Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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....oh, also, I believe she had been planning murder for over 6 months.

I'm not sure if it's OK to only quote a part of the original post.

I agree with that, but I also think she had a plan to kill both of her parents. I think that was behind the promise she gave Amy to move in with her because her parents were going to give her their home. It seemed the more that Amy tried to pin her down to a day to move in, the less contact Casey had with her.. The original move in date was around the time that the text messages from Casey to Amy started to go quiet. That was just before Amy had her camera sent to the Anthony home. That was June 29.
The mention of the camera is on page 53, entry # 2050.

http://www.websleuths.com/cases/ca/Amy H Texts pt3 (outgoing).pdf
I just saw an article on AOL about a 24 year old mother in CA who is now charged with murdering her toddler. She initially claimed that someone knocked her out and took the baby. Then recanted and led police to the body. Why does it seem there is all of sudden a "fad" of this type of terrible crime against children and then blaming it on someone else? Can we learn anything from these "parents"?
I can't help but think of what I might do if I were CA..and the truth is I probably would have been weird like her...for example once I was faced with a really earth shattering thing..My husband was in the hospital with a terrible illness...and it was starting to look more and more like he could die. Did I "accept" this? Hell, NO. I remember how delusional I was and if I had thought going on Larry King would help..I would have done it. Unfortunately, we live in a sound bite culture and when all this happened to the A's someone (likely CA) thought "getting the word out" in order to find Caylee was the best if not only option they had. People under that amount of stress are completely capable of nonsensical illogical whacked behavior. This is why you are told to not make decisions while you are at 10+ on the stress scale.
Originally Posted by ahi
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered. I am like the previous poster...I read alot but don't post often..but here goes...

Does anyone find it odd that LP said on NG 2 days before the body was discovered "don't be surprised if LE already knows where the body is"??

Thank you for having this board. I enjoy reading it and all of your thoughts and opinions so much. You should all be detectives and psychologists!!
I remember that very well. I belong to another forum and I have been asking people if they remember that, I was also trying to find the program where he said it.. I have searched the NG transcripts for it, I think it was the 9th of December.. The only transcript for that date doesn't mention it, I think it was edited out.. If anyone can find it I would appreciate it. Thanks
I just saw an article on AOL about a 24 year old mother in CA who is now charged with murdering her toddler. She initially claimed that someone knocked her out and took the baby. Then recanted and led police to the body. Why does it seem there is all of sudden a "fad" of this type of terrible crime against children and then blaming it on someone else? Can we learn anything from these "parents"?

It is simple really. All the attention piled onto Casey last year in a really slow news cycle fed into the needs of these "copycat" ho's to do the same thing in the hopes of getting attention. That is the bottom line. They want attention, notoriety, fame (infamy), and if they can swing it, fortune. In what I call the "cartoon mentality" nothing is really real and nothing is permanent, not even death. It's all marketable.
This may have been discussed on another thread, but I gotta get it off my chest. Why is it Cindy wears a green button in support of KC whenever she is public as well as a little ribbon signifying "the missing", but never a Caylee button? Then we have George, who ALWAYS wears his Caylee button and I have yet to see him wear a green KC one? I see a statement of their priorities here. It speaks volumes to me......
This may have been discussed on another thread, but I gotta get it off my chest. Why is it Cindy wears a green button in support of KC whenever she is public as well as a little ribbon signifying "the missing", but never a Caylee button? Then we have George, who ALWAYS wears his Caylee button and I have yet to see him wear a green KC one? I see a statement of their priorities here. It speaks volumes to me......

I think you're right, it's a statement of their priorities. GA has always seemed a little more sentimental toward Caylee. CA is a harder person. Never moved to tears.

On that note... have we seen ANY of the Anthonys cry throughout this ordeal? I remember GA tearing up at the memorial...
This may have been discussed on another thread, but I gotta get it off my chest. Why is it Cindy wears a green button in support of KC whenever she is public as well as a little ribbon signifying "the missing", but never a Caylee button? Then we have George, who ALWAYS wears his Caylee button and I have yet to see him wear a green KC one? I see a statement of their priorities here. It speaks volumes to me......

I suppose they figure between the two of them, they have all their "causes" covered. Don't forget Cindy's signature green top and George's blue button-down shirt. I can just picture their closet, Cindy's green tops all lined up on matching hangers and George's one blue shirt on a hook in the corner.
No Rick her brother stated to CA if Casey wasnt pregnant she had a life
threatening tumor . CA was denying the pregnancy .

Actually, I heard from someone who heard from someone who worked with her that she told a person at work she had female trouble and/or a tumor when they asked her about her seeming pregnant.

Something about a tumor she needed to have removed...

