Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

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I wouldn't be suprised if someone comes forward now that Caylee's body has been located in that area, and recalls having seen KC near there but they may not have thought anything of it at the time, she probably appeared to be running, having her running clothes on and could have made it appear like she was stretching on the side of the road if somebody did drive by. Just a thought, hopefully someone saw something...
Not a quite a question, more of a comment but feel free to express an opinion.

Would not surprise me any if and when KC agrees to an Alford Agreement. LOWP. Only has to admit the state has enough evidence to convict, no trial or evidence shown in court and she still can maintain the nanny did it. She could claim she is "protecting" her family by staying in jail. She did make a similar statement to CA & GA more than once.
In the thread "What was found with the remains" which is now closed, in post number 7 the poster writes that the walls of the Anthonys were pulled apart by the search warrant investigators- Anyone have a clue why they pulled the walls apart? I cant copy or paste or I would copy the post
Can you send some info on that Alford Agreement you mentioned- I just looked it up but cant seem to find any info on it- I am interested in reading about it. thanks
I wonder if the Anthonys will stay at that home or sell it? Don't know if they could stay and handle the memories of Caylee in there- they probably will move

I can't say but I am thinking they will move sooner or later!! Why would they want to stay with the memories and the hostile neighbors? I sure wouldn't!!!
In the thread "What was found with the remains" which is now closed, in post number 7 the poster writes that the walls of the Anthonys were pulled apart by the search warrant investigators- Anyone have a clue why they pulled the walls apart? I cant copy or paste or I would copy the post

I guess it was drywall from the garage....IIRC. Maybe the walls hold a smell or maybe they are looking for any trace evidence? Not sure. Maybe they found suspicious stains? Your guess is as good as mine on that one. I can see carpets, bedding, etc....but the drywall? Kinda odd to me too.
Can anyone tell me where I can find statements from CA about the argument she had with KC the night before Caylee disapeared


GA about the "trunk incident" when KC did not want him going in the car.

I've searched but I'm not having much luck.....Thanks

CA has never admitted to ANY arguements with her "angel- sweatheart daughter" and GA has emitted several versions of the gas can story (FBI, LE and Greta)...Don't bother looking for either of these. The mother is hell--bent on covering up the fact that her daughter murdered her grand-daughter and the father is the role model of how to lie your way through life. You won't find much else...

Not a quite a question, more of a comment but feel free to express an opinion.

Would not surprise me any if and when KC agrees to an Alford Agreement. LOWP. Only has to admit the state has enough evidence to convict, no trial or evidence shown in court and she still can maintain the nanny did it. She could claim she is "protecting" her family by staying in jail. She did make a similar statement to CA & GA more than once.

Wow. I will have to look into the "alford Agreement" a bit more. But wouldn't that be out the window if her prints are on the tape or something else incriminating??
This may have been asked and discussed - haven't seen it.

Since the remains were found near a school - is it possible security cameras may have picked up who left her there? Guessing it's only a remote possibility but wouldn't that be too sweet?

KC loves the camera....:rolleyes:

If it were closer, maybe but this was like woodsy near a home. Not cloe enough to the school "campus." Also, most security cameras only hold data for a certain length of time....As in not 6 months....:(
Not a quite a question, more of a comment but feel free to express an opinion.

Would not surprise me any if and when KC agrees to an Alford Agreement. LOWP. Only has to admit the state has enough evidence to convict, no trial or evidence shown in court and she still can maintain the nanny did it. She could claim she is "protecting" her family by staying in jail. She did make a similar statement to CA & GA more than once.

