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so, your baby is kidnapped - but you decide that you will conduct your own investigation..... ummmmmmm ok there could reasons for doing such a thing
its stupid but i could see it as a possibility -- kind of

so after day one of striking out you decide to keep investigating yourself

you check all the obvious places where a kidnapper could keep a child such as

still you have found nothing after 3-4 days
but you still decide to keep it a secret and continue on your search

one week has passed and you have found zero information

you continue looking at the 5 places listed above

2 weeks have passed by and you keep telling people the baby is with the nany or grandparents BUT you continue with your searching

3 weeks go by you still have zero information on the whereabouts of baby

4 weeks go by - still no information with your own investigation


see, when you look at this way - its truly unbelievable


Then-after your mother does her own investigation to find you-you finally breakdown and tell her and your brother the nanny has Caylee! Still,you don't call LE-your mother does!! Finally, you have real detectives on the case and you do what? Take them to Universal studios!! You take them there why? Because :eek: now the law is involved and you need time to come up with some details for this BS story that you told your mother!!
Well, LE doesn't buy your story because it's full of lies and makes NO sense!! So, now you are arrested! Big shock huh! So rather than give the REAL detectves something to work with-you clam up and lawyer up.
Well, Brainiac-what's your next move? Why not get big brother to investigate? Sure that makes sense. He's watched as much CSI as you, surely he can find Caylee!! So, let's give him as many tips as you can using your special code and see if he can find the baby!
Anyone care to finish this - I need a break!!:seeya:
This Christmas should have been a GREAT one for Caylee...
A real pix with Santa...mine were 3 before they quit being scared....
Making Christmas cookies and simple homeade ornaments for the tree....
Setting out the cookies and eggnog for Santa and the carrots for his reindeer...
Watching ALL the claymation and cartoon Christmas specials...
Beggining to LEARN what Christmas is truly about...
AND THE WORST thing is the Anthony FAMILY seems heck bent on getting or receiving immunity from (this or that....) as USUAL ONLY THINKING of THEMSELVES......and that REALLY BOTHERS ME......
I have a rant today...well...sort of. It has been bothering me that when Caylee is "reading" her book she first mentions "Momma and Papa" then in her song she mentions "please don't take Nan's sunshine away". Have we overlooked these?

We were told Caylee called the grands, "Cici and Papa". Was she calling Shirley, "Nan"? Were "Momma and Papa" part of the wording in the book she mentioned from memory?

What are they hiding now? Why hasn't this "Nan" been brought up by the A fam? (Please don't try to tell me she is singing about the non-existent Nanny either!! I am not buying it.)
SS could Nan be short for NANA....Maybe even at her tender age Caylee knew she was a point of friction between Cindy and Casey....In a tug of war of sorts ....and she WANTED to stay with NANA...(Cindy)?
My first rant of this day is that Caylee's body was found 20 days ago, and she hasn't been laid to rest yet. I am so angry that a living person who is confined to jail can be more important than laying this child to rest, and then, the defense isn't through with the body yet, BS, Christmas is a vacation for the living, not the dead, GEt off your bottoms and allow this baby to be buried!:furious:
My rant today is the many times I've heard someone mention Caseys looks, it's like they think she couldn't have possibly done something so terrible because she is one of the "pretty ones"
Good gawd people wake up!
Now if I had met Casey before any of this happened I don't know what I would have thought about her as far as looks go, but I just don't see any raving beauty here.
imo she is plain and quite ordinary, Caylee was the beauty and her mother was jealous!!

This Christmas should have been a GREAT one for Caylee...
A real pix with Santa...mine were 3 before they quit being scared....
Making Christmas cookies and simple homeade ornaments for the tree....
Setting out the cookies and eggnog for Santa and the carrots for his reindeer...
Watching ALL the claymation and cartoon Christmas specials...
Beggining to LEARN what Christmas is truly about...
AND THE WORST thing is the Anthony FAMILY seems heck bent on getting or receiving immunity from (this or that....) as USUAL ONLY THINKING of THEMSELVES......and that REALLY BOTHERS ME......

