Questions Interviewers should ask:NO DISCUSSION

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Thanks for starting this- I have a bunch of questions- I've tried to remove the dups- sorry if I didn't catch them all. I started a similar thread a while back- many questions still unanswered and now so many more!

1. Was there tension between Casey and parents in early June? If so, why?
2. What was the fight about on or around 6/15?
3. Did Casey frequently stay away w/friends overnight or for extended periods?
4. How often, when and how (phone/text/in person) did anyone speak w/Casey after 6/16?
5. Why is there a reason to believe that anything Casey is saying now is true?
6. Has Casey detailed a timeline for her actions from 6/16 on? Can you verify her whereabouts?
7. Why was Casey home on 6/24 and what was her explanation for having the gas cans? Specifically- why take both? Returned empty?
8. Why did she abandon the car at Amscot on 6/27?
9. Why did she leave the purse and keys in the car?
10. How was Casey conducting a search for Caylee?
11. Why didn’t she ask for help from family?
12. What movies made her scared to contact authorities and was there any other indication of danger to Caylee? If no, (as her nightclub behavior seems to indicate) why did that change once she was arrested and how did she know that changed?
13. Why does Casey think Zenaida Gonzales took Casey?
14. Does Casey think ZG still has Casey?
15. Does ZG have any children? A husband? Family in the area? A job?
16. Why would Cindy not have met her Gdaughter’s care-giver?
17. Have you been able to locate anyone that knew ZG?
18. How did Casey pay ZG (check/cash/credit) and how much?
19. How was Casey earning money and how much?
20. Why do you think Casey lied about where she worked? Faked emails? Kept up w/charade to LE?
21. Does Casey still say that she talked to Caylee 7/15?
22. How many times did she speak with Caylee from 6/16 on?
23. What did LE do as to evidence recovery in the home? Black paper etc.
24. How often did Casey use a shovel to take care of bamboo in the yard? Did she use gloves when doing so?
25. Were you surprised to learn she’d borrowed the neighbor’s shovel 6/18?
26. Why didn’t she use shovel from shed?
27. What are you referring to when you say there are particular phone records from that day that are extremely interesting? If you can’t give specifics, give something- what makes it stand out- the # of calls, who they were from, the length or were they incoming or outgoing etc.
28. Why did Casey immediately release ZG as kidnapper if she thought there might be danger?
29. Who is Raquel Farrell? Sam ZG’s sister? Do you know her? Been in contact w/anyone who does?
30. Who is Jeff Hopkins? Has he confirmed ZG and helping to search for Caylee? Is he helping the family now? Did your family ask him not to speak to the media?
31. Did your family ask Casey’s friends not to talk to the media? If so why?
32. Have you or LE interviewed people at Fusian as Casey said ZG was know to frequent the club? How many people have acknowledged knowing ZG?
33. Has Casey given a description to a sketch artist? If so, how is that sketch being used? WHY isn’t it being publicized?
34. What has been LE’s answer to the family about not issuing an Amber Alert?
35. Why not ask the public for help by telling them what to look for w/specifics?
36. Should the public be looking for Caylee to be in the company of a Hispanic woman (ZG)? What does she look like?
37. Did Casey have any of ZG’s contact information written down for family?
38. Did Casey have more than one phone number for ZG? Work/cell/home etc.
39. How often was Caylee left in the care of ZG? Estimated hrs per wk? Had this changed recently?
40. Have Cindy and George ever met ZG? If not, why?
41. Did you learn why Casey needed her attorney (urgently) on 8/2? –per your call
42. How much money had Casey taken from Cindy re: bank records and who has those records now?
43. Did Casey say why she’d taken the money and what she did w/it?
44. Had Casey ever stolen money before?
45. Why did Cindy write to myspace about Caylee “missing” on 7/3 and not contact authorities?
46. Did the first responders know about the smell in car when they arrived 7/15? If not, why?
47. Why are the Anthony’s now denying the smell?
48. Do you or Casey think Zenaida may be an illegal immigrant?
49. How many other people would Casey utilize for child care?
50. How many hours per week was Casey “working”? Where did she go?
51. Why does she feel like Caylee’s close? Does she still feel that?
52. Did Caylee know how to dial a phone?
53. How verbal was she?
54. Did Caylee ever mention Zanny the nanny?
55. Cindy told Greta that the dog hits in the yard were “inconsistent” –what does that mean? Is that confirmed w/LE?
56. What do you think Casey meant when she said in your phone call “There is nothing to find out. There is absolutely nothing to find out. Not even what I told the detectives.”?
57. Have you spoken w/Jesse (ex-fiance)? Is he helping in the search? Are you convinced that he heard Caylee in the background w/Casey in the 6/24 phone call?
58. Do yo know why Jesse left his job in LE?
59. Are you certain that Casey was truthful in saying that Caylee’s father is deceased?
60. Did you know Caylee’s father? Was Casey in a relationship w/him for any period of time?
61. Has Casey considered or been offered a polygraph so that if she's telling the truth- focus could be redirected?
Has the inside of the Anthony home (specifically Casey's and Caylee's room) been tested for traces of vapor chloroform?
What were the exact search terms used in relation to chloroform?

