I get so engrossed in the micro-analysis here, that sometimes when I take a step back I think "OH WOW, that is totally ridiculous behavior!" bc i forget how ridiculous KC's wacky behaviors are.
Watching the videos in target, just hours after she took Amy to the airport.. Was KC driving home and "Lalalalala oh, what's this? A checkbook? I should go shopping!" and pulls into target and buys a bunch of junk! And that makes me mad, too, when thieves buy stupid junk, not even like diapers or baby formula (stuff you'd understand). I mean, KC is in target, shopping for clothes for herself, lingerie, sunglasses and whatnot, fraudulently with her friend's checkbook.. WHAT DID SHE THINK WOULD HAPPEN WHEN AMY GOT HOME AND FOUND OUT?
Add to that the fact that KC's beautiful daughter is missing, umm, she is the most screwed up, wacked out person I have ever witnessed, and that is saying a lot!