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Hi, Mae. We have a thread about this question on the forum. I just read it again this morning and would welcome your thoughts.
Janis McCall states during interviews that she was upset at Stacy for not calling to let her know where she was. When Janis showed up at the Delmar residence she intended to take Stacy's things and Stacy's car and remove them to force Stacy to call her when she (Stacy) returned from wherever she was.

Janis says she was sitting in Stacy's car, with her purse and other belongings and though 'wait a minute, this isn't right...'

Was Janis a very close friend of Sherrill, close enough to go rifling through her house? Hadn't Sherrill recently moved in to that house? Had Janis visited there before?

My understanding of the story is Janis hears her daughter is staying at a house belong to her daughter's friend and mom. Janis is mad her daughter hasn't called. So she goes to the friend's house, removes items she believes belong to her daughter, goes through her friend's mom's address book, and listens to their voice mail.

If I were Janis, I'd feel like a burglar. Were Janis sand Sherrill so close that they could just wonder into each other's houses and look through personal items?
I would like to know where Stacy and Suzy took their senior class trip. Does anyone remember any discussion of this?
Started at thread #1 just recently, and after reading through all posts realized that there is a gap.
What happened to threads #2 and #3?
I will continue with thread #4, but would like to come back to those missing threads in the future.

Thank you in advance...
If I recall correctly, threads 2 and 3 were pulled by the mods because discussion got out of hand. It's a bit of a loss, but most things are covered either in the main threads or on one of the more specialized ones.
1. $8k found in the mom's purse- that is a lot to have cash, regardless of how popular a hairdresser she was.
a. Could she have made that much in 1 week?
b. Was it going to be used for a graduation gift?
C. More $ for the house? She had just bought the house, so she needed to put in extra $ cash to the agency selling the house?
2. House itself: how much did it cost to purchase it? Could she have afforded it by herself even w/wout a loan?
3. The cigarettes: if both mom and daughter were 'chain smokers', would they not have a carton handy, esp if they smoke the same brand? They could have grabbed the carton and left the cigarettes but if so why? and why wasn't the $8k taken? A serial killer, already a sociopath, wouldn't think twice in taking that cash....If it was a contract killer, then why not take the cash to make it look more like a robbery gone bad?
Correction I saw it was $800 not $8k, which could be tips made in a week for sure...but it is still baffling the money wasn't taken...
One last question (sorry I don't get the chance to post a lot, so I had some questions and observations...)
The shorts: both girls were 2" apart in height, with Stacy being 5'3 and 120 lbs, while Suzie was 5'5" and 115 lbs. they could totally have worn the same generic (small medium large etc) size, either a small or extra small probably, maybe even the same numerical size like a 2 or a 4, so maybe Stacy borrowed a pair of sleep shorts, even tho it's weird, if she had already planned to spend the night out before she left her house that she would have a pair of sleeping bottoms.iirc wasn't their original plan to spend the night in Brandon at a motel?
The fact that the money was still in her purse suggests that robbery was not a motive. I can't answer the question about leaving the money in place but a guess? If the abductor(s) want to get in and out quickly with three victims, then stopping to look for what might have been minimal cash would have been foolish. If the abductor(s) got in the house, the goal would be to get the women out quickly without leaving a mess behind. For all they knew, Sherrill only had "pocket money" in her purse. It would appear that the goal did not involve money.
One last question (sorry I don't get the chance to post a lot, so I had some questions and observations...)
The shorts: both girls were 2" apart in height, with Stacy being 5'3 and 120 lbs, while Suzie was 5'5" and 115 lbs. they could totally have worn the same generic (small medium large etc) size, either a small or extra small probably, maybe even the same numerical size like a 2 or a 4, so maybe Stacy borrowed a pair of sleep shorts, even tho it's weird, if she had already planned to spend the night out before she left her house that she would have a pair of sleeping bottoms.iirc wasn't their original plan to spend the night in Brandon at a motel?

We had a long discussion some time ago about what Stacy had with her. it may be that she wasn't worried about it because they could always stop at her house on the way. We still don't have a comprehensive list of what clothes she had in the house or what might have been in her car. Anyone who has that info should post it, please.
Sorry if this question has already been answered in any of the several threads; if so, I was not able to find it. Here it goes: Has it ever been known for sure that Sherrill was at home that night? I know that she had a phone conversation near midnight, but that is all. What about then? Is it really known if she was at home in the wee-hours?
Hi there ! If anyone checks in here, does anyone remember the boyfriend of Suzy's that she had lived with at his Grandmother's house ?! Making me crazy, cannot for the life of me remember. TIA
Hi there ! If anyone checks in here, does anyone remember the boyfriend of Suzy's that she had lived with at his Grandmother's house ?! Making me crazy, cannot for the life of me remember. TIA
Mike Kovacs

News-Leader, June 21, 1992.

"In some ways, Streeter was not a typical teen-ager. She moved out
of her mother's home at least twice. Last summer she lived for
about three months with her boyfriend, Mike Kovacs, 17, at his
grandmother's home. In September, she moved back to her mother's
apartment… "
Early this spring she moved in with her brother, Bartt Streeter,
27. After a fight about two weeks later, she moved out, friends
say. Both times she came back to her mom's home. Friends of both
Streeter and Sherrill Levitt say the mother-daughter relationship
was sometimes troubled.
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