Yes this Christmas would have been a wonderful one for a little girl like Caylee, also she would have had her 3rd birthday to celebrate which would have been full of fun for her!!

I am so sick of KC!! and the liar family! JB gang...... Arrest them all, separate all of them, get to the truth.............focus on CAYLEE R.I.P. ranting big time......huge waste!!! these people are trash...........CAYLEE was NOT!!
Then-after your mother does her own investigation to find you-you finally breakdown and tell her and your brother the nanny has Caylee! Still,you don't call LE-your mother does!! Finally, you have real detectives on the case and you do what? Take them to Universal studios!! You take them there why? Because :eek: now the law is involved and you need time to come up with some details for this BS story that you told your mother!!
Well, LE doesn't buy your story because it's full of lies and makes NO sense!! So, now you are arrested! Big shock huh! So rather than give the REAL detectves something to work with-you clam up and lawyer up.
Well, Brainiac-what's your next move? Why not get big brother to investigate? Sure that makes sense. He's watched as much CSI as you, surely he can find Caylee!! So, let's give him as many tips as you can using your special code and see if he can find the baby!
Anyone care to finish this - I need a break!!:seeya:

excellent work

excellent :)
My rant today is the many times I've heard someone mention Caseys looks, it's like they think she couldn't have possibly done something so terrible because she is one of the "pretty ones"
Good gawd people wake up!
Now if I had met Casey before any of this happened I don't know what I would have thought about her as far as looks go, but I just don't see any raving beauty here.
imo she is plain and quite ordinary, Caylee was the beauty and her mother was jealous!!


yep, ITA

i think she is hideous

look away :furious:
Even if Casey was superficially *pretty* she is very ugly and rotten on the inside. I think we will see this as time goes on and she is sitting around with no eyebrow tweezers or Biore nose strips, Lip-fusion, great lash, she was enhanced and when the enhancements stop....her real self will emerge.

when I see pics. of Caylee, I see natural shining beauty, wonder, happiness in discovering the world...the pictures really bother me, I cant let myself imagine what terror that baby suffered at the one person she should have trusted most.
I have a rant today...well...sort of. It has been bothering me that when Caylee is "reading" her book she first mentions "Momma and Papa" then in her song she mentions "please don't take Nan's sunshine away". Have we overlooked these?

We were told Caylee called the grands, "Cici and Papa". Was she calling Shirley, "Nan"? Were "Momma and Papa" part of the wording in the book she mentioned from memory?

What are they hiding now? Why hasn't this "Nan" been brought up by the A fam? (Please don't try to tell me she is singing about the non-existent Nanny either!! I am not buying it.)

When this was brought up before, someone said she called her great-grandmother Nana.
I used to post here a lot but have been unable to post much for a while now. I was drawn to this case originally because I had a strong feeling that Caylee was waiting and wanting to be found. I am so relieved that she has been...I still keep visiting and reading but I am so disapointed and disgusted with this family that I find it hard to continue to follow. I'm looking forward to conclusions now and am frustrated at how long everything is taking! There is SO MUCH more that still has to work its way out still - so many undercurrents, so much information!

Your instincts have ALWAYS been so good, PP.
Don't despair! She's guilty and will be charged accordingly! We spend a lot of time here on detail but if one steps out for a moment and looks in on the case, it's truly incredible how obvious it is that she is the only one that could have possibly killed Caylee.


There you go with that common sense, again, PP!:blowkiss::blowkiss::clap::clap::clap::):)
Even if Casey was superficially *pretty* she is very ugly and rotten on the inside. I think we will see this as time goes on and she is sitting around with no eyebrow tweezers or Biore nose strips, Lip-fusion, great lash, she was enhanced and when the enhancements stop....her real self will emerge.

when I see pics. of Caylee, I see natural shining beauty, wonder, happiness in discovering the world...the pictures really bother me, I cant let myself imagine what terror that baby suffered at the one person she should have trusted most.

