Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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Like many of you, I expected to feel relieved once Caylee finally found her way home. But this picture I had in my head when I closed my eyes, of this beautiful little girl, on her elbows with her little hands under her chin....today I see a garbage bag, in a heap by the side of the road...and I see the glint of sunshine on a starch white skull, that those little hands once held up.....in that picture I used to have in my head. I hear "she's close Dad, she's close." I hear CA say how devoted KC was to this child and what an excellent mother she WAS. All of that comes back to me now in bits and stitches, and just when I think that my heart cannot break any more for this child I am still left reeling, trying to make SOME sense of ANY of it...STILL. And I close my eyes and I see that G*d D*mn bag in the dirt. Oh yes, I believed I was angry. But I had no idea what true loathing was, until I heard the news. I knew by the way my heart sank that it was Caylee. I don't need confirmation anymore.
I could have forgiven her. I swear, as God is my witness, I could have. Even if it were the carelessness of an inexperienced, inattentive young mother, I could have found it in my heart to forgive her because that is who I am and how I was raised. I wanted so badly to believe it was some bizarre, horrible accident, even though in my gut this little voice insisted that if it were an accident, she would have told the trith, even if it wasn't immediate. Unless there was something more hideous than what we knew to hide, I just couldn't believe that she would refuse to give Caylee back to her family...and to us, Caylee's friends.
I managed to make it through the day with fewer tears than yesterday. I took a shower and I had to go to the grocery store. As I shut my back door I was confronted with the most beautiful full moon I believe that I'd ever laid eyes on. She hung low in the sky and she seemed to say to me "here I am, LOOK AT ME" and then it hit me..... and I found myself in a heap on my back porch.
For six months, SIX F*CKING MONTHS that child lay in the dirt, waiting for someone to come for her. How many times did her "mother" drive by that very spot after she dumped her there, and she went on with her pathetic life as though that bag of trash she discarded in the dirt was nothing more than used food wrappers and household debris. Was Caylee aware? Did she see her mother and her grandma and Papa Jo every time they passed and never stopped?
You ever get so angry that even you know it's best for you to sit down somewhere and shut your mouth before things get broken? I'm not violent, never have been. I always understood that breaking things could get expensive. It's a wonder I didn't pitch my monitor out the front door just to watch it bounce down those ten steps. It took me an hour and a half to clean myself up off the back porch, get to the store a half mile down the street, and get back......and I only bought cat food. She's dead? Oh my God...that's all I keep saying. I keep hearing myself say that she's dead but now I think I am beginning to understand some of CA's denial. I was so willing to accept it before, and now I would give anything in this world to make it all go away. But I have simply to hit the x and walk away. What if it's YOUR granddaughter, YOUR daughter, and you CAN'T walk away? CA may be a lot of things. She may have made HUGE mistakes, but today I do not know how she has the strength to face another day. Her life, the lives of her family, and most importantly the life of that little girl, all lie in the dirt on Suburban Street together, and they will always be there for the rest of their days. I do not blame them, not directly. I've never been able to hold them responsible for this in my heart.
I've never been a supporter of the death penalty. I believe that there is something wrong with a system that punishes murderers by murdering them. I know, that may be narrow minded and childish, but it's nonetheless how I feel. Now I'm not so sure. I don't know if I hope KC lives for seventy years behind bars or if I wish for her to face the executioner.
And now enter Linda Baden? Is Jose about to be the next one to abandon this sinking ship? IS IT EVER GOING TO STOP? AM I EVER going to truly feel that this child has gotten any justice? HOW CAN CAYLEE POSSIBLY GET JUSTICE NOW? After what she went through and the way she was discarded like garbage, how can there ever be any measure of justice that will "make up" for what's become of this child? KC's head on a plate isn't enough to make any of this right.
I don't know how to feel anymore....I just don't know. I listened to the 911 call today (from yesterday) and heard the reaction of the dispatcher when the young man said "a skull, you know, in the Caylee Anthony area?" The sound she made after he said it sounded as if someone punched her in the gut. Even she knew, right then and there.
I don't know if she will get the death penalty but my guess is that those in the SA's office would much rather see her suffer in prison, for a long, long time. We'll see what the coming days bring. And still I hope that she has common decency, and the one shred of compassion it will take to lead her to TELL THE TRUTH KC.....say SOMETHING for God's sake. Make some effort to redeem yourself now or even God will foresake you and you will surely rot in hell for all eternity.
And in the meantime..... welcome to the first day of your worst nightmare KC. Welcome to reality. Stick THAT in your "Diary of Days." And by the way KC..."Life's tough...GET A HELMET!!" That's what you told your mother on your MySpace blog, wasn't it?
My rant is about Padilla!!! For months he has stated he was offering a $50K reward to the person who found Caylee. Now suddenly he claims he took that off the table because backyards were being trampled???? Give me a break. This guy is a con man and I cannot wait until LE catches up with him and brings up charges for his last stunt. That's far from over. I for one will NEVER watch his show if it ever gets on the air. His wild theory's have never amounted to anything. He lies about everything, and one day karma will bite him in the A$$!!!
My rant is about Padilla!!! For months he has stated he was offering a $50K reward to the person who found Caylee. Now suddenly he claims he took that off the table because backyards were being trampled???? Give me a break. This guy is a con man and I cannot wait until LE catches up with him and brings up charges for his last stunt. That's far from over. I for one will NEVER watch his show if it ever gets on the air. His wild theory's have never amounted to anything. He lies about everything, and one day karma will bite him in the A$$!!!

