Ranting Thread And Open Random Thoughts

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Read this through, please...it's not negative =)

1. this is a rant forum,

2. i dont know why any of you feel a need to defend yourselves...I was not singling anyone out,

3. I had good intentions of trying to keep the tone of WS the same. If you infer that I'm saying everyone doesn't have something to offer, I'm not.

4. Yes, I do think people ought to research...if the thread is moving too quickly, use the search feature and see if your idea has been discussed.

5. I'm sorry if anyone has felt not welcome or belittled in any way. We do welcome your opinions...and I can only speak for myself in saying that I just want to keep things cordial and productive.

If anyone wishes to PM me and discuss anything, I'll answer whatever I can about WS to you. We recently had a big upheavel with members right before this case and things haven't re-adjusted since. It was hard on a lot of members.

Please be patient with us, too and we can all get along really well. I will not make comments that include "new" anymore - I didn't research that myself (and should have). I should have said "those that try to change the tone of the forums".
Here's a rant about some of the new posters on this site that have come out of the woodworks because of this case: I'm so disappointed by the type of posts I'm seeing in the main discussion thread...I can't believe some of the derogatory statements...I've noticed that most of the "regulars" on WS aren't even posting there much..myself included.

Kudos to everyone that is being respectful about the case and WS, but shame on the people who have turned some threads into non-productive trash talk.


I also noticed some speculation get pretty wild and it later being taken as fact by others. It doesn't help posters or the case at all. I check in now/then, but nothing more.
I'm not a new poster. I couldn't remember the old log in information and had to reregister.

I don't know that it's right to place blame on "new" posters. I was shocked to see a new poster told the other day by a "seasoned" poster that, we've already discussed that. Do you think LE thinks that way? Oh, we don't want a new opinion or thought because "we've already discussed that."

I stopped posting and reading as much because I didn't like the ugliness that I was seeing. I am so grateful to ladybass (not the full nic) but that she is posting daily recaps. It's fantastic to be able to go right there and see what's going on.

I don't think a question by a newbie or someone who hasn't read word for word is bogging down a thread. It relates to the case and is as much a part of discussion as when it was first talked about.

Also, think back to being a new poster. Being afraid to "jump in." I would rather see a newbie ask a question that's been asked a million times as opposed to someone making that person feel stupid for asking a question. I can't stand reading, hey, we already discussed that. Hey, go read on another thread. Hey, that doesn't belong here. Do you not realize you are cluttering the thread by doing that? For as much energy as it takes to make a condescending post, you could just have easily pm'ed someone and directed them to another thread that the answer could be found in.

I am not directing this at you Truthful Lies. I am just ranting because this is a rant thread :)

I have never seen the Websleuths forums in such a way as they have been on the Caylee thread the past few days. I hope there is improvement soon!

I agree, but I don't think that's what she meant. I think everyone loves new members and it can be confusing...especially, w/such busy threads. I know I had a difficult time with what could/could not be brought up a couple times. I'm 'new' too...only been here a year and not very active.:)

ETA: Another poster or two and I were even told by a brand new member to "take it private" w/an angry smilie. What we were talking about was related to the case...just a particular detail of it. It's just the rudeness and, as Truthful Lies put it, trash talk, that's not right. Emotions run high here (how could they not), so I know it's not easy to stifle things. You have no idea what I would like to say to Casey's parents (for instance)...but, at this time, they're just her family (not POI).
how can someone say that caylee is being well cared for yet not know where she is.
jeese louise i have to spay and neuter all the animals in my home cause i can't give away a puppy or kitten for fear it will not be cared for.
btw i live in a tiny town. there were 61 kids in the graduating class this year.
i went to a friends daughters 18 bday party and was amazed to see my kid and all her friends throwing gang signs. they got an earful from me how dangerous that was gonna be when they leave this town.

but if kids here are doing it it must be pretty pervasive today.

and hinebaougs i am so sorry for ur loss losing a child is losing part of ur soul. i wish i could say it gets better but it doesn't.
when my daughter was 2 she said she saw her sister in heaven before she was born. she gave me more comfort than anything anyone else ever said. i choose to believe her and hope u will too


and hinebaougs i am so sorry for ur loss losing a child is losing part of ur soul. i wish i could say it gets better but it doesn't.
when my daughter was 2 she said she saw her sister in heaven before she was born. she gave me more comfort than anything anyone else ever said. i choose to believe her and hope u will too


Thank you. You have a daughter in heaven as well. Your daughter's statement to you gave me chills and filled me with joy. Thank you for sharing that with me. I know my baby Grace is with the Lord and that comforts me to know I will be with her again, and you with your daughter as well. I prayed the other night for Grace and Caylee to be friends. I fell in love with Caylee when she was reading her little book - it made me laugh and cry. I send you a hug.
Watching cindy's behavior on Greta last night really disturbed me. Mainly when she was in Caylee's room. It hits personal to me because we lost our newborn daughter Grace this past February (she lived her whole 28 minutes of life in my arms).

