Questions and Discussion Regarding the Timeline

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Very embarrassing for everyone, those July 15 interviews, as lie after lie was exposed and disproven. I don't know how the defendant had the brass neck to sit there and continue putting out these chokers. I also detected expressions of petty triumph when she inserted something she could prove WAS true, like the i.d. cards. Strictly the thinking of a game player. Only her parents (and why!) were willing to fish for one fact in a swill of lies. No one else would find it worthwhile to listen for a scintilla of truth that would also mislead. Yes, she should have been asked why Caylee was going to a babysitter since there was no day job.
Yes! She was the one who took the damb video, how could she forget that?

I would not be surprised if a 50+ woman with her own issues, a sociopathic daughter, a missing granddaughter, a shaky marriage, elderly parents and perhaps a touch of menopause, forgot her own name. JMO. ;)
Sure makes you wonder a lot about June 16th and also late evening June 15th. I have held firm since day one, Cindy was the last to see Caylee. So looking forward to November to see if they elaborate more on the morning of June 16th.

Finally after reading hundreds of posts, I find this one, I have wondered the same thing myself, I would also like to know more about June 14!
There’s something not jiving here and was hoping some might help me puzzle this out. Thanks…
CINDY ANTHONY: Little background, Casey had gone on an extended trip, kind of trying to figure out -- she's 22. We were talking about when it might be the right time for her and Caylee to move out. And her trip just kept getting extended and extended, which was really not a red flag itself, I mean, the trip itself. There would be a few days at a time that she would go and stay with friends. She went from a couple different friends, and I never got a chance to speak with Caylee during that time.

CINDY ANTHONY: Well, what happened was, to set the background right, she had told me that she had been in Jacksonville for the last week and a half. We had gotten a notice in the mail that we had a registered letter. We found the registered letter a few days before, but it was the weekend, so we had to go down and get it. And when we got it, my husband found out it was from a tow truck or a towing company.

June 24th, George sees Casey
June 26th Casey ditches car
June 30th Car towed
July 11th-12th? (t-s) Find registered letter notice, weekend can’t go pick up
July 14th Monday pick up registered letter
July 15th Pick up car

July 3rd, Casey texts Jesse to not pick up phone if her parents call
July 3rd Padilla says Cindy sent Lee looking for Casey.

If we use apx 10 days for the week and half, which date do we count from? The July 14th when they pick up the registered letter? The July 15th when they picked up the car? Or the June 30th when the car would have been towed?

Counting from the car tow date of the June 30th, that puts us at apx 20th--21st of June, why would George have seen Casey on the 24th then?

Counting from the 14th-15th , that puts us at apx 4th -5th .

Casey tells Jesse not to talk to her parents via text on the 3rd, that tells me she had spoken to her parents and told them she was in J-ville and didn’t want Jesse to blow her cover.

So, if Casey had told her parents the J-ville story by July 3rd, why would they send Lee looking for her on the 3rd?
Excellent find. Wish I had an answer. Too much info we are still missing to fill in the blanks. Frustrating.:mad:
If Caylee spent June 15th at Tony's house, do we know where Caylee spent the night?
If Cindy said she heard them in the bedroom on the morning of the 16th, does that mean that Caylee spent the night at the Anthony's and Casey came in the morning of the
16th to pick her up?

Also, it was mentioned that Caylee didn't sleep in her own room. She slept in the bed with Casey. Where did she sleep when Casey wasn't around?

I don't think the part about Caylee spending every night in KC's room is entirely true......CA did tell Gretta this while showing her Caylee's bedroom, but CA has a way of exaggerating the entire relationship between KC and Caylee to make KC look like the "mother of the year".

