Raven Pleads Guilty To Felony Embezzlement

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Jess said:
Samual Is there any other significance other than the strange spelling ? Am I missing something ?

Nope, just another example of an alias used by Raven. This family has a strange thing for changing their names.
golfmom said:
I forgot his name, it's in one of the threads around here ... and I probably have it noted in my records. But, another name he used was Samual Peters. Note the spelling Samual.
we have a thread on his addresses around here somewhere. Janet had another address at one time and weren't janet and raven separated for a few months??
Maybe Raven had them shipped to utah and operated his ebay business like that. maybe one of his buddies or siblings helped?? :confused:
Would love to know the exact address those shoes got shipped too. Were they shipped to somewhere in NC or Utah. That is something I hope the Da shared with LE.

I wonder how hard it would be to ship out a laptop and a knife used in a heinous murder?
golfmom said:
Maybe he found a good hiding spot for the shoes ... like the attic?
...or someone's alses attic............perhaps 'someone' in utah........
Jenifred said:
Now, Golfmom, what was the name of that Latino man you mentioned earlier? Could he have been the partner? Could Raven's mommy or brother have been the partner? I think that these are much better options as to where the shoes were being sent.
Jenifred, I have in some notes the name Jesus Duarte and that GM posted as someone who may be linked to the embezzelment case.

Found it. Here is that post: http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=669608&postcount=27
lauriej said:
...or someone's alses attic............perhaps 'someone' in utah........
It would have to be some other place besides his house. That house has been vacant since April 26, 2005 and raven is just now returning the shoes? Hmmm, bet if he "found" them at his mommy's house!
PrayersForMaura said:
we have a thread on his addresses around here somewhere. Janet had another address at one time and weren't janet and raven separated for a few months??
Maybe Raven had them shipped to utah and operated his ebay business like that. maybe one of his buddies or siblings helped?? :confused:
maybe he had a "girlfirend' who partnered up to help him move this stuff... could be why we haven't heard about her before... Raven could be "taking the fall for her"... do you think he thinks about anyone but himslef long enough to do something like that?
NCBanker said:
"Once he became a suspect, he cooperated with police and allowed them to search his computer and home for evidence needed for prosecution, Perez said."
So this would mean that Raven was quite aware of the fact that LE searches computers for evidence after a crime. Hmmmmm.
goodolebv said:
Mack told the judge that he has another 28 pairs of shoes that he will return to the Hillsborough Police Department in the next day or two as part of the restitution."

Well that was nice of Raven to hold onto the extra shoes just in case he met someone who needed a pair!:loser:
So he packed up these 28 pairs of shoes and moved them to Utah with him? I guess he had to hang onto them after being charged. Maybe his attorney stored them for him while he was in Utah so he didn't have to look at his guilt every single day when walking past that stack of shoe boxes. I wish that stack of shoe boxes was where the guilt began and ended.
golfmom said:
Maybe he found a good hiding spot for the shoes ... like the attic?
OMG. So true. And that brings us back to the question ... how could an attic not be searched during a murder investigation. IMO, wherever the shoes were, they were probably discovered by LE during the murder investigation if not admitted to by Raven earlier than that.

One thing this whole thing has taught me - I would be SO embarassed to go to court for embezzlement. What a complete embarassment for Raven. You had to pay some bills? How about selling some of the toys, pal? Or taking a second job like other husbands and fathers? And your poor wife had to spend the end of her life working to help pay off YOUR debt rather than being home with her baby boy like she really wanted. Truly pathetic, IMO. But at least he had that flashy VX - remember the looks he got while driving around in that car? That had to have made it all worth it for him. :rolleyes:

I'm disgusted this morning. :sick:
golfmom said:
Nope, just another example of an alias used by Raven. This family has a strange thing for changing their names.
I bet if we found all of the variations of Raven's name, we'd see that he's probably got a long history of this kind of cr*p. If he was desperate enough to embezzle as recently as December, it doesn't seem like there was enough time by April, (especially with both Raven and Janet losing their jobs), to have bounced back, (especially since Raven still had all of his toys). Sounds like one free money scheme after another in an attempt to have someone else pay his way. I hope with everything I am that there was no life insurance policy on Janet. Because I don't doubt that Raven was capable of shoplifting, skimming a few dollars from petty cash, etcetera etcetera - leading up to the embezzlement. Seems that he could have become more desperate and more brazen as time went by.
terminatrixator said:
I wonder how hard it would be to ship out a laptop and a knife used in a heinous murder?
I think it'd probably be easier to bury them in the woods or toss them into a nearby lake.
JerseyGirl said:
Because I don't doubt that Raven was capable of shoplifting, skimming a few dollars from petty cash, etcetera etcetera - leading up to the embezzlement. Seems that he could have become more desperate and more brazen as time went by.

Don't forget to throw in a little arson while you're at it. :furious:
golfmom said:
Don't forget to throw in a little arson while you're at it. :furious:
My guess is that Raven, through his perceived good looks & charm, has gotten away with some things that a lot of us wouldn't have over the years. And rather than feeling like he got lucky breaks, he instead began to feel more empowered and more entitled. I think that he learned that he could get away with things, and that knowledge combined with a repeated lack of consequences may have led to some pretty bad things.
You know, I didn't realize until someone (terminatrixator?) mentioned the lawyer looking uncomfortable that the lawyer actually attempts to cut Raven off while he's talking.

Also, in terms of Raven paying bills or fixing a car(s), do we know from his posts what additions/improvements Raven might have made to his vehicles for the period from July to December? Any expenses during that period that weren't absolutely necessary, i.e. trips, VX expeditions, etc.? Seems like stealing money to pay for car repairs wouldn't be something you'd do over a period of six months.

Jesus Duarte(?) Don't thinks this is the one, he's only 19 from Mexico. Also, i see no thing online regarding this person in NC so far, nothing if I look for this name and soccer. Who is this person suppose to be?
JerseyGirl said:
You know, I didn't realize until someone (terminatrixator?) mentioned the lawyer looking uncomfortable that the lawyer actually attempts to cut Raven off while he's talking.

Also, in terms of Raven paying bills or fixing a car(s), do we know from his posts what additions/improvements Raven might have made to his vehicles for the period from July to December? Any expenses during that period that weren't absolutely necessary, i.e. trips, VX expeditions, etc.? Seems like stealing money to pay for car repairs wouldn't be something you'd do over a period of six months.
It kind of does if you have some kind of weird obsession with your VX.

"My Precious! O my Precious!"
terminatrixator said:

Jesus Duarte(?) Don't thinks this is the one, he's only 19 from Mexico. Also, i see no thing online regarding this person in NC so far, nothing if I look for this name and soccer. Who is this person suppose to be?

Mexico, huh? Reference the "Is Raven a Flight Risk" link...
L L & S said:
It kind of does if you have some kind of weird obsession with your VX.
Exactly. But not for actual "repairs". When I have more time, I'm going to have to search through the threads to find out when certain additions and alterations were made to his vehicles. I can't really hold it against a person who steals to put food in their family's mouths. But to install a trailer hitch? Well, that's a different story.

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