Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#6 About the Case

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I wonder if the missing hyoid was broken or fractured? To bad they couldnt find it as that could show cause of death.:eek:

In a toddler, even an adolescent, the hyoid is not ossified yet. In a child Caylee's age it would have still been similar to cartilage. That is why it wasn't found and it wouldn't have shown a fracture or cause of death if they had. They needed soft tissue to determine cause of death.

Fracture and Applied Anatomy

Due to its position, the hyoid bone is not susceptible to easy fracture. In a suspected case of murder, a fractured hyoid strongly indicates throttling or strangulation. However this is not the case in children and adolescents where hyoid bone is still flexible as ossification is yet to be completed
As a random thought on this case, I think something happened before Caylee was killed to change Casey's happy little world. My theory is that she was being paid by someone up until the first part of last year. Someone who thought the baby was his. She really didn't start the massive "borrowing" and stealing until around then. Her cash flow was interrupted and changes had to be made. I still wonder if she was "grooming" the marine MH to be the next victim---saying she had something to tell him and didn't know how he'd take it. My guess is he was to be her next meal ticket so to speak. She would tell him he was Caylees father and either make plans to be with him or get money out of him. Heaven forbid she get a real job. If she was blackmailing someone else for several years, that might also play into the murder scenario in some way. Just something that popped into my head and seemed a very simple explanation for her lack of a job, etc. MOO
As a random thought on this case, I think something happened before Caylee was killed to change Casey's happy little world. My theory is that she was being paid by someone up until the first part of last year. Someone who thought the baby was his. She really didn't start the massive "borrowing" and stealing until around then. Her cash flow was interrupted and changes had to be made. I still wonder if she was "grooming" the marine MH to be the next victim---saying she had something to tell him and didn't know how he'd take it. My guess is he was to be her next meal ticket so to speak. She would tell him he was Caylees father and either make plans to be with him or get money out of him. Heaven forbid she get a real job. If she was blackmailing someone else for several years, that might also play into the murder scenario in some way. Just something that popped into my head and seemed a very simple explanation for her lack of a job, etc. MOO

I don't understand how that could play into the murder somehow?
As a random thought on this case, I think something happened before Caylee was killed to change Casey's happy little world. My theory is that she was being paid by someone up until the first part of last year. Someone who thought the baby was his. She really didn't start the massive "borrowing" and stealing until around then. Her cash flow was interrupted and changes had to be made. I still wonder if she was "grooming" the marine MH to be the next victim---saying she had something to tell him and didn't know how he'd take it. My guess is he was to be her next meal ticket so to speak. She would tell him he was Caylees father and either make plans to be with him or get money out of him. Heaven forbid she get a real job. If she was blackmailing someone else for several years, that might also play into the murder scenario in some way. Just something that popped into my head and seemed a very simple explanation for her lack of a job, etc. MOO

I don't think Casey has ever had a happy little world.
She has been a lying about her career, schooling, and love life since at least when Caylee was born. People who are happy with their lives don't make up fantasy versions of another life and invest the effort to sell that portrayal to the world.

I think Casey got a glimpse at what she thought was a happy little world and did what she thought would free her from the ball chain that Caylee was, and with that ball and chain she was anchored to Cindy.
I just read something about Caylee's shoes not being with her remains or in the car. Is this true? Where were her shoes? Didn't Casey say to the detectives during an interview that Caylee supposedly called her and I she would talk about was her shoes and book?
I was relieved not to see KC in court today. That fidgiting and playing with her hair and blouse are taking their toll on my easy going attitude. The tops haven't fit, so I give her a pass on that one. BUT THAT D**N HAIR! If the facts don't win over that holdout juror, the hair will.

I have a continuing drama that Judge Strickland who is the personification of professionalism stops the court in a NG moment... "Let's stop just a moment. Ms. Anthony, would you like a piece of duct tape to keep that hair out of your face?"

/rant. Sorry.
In a toddler, even an adolescent, the hyoid is not ossified yet. In a child Caylee's age it would have still been similar to cartilage. That is why it wasn't found and it wouldn't have shown a fracture or cause of death if they had. They needed soft tissue to determine cause of death.

Fracture and Applied Anatomy

Due to its position, the hyoid bone is not susceptible to easy fracture. In a suspected case of murder, a fractured hyoid strongly indicates throttling or strangulation. However this is not the case in children and adolescents where hyoid bone is still flexible as ossification is yet to be completed

Thanks for clearing that up. So the hyoid wouldve decomposed the same as soft tissue wouldve?
Thanks for clearing that up. So the hyoid wouldve decomposed the same as soft tissue wouldve?

