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Sep 29, 2004
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When are the A's planning on a proper burial for poor little Caylee? She deserves to be taken care of, even in death. This is getting ridiculous, why in the world are they waiting so long?
When are the A's planning on a proper burial for poor little Caylee? She deserves to be taken care of, even in death. This is getting ridiculous, why in the world are they waiting so long?

IMO, the 'a' family is stalling for that immunity deal...........the *a's*:furious: know that the minute little CAYLEE is buried.......LE will step in on them. Poor baby CAYLEE is still their pawn to use her even in death...............it is the unthinkable!:furious:
This thread is to just get a rant off your chest ABOUT the case, not about other posters,moderators or anything else.
It's more of a list, just to blow off steam.
IMO, the 'a' family is stalling for that immunity deal...........the *a's*:furious: know that the minute little CAYLEE is buried.......LE will step in on them. Poor baby CAYLEE is still their pawn to use her even in death...............it is the unthinkable!:furious:

i don't understand
why would LE step in once caylee is buried?:confused:
My Rant....I didnt sleep last night!!! ugg....and Im tired now...hee hee hee
Obviously out of courtesy and respect.

Do you mean to go after the A's for obstruction?

Let me ask this....do you think that if LE goes after the A's for obstruction that it will put pressure on Casey to spill the beans? Or do you think it will just rally the family even more? I tend to think the latter.
KC and her defense aren't concerned for CA, GA, or LA. KC will continue to follow defense orders with no thoughts about her familys demise. No pressure on KC. The LE & FBI have stated they don't care about the A's feelings, because they were only interested in finding what happened to Caylee. The FBI was very firm about this to the A's. The most important players, KC and LE could give 2 cents about the A's. They are own their on now with lawyers who are trying to figure out the next moves of prosecution & defense. Any alliances the A's might have felt they had with KC was an illusion. It appears the A's are having a think tank discussion with their counsel on how to save their selves. My opinion only.
KC and her defense aren't concerned for CA, GA, or LA. KC will continue to follow defense orders with no thoughts about her familys demise. No pressure on KC. The LE & FBI have stated they don't care about the A's feelings, because they were only interested in finding what happened to Caylee. The FBI was very firm about this to the A's. The most important players, KC and LE could give 2 cents about the A's. They are own their on now with lawyers who are trying to figure out the next moves of prosecution & defense. Any alliances the A's might have felt they had with KC was an illusion. It appears the A's are having a think tank discussion with their counsel on how to save their selves. My opinion only.

You are probably right kageykaren. But I still think that the defense is concerned about CA, GA and LA. Not legally of course...they do not represent them. But they need the family to be on Casey's side. I don't think they want the A's "going state's witness" to get out of obstruction charges either. So I think they will continue to court them to some extent. Now Casey is another ballgame. I think she will do what is good for Casey, without regard for what it does to her family.
i think so too TxRose...
and i dont think a funeral will stop them either imo
if they're going to charge the anthony's they're going to do it when/if they have enough evidence..
i think so too TxRose...
and i dont think a funeral will stop them either imo
if they're going to charge the anthony's they're going to do it when/if they have enough evidence..

Or as I have posted elsewhere, they may hold it and wait until after Casey's trial. They could use it to pressure them to testify.
When are the A's planning on a proper burial for poor little Caylee? She deserves to be taken care of, even in death. This is getting ridiculous, why in the world are they waiting so long?

It's not up to them. They can't bury the body until the defense completes their examination of the remains.
LE doesn't hold bodies hostage.

ROFL! I didn't mean they would physically hold her. I meant they may hold the charges until after the trial. As in keep the threat hanging over their heads until they testify.

Can you mentally picture them trying to restrain Cindy? OMG!
ROFL! I didn't mean they would physically hold her. I meant they may hold the charges until after the trial. As in keep the threat hanging over their heads until they testify.

Can you mentally picture them trying to restrain Cindy? OMG!

Cindy is a spitfire, there's no denying that. I really don't expect to see charges brought against the Anthonys at all. They really haven't done anything that amounts to obstruction, IMO. All LE wants is a conviction against Casey. They'll get it, and anything that happened with the As will be water under the bridge. Prosecutors are people too, they realize that it's human nature for a parent to want to defend their child. They know what a struggle this entire tragedy has been for the A's.
Cindy is a spitfire, there's no denying that. I really don't expect to see charges brought against the Anthonys at all. They really haven't done anything that amounts to obstruction, IMO. All LE wants is a conviction against Casey. They'll get it, and anything that happened with the As will be water under the bridge. Prosecutors are people too, they realize that it's human nature for a parent to want to defend their child. They know what a struggle this entire tragedy has been for the A's.

I agree Chilly. Right now I just don't think they have enough to warrant it - though some disagree. But if they did find something specific at the site on Suburban that points to the A's, that could change. That would be a whole other ballgame. But so far we have no knowledge that anything like that exists or was found.
IMO, the 'a' family is stalling for that immunity deal...........the *a's*:furious: know that the minute little CAYLEE is buried.......LE will step in on them. Poor baby CAYLEE is still their pawn to use her even in death...............it is the unthinkable!:furious:

I am very sad to say that I TOTALLY agree with this assessment. :mad:
It's not up to them. They can't bury the body until the defense completes their examination of the remains.

Chilly, I thought the body was transported to a funeral home a few days back. Would it now be sent elsewhere for the defense to autopsy? I really don't know - just asking.

Seems the defense would have done their autopsy/examination prior to the body going to a funeral home.
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