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My rant? This darn trial can't get her soon enough! The case, for us anyways, is in a stand still - sure everyone can speculate and come up with some crazy ideas - I want to know what LE has NOW! I want to know what the defense is going to do NOW!

Okay rant over :)
Chilly, I thought the body was transported to a funeral home a few days back. Would it now be sent elsewhere for the defense to autopsy? I really don't know - just asking.

Seems the defense would have done their autopsy/examination prior to the body going to a funeral home.

I am sure the defense has the right to an autopsy before the body is released to the family for burial. I remember this was a motion that JB filed with the court. Since there isn't much left to autopsy, I can't see why that would take very long - other than if it takes some time to get their experts there. I am really not sure what is causing the delay in having her funeral at this point.
Chilly, I thought the body was transported to a funeral home a few days back. Would it now be sent elsewhere for the defense to autopsy? I really don't know - just asking.

Seems the defense would have done their autopsy/examination prior to the body going to a funeral home.

Caylee's remains were released on Tuesday to a South Orlando funeral home, but the Anthony family is waiting to hold funeral services for Caylee until a second autopsy on the remains is conducted by the defense team.
I am sure the defense has the right to an autopsy before the body is released to the family for burial. I remember this was a motion that JB filed with the court. Since there isn't much left to autopsy, I can't see why that would take very long - other than if it takes some time to get their experts there. I am really not sure what is causing the delay in having her funeral at this point.

The defense doesn't have a right to one and it does require next of kin's permission. In this case obviously they would give that authorization. But if this was a stranger murder could you imagine being told that the defense team has a right a second autopsy of your loved one?

It appears that the second autopsy would be done before the remains went to the funeral home though. Not 100% sure about that though. They would have to be transferred somewhere, the state is not going to let them use their facilities and the state says they released the body to the funeral home. JB probably didn't follow through with it just like he didn't go to the crime scene after pitching a fit.
I am sure the defense has the right to an autopsy before the body is released to the family for burial. I remember this was a motion that JB filed with the court. Since there isn't much left to autopsy, I can't see why that would take very long - other than if it takes some time to get their experts there. I am really not sure what is causing the delay in having her funeral at this point.

From that same link above:
Meanwhile, the attorney for Casey Anthony, Jose Baez, was granted access to photographs and other documents related to the scene where the remains of Caylee Anthony were found.

Baez filed a motion with Judge Stan Strickland on Monday requesting access to the evidence.

The motion states that, "Time is of the essence in that there is a grieving family that merely wants closure and as long as the second autopsy cannot be conducted properly that will not happen."

Strickland signed off on the motion Tuesday morning.

The evidence will be provided to the defense team within two weeks.
Caylee's remains were released on Tuesday to a South Orlando funeral home, but the Anthony family is waiting to hold funeral services for Caylee until a second autopsy on the remains is conducted by the defense team.

So I guess that answers that! I suppose with this past week being the holidays they are waiting until next week to perform the second autopsy.
Chilly, I thought the body was transported to a funeral home a few days back. Would it now be sent elsewhere for the defense to autopsy? I really don't know - just asking.

Seems the defense would have done their autopsy/examination prior to the body going to a funeral home.

You are correct, IIRC, I read that CAYLEE's body was 'released ' to a funeral home. The remains were examined and reports already studied by defence team fornsics. IIRC it was on NG, there was no autopsy, just a study on bones. Now is the time for her family to claim her and do what is proper for a Christian burial of any kind to RIP.
TX Rose, I just read your post, sorry I thought IRC that the remains were studied and then sent to funeral home............sorry!
TX Rose, I just read your post, sorry I thought IRC that the remains were studied and then sent to funeral home............sorry!

Hey...I don't know what's going on. LOL. I saw the link to the article that said the body was released last Tuesday for the defense autopsy. I have no idea when and if that was done...or where the body is now. I just assumed that with the holidays it might have stalled some of that - understandably.