I think GA does not know what he is talking about. In his sworn statement he said that he last say Caylee on 6/9. How could he NOT know the last date that he saw her, but remember the EXACT times and give a COMPLETE description of what they were wearing? The last time that they see Caylee is on Father's Day weekend! I just cannot understand how they can ALL mistake the date when it was a holiday! It seems like GA would have known because he would have received some sort of gift.. IMHO

I don't know that we can assume that he would have gotten a gift, not everyone gives gifts for Father's Day. I don't....a phone call, a visit, maybe buy a lunch or dinner....but no gifts.

just my experience and opinion
How do you keep a two year old in bed until noon? I think everything starts with that day.
Page 44 out of 153 Jesse G states on July 16 he went into Casey A. myspace acct and noticed that Casey deleted over 200 pictures- she had over 10 pages and it was down to 4.

So I'm wondering if one of those 200 deleted pics (July 16) could hold the key to where she is - deceased & buried, ok, :rolleyes: or alive. Is there any way those deleted pics can be retrieved?
I was reading the timeline puzzle and I thought it was a bit odd that Cindy had phone numbers for some of Casey's friends. In addition to having Jesse's number, I recall she was also in contact with Casey's childhood friend whom she told Casey was a sociopath. She also knew how to reach Amy H in order to locate her daughter.

It's not like Casey was 12 and staying at a friend's house where she would need these numbers and Casey obviously had a cell phone ( or two allegedly), so why would Cindy have her friend's numbers?

Maybe she was keeping tabs on Casey because she was an irresponisble liar, or maybe she went missing with Caylee before and she managed to collect these numbers in her search for her? I find it hard to believe that Cindy knew how to reach Casey's friends but not Caylee's nanny.
How do you keep a two year old in bed until noon? I think everything starts with that day.

You don't. My grandkids are all over the place by around 7:00. They are hungry. They need to go potty. They want to watch cartoons. They want breakfast and I'll be darned if they all don't want something different! It would be abnormal for any kid to stay in the bedroom with the door shut when there are doting grandparents afoot. Were they afraid to make any noise in that house for fear of making someone mad? I think the dynamics of that household must be very unusual.
They were mistaken about the 6/9 date. It's the ONLY unintentional she they told. She kept saying June 9 but she had also kept saying (911 calls and on text message sent out to all the contacts on her phone) that she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days. 31 days from July 15 is June 15. She THOUGHT 31 days was 6/9. It's exactly 1 week off. That's why there's so much confusion about the dates.
The big fight with Casey and Cindy was the evening of June 15th, Fathers day when Cindy found out about the stealing from her fathers nursing home fund. George saw Caylee on 6/16. And then nobody ever saw her again. Casey started staying at Tony's full time after the 16th. She told him her parents were fighting all the time because they just found out George had an online girlfriend. She told Tony that Caylee was with the Nanny because she didn't want Caylee around all the fighting and the environment around the Anthony house. Caylee's death was 6/16.
Since Casey finally admitted that she did not have a job, has anyone issued her explanation for dropping Caylee off at the "nanny's" on either June 9th or June 16th? And where does she now say that she was during the time Caylee was with the "nanny?" I don't recall EVER seeing this question asked of Casey?

okay GREAT question> sometimes things are so obvious.. you are right. Why doesn't somebody ask her that question. KC remember you have not worked in oh,... um,,, a couple years. So why would you need a Zanny the Nanny if you don't work, why on the last day you saw Caylee did you drop her off, at the bottem of the stairs to Zanny. What did you do with yourself that day?

We know Zannys not true, we know your place of employment is not true, but you insist you dropped her at the Sawgrass, lets say that is true. What did you do on that particular day?
June 26th Casey ditches car <<snipped for the date I'm curious about>>

Starting out, I may well have overlooked the answers to my time line questions. I've looked, but I'm not sure I'm capable of reading every word of every thread. (Just being totally honest, there...)

June 26: Is there any substantiation that this is the actual date the car was abandoned? I understand the Amscot lady said she 'noticed' it on the 27th. Do we know if she worked that Sunday? Could the car have been abandoned sometime before the 27th and after the time GA saw KC on the 24th? And by substantiation, I mean anything other than A-words.

