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Nothing on ebay yet but back issues of magazines with the story, I checked.
As for why they want so much info, probably so they can beg you for more money later.

The book Caylee read at the nursing home some want over $100.00 for.
It retailed for $2.95 in 1985. I purchased one from a humble grandmother off of ebay for about the original price that is worn and broken down but I would not part with it. I had to have the book to know what Caylee was saying. Here are some links where people are trying to make $$$$ off a childs book.


I see one book 2009 Edition in the Library of Congress in Washington DC (It says printed 2009 - 1 copy for Library of congress)
I wish they would reproduce this book in memory of Caylee.


Here also is a view of the book I scanned.

There is so much to RANT about, where do I start ? The sale of Caylee T-shirts and bracelets after her death is #1, I am sickened over this. Their greed has no boundaries. The fact that they can put out T-shirts and bracelets for sale while being unable to prepare a decent burial for their Granddaughter is horrific. When most people think they can go no lower, they lower the bar yet again.
I agree with everything you said until we got to the cremation. This is an acceptable practice, not an abominable act. The abominable act, IMO, is no measures have been taken at this point, and the remains of a two-year-old child are just sitting around, like this isn't any kind of priority.
Darn. I should have clarified my post. I have no problem with cremation whatsoever and no problem with persons who decide that cremation is the best choice for their loved one. What happened is.....long ago, I was ranting that if Caylee was ever found, the defense would probably want her cremated (to try and hide evidence). Fast forward to now after Caylee has been found....my suspicions about everyone's motives in this matter apply to everything, including cremation. In other words, with all that's been said and done, it wouldn't surprise me if defendant and/or her parents wanted the cremation to occur for self-serving/nefarious reasons. And to be honest, I think about all the physical trauma to poor Caylee's body and I just hate the thought of ANYONE touching her remains (even if just to place her in a crematorium). Such disrespect has been shown to her at so many levels I really could just cry.
For the longest time I didn't even read the "rants" threads but with the events of late I find myself reading more and more of them as I, too, also now feel the need to vent.

I like to vent only to myself (or DH lol) because when I do I tend to not only get "snarky" but sometimes downright nasty.

I am a very strong willed person with a stalwart constitution however the myspace begging for donations and hawking of t-shirts by these vultures actually made me sick to my stomach.

This poor child NEVER HAD A CHANCE. period. Some continue to say that the A's truly loved that child - I CALL FOUL ON THAT ONE !!!! These people no NOTHING OF LOVE. Unless that love is connected to $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

After this latest development I really really really question their motives IN ALL OF THIS. CA herself said they were on the verge of financial ruin in the beginning - BIG CHANGE now riding around in limos and appearing on national TV, all the while screaming at the "regular" people to get off their asses and look for HER granddaughter.

Call it what you want: karma, judgement day, what goes around comes around, whatever. Their lives will be miserable and intolerable for whatever time they have left on this earth.

This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what other people think of them - I really wonder what they must think of themselves.

Since the announcement that it was Caylee - they have:
1) publicly announced that LP was NOT invited to the public memorial
2) allowed Caylee to lie in a refrigerator awaiting a final resting place for weeks
3) not once fought JB for the right to lay her to rest (or even announced that this is the case)
4) claimed ownership to a video they have never seen
5) but won't comment on said video until a "later date"
6) claimed ownership to mementos left for Caylee at a public memorial site
7) decided to donate said mementos because, after all, they are theirs to do with what they want (and get the tax deduction that goes along with it)
8) made not one public thank you to the people who have sent condolence cards or flowers
9) HAWK T-SHIRTS AND BRACELETS LEFT OVER from searches they NEVER participated in or paid for

I'm done - literally I'm done, toast, fried.

Ok - I think I feel a little better and I'll crawl back over to my corner for now.