Whatever the case...hopefully she will be laid to rest soon. Poor baby.
My rant for today is coming from the bottom of my heart..
Still, after 6 months, I cannot understand or come to terms with why any human being would take a child's life, then throw them away like trash. My cousin who is 33 years old, prays daily to get pregnant so that she can have a child to love and cherish. I wish that for once, one of these mothers who feel the need to rid themselves of their children would think of those who are less fortunate than themselves. :furious:
My rant for today is coming from the bottom of my heart..
Still, after 6 months, I cannot understand or come to terms with why any human being would take a child's life, then throw them away like trash. My cousin who is 33 years old, prays daily to get pregnant so that she can have a child to love and cherish. I wish that for once, one of these mothers who feel the need to rid themselves of their children would think of those who are less fortunate than themselves. :furious:

OT -- we had a case here last month where a little boy was given to his grandmother and aunt because his mom was on dope. After less than a year, the poor little 4 year old boy was STARVED TO DEATH. He was found lying on a bed, a skeleton. Police believe he had been tied up and kept from running away. Nobody loved this child. Not his mom, not his grandmother, not his aunt, nobody. Ugh, it breaks my heart. Sometimes I think government would serve us best by controlling who can have kids and who can't! :furious:
Well, the examination of the bones is not an autopsy at all. The defense needs about 3 inches of bone to do whatever it will do forensically and the experts need to look over the remains. Things may be stalled because they are all on holiday. Baez should take the crime scene photos to KC so she can see them for herself.

Here is my rant. I just listened to KC's recorded LE interviews for the first time. I think she is mentally challenged and I am serious about this. She uses words she hears other people use, but she uses them out of context or in contradiction to their meaning. She cannot follow one train of thought to another, or one conversation to another. There is a gap in her understanding and comprehension of basic conversation and communication.

During the interview she talks about how Caylee loved JBP. The officer says "Oh where the jogger was murdered." KC responds "yeah, after that my mom wouldn't let me jog there for the longest time, she wouldn't even let me jog around places like Chickasaw."

The murder of the jogger was June 9th. KC is telling LE at this moment in time that this was the last day she saw Caylee and LE already knows that KC hasn't been around the house for a month. BUT, KC tells them that the murder of the jogger caused her mother not to let her jog there, for the longest time. WTF?

At this point in the interview she has already been confronted with her lies and has admitted that everything she said to them (except for ZFG) was a lie, then tells them that she went to Valencia College for 1 1/2 years! There is no end to her lying. Plus she is stupid. Her lies are stupid.

They tell her everything she has told them is a lie and she admits it, then gives them some new lies. Unbelievable.

The 2 guys that pushed her car into the Amscot lot - what? They just so happened to be able to push it all the way into the lot and BACK it up to the dumpster. She says she left TWO notes on the car. TWO? One wasn't sufficient?

Caylee has only had one cold in her entire life and it only lasted 2 days. So says KC. Every one else on the planet experiences a cold for 2 weeks except in magic land where KC lives but either she is too stupid to know this or thinks that a 2 day cold is proof that she is a good mother. I just do not get this. It is like saying, "she broke her leg once, but was walking without a cast in less than a week." Wonderchild!

"With her looks, she can easily be distinguished, even if someone cut her hair." KC. "How so?" LE. Silence for a moment then, "well, she has dark brown hazel eyes and a little mark on her shoulder, like a line that looks like a birthmark." (Thanks for that helpful info!)

"I am taking you to places that she is familiar with, places where I have seen her." KC, talking about Caylee. "How would she get here (Universal Studios), a cab?" LE (lol)

Places where I have seen her?????

This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

I was once involved in a case where we had a nutty liar who communicated just like KC. Point out one lie or unbelievable scenario and he would answer with something equally insane. It was impossible to get anywhere with him. Of course, he was trying with all his might to commit insurance fraud and collect for a fire loss of things he never owned and it would have been funny if it wasn't so serious a case of perjury. He was of low IQ and did not know that there were people who were naturally smarter than he, did not know he was stupid, so nothing that was pointed out to him about his lies had any impact whatsoever. He was a criminal and a very dumb person. Not dumb in that he did foolish things, dumb as in lack of mental capacity. He may have actually been retarded, but able to function without 24/7/365 assistance.

I think KC is the same. I think she is of low IQ and may actually be mentally retarded.

Baez needs to get someone to test her. I think she operates on a very low level. It would explain why her family treats her with kid gloves and didn't want her leaving with Caylee or having full responsibility of Caylee.

It isn't a personality disorder, she is just low on the IQ scale.
Wow Dotsyes. That was a mouthful! LOL.

I am not sure I think she is mentally retarded...or even has a low IQ. I think most of her lies came from desperation. She had little time to think or react and she just spit them out. So they are not good and not very believable. She was grasping at straws! She was cornered and all she could really do was make up stuff. I think her objective was to "postpone" any consequences. Lies have worked for her in the past (apparently) so she stuck with it. Part of why she is a bad liar is because she speaks too much and speaks before thinking. That is a lack of impulse control - which she has clearly demonstrated in other areas of her life.
Dots Eye ..... great post. KC has a personality disorder. What you described is how sociopaths work .... in the moment. They believe what they say is reality.