Yep! KC is an empty Christmas box. If I said what I thought the box was filled with, I'd br on time out for five years.
I have a rant today...well...sort of. It has been bothering me that when Caylee is "reading" her book she first mentions "Momma and Papa" then in her song she mentions "please don't take Nan's sunshine away". Have we overlooked these?

We were told Caylee called the grands, "Cici and Papa". Was she calling Shirley, "Nan"? Were "Momma and Papa" part of the wording in the book she mentioned from memory?

What are they hiding now? Why hasn't this "Nan" been brought up by the A fam? (Please don't try to tell me she is singing about the non-existent Nanny either!! I am not buying it.)

I read in another thread here (can't find it now to save my life) but CA and GA were "CiCi" and "JoJo", the great grandparents were "Nana" and "Papa". So it seems that Shirley is the one that taught Caylee the "You are my sunshine" song.
First time poster so I hope I am doing the correctly.

My rant is this....even if KC is crazy, whacko, whatever. No doubt she killed poor Caylee (accident or intentional).....but it just blows my mind that she could deal with leaky, horrific smelling remains....it baffles me. I don't care how nuts she is.......she is a PSYCHO to deal with that. I can't get past it.
I'm so angry right now I could spit fire. I was reading the Abuse of Caylee thread :steamed: no :censored: no :curses: no :cursing: no :dervish: no :burn: yes that one :burn:.

It is very obvious there are some people who post here who have no idea what it's like to live with someone like KC. That's not your fault, good for you that you've never had that special kind of relationship, I wish no one ever had to go through it. But for others to imply that GA OR CA are responsible for what CA subjected Caylee to. Just burns me up.

To say CA didn't do enough to protect Caylee, :burn: I believe with all my being that Caylee was CA's life, if she only knew half of what that baby was going through there is no doubt in my mind she would have locked KC out of the house in a heartbeat. Yes, parental love can be blind but also when someone like KC is only letting you see what she wants you to see... there are no special glasses you can look through to see the truth. CA could only see what KC let her see. CA said herself she never knew KC and Ricardo "dated", when KC was shacked up with TonE, CA thought KC and Caylee were with Jeff (an old friend from HS) and his parents! The few times Caylee didn't sleep in her own bed, CA thought she was with a Nanny. Yes, she didn't know who the nanny was, but CA was trying to make KC into a responsible parent, how responsible could she be if CA over looked her every move? CA has to live with her blindness for the rest of her life, don't make it any worse than it is.

Saying the A's just needed to report KC to family services and Caylee would have been saved is so very naive. My ex took our 5 y o daughter into a pool bar. He left her bellied up to the bar drinking Shirley Temple's while he drank beer and played pool all afternoon, into the nite. This was "father-daughter bonding'' in his book. Did I call CPS? You can bet your a&& I did. Did it help? NO, no, no. They checked the place out and discovered it served finger food. That made it a "family establishment" and there was nothing they could do. To the credit of social worker who checked out the place, she did try to explain to my ex this wasn't the healthiest place for a 5 y o to be, but she couldn't force him to stop, nor could she threaten any retaliation if he wouldn't take her advice.

A short time later my (now 6 y o) daughter came home and told me (excitedly) that she and a little boy (age 8) got punished by her dad for having SEX, evidentially it wasn't the first time they were caught in the act, (hence the punishment) later she told me the next time they "had sex" she got to be on top. For just a minute think about how it would feel to know your child, your cherished baby daughter, at 6 years old had been introduced to a completely grown up world. I thought her innocence had been stolen forever and I thought the little boy must have been witness to something horrendous (in my eyes) to let this be something for him to know how to do. Once again I find out from CPS there is nothing they can do for my daughter (if there was 3 years between the kids ages they could have helped her). As it turned out for this little boy knew, penetration wasn't one of them. One good thing came out of it, the little boy it turns out had been abused and he was able to be helped out of the situation, because of my phone call. CPS is not the be all and end all to saving our children. If we're lucky we get someone who cares, and tries, and does what they can in their limited abilities with in the limits of the law.

All we can ever do as loving parents or grandparents is the best we can do. Don't hand out blame anywhere except to the guilty party. In this case KC Anthony.
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