is on HER side?

For Gabriel and for the family, I think it's only fair that we look for him though. Yes, we're all aware of the possiblity that she killed's so sad to think about. I pray he's out there, alive and happy, and well cared for. This case really is unlike any other though, because there was a potential adoptive couple, who went to "extreme measures" to try to get Gabriel. I'm not trying to knock your personal opinions on this, you may be right...I just hate to start talking about that unless there's more reason to. Maybe that's just me, ;)

My issue with her stating she killed him to LM, is that she NEVER admits doing anything wrong. Not when she was arrested for her apartment tirade and there were witnesses, not when she was arraigned and it was pointed out to her that she fled and kept Gabriel from his father who had joint custody, and not when she sprayed the other inmates and there is video...I'm sure there's more, but I'm only on cup 1 of my coffee. Why on Earth would she tell it like it is, so to speak, and tell LM she killed him. She would never had admitted that if true, IMO.
My issue with her stating she killed him to LM, is that she NEVER admits doing anything wrong. Not when she was arrested for her apartment tirade and there were witnesses, not when she was arraigned and it was pointed out to her that she fled and kept Gabriel from his father who had joint custody, and not when she sprayed the other inmates and there is video...I'm sure there's more, but I'm only on cup 1 of my coffee. Why on Earth would she tell it like it is, so to speak, and tell LM she killed him. She would never had admitted that if true, IMO.

But, quite a few people think that if they destroy things in their own home that it is not a crime. She grew up with that happening and most likely, no one went to jail for it.

Therefore, she feels she did nothing wrong. I am in no way defending her actions, but I can see where she said I did nothing wrong.

Along with what she did to the inmates...They threatened her, so she took action, like a teenager and got them back. As you can see, they were behind bars and had no way of attacking her. THat is the only way she could get away with something like that. She knew she would end up on lockdown, which would mean her safety.

As I have said before, to think and act like EJ, think of a freshman or sophmore in High School with Bi-Polar disorder and that is her in a nutshell.

I was a tough girl back in the day and stood up to people 2-3 times the size of me. That is how I survived with some of the tough schools I went to. The girls thought I was nutso to stand up to some that I did and they left me alone because of it.
In court today, Rule 11 Motion was filed. Here's what I pulled up on EJ's attorney saying she is incompetent and now she will be evaluated?

Arizona Criminal Law
Rule 11
This rule applies when a defendant is not competent to stand trial. A person may be incompetent for a number of reasons including mental illness, mental retardation, head injury, and substance abuse. A person is not legally competent if cannot understand the legal matters or is not able to assist in his own defense. Please note that this is very different from an insanity defense..

... Rule 11 evaluation does not have anything to do with the defendant&#8217;s mental state at the time of the offense.
She's been in the psych ward for awhile now. I thought she would be back in jail before her next court appearance. That makes think it is something serious and she's not competent as of now. Maybe she is already in the Health Services Restoration to Competency (RTC) program and that is why she couldn't be in court.

That may be part of it...I am sure if she is currently being treated, her doctor's wouldn't want her to face something that would set her back in her treatment, from a mental health care perspective.
Does this have any bearing on her appearing for her own trial? Can she "sit pretty" and get her way by not going back to court if she is found "currently" incompetent? I don't know, but she didn't look crazy to me when she was walking around spraying the other inmates with that cleaner. She knew exactly what she was doing and took her time doing it.

This is so darn frustrating when there's a missing baby! I wish they would just go ahead and issue the Amber Alert...better late than never! Get the whole US looking for him and do 1 thing right for once LE. This whole system is failing Gabriel...unfortunatlely this same system failed EJ ong ago, but it doesn't have to continue with this baby.

Trust me I'm not sticking up for EJ, they should of brought her to court even if it was in a straight jacket if it meant any progress in justice for Gabriel but I do think when you're suffering a mental break that brings out underlying conditions like paranoid schizophrenia for example, that can be temporary, you look totally normal and it's the thoughts in your head that no one can see that are not normal. So the video or her court appearance wouldn't show us wheither she was sane or not. JMO
Please keep discussion of the Rule 11 *legal* aspects in the charges and hearings threads.

Please keep discussion of what it may mean regarding Elizabeth's current mental state in this thread.

Name calling is never permitted, no matter who the person is.

Quoting name calling is also never permitted.

Either can earn a time out. Please refrain.

Johnson's attorneys filed a motion to give her a psychological evaluation to see if she is competent to stand trial.

The judge agreed to the evaluation. Johnson's next court appearance is June 7.

Is it time for a new poll? EJ mentally ill now/not mentally ill now/mentally ill on Dec 26/27/not mentally ill Dec 26/27?

Suggested poll. Please give input:

Is/was Elizabeth mentally ill? (does not refer to legally sane/insane)

- She's been mentally ill steadily since before Dec 8 2009 & still is

- She's had mentally ill episodes off & on since before Dec 8 2009

- She had a mentally ill episode in San Antonio only

- She's having a mentally ill episode currently

- She's never been mentally ill

- She's currently faking mental illness

- I don't know what she's doing but she's making me feel mentally ill

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