It is reality, their reality not the person(s) they are conversing with.

I picked up on many of your comments you wrote of. My daughter lives in the same world KC and other sociopaths live in so it was easy for me to follow what she was saying while knowing it was nothing but lies and a roundabout way to cover her deeds of deceit. I just shook my head in disbelief while reading or listening to any of the A's interviews.
Well, the examination of the bones is not an autopsy at all. The defense needs about 3 inches of bone to do whatever it will do forensically and the experts need to look over the remains. Things may be stalled because they are all on holiday. Baez should take the crime scene photos to KC so she can see them for herself.

Here is my rant. I just listened to KC's recorded LE interviews for the first time. I think she is mentally challenged and I am serious about this. She uses words she hears other people use, but she uses them out of context or in contradiction to their meaning. She cannot follow one train of thought to another, or one conversation to another. There is a gap in her understanding and comprehension of basic conversation and communication.

During the interview she talks about how Caylee loved JBP. The officer says "Oh where the jogger was murdered." KC responds "yeah, after that my mom wouldn't let me jog there for the longest time, she wouldn't even let me jog around places like Chickasaw."

The murder of the jogger was June 9th. KC is telling LE at this moment in time that this was the last day she saw Caylee and LE already knows that KC hasn't been around the house for a month. BUT, KC tells them that the murder of the jogger caused her mother not to let her jog there, for the longest time. WTF? :floorlaugh:

At this point in the interview she has already been confronted with her lies and has admitted that everything she said to them (except for ZFG) was a lie, then tells them that she went to Valencia College for 1 1/2 years! There is no end to her lying. Plus she is stupid. Her lies are stupid.:violin:

They tell her everything she has told them is a lie and she admits it, then gives them some new lies. Unbelievable.:pinocchio:

The 2 guys that pushed her car into the Amscot lot - what? They just so happened to be able to push it all the way into the lot and BACK it up to the dumpster. She says she left TWO notes on the car. TWO? One wasn't sufficient?:talker:

Caylee has only had one cold in her entire life and it only lasted 2 days. So says KC. Every one else on the planet experiences a cold for 2 weeks except in magic land where KC lives but either she is too stupid to know this or thinks that a 2 day cold is proof that she is a good mother. I just do not get this. It is like saying, "she broke her leg once, but was walking without a cast in less than a week." Wonderchild!

"With her looks, she can easily be distinguished, even if someone cut her hair." KC. "How so?" LE. Silence for a moment then, "well, she has dark brown hazel eyes and a little mark on her shoulder, like a line that looks like a birthmark." (Thanks for that helpful info!)

"I am taking you to places that she is familiar with, places where I have seen her." KC, talking about Caylee. "How would she get here (Universal Studios), a cab?" LE (lol):crazy:

Places where I have seen her?????

This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

I was once involved in a case where we had a nutty liar who communicated just like KC. Point out one lie or unbelievable scenario and he would answer with something equally insane. It was impossible to get anywhere with him. Of course, he was trying with all his might to commit insurance fraud and collect for a fire loss of things he never owned and it would have been funny if it wasn't so serious a case of perjury. He was of low IQ and did not know that there were people who were naturally smarter than he, did not know he was stupid, so nothing that was pointed out to him about his lies had any impact whatsoever. He was a criminal and a very dumb person. Not dumb in that he did foolish things, dumb as in lack of mental capacity. He may have actually been retarded, but able to function without 24/7/365 assistance.

I think KC is the same. I think she is of low IQ and may actually be mentally retarded.

Baez needs to get someone to test her. I think she operates on a very low level. It would explain why her family treats her with kid gloves and didn't want her leaving with Caylee or having full responsibility of Caylee.

It isn't a personality disorder, she is just low on the IQ scale.

Now that was a Rant........& a Good one!!
Well, the examination of the bones is not an autopsy at all. The defense needs about 3 inches of bone to do whatever it will do forensically and the experts need to look over the remains. Things may be stalled because they are all on holiday. Baez should take the crime scene photos to KC so she can see them for herself.

Here is my rant. I just listened to KC's recorded LE interviews for the first time. I think she is mentally challenged and I am serious about this. She uses words she hears other people use, but she uses them out of context or in contradiction to their meaning. She cannot follow one train of thought to another, or one conversation to another. There is a gap in her understanding and comprehension of basic conversation and communication.