I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine what you have gone through. I was never blessed with children. I wanted a dozen. God Bless you and your husband and everyone else who loved and waited for your little one to be born and loved. Grace is a lovely name.
OK... here is my rant.

Cindy talks to the media and states that people who are looking at the tabloid pics should be looking for her daughter... Ugh. I'm sorry, but she's in essence placing the burden on everyone else in a way- you know?
I'm not a new poster. I couldn't remember the old log in information and had to reregister.

I don't know that it's right to place blame on "new" posters. I was shocked to see a new poster told the other day by a "seasoned" poster that, we've already discussed that. Do you think LE thinks that way? Oh, we don't want a new opinion or thought because "we've already discussed that."

I stopped posting and reading as much because I didn't like the ugliness that I was seeing. I am so grateful to ladybass (not the full nic) but that she is posting daily recaps. It's fantastic to be able to go right there and see what's going on.

I don't think a question by a newbie or someone who hasn't read word for word is bogging down a thread. It relates to the case and is as much a part of discussion as when it was first talked about.

Also, think back to being a new poster. Being afraid to "jump in." I would rather see a newbie ask a question that's been asked a million times as opposed to someone making that person feel stupid for asking a question. I can't stand reading, hey, we already discussed that. Hey, go read on another thread. Hey, that doesn't belong here. Do you not realize you are cluttering the thread by doing that? For as much energy as it takes to make a condescending post, you could just have easily pm'ed someone and directed them to another thread that the answer could be found in.

I am not directing this at you Truthful Lies. I am just ranting because this is a rant thread :)

I have never seen the Websleuths forums in such a way as they have been on the Caylee thread the past few days. I hope there is improvement soon!
I thought I was the only one seeing this.
Moreover,facts are being twisted and rumors spread as fact. We are playing operator.
I hope things calm down and everyone thinks before they post and back up claims with links.
Holy crap Jbean! 28,000 posts? We registered the same year too! Good job!
I didn't mean to make it sound like I was getting onto Truthful Lies at all. I probably shouldn't have quoted them. Sorry about that. I was just ranting and hopefully making the seasoned remember they were new once and letting the newbies know to jump in. It does go REALLY fast at times, but I think everybody's voices are worth being heard.

I don't think there is a better place to come for news about Caylee than WS. Thanks for allowing me to rant :)
Holy crap Jbean! 28,000 posts? We registered the same year too! Good job!
hahaha I am not so sure if it's really representative of a good job. But you could say I have been around the block here at WS a few times.
I didn't mean to make it sound like I was getting onto Truthful Lies at all. I probably shouldn't have quoted them. Sorry about that. I was just ranting and hopefully making the seasoned remember they were new once and letting the newbies know to jump in. It does go REALLY fast at times, but I think everybody's voices are worth being heard.

I don't think there is a better place to come for news about Caylee than WS. Thanks for allowing me to rant :)
I think new members are critical to WS and all are welcomed. but I also think it is important for new members to make sure they get a handle on how things work so they can jump in and post as soon as possible and contribute in a constructive way. but I should also say this doesn't only apply to new members. There are many old members that still haven't gotten with the program lol.
Welcome and post away! Lord knows I do.

I got on board during Laci and it was intimidating to post with so many knowledgeable posters ahead of me. But I got in the swing of things and have never stopped. i was scolded a few times by seasoned posters but I got over it as you can see :)
My rant: I wish the local Florida reporter on Nancy Grace would stop saying Casey was "bumping and grinding" whenever Nancy asks him questions while showing the pictures of Casey dancing at the club.
QUOTE=Truly;2461117]Why is the reward money being posted by Pete Benevides and the http://neverlosehopefoundation.org (whom the IRS are investigating for illegally posing as a 501c3 charity organization)? Why does the financier of the reward monies (Pete Benevides) have massive criminal charges pending regarding fake 'dummy' corporations and insolvent million-dollar real-estate deals? Why is the reward money set for a fixed amount of time (90 days), and why does it come with a 'safe return' (on investment??) clause? There is something definitely sketch about the reward money and the people who have ostensibly posted it. QUOTE

great :detective: have you posted this elsewhere? haven't seen it before. Someone should look into it. That's good work!

Here's the link to the news article: http://www.wftv.com/9wantstoknow/16980411/detail.html

Thanks, and yes, there is a bit of discussion on the Pete Benevides thread. Join in! http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68427
All posters, even newbies like myself, lol, are more than welcome! :)
Can I just rant how much people in my life piss me off... can I say that here????

This case has so few people wanting to be on camera or on tv shows.

never have I seen such clams and people who have not come forward with anything like this?

Websurfer...this case is so bizarre that nothing really surprises me anymore...perhaps the people that would come forward don't want to be associated with this mess at all. Sad, but plausible.
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