Same as the cartilage would have, but it was most likely eaten by animals. Much like a dog will eat the cartilage and marrow first when they have a bone. Sorry to be graphic.
I have a continuing drama that Judge Strickland who is the personification of professionalism stops the court in a NG moment... "Let's stop just a moment. Ms. Anthony, would you like a piece of duct tape to keep that hair out of your face?"

/rant. Sorry.


Do you think that the Anthony's had seen the autopsy report (or at least got the highlights from BC) prior to yesterday? I think yes but I am not sure.
This whole case just boggles the mind. One thing that I have never been able to understand is how KC was able to come home and make pasta and bake brownies while she knew just around the corner Caylee was lying in pieces! How did she wear those Caylee T shirts with her picture on it and even knot it up to make it fit her tighter, then STRUT around with her hollywood celeb sunglasses - what was she thinking?
She has to be as close to a female Ted Bundy as I have ever heard about-minus the fact that she only killed once before she was caught! IMO
This whole case just boggles the mind. One thing that I have never been able to understand is how KC was able to come home and make pasta and bake brownies while she knew just around the corner Caylee was lying in pieces! How did she wear those Caylee T shirts with her picture on it and even knot it up to make it fit her tighter, then STRUT around with her hollywood celeb sunglasses - what was she thinking?
She has to be as close to a female Ted Bundy as I have ever heard about-minus the fact that she only killed once before she was caught! IMO

Ted Bundy minus the intelligence = Casey Anthony
Makes sense to me.
Do you think that the Anthony's had seen the autopsy report (or at least got the highlights from BC) prior to yesterday? I think yes but I am not sure.

They requested that the court seal something so as not to "tarnish the victim's image" so I would like to think they had read it.
Do you think that the Anthony's had seen the autopsy report (or at least got the highlights from BC) prior to yesterday? I think yes but I am not sure.

OH YES! The timing of the report, due to be released the Friday before their appearance on CBS, Monday the 16th, (the one year anniversary of the most likely day that Caylee was murdered) had to be silenced, even if temporarily. They knew good and well what was coming.
Do you think that the Anthony's had seen the autopsy report (or at least got the highlights from BC) prior to yesterday? I think yes but I am not sure.

I am guessing yes, because it would be useless to object about it without knowing the content, AND they knew that content would create difficult questions on their anniversary tour. I refer to the multiple layers of duct tape here.
This whole case just boggles the mind. One thing that I have never been able to understand is how KC was able to come home and make pasta and bake brownies while she knew just around the corner Caylee was lying in pieces! How did she wear those Caylee T shirts with her picture on it and even knot it up to make it fit her tighter, then STRUT around with her hollywood celeb sunglasses - what was she thinking?
She has to be as close to a female Ted Bundy as I have ever heard about-minus the fact that she only killed once before she was caught! IMO

Making pasta and brownies, and wearing a T shirt is the easy part. Killing a child is the hard part (using a moral compass set to 'regular').

Once her rage rose to the level of murder - the rest was part of the "I am innocent" charade.

To NOT do the cookery and T shirts would have been harder - that would have raised questions from her family.
I had computer problems most of Friday and today and have only read bits and pieces of these threads trying to catch up.

One common theme I pick up is many of us can't bear to think much less read the autopsy report without feeling ill. I more than agree with these feelings.

However, I feel it is a great injustice to Caylee if I don't read them.

She went through every horrendous agony of pain imagined given out by KC, CA & GA :furious: The minimum of respect I can do is to acknowledge her pain by learning what and how the A clan did to her.

Then I can cry.

Too bad the A clan doesn't feel this way. :furious: :furious: :furious:
I don't know a lot of the technical stuff about lawyers and proper procedures, but, i would think the AL wouldn't want to take this case on as a DP, ....can they (lawyers) not see all the damning evidence against Casey????

Could someone please explain a defense lawyers way of thinking, working, reasoning????
Could someone please explain a defense lawyers way of thinking, working, reasoning????

A buck is a buck... face time is face time... in cases like this where it is obvious the defendant is guilty and the case is high profile, defense lawyers like Baez know it is their ticket to national recognition, media attention, and big bucks in the pocket. Lawyers like Baez don't care about justice, IMO, they care about the almighty dollar. They want to string things out as far as they can, doing motion after motion, to appease their client, all the while watching and smiling as their bill tallies up higher and higher, and they get face time after face time with the media. Thankfully, not all lawyers are like that... but it is those few like Baez that get most lawyers wrongly labeled as bottom feeders.
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