During the interview she talks about how Caylee loved JBP. The officer says "Oh where the jogger was murdered." KC responds "yeah, after that my mom wouldn't let me jog there for the longest time, she wouldn't even let me jog around places like Chickasaw."

The murder of the jogger was June 9th. KC is telling LE at this moment in time that this was the last day she saw Caylee and LE already knows that KC hasn't been around the house for a month. BUT, KC tells them that the murder of the jogger caused her mother not to let her jog there, for the longest time. WTF?

At this point in the interview she has already been confronted with her lies and has admitted that everything she said to them (except for ZFG) was a lie, then tells them that she went to Valencia College for 1 1/2 years! There is no end to her lying. Plus she is stupid. Her lies are stupid.

They tell her everything she has told them is a lie and she admits it, then gives them some new lies. Unbelievable.

The 2 guys that pushed her car into the Amscot lot - what? They just so happened to be able to push it all the way into the lot and BACK it up to the dumpster. She says she left TWO notes on the car. TWO? One wasn't sufficient?

Caylee has only had one cold in her entire life and it only lasted 2 days. So says KC. Every one else on the planet experiences a cold for 2 weeks except in magic land where KC lives but either she is too stupid to know this or thinks that a 2 day cold is proof that she is a good mother. I just do not get this. It is like saying, "she broke her leg once, but was walking without a cast in less than a week." Wonderchild!

"With her looks, she can easily be distinguished, even if someone cut her hair." KC. "How so?" LE. Silence for a moment then, "well, she has dark brown hazel eyes and a little mark on her shoulder, like a line that looks like a birthmark." (Thanks for that helpful info!)

"I am taking you to places that she is familiar with, places where I have seen her." KC, talking about Caylee. "How would she get here (Universal Studios), a cab?" LE (lol)

Places where I have seen her?????

This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

I was once involved in a case where we had a nutty liar who communicated just like KC. Point out one lie or unbelievable scenario and he would answer with something equally insane. It was impossible to get anywhere with him. Of course, he was trying with all his might to commit insurance fraud and collect for a fire loss of things he never owned and it would have been funny if it wasn't so serious a case of perjury. He was of low IQ and did not know that there were people who were naturally smarter than he, did not know he was stupid, so nothing that was pointed out to him about his lies had any impact whatsoever. He was a criminal and a very dumb person. Not dumb in that he did foolish things, dumb as in lack of mental capacity. He may have actually been retarded, but able to function without 24/7/365 assistance.

I think KC is the same. I think she is of low IQ and may actually be mentally retarded.

Baez needs to get someone to test her. I think she operates on a very low level. It would explain why her family treats her with kid gloves and didn't want her leaving with Caylee or having full responsibility of Caylee.

It isn't a personality disorder, she is just low on the IQ scale.

Finally, someone else sees what I see. Folks kept telling me how brilliant and cunning this KC chick is and I kept saying I don't think soo..finally I quit saying anything at all. Well, there is at least 2 of us that think this girl is a brick shy of a full load.
Dot's Eye...I believe that there is a very strange, non-trditional word choice and sentence structure coming from Casey. I'm not sure that she would test below 70, but I do believe that she does not have a good command of language. She tries to sound smart by using many run-on phrases to give (false) detail to her statements. I believe she may be mimicking (sp) how she thinks intelligent people sound.

Sunday night brain here. Not sure I made any sense, but will leave it posted for general entertainment. :)
People are still giving this murderer money! A woman just send $20.
GA REGULARLY gives her money according to the news...........
how does an unemployed family afford to send kc regular payments
to keep her happy? Money that was intended for CAYLEE??? so kc can
have kool aid and snicker's????
I'm ranting!
Dot's Eye...I believe that there is a very strange, non-trditional word choice and sentence structure coming from Casey. I'm not sure that she would test below 70, but I do believe that she does not have a good command of language. She tries to sound smart by using many run-on phrases to give (false) detail to her statements. I believe she may be mimicking (sp) how she thinks intelligent people sound.

Sunday night brain here. Not sure I made any sense, but will leave it posted for general entertainment. :)

I am having Sunday brain right along with you texaslb218!

I think she tries to speak very directly and very succinctly (sp?), and under as much control as she can muster. But in doing so she chooses words that are not part of her normal vocabulary. She is not speaking the way she normally speaks. You can tell the obvious difference between her interviews with LE where she is "on guard"...and the first jailhouse call where she seems to be speaking more freely. You see the real Casey in that call.
With her parents, she seemed to always be saying "just the right thing". What you would expect someone to say...and it didn't come across sincere at all.
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