Ramsey Special on MSNBC

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Aug 13, 2003
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Last night (12/27) MSNBC ran a 2 hour special on the Ramsey case. Dan Abrams narrated. It basically went over the case from 12/26/96 until the recent past.
Did anyone watch this?

One clip they showed was of Dan Abrams interviewing Alex Hunter, and it always stands out in my mind.
Dan asked Hunter if he ever thought they were "close" in the case. (Close to solving it/arresting someone).

Hunter said, "A couple of times we were very close.... and I'll use the word "target" - but you would be very surprised at WHO the target was....."

Dan asked him if that was because it would not be someone who has always been considered to be the main target? And Hunter smiled broadly and said, "I'll let YOU figure that one out...."
Which was obvious.

Of course he is implying that Patsy was NOT the "target" but in fact someone ELSE was.
Just WHO was that then?

Hunter said you would be "VERY SURPRISED"........ What do you think he meant?:dontknow:
Originally posted by K777angel
Hunter said you would be "VERY SURPRISED"........ What do you think he meant?:dontknow:
I'll tell you exactly what he meant. Hunter is a who ruined this investigation because he was an incompetent DA and nothing but a publicity hound. His comments are nothing more then him playing a childish game of "I know something you don't know...na-na-na-na-naaa-naaa!" just so he can act like he's still important.
Originally posted by Shylock
I'll tell you exactly what he meant. Hunter is a who ruined this investigation because he was an incompetent DA and nothing but a publicity hound. His comments are nothing more then him playing a childish game of "I know something you don't know...na-na-na-na-naaa-naaa!" just so he can act like he's still important.
Well said, Shylock. My thoughts exactly.
angel, I remember Hunter saying that on Rivera Live...and I was sure he meant Burke. However, on the same show, Hunter gave several reasons for Burke being ruled out, so apparently he wasn't looked at for long. Here are the reasons Hunter gave for ruling out Burke as a suspect:

Burke was asleep when the murder took place.

Burke was too young to have written the note.

Burke wasn't old enough or strong enough to do what was done to JonBenet.

All I could do was shake my head at Hunter's stupidity. I thought...

Who says Burke was asleep?

So what if Burke didn't write the note...why would that rule him out as the killer?

Get real, Hunter! Burke was perfectly capable of doing everything that was done to JonBenet.

No wonder the case has never been solved. Hunter's mindset seems to be the popular LE mindset nowadays too.
If Hunter never gives any information on who they were targeting, then he can never be wrong or proven to be liable in court if he were wrong. That is a no-lose answer he threw out, and is very typical of someone who really doesn't have a clue about his supposed suspect. Spoken like a true politician to me. :banghead:
To be "very surprised" at who the target was would eliminate John, Patsy, Burke, and just about all other names that were being bantered around at that time. I can give you three names that have NOT been discussed publicly and who seemed to have been deliberately purged from PMPT and other places, and who are included in my alternate BDI theory .

Just my opinion.

Re Burke: He was not asleep for those who followed this case, Burke's voice was heard in the background when the 9-11 call was made by the Ramseys. However, when questioned by the Boulder Police, the Ramseys said Burke had been asleep.
This is a rerun and has been on many times.

I remember that clip of Hunter and always wondered what he was hinting at. It can only be one person-- John.
Hunter and Mary Poppins have some things in common, they both hold umbrellas and what is under them is a children's fantasy story.

Oooooh! Wouldn't we be surprised! Boo! Ha Ha Ha! Wasn't that fun kids?

Oh ya, Mary and Alex also don't have their feet on the ground much of the time. Rocky mountain high, you have to be there to know. It's so liberating.

It's a dead man's party.
Who could ask for more?
Come and join the party,
leave your body at the door.
Leave your body and soul at the dooor.