The State has to agree to an Alford plea. Some jurisdictions have a lot of Alford pleas, whereas some have very few. I agree that if Casey were inclined to plead guilty, an Alford plea would be right up her nasty little blame-deflecting alley:furious:, but I personally don't see the State accepting an Alford plea in this case for several reasons. First, Casey has given names of others she insists are responsible. One of those persons has actually filed suit against her. Also, Baez is reportedly seeking the personnel files of the lead investigators and the defense presumably wants to use that info to trash those investigators and their work in this case. Further, the defense has been on a veritable media blitz, questioning the integrity of the investigation to date-- and now, they're questioning the integrity of the ME and FBI's ongoing autopsy and identification process. I don't think the State would accept an Alford plea because it could appear tantamount to allowing Casey to say,
"well, since the entire government totally framed me and won't even try to find the person who really killed my daughter, I'll just plead guilty. It's me vs. this corrupt government and you can't win when OCSO and the FBI set you up to take the fall!!"*:dance:*/*:liar:*/*:dance:*/*:liar:*/*:dance:*
I think the State would say *:hand:* to that.

Can you send some info on that Alford Agreement you mentioned- I just looked it up but cant seem to find any info on it- I am interested in reading about it. thanks

Alford pleas are very similar to no lo contendere pleas. A no lo contendere plea is one in which the defendant pleads "no contest" to the charges without admitting guilt-- no lo contendere literally means "I do not wish to argue."
Alford pleas are, for most purposes, essentially the same--
The defendant is pleading guilty to the charge, but the plea agreement allows him/her to maintain affirmative protestations of innocence. Alford pleas are sometimes contemplated as "best interest pleas"-- the defendant's guilty plea is offered only as an admission that it's in his/her best interest to plead guilty and avoid a trial, because the prosecution would likely prevail at trial. It's like saying "I'm guilty but I'm not guilty," which, I do agree, seems like the only way Casey Anthony would ever admit to anything. Defendants entering Alford pleas are still subject to sentencing guidelines and they incur the punishment they would have incurred if they were found guilty at trial :behindbar.

Personally, I think Alford pleas are essentially semantic ego-buffers for defendants who can't or won't own up to their actions. :snooty:
I also think Alford pleas are pretty contentious-- if one were the victim of a crime, they could understandably have trouble feeling justice was served if the perp were allowed to say "I'm guilty but I'm not guilty." Some victims, however, might prefer not having to go through the trial process and just be glad that the perp was being punished.
The last time I checked, 47 states (including FL & DC) allow for Alford pleas-- however, this type of plea is neither guaranteed, nor prohibited by the Constitution and states can prohibit such pleas with a statute or a rule. Crucially, the judge and prosecutor both have to agree to an Alford plea.

I guess an interesting question would be whether WS'ers would feel satisfied if Casey were allowed to enter an Alford plea?
I know I wouldn't.
Boots excellent thought! The only thing is it's been so very long that by now it'd have been taped over..wahhhhhhhhhh!

I agree. My sons father used to be a custodian for a grade school. While school is out for the summer, there are still children attending summer school, some activities for teachers and he did work ALL summer, though was usually done by 2-2:30 in the afternoon during the summer; later during the school year. I wonder if anyone who was working at the school after school let out will be interviewed.
In the thread "What was found with the remains" which is now closed, in post number 7 the poster writes that the walls of the Anthonys were pulled apart by the search warrant investigators- Anyone have a clue why they pulled the walls apart? I cant copy or paste or I would copy the post
To gain access to area behind the walls where evidence could be placed by removing the light switch wallplate and fixture and droping it in to the hole in the wall.
PHEW- thanks for explaining the Alford Plea- let me go back and digest this 3 more times- No- I dont want her to have this---- thanks again
I noticed that KC refers to Kaylee in the past tense during her initial LE interviews, and during her jailhouse meeting with her parents. I'm curious how many times she's made this "freudian slip" that I haven't seen! I'm sure LE is on top of this since it's interrogation 101, but has anyone else noticed this too?

I've noticed that as well, alot. She also sometimes "catches" herself after the fact, and attempts to "correct" the slips. I think she's smart enough to also realize that it's Interrogation 101... but it just makes her look stupid.