Thank you.
I don't want to offend anyone because this is such a sensitive topic, so with great respect to all, I just want to say that cremation is very acceptable and dignified way to honour your loved ones. I'm going for surgery on the 22nd and my 11 year old daughter told me if I should die, that she will have me cremated and turned into a diamond and wear me around her neck. She says she has heard it is very expensive, but I am worth it. Made me smile and then of course I reassured her that I would be alright.

Many are up in arms about Caylee being possibly cremated to get rid of any other potential evidence. I'm sure Dr. G was very thorough and there is little else that would be of any evidentiary value. My friends cousin was shot in the back of the head in a violent attack and was laid in a beautiful coffin. It was a beautiful service that was held within a weeks time of his death. After the service he was privately cremated, casket and all. I am outraged as is everyone else that Caylee hasn't had a service yet, but it isn't the grandparents doing (and I'm ticked off at them re: the shirts and bracelets), it is the defense that is holding up this sweet babies funeral. I'm drifting off my original topic, I just wanted to say that cremation is fine. If anything should happen to my daughter, I would have her cremated, as I would want to be, and I would keep her close to me for the rest of my life. Everyone is entitled to their choice of final arrangements. I don't understand the arguements.

I agree with you that cremation is a very acceptable arraingment. My brother was cremated after being hit by a train. It was really the only option we had, considering the COD, but I have never had a problem with cremation and have even talked to my husband about it as a possibilty for myself. But, when I read your post, it made me think this: Who would get the ashes of Caylee afterwards? My mother has my brothers. Clearly, KC wouldn't get them in her cell with her, so I guess CA/GA would get them? Or LA? Kinda makes me shutter to even think of it!
I don't want to offend anyone because this is such a sensitive topic, so with great respect to all, I just want to say that cremation is very acceptable and dignified way to honour your loved ones. I'm going for surgery on the 22nd and my 11 year old daughter told me if I should die, that she will have me cremated and turned into a diamond and wear me around her neck. She says she has heard it is very expensive, but I am worth it. Made me smile and then of course I reassured her that I would be alright.

Many are up in arms about Caylee being possibly cremated to get rid of any other potential evidence. I'm sure Dr. G was very thorough and there is little else that would be of any evidentiary value. My friends cousin was shot in the back of the head in a violent attack and was laid in a beautiful coffin. It was a beautiful service that was held within a weeks time of his death. After the service he was privately cremated, casket and all. I am outraged as is everyone else that Caylee hasn't had a service yet, but it isn't the grandparents doing (and I'm ticked off at them re: the shirts and bracelets), it is the defense that is holding up this sweet babies funeral. I'm drifting off my original topic, I just wanted to say that cremation is fine. If anything should happen to my daughter, I would have her cremated, as I would want to be, and I would keep her close to me for the rest of my life. Everyone is entitled to their choice of final arrangements. I don't understand the arguements.
Hi. I respect your point about cremation and I clarified my post accordingly in post number 506. Thanks for your insight. PS - Still, I think there have been some delays on the part of the Anthonys. I mean, what's holding up the funeral now?
There is so much to RANT about, where do I start ? The sale of Caylee T-shirts and bracelets after her death is #1, I am sickened over this. Their greed has no boundaries. The fact that they can put out T-shirts and bracelets for sale while being unable to prepare a decent burial for their Granddaughter is horrific. When most people think they can go no lower, they lower the bar yet again.

Kind of like a limbo contest? How low can you go? How low can you go?
Thanks to many of you for using the rant thread instead of posting your rants in threads or starting new threads to make your rant known LOL.
There are a lot of people on this site and there are a lot of people that are frustrated and full of rantiness So if we had new threads for every rant we would not get much discussion in. So a big THANK YOU to all of you for letting off your steam in here.