Were multiple searches done on different dates, or a single date?

What were those dates?

Which websites with information on chloroform were visited?
If there was a "script" given to Casey from ZANNY THE NANNY and her sister Sam and her 3 children, then where IS that script and did the script instruct her to go out and drink and party and get tattoos and search for chloroform and haul her daughters dead body around in her trunk?

There was a corpse in Casey's trunk. The corpse shares the same mitochondrial DNA as Casey, so the hair cannot be distinguished from Casey's using this method of testing. However, it CAN be established that there was a corpse in Casey's trunk who shared her EXACT same mitochondrial DNA (mother's pass this to EVERY CHILD THEY GIVE BIRTH TO), and since Casey is ALIVE, who does this family suppose this corpse was, given the shared DNA with the mother? The only distinguishing feature of this hair was the "death band", and it is obvious that Casey is alive, so who is this child of her's that is dead if it is not Caylee?

Did the "script" instruct you to dress in a USA flag and party your butt off while your daughter was missing?

Did the "script" instruct you to "dirty nasty dance" with your girlfriends at the club and dress as provocatively as possible?

Did the "script" tell you to smile so prettily for the cameras?
Cindy wants people to look for an alive Caylee. Can she please provide the locations to search, and, would she be willing to help? She hasn't done any physical searching for Caylee that I am aware of.
It is public knowledge that Casey went to numerous Target's on the same day writing checks stolen from Amy. Video footage was taken at all of the visits...was Caylee with Casey in any of the videos seized?
Can traces of chloroform be found in hair folicals/strands?
Has drug testing been performed on Casey's hair, if so what are the results?
Has Casey had a full battery of medical tests to determine if there could be a medical cause for her statements being so strange, and for her detachment? Has she been tested for chloroform exposure and date-rape drug exposure? Brain scans for seizure disorder, memory or cognitive disorder, etc.

Who used Casey's car except Casey and when?

Please make Casey's description of the babysitter more public.

Have you investigated the areas Casey's friends were on the trips to Puerto Rico and NY and would the flight manifests necessarily show a lap-sitting/non-ticketed child?

(a) Why would Casey want to kill her child when she could so easily let her parents continue to keep her child? (b) If Casey wanted to kill her child for some reason, why purchase chloroform to suffocate her when this could be so easily accomplished with pillow/plastic bag/pool drowning, etc. (c) If Casey would want to dope her child for sleep, why go to the trouble to obtain chloroform for this when it would be easier to get other drugs and they have a longer effect and would not leave a papertrail (internet evidence)

Who else did Casey owe money to?

Who had an axe to grind against Casey?

Who had an interest in Caylee?
Has Casey's family ever attempted to get her help via any medical / psychological testing to determine if there could be a medical cause for her statements appearing so strange & her [alleged] detachment?
to GA & Cindy- Do you own a shovel? Where is it kept?

to Target- were there any EPT(preg test kits) on the receipts?
Have you checked the cell phone records of the Anthony's and Casey's friends to see if any calls coincide with the pings that were showing on Casey's phone?

Why haven't you taken Casey's laptop to see what she was up to after her release from jail?
Cindy if the media goes away and agrees to never show another picture or any more updates on this case, are you confident enough in your belief that Caylee is alive, and confident enough in your belief that Casey is telling the truth to handle this all on your own?
Has LE searched the homes where Casey stayed from 6/16-7/15? Has LE searched any of the cars Casey may have had access to during that time?

Have any of Casey's friends refused to cooperate with LE or been impossible to locate?