This is what I heard, for what it's worth and 3rd hand.
I've been reading through the case calendar (thanks Android!), and there is a statement that has come up a couple of times which sticks out to me. What in the world do you think "under a table" could mean? Both times, the statement is made by AH to KC. I looked it up on steet slang websites, and all I could find was that "under the table" meant intoxicated. Nothing for under "a" table, and the intoxicated definition doesn't seem to fit with the context in which it was used. Just wondering if it is code that could reinforce their drug use, or some other thing. It could be nothing, too!

What do you think?


First initials are who received the text message; second initials are who sent the text message

AH KC 05/05 7:57 AM 5 beers on an empty stomach . . . not a good idea. How are ya?

KC AH Just driving to work. I didn’t drink last night so I’m bright eyes and bushy tailed. I think my ex from high school has a thing for me again. Not so good. We’ve been just friends for so long!

AH KC 05/05 8:03 AM Oh, boy. Been there. He asked you out?

KC AH No but he’s asking for pictures like I used to send him in the day. We realize a long time ago the universe didn’t want us together. Plus he lives in Tally.

AH KC 05/05 9:47 AM It happens. You're a great judge of character and we both know that the universe gets what the universe wants.

KC AH Under a table . . . So when do you guys leave for Tampa?​


KC AH Now I wish I had gotten me some last night. Sleep was the better choice.. But yeah. . . I was a little on the prickly side any way.

AH KC 05/12 11:15 AM Ha ha you're too funny.

KC AH The things I think of under a table.

AH KC 05/12 11:18 AM Ha ha. It’s very enlightening.
:confused: I haven't got a clue what she means with that 'under the table'. In Canada (at least my small corner LOL!), under the table usually means working or paying for something for straight cash with the assumption you won't be charged taxes or get a receipt.
I can't even imagine what KC's talking about. Then again, if I understood her, I'd be really worried!! :bang:
I think I've just connected a few dots tonight...................

On NG tonight - 04-23-09 - LP stated that while he and his team were at the Anthony home, George went into Casey's room and confronted her. He said they were loud enough to be heard outside. He said it took both Cindy and George's friend, Jim, to physically get George away from Casey.

At that time, Fox had a webcam trained on the Anthony home. I remember that within a day or two of Casey being bonded out, George left the house on foot and was seen walking away. A little while later, Lee left in his car to go get George. A reporter asked about it and it was brushed off as George needing some fresh air.

Also within a day or two of Casey being bonded out, several deputies from the OCSO showed up late one night and opened the garage door and went through George's car and took a pistol that was hidden in a wheel well.

Putting this all together, it's my opinion that George lost his temper and confronted Casey about what happened to Caylee. After the confrontation, George left the house to cool off, and later Lee went to look for him. Meanwhile, someone alerted LE about the gun in George's car, thinking it wasn't a good idea to have a pistol available to someone who has such a quick temper, considering the situation.

Sounds to me that somebody might have had the house bugged.
I think you're right, it's a statement of their priorities. GA has always seemed a little more sentimental toward Caylee. CA is a harder person. Never moved to tears.

On that note... have we seen ANY of the Anthonys cry throughout this ordeal? I remember GA tearing up at the memorial...

They were both close to tears on the Early Show. I mean "real" tears, talking about Caylee.
I would have felt more for them if they had shown more feeling to began with.
:confused: I haven't got a clue what she means with that 'under the table'. In Canada (at least my small corner LOL!), under the table usually means working or paying for something for straight cash with the assumption you won't be charged taxes or get a receipt.
I can't even imagine what KC's talking about. Then again, if I understood her, I'd be really worried!! :bang:

she actually was 'under a table', something to do w/ one of amy's theatrical sets iirc.
Hi, I'm new here. I just can't get little baby Caylee out of my head. I don't know where to post this, so here I am, random thought and all.
I tried to search if this has been discussed but I couldn't find anything (remember, I'm new here).
So, here I go.
What is with CK and Sports? I read her text messages with AL, when he was teasing her about leaving etc. When thing got upsetting for her, she inappropriately jumps to sports.

Then while in jail, she is told they found the remains of precious baby Caylee, she asks for the score in the Championships. This is very odd, but everything is odd in this Case (y).

Do you think this is the norm in the Anthony family. Especially with GA's gambling? Yes, I believe he was gambling and not scamed.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but this has been really bugging me.

BTW, nice to meet you all. : )
sorry, I meant to add that while in jail, she first cried, asked for a sedative and in a nano second asked for the score. I'll get the hang of this soon, I hope for all your sake, lol.
sorry, I meant to add that while in jail, she first cried, asked for a sedative and in a nano second asked for the score. I'll get the hang of this soon, I hope for all your sake, lol.

You did good. I think she keeps sports on the back burner and when she is possed to act a certain way she follows up with the sports stuff. That way if she messes up the way she thinks she possed to act (she really don't know if she did good or not) she then trys to get your attention away from the scene you witnessed. The kids used to call that--->playin it off. I tried. LOL
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