Imperfect murder, imperfect town.
Burn in Hell Boulder.
Burn in Hell Alex.
While I concur that Alex Hunter is nothing but a weasle and a whimp and is guilty himself of obstructing justice for JonBenet in this case, that comment to Dan Abrams seemed - to me anyway - to be one of those rare times he was being honest. As honest as HE can be.
I don't think Patsy killed her daughter.
I DO think she wrote the note.
I Do think that it WAS one of the other 2 Ramseys in the house that night that caused JonBenet's death. One that the general public would be "surprised" at. That rules out mostly Patsy as she has been law enforcement's #1 target for most of the past 7 years. It also "tends" to rule out John as he is under that umbrella right along with Patsy.
But it does NOT rule out Burke.

I think this interview was givent to Abrams just before Hunter retired.
Perhaps he didn't give much of a rip what he said anymore.

When is HIS book coming out? LOL!
:laugh: In the fairy tale section of course......
The one thing I think most of us are overlooking is that Patsy admitted, and we could see, there was a religious, or pseudo-religious, aspect to the case.

Someone masterminding killings/assassinations as "morality" as the Manson gang and other terrorists were criticizing and judging their victims.

He had at least one agent who strongly resembled son John Andrew, who may have been at Charlevoix and also walking towards the Boulder house that evening. That person, badmouthing John at Charlevoix, isn't necessarily the mastermind at all, just "insulation". He may figure, like Manson, that he's not a murderer if he gets someone else to do the dirty work.
Blue Crab? Can you give initials? Would there be a KM..a PM...a RH..JM..a woman and three men? I remember these names popping up very briefly in 1997,the police were interested in these people,they mentioned them to a suspect,but the names never hit a forum or the press. One did,oops,and he quickly took down his site..the others never!
Actually, I've always thought that Hunter was a Burke did it theorist and that that he believes Patsy wrote the note to cover up for her son.

At times, I believe that. I don't think that John Ramsey killed his daughter, but that it was either Patsy or Burke.

Hunter is the reason this case did not go to trial. He was too busy spying on the BPD to put any effort into prosecuting this case.

If anything good ever comes of this case, I sure hope that other LE agencies learn to work around arrogant DA's.
I think the grand jury in 1999 solved the killing of JonBenet Ramsey.

In my opinion Burke had a hand in the killing. I can list about 20 distinct reasons why I'm convinced of this, but I'll just state several of them for now.

One is the simple process of elimination. It was obviously an inside job. So at least one of the three Ramseys left standing that night is guilty and the other two are covering up. Neither John nor Patsy killed JonBenet because they have DNA, handwriting, and lie-detector exculpatory evidence in their favor. By the process of elimination that leaves Burke.

Another is the apparent lie the three Ramseys -- John, Patsy, and Burke -- conspiratorily concocted about Burke being asleep when the enhanced 911 tape proves he was up and about at 5:52 A.M. Why did they all conspire to lie?

And Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl of pineapple that JonBenet had snacked from around 11:00 P.M., thus placing Burke secretly downstairs with JonBenet after the parents had gone to bed and two hours before she died.

I'll stop right there, even though there are many other items I could list that, IMO, tie Burke to the death of JonBenet.

But Burke wasn't alone, and he wasn't necessarily the actual killer of JonBenet. I believe that one other young person, and possibly as many as three other young people, was in the house that night. One was a male teen, and the others were males about Burke's age (nine or ten).

It seems to me that the grand jury solved the killing, it was an accident, the perpetrators included at least one and perhaps as many as two children under the age of ten and thus unprosecutable and unable to be publicly identified, and the jurors, with Hunter's blessing, decided the best thing to do was to do nothing. The court agreed, slapped protective orders on all principals, and that's where the case stands today and will likely remain standing until Burke is 40 years old.

The teen, a college student, walked. To try to prosecute him would violate Colorado law protecting the identity of the very young children. I won't provide the names because it's just a theory -- and you have a good idea who they are anyway.

Just my opinion.

Hi Blue Crab,

I have been following this case and had NEVER heard that Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl of pineapple nor that there were other children or a teen in the Ramsey home on Christmas Eve!

Can you please share a link re these events as I am most interested in this case. I, myself, have always believed the person/s responsible were family members. The mysterious bowl of pineapple which Patsy said she never bought, much less fed to JBR, has always "bugged" me.

Who are the other boys and wouldn't something have surfaced or leaked out by now? There are always wagging tongues ready to spill the beans, especially in high profile cases.