For example, when you read the text "I know my mom will never forgive me. I'm never going to forgive myself. Because there's that chance that I might not see Caylee again and I don't want to think about that."

... it seems like it's strung together nicely. However, actually listening to the interview, the "Because there's that chance that I might not see Caylee again" comes after a pause and seems like an afterthought. Like an attempt to put her "slip" into a non-existent context.


I am new here, and I have used the search - so please forgive me if this has been discussed, but KC is presumed innocent until proven guilty... does that mean that if the baby's remains are released for burial before she's found guilty that she will be allowed to attend the funeral under the presumption of innocence?

Long Time Reader - First Time Poster :)
The State has to agree to an Alford plea. Some jurisdictions have a lot of Alford pleas, whereas some have very few. I agree that if Casey were inclined to plead guilty, an Alford plea would be right up her nasty little blame-deflecting alley:furious:, but I personally don't see the State accepting an Alford plea in this case for several reasons. First, Casey has given names of others she insists are responsible. One of those persons has actually filed suit against her. Also, Baez is reportedly seeking the personnel files of the lead investigators and the defense presumably wants to use that info to trash those investigators and their work in this case. Further, the defense has been on a veritable media blitz, questioning the integrity of the investigation to date-- and now, they're questioning the integrity of the ME and FBI's ongoing autopsy and identification process. I don't think the State would accept an Alford plea because it could appear tantamount to allowing Casey to say,
"well, since the entire government totally framed me and won't even try to find the person who really killed my daughter, I'll just plead guilty. It's me vs. this corrupt government and you can't win when OCSO and the FBI set you up to take the fall!!"*:dance:*/*:liar:*/*:dance:*/*:liar:*/*:dance:*
I think the State would say *:hand:* to that.

Alford pleas are very similar to no lo contendere pleas. A no lo contendere plea is one in which the defendant pleads "no contest" to the charges without admitting guilt-- no lo contendere literally means "I do not wish to argue."
Alford pleas are, for most purposes, essentially the same--
The defendant is pleading guilty to the charge, but the plea agreement allows him/her to maintain affirmative protestations of innocence. Alford pleas are sometimes contemplated as "best interest pleas"-- the defendant's guilty plea is offered only as an admission that it's in his/her best interest to plead guilty and avoid a trial, because the prosecution would likely prevail at trial. It's like saying "I'm guilty but I'm not guilty," which, I do agree, seems like the only way Casey Anthony would ever admit to anything. Defendants entering Alford pleas are still subject to sentencing guidelines and they incur the punishment they would have incurred if they were found guilty at trial :behindbar.

Personally, I think Alford pleas are essentially semantic ego-buffers for defendants who can't or won't own up to their actions. :snooty:
I also think Alford pleas are pretty contentious-- if one were the victim of a crime, they could understandably have trouble feeling justice was served if the perp were allowed to say "I'm guilty but I'm not guilty." Some victims, however, might prefer not having to go through the trial process and just be glad that the perp was being punished.
The last time I checked, 47 states (including FL & DC) allow for Alford pleas-- however, this type of plea is neither guaranteed, nor prohibited by the Constitution and states can prohibit such pleas with a statute or a rule. Crucially, the judge and prosecutor both have to agree to an Alford plea.

I guess an interesting question would be whether WS'ers would feel satisfied if Casey were allowed to enter an Alford plea?
I know I wouldn't.

I'm hoping you're right, Nancy, that b/c of the way the defense is trying to pull up detectives credibility into question, and no doubt will question how evidence is/was handled, an Alford plea wouldn't be allowed. But there's always the cost of trial. I'd hate to see KC be able to not admit guilt in a plea, but it would certainly be right up her alley. Any legal eagles out there in Fla know how agreeable the FL courts are (generally)to Alford pleas? I'm hoping not very, as it just doesn't seem like justice would be served, but I also know this trial is going to get pricey.
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