Remember this is a not for rant discussion but rather to let off steam.
There is so much to RANT about, where do I start ? The sale of Caylee T-shirts and bracelets after her death is #1, I am sickened over this. Their greed has no boundaries. The fact that they can put out T-shirts and bracelets for sale while being unable to prepare a decent burial for their Granddaughter is horrific. When most people think they can go no lower, they lower the bar yet again.

mo money $$$ mo money $$$ mo money

have they at least marked the merchandise down i.e. special sale price while they last.....
Since the announcement that it was Caylee - they have:
1) publicly announced that LP was NOT invited to the public memorial
2) allowed Caylee to lie in a refrigerator awaiting a final resting place for weeks
3) not once fought JB for the right to lay her to rest (or even announced that this is the case)
4) claimed ownership to a video they have never seen
5) but won't comment on said video until a "later date"
6) claimed ownership to mementos left for Caylee at a public memorial site
7) decided to donate said mementos because, after all, they are theirs to do with what they want (and get the tax deduction that goes along with it)
8) made not one public thank you to the people who have sent condolence cards or flowers
9) HAWK T-SHIRTS AND BRACELETS LEFT OVER from searches they NEVER participated in or paid for's

l. Don't you love how LP was bashed around when he forked out $50,000 for the Anthony's (goes to show you how really sick Cindy is)

2. No rush to take care of Caylee's remains... what's the rush...we are still in denial that it is not Caylee.

3. The Anthoneys have made it very clear how they feel about Baez, now why is Cindy suddenly quiet?

4. Indeed, but however Cindy has not refused money for her appearances on shows and expects everyone else including their own attorney to work for FREE.

5. Can't comment until Anthony's get immunity!

6. After Lee trashed the memorials left at the Anthony home and I bet per "Cindy" I don't want that trash on my property. Lee removed it immediately and Cindy laid claim to anything else left at the corner of her street. As long as she didn't have to see the items she could still deny!

7. Cindy still is in denial and I'm awaiting her to say that it's not Caylee next. She wants no reminder of Caylee being murdered around her. Zanny took Caylee remember? And if given immunity she will continue to weave webs of lies for KC

8. What do you mean Cindy doesn't owe anyone anything. It is owed to her and her family!

9. Not only did they not participate in a search they didn't even walk their own neighborhood looking for Caylee. And Cindy obstructed in every search effort carried on by TES and LP
One more thing ..

Is Cindy still hawking the Caylee Tote Bags?
Since the announcement that it was Caylee - they have:
1) publicly announced that LP was NOT invited to the public memorial
2) allowed Caylee to lie in a refrigerator awaiting a final resting place for weeks
3) not once fought JB for the right to lay her to rest (or even announced that this is the case)
4) claimed ownership to a video they have never seen
5) but won't comment on said video until a "later date"
6) claimed ownership to mementos left for Caylee at a public memorial site
7) decided to donate said mementos because, after all, they are theirs to do with what they want (and get the tax deduction that goes along with it)
8) made not one public thank you to the people who have sent condolence cards or flowers
9) HAWK T-SHIRTS AND BRACELETS LEFT OVER from searches they NEVER participated in or paid for

I have never thought G&C, especially C, behaved like grieving grandparents. Actions speak louder than words.
One more thing ..

Is Cindy still hawking the Caylee Tote Bags?

Last time I saw Cindy she was carrying the Caylee Tote Bag. I guess there is only One of those just for her. Those items really got to me from the get go when I saw Cindy wearing all of those bracelets. This was not about a fashion show, this was a murdered child that needed to be found!:furious::furious::furious::behindbar
Thanks to many of you for using the rant thread instead of posting your rants in threads or starting new threads to make your rant known LOL.
There are a lot of people on this site and there are a lot of people that are frustrated and full of rantiness So if we had new threads for every rant we would not get much discussion in. So a big THANK YOU to all of you for letting off your steam in here.

Remember this is a not for rant discussion but rather to let off steam.
And then there are those of you that think TOS can be violated or name calling is acceptable on this thread.
Vacations will be handed out liberally for that :)
And then there are those of you that think TOS can be violated or name calling is acceptable on this thread.
Vacations will be handed out liberally for that :)

I have not called anyone unusual.......:blowkiss:

Sorry could not resist....I will go to the corner now.
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