Rachel Trlica

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Which one do you think is a possible match?

There was one girl who had the very bright red hair of (Lisa) Renee Wilson, who disappeared with Rachel, but I decided against posting it as a match because facially the girl in the photo seemed heavier and rounder and well, I see matches too easily anyway.
Which one do you think is a possible match?

There was one girl who had the very bright red hair of (Lisa) Renee Wilson, who disappeared with Rachel, but I decided against posting it as a match because facially the girl in the photo seemed heavier and rounder and well, I see matches too easily anyway.

There's a picture of a girl against a blue background. The shape of her nose, forehead, and eyes resemble Rachel Trlica to me. In the photo, the girl has kind of a spaced-out look. I'll try posing it again; I'm not real good at images.

Looks like a match to me.

There is a "puffiness" (for lack of a better word) that goes down from the bridge of the nose and under the eyes of both girls. Also, both girls have the same distinct tip of the nose / nostril area. Many similarities.

Excellent find, Mr. E.

The resemblance is amazing!

Mary Trlica disappeared along with two other girls. The three friends were shopping together at the mall and simply vanished. All three are still missing.

The other two missing girls are Lisa Renee Wilson and Julie Ann Moseley.


Looks like a match to me.

There is a "puffiness" (for lack of a better word) that goes down from the bridge of the nose and under the eyes of both girls. Also, both girls have the same distinct tip of the nose / nostril area. Many similarities.

Excellent find, Mr. E.

I wonder if that is a a mole on Mary's right cheek or just some kind of blemish on the photo? Looks good otherwise.
I wonder if that is a a mole on Mary's right cheek or just some kind of blemish on the photo? Looks good otherwise.

I noticed that; was looking for it on the UID's face, but her hair is covering that area, I think....
Do you think one or the other photos might be flipped? If you look at this photo


which is a little bigger and clearer, you can see a similar blemish in the same place on the left cheek. I think. It's hard to say on a grainy black and white. I wish there were other photos of Rachel. The one on Charley is the only one I've ever seen.
If our timeline is correct, it can't be him as we was in jail from October 1974 - June 1977. The Charley Project page for Rachel says that she went missing December, 1974.

It could indeed be her if what her parents believe about her still being alive and kept under control is true. Although Alcala could not have been directly involved in her abduction because he was in prison, it is likely that someone who felt the need to detain an abducted young woman might also be the sort to enjoy purchasing or producing images of extreme *advertiser censored*. Either way, Alcala could have met her after his release in 77, if he was doing business with her handler.
I looked all over to see if this match had been discussed, and ruled out. I know Alcala was incarcerated at the time Rachel went missing (12/23/74). But as mentioned above, I wondered if he could have ended up with her some other way, after the day the trio disappeared. To me, the resemblance is just so incredibly right on. Does anyone know if this was reported to LE to rule in/out as a possibility?
I'll toss a wet blanket.

The UID appears to be in Alcala's LA apartment in his last stint out there, just before his arrest. His girlfriend at that time was photographed in front of the same sheet exhibiting the same sags and wrinkles. It's 4-5 years after Rachel's Texas disappearance.

Because three girls disappeared at once in that Texas case, what would be an improbable scenario connecting them (or ONE of them) with Alcala vanishes into a well-nigh impossible one. Texas law enforcement believes the girls "left the mall willingly with a person that they trusted," then were "harmed afterward." (That is, molested and murdered, probably within hours.)

It's easy to see where they're getting this. It's hard to forcibly abduct three girls at once without drawing any attention. One is hard. Three figures to be more than three times harder than one. Because it's almost the only way it could happen, they must have got quietly into a vehicle. They took an invitation that they quickly regretted.

It should also be a lot harder to keep three abductees for a long time. There have been a few instances of kidnapped people resurfacing after years. It's a tiny percentage of cases, though, and I don't know of any instance in this category where more than one person was abducted. Three is probably too many. Sooner or later someone's going to sneak away and start making phone calls, or walk into a police station, whatever.

There's also no way to pursue this short of Alcala talking. No bodies. Nothing to match beyond what's been discussed already. No next step to investigate.

Can't prove it's impossible. You can think up a story line where it happens. But it didn't.
There are way too many facial similarities between this girl and Rachel Trlica. Even the eyebrows line up. The only thing that is off is a slight thickness to the upper bridge of her nose which could just be the angle of the picture or that the pictures of Rachel's nose just appear to be slimmer than it was. In the wedding photo Rachel's nose looks wider than the other photos. All other features line up. Just because the timeline doesn't match up with her disappearance does not mean this is not Rachel. The girl in the photo looks a couple of years older than the pictures released of Rachel. If the pictures we have of Rachel were taken close to her disappearance, this photo was taken years after. Rachel disappeared at age 17 in 1974, while Alcala was incarcerated. In 1977, when he was released, if Rachel were alive, she'd be 20 years old. The girl looks older than Rachel but not old. I don't think the question is whether this is Rachel or not because I am almost positive it is. The question is - what happened to the two other girls who disappeared with her in 1974? Where ever they went on the day they disappeared, it is possible that they became separated afterwards and Rachel went on her own way to California. Or maybe they all went to California together and were still in contact when the photo was taken. Rachel was very young and already married - maybe she had a difficult marriage and wanted to escape? After she did she could have got swept away in the City of Broken Dreams lifestyle - sex, drugs, parties. Maybe that is how she met Alcala and this picture was taken. Perhaps afterwards she became a victim of Alcala's. Or perhaps she survived the encounter and met someone later on that ended her life. Or perhaps she accidentally overdosed and was never identified. I truly think that the connection should be brought to the attention of law enforcement for positive identification. If the girl is identified as Rachel, it would create more questions than answers but at least it would be one less person that is left unidentified in Alcala's stash of pictures.

The similarities are strong but they refuse to snap in as the same for me. Not sure what that comes from. Details of eyes, nose, cheekbones. I suspect Rachel got dimples when she smiled and UID did not.
I also don't think that this is Rachel. I do admit that they do look alike, but many people look alike. For me, the bizarre scenario that would need to happen to make this fit to Rachel is just not plausible, if not impossible. The timeline of a disappearance is crucial to putting it together with a perpetrator. Not to mention that Texas has never been a state that Alcala has claimed victims. This just does not fit.

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