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Burke “at work”

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He still had the stub a month later.

If you think about it the stub is irrelevant. Its the witness to him viewing the movie that matters. If I get on a bus tomorrow I'll find any number of used tickets, from which I can claim I rode the bus from A to Z.

Can't say that the ticket was not just discarded, kept for sentimental reasons,
May have been left in pocket or among other items, once in pocket.
How many bicycles were on the plane ready to go the day after Christmas?

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How many bicycles were on the plane ready to go the day after Christmas?

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Probably none, how would they get there? JR has some story about giving Patsy's bike away, or is it missing, e.g. part of BlueCrab's theory was someone used it to cycle back home.

Probably none, how would they get there? JR has some story about giving Patsy's bike away, or is it missing, e.g. part of BlueCrab's theory was someone used it to cycle back home.


Just wondering where the seven bicycles were on Xmas morning.

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Probably none, how would they get there? JR has some story about giving Patsy's bike away, or is it missing, e.g. part of BlueCrab's theory was someone used it to cycle back home.


Let me put it another way. All of the Ramsey bicycles were not accounted for @5:52am, the day after Christmas.

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Let me put it another way. All of the Ramsey bicycles were not accounted for @5:52am, the day after Christmas.

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Sure just another black hole in the JonBenet case. Its one of those cases where you have a dead child, suspects limited to the residents, lots and lots of forensic evidence, yet nobody is charged, and the prosecuter fails to present the True Bills.

Mess up or conspiracy ?

Sure just another black hole in the JonBenet case. Its one of those cases where you have a dead child, suspects limited to the residents, lots and lots of forensic evidence, yet nobody is charged, and the prosecuter fails to present the True Bills.

Mess up or conspiracy ?



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He still had the stub a month later.

John Andrew [thinking to himself] "Oh, derpy derpity-doo. My little step-sister was found murdered in her home. What should I do with this movie ticket stub I stuck in my pocket? Oh, I know. I'll throw it away. Derpy derpity-doo."
Have you considered that the broken basement window is part of the murder scene? Think about it. Why would cleaning up the broken window that night be of high importance?

Why would JR have to make up the story about how he broke it that summer?

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Have you considered that the broken basement window is part of the murder scene? Think about it. Why would cleaning up the broken window that night be of high importance?

Why would JR have to make up the story about how he broke it that summer?

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Yes Siree. JR is likely revising a prior staging enacted by Patsy. This is probably why JR wants to claim so much for himself, from BR's toy to the samsonite suitcase.

Can you believe it Millionaire hires housekeeper and does his own houswork, i.e. moving the samsonite. Nah its a fake stroy to cover whatever the Ramseys got up to behind closed doors.

It might be what I regard as Patsy's handywork was actually BR's, who knows?

Yes Siree. JR is likely revising a prior staging enacted by Patsy. This is probably why JR wants to claim so much for himself, from BR's toy to the samsonite suitcase.

Can you believe it Millionaire hires housekeeper and does his own houswork, i.e. moving the samsonite. Nah its a fake stroy to cover whatever the Ramseys got up to behind closed doors.

It might be what I regard as Patsy's handywork was actually BR's, who knows?


I believe the window was broken but, not on purpose.

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I am not sure why there was no clear answer regarding this Window.

Was it fixed or was it not.

At least few people should be able to tell if it was broken in the December or not.

Can you believe it Millionaire hires housekeeper and does his own houswork, i.e. moving the samsonite.*snip*

Housekeeper Wanted

Duties will include general housework (i.e. mopping, sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming). Will also be required to move a Samsonite suitcase from one location to another.
Sigh, not the knot thing again.

It runs in such small circles now you can set your watch to it.

This link jumps to several questionable conclusions. It's not a good source.
You can say that again. Its just a long running advertisement for BDI books. It also drowns in confirmation bias and ignores vast areas of the case.

When the site first started I would've recommended it for the pics alone. Now it's just a waste of time.

I don't think he put himself on the 1st floor that night to incriminate himself.

Murderers don't place themselves at ground zero during a murder.

I don't see it as being any different from what was said 20 years ago. JR said he put JBR on her bed and then went back down and helped BR with his toy before getting BR to bed. That means BR was downstairs alone at one point. What needs to be paid attention to is that BR must have been upstairs to creep back down to play. Nowhere does it say he played with the toy downstairs twice. What this means is that JR was still up while BR was playing, and it means that JR didn't just put JBR on her bed and go right away downstairs again. There had to be time for BR to be upstairs initially after getting home, thinking everyone had gone to bed, and then creeping downstairs to play. How does JR account for that time gap?

We can't put faith in what any of them say, but for JR to have said he went back down and played with BR means he knew back in 1997 that this would be what BR would tell investigators.

If anyone disagrees find where it has ever been said BR admitted playing with the toy twice. It's an assumption made by BDI's. It looks like a convenient omission from JR's story that BR was already in his bedroom before he crept down to play. Why did JR not know BR was in his bedroom before he went to play? What was JR doing?
You just pointed out the most significant thing about the interview....John. In a BDI world, this is ignored of course and drowned out but John, who was supposed to be having champagne wishes and melatonin dreams is now right back in the thick of it.

I wish Patsy was still alive.

Both can be true, and that's the irony of it.

They arrive home.
There is pineapple and a short play time.
PR says she has a few things to pack.
JR says he'll put the kids to bed and says to Burke 'come on bedtime, we've got an early start tomorrow, I'll get your sister settled and then I'll be in to tuck you in'.
Lights off downstairs.
BR goes up to his bedroom.
JR takes JBR to her bedroom and molests her. PR walks in and reacts, causing JBR's head injury. Both parents remain silent to protect themselves.
BR hears his mom shouting but then it goes quiet. The parents keep it low so that BR won't come over to see what's happened.
BR is waiting for his dad to come and tuck him in. He thinks they've forgotten and must have gone to bed. He creeps downstairs to play until his dad checks on him and finds him.
JR helps him finish his toy and takes him up to bed.
JR knows BR knows he was left waiting for a time and he invents a story for the cops he was reading to JBR.

A few months later they know pineapple was identified in JBR's digestive tract. They also know there are accusations JBR was molested before the night of her death. What's more important to them now, admitting JBR could have eaten pineapple, or averring JBR was fast asleep (could not have eaten pineapple), and JR spent no time alone with her in her bedroom reading to her?

Remember BR saying JBR walked up to bed.

As Rodney Dangerfield said to Sam Kinison.....

I like the way you think.

"According to some sources, Burke may have been given a scouting book for Christmas in 1996 which contained, amongst other things, a how-to-guide for making the knot found on the garrotte. This book was not part of the evidence list."

The source is their imagination turned into speculation which morphs into "fact" and then becomes a "source".
little bike in cellar
JR bike with liscense
PR new bike
JBR new bike
BR bike, not new?
BR bike, not to been given that year
JAR bike?


Where were all of the bikes? Show me a crime scene photo with a bicycle in it. Not the little bike in the wine cellar.

JonBenét’s tricycle was also outside in the yard the morning of the 26th.

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