To some extent I have to agree. Particularly about the issue of the reward. The man who unwittingly uncovered Caylee's remains has not only made it possible for Caylee to be laid rest with honor and respect, but has also bolstered the case for against her killer. I think he deserves this and so much more.
My rant is of words and sayings in this case:

1.) From day 1
2.) reach out or reached out
3.) throw or thrown UNDER THE BUS - no more room left under the proverbial BUS for anyone else.
4.) Absolutely
5.) Most definately
6.) Like a normal day


Also, I am furious that little Caylee was tossed into a GARBAGE BAG! I am surprised that I feel so much hatred for Casey. Hatred will only hurt me, not Casey. I really have to deal with my feelings in this case. I am angry and disgusted. That is why I am mostly reading today.


Those things don't bother me nearly as much as "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car."
Or "I'm in here on a whim".
My rant? That KC will take this all the way to trial instead of pleading guilty. She will air every dirty secret of the family and destroy them all to save her own worthless hide.
My rant is about Padilla!!! For months he has stated he was offering a $50K reward to the person who found Caylee. Now suddenly he claims he took that off the table because backyards were being trampled???? Give me a break. This guy is a con man and I cannot wait until LE catches up with him and brings up charges for his last stunt. That's far from over. I for one will NEVER watch his show if it ever gets on the air. His wild theory's have never amounted to anything. He lies about everything, and one day karma will bite him in the A$$!!!
I tend to agree, however not quite as passionately. I have to admit that I have enjoyed LP's "daily revelations", no matter how far off base I felt them to be. LP is much like a circus, and even though I Know that I still buy a ticket and enter the bigtop anyway.
I am deeply appalled, however, that he rushed back to Orlawndo. He and TM feel this strong compulsion to keep their mugs in primetime, but now is not the proper time. I can see TM's need to keep raising money, for his organization needs it and they do good work. I can't offer LP that same reasoning. LP should go back to California after his polygraph, and begin writing his book.
All just my opinion of course! :)
Her voice makes me sick. Her calmness she had in these jail house videos makes me want to punch my computer. I can honestly say that I have followed this case since day 1. My mother told me about it on July 16 and said " there is a little girl missing for 31 days now and has not been reported till today" she reminds me of you when you were little, my mom said, the video of her with the book at the retirement home, captured my attention. F&*k U casey, you were blessed with a smart beautiful child and you go an do this. Then I think what I deal with every waking minute, an autistic non verbal daughter and I am pissed, angry, I mean really WHY WHY did she do this? So many women cannot have children, why not give her up for adoption. Why premeditate to kill your child. geez I feel violent towards her. Not only because of what she did to Caylee but she has done to all of us, good people with good hearts. I have to say I have let this case affect me in the following negative ways:
I stopped any form of exsercise and gained 20 + POUNDS since august
I have neglected household chores
I eat crap food that do not require time away from my computer
I have cried nearly daily that my husband asks if I am ok when he hears a sniffle
Postive affects:
I kiss and hug my daughter more than ever
I appreciate my husband more as he has become the house wife
I have the pleasure of reading thru insightful smart and great posts here
GA &CA had to stay at the Ritz to grieve the possible loss of their granddaughter. Stay at home and watch the video from the nursing home, remember the last time that CA saw her, sing "You are my sunshine". Everytime I see or just hear her little voice in that video it brings tears to my eyes. I am a parent and I don't understand the behaviors that they display.
I can't stand it when reporters call Caylee's death an accident! I'm sorry, but if you put duct tape over a child's mouth and that child dies, it is not an accident!

It just makes me want to SCREAM!!!
My rant right at this moment is that they locked the thread titled "Did Zanny Frame CA?" before I got to thank everyone for their responses. It was the first time I've chuckled in a few days. (And I thought the title was referring to Cindy-LOL!)
GA &CA had to stay at the Ritz to grieve the possible loss of their granddaughter. Stay at home and watch the video from the nursing home, remember the last time that CA saw her, sing "You are my sunshine". Everytime I see or just hear her little voice in that video it brings tears to my eyes. I am a parent and I don't understand the behaviors that they display.
If you have to stay in a hotel...order room service. Why on earth would you put yourself out there at this very private time?!
My rant:

Sources close to the case told Eyewitness News that Casey's parents, George and Cindy, may someday face criminal charges. Sources tipped Eyewitness News off that George and Cindy Anthony checked into the luxury Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Thursday night.