I do agree, and have always believed, that this case will never "officially" be solved because it was perceived to be an accident.

Hey Bluecrab - Is your theory that Burke and other kids or teen committed this crime and his parents have NEVER had any knowledge of it?
If not - you cannot cite the Ramseys' paying for - I mean submitting to - a polygraph that you say helped exonerate them. Why? Because if they helped Burke cover up the crime then they DO know who was involved in her death and therefore could not have "passed" the polygraph.
You can't have it both ways.

By the way - I agree with your BDI theory. Just not sure about the other kid or kids involved.
I have to say though, for many years there was alot of insistence on different forums from certain posters who claimed that it WAS indeed Burke Ramsey and some other youth that caused the death of JonBenet.
Can't recall their names now though..... darned cobwebs in the mind of a busy mom.....
haypaula said:
Hi Blue Crab,

I have been following this case and had NEVER heard that Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl of pineapple nor that there were other children or a teen in the Ramsey home on Christmas Eve!

Can you please share a link re these events as I am most interested in this case. I, myself, have always believed the person/s responsible were family members. The mysterious bowl of pineapple which Patsy said she never bought, much less fed to JBR, has always "bugged" me.

Who are the other boys and wouldn't something have surfaced or leaked out by now? There are always wagging tongues ready to spill the beans, especially in high profile cases.

I do agree, and have always believed, that this case will never "officially" be solved because it was perceived to be an accident.


Yes, Burke's fingerprints are on the bowl of pineapple that was left out all night on the table, as are Patsy's fingerprints. It's understandable that Patsy's prints would be on the bowl because it would be she who put the bowl in the cabinet from the dishwasher, etc. Nine-year-old boys don't put dishes away. Thus, Burke handled the bowl of pineapple, taken from the refrigerator, from which JonBenet snacked from shortly before she died. The pineapple also proves there was no unknown intruder since JonBenet wouldn't have gone quietly downstairs and snacked on pineapple in the middle of the night with someone she didn't know. The pineapple incident is corroborated in the Ramsey 1998 police interviews.

I'm not going to use the names of the other boys who, in my theory, were in the house that night.

Just my opinion.


I just tried to answer you post. It was a long response and I lost all of it, probably because the thread was trying to go to another page. I'll wait.
BlueCrab said:
It seems to me that the grand jury solved the killing, it was an accident, the perpetrators included at least one and perhaps as many as two children under the age of ten and thus unprosecutable and unable to be publicly identified, and the jurors, with Hunter's blessing, decided the best thing to do was to do nothing. The court agreed, slapped protective orders on all principals, and that's where the case stands today and will likely remain standing until Burke is 40 years old.
If this was the case, the Mike Kane along with Hunter would know about it. You forget that there were interviews in Atlanta long after the Grand Jury which Kane was part of. If the case had been solved by the GJ, then Kane wouldn't have wasted his time going to Atlanta. And her certainly wouldn't have gotten hot under the collar at Woody when the Rams wouldn't answer his questions.

Additionally, Keenan would now know about the GJ findings and wouldn't be wasting the taxpayers money with another investigation into a case which was already solved in the DA's mind.
Shylock said:
If this was the case, the Mike Kane along with Hunter would know about it. You forget that there were interviews in Atlanta long after the Grand Jury which Kane was part of. If the case had been solved by the GJ, then Kane wouldn't have wasted his time going to Atlanta. And her certainly wouldn't have gotten hot under the collar at Woody when the Rams wouldn't answer his questions.

Additionally, Keenan would now know about the GJ findings and wouldn't be wasting the taxpayers money with another investigation into a case which was already solved in the DA's mind.

Even though the case was solved there were unresolved questions, such as should obstruction of justice charges be brought against the parents. And I'm not sure the jurors or the D.A. even knew about the teen.

Keenan isn't spending any money other than enough to pacify the public that something is being done. She's forced to do that or face being asked why. Keenan's endorsement of Judge Carnes' ludicrous comments is convincing proof by itself the fix is on; Keenan knows the case better than that.

Just my opinion.


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