Q&A for LI Locals and those that grew up here

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Suffolk County recently announced a $500 Million dollar budget shortfall over the next 3 years. I do not think they will be throwing money at this case, in fact it may be scaled back. Unless the FBI steps in and officially takes the lead; I do think this case is going to be shoved under the carpet. Unfortunatley the public has grown to accept the fact that a serial killer(S) is active on Long Island but is "only" killing prostitutes. I think that it is time to release some information to the public that has been kept secret. This will keep the case fresh, and possibly someone in the public may be able to blow the lid off this thing. JMO
The trail is on the east bound side of Ocean Parkway and unless you were looking for it from the road, you would drive right past it. The entrance is about 4 feet wide; I do not know how far it goes but it is located right where shannon was found. I am almost positive it was there before shannon was found. When I saw it; I thought the exact same thing (Shannon could have been brought in through it). It makes sense too because she was found about 100 feet from the highway, correct? This fits the MO of the LISK. I have my own theories as to who done it, but I also have not dismissed anything either. I belive someone in OB killed shannon, but I thought someone else was the LISK. BUt I am not sure....it is EXTREMELY possible that whoever killed shannon is the LISK. I just do not know. I wish the guy who was screaming about where shannon would be found for the past 9 months would post over here more regularily, instead of over at the other site.

or maybe someone visiting or staying temporarily in OB.
I took a drive down Ocean Parkway last night.


I got out of work last night and it was still light out for a change. Terrible day at work so I decided to take a drive down Ocean Parkway to look at burial ground again. The GB4 were all placed on a very unique part of the highway. It is in between hemlock cove and the old coast guard station harbor. People use these coves to park their boats, and have the option to run across the highway to get to the ocean side. Where he put these bodies; there would be significantly lower foot traffic. Also in this area there are numerous oppurtunities to make a uturn and switch directions on the highway (or to circle and wait for a lull in the traffic). I pictured him in my brain last night driving around till the coast was clear.....must be quite the sick game for him. He definitely is very familiar with this area. You can see the houses at gilgo from this spot. Also this spot is really thick and there are probably all kinds of critters in there that help the decompistion process.
or maybe someone visiting or staying temporarily in OB - who grew up on LI, still spends alot of time during the warmer months there, visits frequently and enjoys the ocean.
I just wrote a five paragraph explanation about this location and some how it is all lost. So here is a much shorter version...

I have been studying the idea of having both Gilgo and Manorville locations as dump sites and the assumption by many posters that there may be other dump sites yet to be discovered.

I came to two conclusions;

  1. The pine barrens around the Manorville/Riverhead/Moriches/Calverton area need to be searched more thoroughly.
  2. This 500 acre property in Coram should be searched because it seems to be in the absolute perfect location to be a dump site between both Gilgo and Manorville; The Overton Preserve in Coram
I just wrote a five paragraph explanation about this location and some how it is all lost. So here is a much shorter version...

I have been studying the idea of having both Gilgo and Manorville locations as dump sites and the assumption by many posters that there may be other dump sites yet to be discovered.

I came to two conclusions;

  1. The pine barrens around the Manorville/Riverhead/Moriches/Calverton area need to be searched more thoroughly.
  2. This 500 acre property in Coram should be searched because it seems to be in the absolute perfect location to be a dump site between both Gilgo and Manorville; The Overton Preserve in Coram

Could you imagine the effort that would take though seaslug?
I would do so in the atlantic ocean. But then again I am not a serial killer who secretly wants his work to be found so he can bath in the attention and hysteria it may cause.
As I have stated before. I know quite a few places. This one is on the top of my list though.

I have been in those woods before on a dirt bike....Indeed prime. Lots of abandoned cars and garbage everywhere. It looks like a war zone.
As I have stated before. I know quite a few places. This one is on the top of my list though.

Wow...if the SK has had more bodies to hide it would indeed be prime. Very close to Sagtikos Parkway, which connects up to Robert Moses Causeway and then the Ocean Parkway. What chillingly convenient artery to drive up and down late at night not to be disturbed. The Overton Preserve in Coram looks like another good place to dump bodies, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if both places had remains hidden in them. I think the GB4/Ocean Parkway and Manorville murders are by two different SK's, though...it's possible that Edgewood was used by the GB4 SK and the Overton by the Manorville SK. Certainly no hard and fast rule on that though--could be some overlapping or possibly more killers involved. I'm not even sure if the GB4 killer is responsible for the other Ocean Parkway murders at this point. Seaslug-it's too bad that they can't afford to search these areas thoroughly.

That spot has a whole industrial area on one side of it. Where the parking lots border the woods, there are many trails big enough for a car/truck to drive in. Area is a complete ghost town on the weekends. Creepy.
I am not sure the SK wants to 'hide' the bodies. I think he is more in the business of 'arranging' the bodies. I do believe the Manorville and Oak Beach murders are connected (and possibly the AC murders). I think when he started his carrer, part of him 'wanted' to hide the bodies, and that is why he chose Manorville AND Oak Beach, i.e. he split the bodies up by dismemberment. Additionally, he has always had a part of him that wants to be recognized and has a need to 'display' his deeds. In Manorville he left Jessica Taylor's torso laying on top of a brush pile just off of the road! As time went by and he grew in confidence, I think he decided to leave the bodies intact and arrange them where he could drive them every day.
I am not sure the SK wants to 'hide' the bodies. I think he is more in the business of 'arranging' the bodies. I do believe the Manorville and Oak Beach murders are connected (and possibly the AC murders). I think when he started his carrer, part of him 'wanted' to hide the bodies, and that is why he chose Manorville AND Oak Beach, i.e. he split the bodies up by dismemberment. Additionally, he has always had a part of him that wants to be recognized and has a need to 'display' his deeds. In Manorville he left Jessica Taylor's torso laying on top of a brush pile just off of the road! As time went by and he grew in confidence, I think he decided to leave the bodies intact and arrange them where he could drive them every day.

thank you for answering the question I posed last week after visiting the manorville sites...

I asked why did he transition from in the woods off of mill road (2000), to 1000 feet closer to the LIE and in view from the LIE (2003). The funny thing about the sump where JT was is that you can see it clearly from the LIE. Most people don't realize though that there is no on off ramp from the LIE onto Halsey Manor Rd. so that spot wasn't a quick and thoughtless dump site. He chose the sump next to the lie because he drove past it daily on the LIE.

He did it for the same reason he moved the G4 all at the same time to the side of the parkway, the same reason he put the suitcases off the exit ramp of SS (bellmore), so he can literally see the spot as he drives past routinely. It is the same reason SG was where she was. She couldn't be placed with the others but he still wanted to be able to drive right past her daily more than anything. And it's the same reason he built that roofdeck, so he could look right over his empowering accomplishments...
This spot has always interested me. No one takes care of this area, stolen cars get dumped there often. Pitch black at night. Several shady strip clubs down the block.

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It is between a very rich area and a poor area. Alot of foot traffic, more than that map portrays.
Could you imagine the effort that would take though seaslug?
Should definitely be looking in the Manorville pine barrens! And by the way it is a back road route to the riverhead shopping area, malls and there are the same motels there as on 495 .
Should definitely be looking in the Manorville pine barrens! And by the way it is a back road route to the riverhead shopping area, malls and there are the same motels there as on 495 .

When you say a back road route to Riverhead, do you mean like a road that someone who commutes to Riverhead for work might use to avoid traffic during certain times of year?


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