Questions Interviewers should ask:NO DISCUSSION

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Mar 6, 2005
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This thread is for any potential Interviewers for the Caylee Anthony story or case to read and find questions that they may want to ask anyone involved in the case. Please do NOT discuss anything in this thread. Should you have an answer to a question you see posted, please pm that person and offer the information or either post it on another thread. This thread is for you to post questions that would help with this case. Please make them unique, and do not post questions to things that can be answered on other threads or anywhere else. I would like this thread to be used seriously in hopes that more clues can be found to help find the answers to this case and to bring Caylee home. If you post good questions, don't be surprised if you hear some of them being asked in the news or by LE at some future time. Thanks for your questions.
Here are my questions:

What happened after Cindy returned home with Caylee on Fathers Day? More details than just swimming and bedtime. A neighbor reported a loud argument over there.
Was Casey already staying away from home a lot since the date of June 9th? According to her friends statements, she was.
Who kept Caylee for all the Fusion dates, even the ones before June 16th?
Did Casey have any of Caylee's clothing in her car or at Tony's? She should have had some if she was staying away from home any period of time.
Does the ex-boyfriend Jesse know whose home Casey was at when he thought he heard Caylee on the date of June 24th, the day he remembers because he handed in his resignation?
Did Jesse meet with Casey at any time in person during the timeline of June 16 thru July 15?
What date was it that Casey took a shower at Jesse's home at 10am?
Just exactly what landscaping was done at the Anthony home since June 16 and did it include fertilizing the back lawn?
What prompted the grandparents to search under the playhouse and the yard and sheds BEFORE the law enforcement decided to search there? Did they think there was a dead body there? Why?
How many times did Casey return home over the timeline of June 16 until July 15 when arrested? George accounted for one trip on the 24th but we would like to know about any others.
Did Cindy or George call or attempt to call Casey before the car was removed from Johnsons Wrecker Service? How did George know to bring gas along with him that day?
Did George or Cindy wash the trunk of the car after it was brought home?
Did George stop anywhere for gas on the way home from the Tow yard or did he stop anywhere at all?
Did George go to work on July 15 after the car was brought home?
Did George go to work on June 24th when he states that Casey came over? Did he leave her there at the home alone?
Did George go to work on June16?
Did Cindy work on June 16 and if so, what time did she return home?
Had Cindy seen Casey at any time since June 16 and before Amy took her to Tony's early evening on July 15th?
Did Caylee spend the night at TL's on the 15th or on any other night?

Did C or G remove anything else from the car before the police were called?

What was the fight about on the evening of the 15th that was reported by the neighbors and what time did it occur?

If Caylee stayed at home, and Casey did not come home until later in the morning of June 16th, then who got Caylee up and dressed and gave her breakfast that morning?
Where are the baby doll's clothes?

What time did T pick up Casey on the morning when she abandoned the car?

Where EXACTLY did he pick her up? Was she near the car, or standing away from it, or for that matter did he even see the car?

Why, if the car was out of gas, did T not just bring her some gas and take the car back with them?

Where are the 2 men who supposedly helped her puch the car into the parking lot and why have they not come forward?

When did G and C buy the pavers to put in the back yard? What date?
Did Casey ever have to see a psychologist as a teen?

Were there any behavioral problems at school or at home from her?

How could a job that did not exist give Casey a phone?

Did G or C ever see this OTHER phone, and if so, when was the last time they did?
When was the money stolen from grandma and grandpa in the nursing home?

How much was charged to C's credit cards by Casey without her permission?

What did she buy with the bad checks?
Has Casey ever been pregnant besides with Caylee? How did those pregnancies end?
George what was Cindy wearing on June 15th? What were you wearing on June 15th? George what did you eat one week ago? What did you eat June 15th? How is it you remember what Caylee and Casey were wearing on June 15/16?
Cindy, why did you wash Casey pants and the knife? Weren't there other items that needed attention also? Why were those items left in the vehicle and not washed?
I would want Cindy asked:

What proof do you have that Caylee is alive?

Why do you think your daughter is telling the truth about this when she has lied about so many other things?

What, besides Caylee's body being found, would convince you that she is gone?
Did Caylee ever tell anyone about her sitter(s)/nanny, such as Great Grandma, Great Grandpa or any other family members outside of the Hope Spring house?

If Cindy continues to contend she was in daily contact with Casey during June/July, how was that contact with her done, i.e. telephone calls, text message, myspace posts, emails...?

While we know that Cindy is a nurse, exactly what is her current position, what are her responsibilities, what materials does she have access to on a daily basis (i.e. chemicals, drugs)?
Based on what statements the police have released, was Caylee actually at Hope Spring house on nights that Caylee's friends have said that she left Caylee with the gparents?

If Caylee wasn't potty trained, was she wearing diapers or pullups and if so, what brand?
Since Casey did not have a job, why would she have a need to drop Caylee at a babysitter's house to begin with?
What kind of blade did the knife have?
Why was a knife in the car but no other utensils?
(If it was for protection....Why did it need to be washed?)
(If it was for eating...Why is it the only utensil?)
Lee stated at the bond hearing that Casey told Cindy on July 15 that she (Casey) would take Cindy to go see Caylee in the morning.

How do we go from that statement to "my daughter has been kidnapped" (911 call) and "I don't know where she is" just hours later.
What was Casey doing during the day that she needed a babysitter since she didn't have a "job" to go to?

She spoke to an ex-boyfriend in California and said she had something to tell him. What date did she speak to him and did she hint as to what she was going to tell him when she got out there? Was he going to pay for her trip?
How long had TL's flight to NY been booked in advance, or was it a spur of the moment trip. Did he travel alone?
Would TL like to volunteer to a polygraph? Likewise with RM/JPC/AH and any and all roommates. Was any forensics done in their apartments/cars, and if not, why not.
Are there any businesses in the vicinity of Fusion's that can shed some light through security video as to what Casey did when she pulled up in the parking lot and when she left?
How often and on what occasions did Caylee spend the night away from home with Casey? Where do you (Cindy and George) believe she was at those times?

Have you met many of Casey's friends?
Does she have close long-term friends?

Has Casey's personality changed recently (prior to being arrested)? If so how?

What was all the stolen money spent on?
Have tests been done on the contents of the gas cans?

Did LE confiscate a hammer or list one on the warrant?
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