When did TL pick KC up at Amscot? I remember LP saying that it was on the 27th, IIRC, morning, and that she had groceries. I have a problem with that...if the car was noticed at 7:00 a.m. and she wasn't picked up until later in the morning, what was she doing?

Who was, other than the immediate family, the last one with whom KC and Caylee spent the night, and what night was that?

I remember hearing one of the talking heads on NG, I think it was, who said that one thing LE was going to have to prove was KC's 'control' over the car. I guess that's the main reason I'm interested in pinning down the abandoned/picked up dates, substantiated by a source a bit more reliable than the A's. TIA.
Quote from Patty, respectfully snipped:
I want to know what time Caylee woke up on June 16th, who fed her breakfast, did she have a bath in the morning, who dressed her, did she play in the house that morning, did she have lunch with George, etc. No one spoke about that morning. Just miraculously Caylee and Cindy appear at 12:50 PM while George is watching the Food Channel.

You are right on, Patty G. The lack of statements about that morning speaks VOLUMES. They fact that none of the As have mentioned any ocurrence from the fight on the night of 6/15 until George allegedly saw them leaving on 6/16 tells me they are hiding something!
If TL was out of town when CA came over to JG's house to shower (as it says in JG's statement), then the car was abandoned already since it was abandoned before 7:00 am 6/27 and TL went on vacation 6/30. AH had not yet loaned CA her car. How did CA get to Jesse's house?
If TL was out of town when CA came over to JG's house to shower (as it says in JG's statement), then the car was abandoned already since it was abandoned before 7:00 am 6/27 and TL went on vacation 6/30. AH had not yet loaned CA her car. How did CA get to Jesse's house?

That is an awesome question. Which I have never seen an answer to.

From the 400 pages.
I additionally recalled that between the week of 6/22/08-7/6/08, I had two odd contacts from Casey Anthony: In that time period, Casey called me to ask if she could use my shower, since she was not staying w/her parents and Tony (her boyfriend) was out of town. The call occurred at 10 am but unsure of the specific date. I allowed Casey to use the shower, and when she came over, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.
That is an awesome question. Which I have never seen an answer to.

From the 400 pages.
I additionally recalled that between the week of 6/22/08-7/6/08, I had two odd contacts from Casey Anthony: In that time period, Casey called me to ask if she could use my shower, since she was not staying w/her parents and Tony (her boyfriend) was out of town. The call occurred at 10 am but unsure of the specific date. I allowed Casey to use the shower, and when she came over, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

I've got a bunch of questions about that danged car and when it was abandoned. Hadn't gotten to the question of how she got to the shower. Guess I'm not clear on what that date was. Confused? Yep, that would be me!
I hope i am asking in the right place or if this has been explain before, I can't figure out how casey was getting around when she dumped her car on the 27th of june, i know tony picked her up but who was driving her around before amy let her use her car while she was on vacation and i think that was around the 7th or 10 of july that she used amy's car, so there is a large time frame that she did not have a car so who was driving her ?? this is really strange!! can someone explain this if possible
I was reading the timeline puzzle and I thought it was a bit odd that Cindy had phone numbers for some of Casey's friends. In addition to having Jesse's number, I recall she was also in contact with Casey's childhood friend whom she told Casey was a sociopath. She also knew how to reach Amy H in order to locate her daughter.
It's not like Casey was 12 and staying at a friend's house where she would need these numbers and Casey obviously had a cell phone ( or two allegedly), so why would Cindy have her friend's numbers?
Maybe she was keeping tabs on Casey because she was an irresponisble liar, or maybe she went missing with Caylee before and she managed to collect these numbers in her search for her? I find it hard to believe that Cindy knew how to reach Casey's friends but not Caylee's nanny.
Remember in one of the jail visits, LA asks Casey if this was like the time before ?
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