Meanwhile, Eyewitness News has learned the sheriff's office is looking into charging the Anthonys with obstruction of justice.

Rooms go for about $300 a night at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and sources say they Anthonys had dinner at Normans on Thursday night, where dinner could cost $100 a person. The Anthonys recently hired attorney Brad Conway to replace Mark NeJame.

Conway could not tell Eyewitness News who is paying for the room, but said the Anthonys needed peace and quiet.

"They want to be left alone. They want to grieve and go through the process without the publicity that's been focused on them so long," Conway said.


It *is* about the money.

I was mad yesterday. Today, I don't dare say what I really wanna say.

Delusions of grandeur! Where is the GRIEF???? GRRRRRRR!

Shutterfly--AWESOME!!! There is so much emotion in your post-you totally have me in tears.

Joyceandjay--same thing...only, you had me cracking up at the gained 20 pounds thing. I'm pretty sure I have, too. And, isn't it amazing how something like this completely makes you appreciate all of your loved ones even more than you ever did?
I am going to make an attempt to try to keep my feelings to myself and not subject others on the boards to the utter disgust I feel towards the entire vile, wretched Anthony family or their deplorable, repulsive actions. But little Caylee's head, duct tape and all, just rolled out of a garbage bag yesterday, less than half a mile from the family home. We should feel sorry for the family of this tiny precious victim? The family that has lied, tampered with evidence and done anything and everything in their power to cover up for the person that is charged with this baby's, their own grandbaby's, murder? Truly, is there really that much surprise that there is so much anger and hostility on the boards today? I'm sorry, I've searched my heart and can not find it within myself. There will be no sympathy or condolences from me, not today. To anyone that can give it, I readily admit you are bigger people than I am.
I am going to make an attempt to try to keep my feelings to myself and not subject others on the boards to the utter disgust I feel towards the entire vile, wretched Anthony family or their deplorable, repulsive actions. But little Caylee's head, duct tape and all, just rolled out of a garbage bag yesterday, less than half a mile from the family home. We should feel sorry for the family of this tiny precious victim? The family that has lied, tampered with evidence and done anything and everything in their power to cover up for the person that is charged with this baby's, their own grandbaby's, murder? Truly, is there really that much surprise that there is so much anger and hostility on the boards today? I'm sorry, I've searched my heart and can not find it within myself. There will be no sympathy or condolences from me, not today. To anyone that can give it, I readily admit you are bigger people than I am.

I have been refraining from posting on the condolence thread for the very same reasons...thanks for saying out loud what I have been feeling.

I should be feeling sorrow for the family of a murdered child, but I just can't muster that right now for the A's. I am still so angry with them for what has gone on these past 5 months.

But I will reserve my words of condolence till the remains are positively ID'd and ALL of the facts come out in this case and the truth of anyone's and or everyone's involvement in this crime are told.
Can you believe this?!?

They want to be left alone," said their attorney, Brad Conway. "They want to grieve and go through the process without the publicity that's been focused on them so long."


The public didn't make them go on every talk show spewing their deceitfulness!
Shutterfly what you wrote really was touching! Beautiful and so nicely worded! Alot of my own thoughts and brought tears to my eyes.

On another note, I do not agree with the reward money situation! Did Leonard actually state publically that he took the reward off the table? Maybe if George and Cindy collected money for the search for little Caylee they could give a reward to the meter reader. He is the true hero at the end of a long 6 month journey! Without him, who knows if she would have been found at all. Maybe George and Cindy should stay at an EconoLodge and eat Mcdonalds and give him a little cash for bringing their grandaughter home! :waitasec:
Throughout the entire Anthony episode I would want to scream out to GA, " What do you mean when you say george, It is what it is, " After our recent discovery I feel I may have gotten my answer from george. Not to far a stretch to figure out what he meant now. CA leaning sideways, clinching G's leg everytime LK asked him a question made me want to jump into my tv and grab her hand off of him and say, Let him speak his own thoughts !" How ironic their words set in stone to the world in such a short time after airing, came back to haunt them.
Can you believe this?!?

They want to be left alone," said their attorney, Brad Conway. "They want to grieve and go through the process without the publicity that's been focused on them so long."


The public didn't make them go on every talk show spewing their deceitfulness!

I just read further down in the article about the duct tape, tissue and hair.
I have the same sick feeling inside that I had when the facts about the condition of Laci and Connors bodies were told.
This is going to be truely horrifying when we finally know everything poor Caylee suffered in her last moments on earth.
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