What, if any, of Caylee's personal belongings are missing?

What day and time exactly does Casey claim the kidnapping in the park took place? Have any witnesses been found who were in the area who can verify or dispute any part of this statement? Why do you think that is?

Who used Casey's laptop besides Casey?

Since Casey has admitted to lying about where she dropped Caylee off, can she tell you or LE where she normally did drop Caylee off or how she met ZG to drop off/pick up Caylee?

Have you found any phone records that match up to calls between Casey and ZG for the past 2 years that Casey claims they have been friends and ZG has been watching Caylee? Who do those numbers track back to?

Has Casey told you what she was doing during the times she claimed to have been working?

Where did Casey get the money to pay ZG and other living expenses since she was not really working for Universal?

Has a doctor or other professional caregiver ever recommended psychiatric care for Casey or any other member of your immediate family?
Being that the OC fraud charges are dated 7-8 were the police aware of this part of her potential criminal behaviour and were warrants to be issed even prior to the call about Caylee being missing?

. When reading the released interviews you conducted w/ Casey's friends, why didn't you ask them questions like;

[to all her friends] "has Casey ever used your computer?" If so, have these computers been taken into evidence?

[AH]: "did she have access to your apartment while you were on vacation?" If so, does anything else seem to be missing or out of place?

Have you looked into the fact that KM has a relative named Zenaida?

On June 12th friends of the A's claimed seeing Caylee near the Orange-Seminole county lines and that they did not know who she was w/. What efforts have you made [via video etc in the shopping area] to verify the identity of who Caylee was with?

Who was the fourth person vacationing to PR with AH and the other two?

Do you have suspicions that Casey had help?
Regarding the father of Caylee.

Cindy states that Casey and Caylee's father agreed to no involvement with Caylee.

Casey said the father was Jesse and then was proven wrong. Casey now says father is deceased.

Lee said the father NEVER even knew about the pregnancy or Caylee.

Which statement is correct? And why dont you all (the Anthonys) have the same story ?
1. Which of Caylee's shoes and clothes are missing?

2. I saw a news clip with George in front of your house on Nancy Grace on Wednesday telling someone (paraphrasing here) "The body that was in the trunk of the car was NOT my grandaughter. So get your facts straight." Whose body does George believe was in the trunk of the car?

3. In Casey's story about being "jumped" by Zenaida and Sam at the park where they took Caylee and gave her a script to follow for 30 days:

Did Casey suffer an injuries from the incident?

Was Casey chloroformed by her attackers?

Was Caylee taken to force Casey to commit a crime? If so, what?

4. For Cindy:

The general public is WILLING to assist in searching for Caylee. If you are getting credible tips and the police won't publish them, why not put them on the website?

Additionally, when you get a tip, make sure you get the following information:

1. Exact location Caylee may have been seen including city, state, street address, and if it's a commercial location such as a store, the name of it
2. Exact date and time Caylee was seen.
2. Detailed description of who Caylee was with and what they were wearing, including approximate age, height, build, sex, hair length, clothing and other distinguishing features.
3. What Caylee was wearing.
4. Make/Model/Color of vehicle.
5. Why the person who saw her did not, detain, follow or call the police immediately.

If you can get information out quickly after a sighting - especially within 1 hour of the actual sighting, it is likely that multiple members of the general public can follow up on it and potentially find Caylee or at least be able to tell you if it was not Caylee. So, put the power of the internet to work for you and do this immediately and it will increase your chances of finding Caylee alive.
Cindy, how can we look for this "Zanny the Nanny" if:

*Zanny doesn't seem to exist. All people with that name deny any knowledge of Caylee.

*Jeff Hopkins never introduced Casey to Zanny because he doesn't know Zanny.

*Zanny didn't keep Jeff Hopkins's kid b/c he doesn't have one!!!

*Zanny's apartment is empty. No one lives there.

*Zanny's phone is out of service.

*Zanny's mom doesn't live across the street from Ricardo. CA admitted she lied about that.
Where in Blanchard Park was Caylee taken?

What injuries (if any) did Casey recieve when Caylee was taken?

What injuries did Caylee recieve when she was taken?

Where in the vehicle were the three other children?

Where did the two women put Caylee in the vehicle?

Which way did they leave the park?

What did the two women look like?

What was the licence plate of the vehicle in which Caylee was taken?
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