Raven's Website and Online Activity

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LOL. I think Raven would look quite lovely in that Orange Jumpsuit too, and boy, though I didn't get a chance to see Scotty personally model the suit, but followed that case from day 1, I think I will be there to see "the Rave" model his.
Speedzilla - Motorcycle Message Boards: Profile for NC_VX


99 Isuzu Vehicross/ 01 Ducati 748
Access LevelNormal User Permission LevelNormal Full NameRaven AbaroaEmail Addressraven.abaroa@gmail.comLocationDurham NC USA Age25AIM NameRavenAbaroaHome PageView

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NC_VX last posted at 6:27 AM 3/20/2005 to

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Is that the board that he was referred to to help him sell the ducatti?

We've uncovered so much stuff, it's starting to get hard to remember what's what around here.
golfmom said:
Is that the board that he was referred to to help him sell the ducatti?
I think it might be. There are only 6 posts from Raven, and the last one was in March so I'm thinking he went there just to sell the Ducati.

I honestly can't remember anymore what's here and what's not. I'm going to have to refamiliarize myself with the early details in this forum. That's a very sad commentary on how long we've been here - still without justice for Janet & her children. :(
RULE-ENGINES-INTEREST archives - May 2005

bargain pricing on Office Pro
· bargain pricing on Office Pro (76 lines)
From: Karyn Bolton <FranklinBarnard@ESCAPINGHADES.COM>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 19:02:52 -0700

Not sure what this info is but this escapinghades.com is an interesting site!
I've stumbled across a cache version of RAven's website that I hadn't seen before.,+CA"&hl=en

11/15/04 MLS Cup 2004 was held in the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA this year... And who was there? Yours truly! I'm working on tracking down pictures right now. I didn't take any, but my parents and friends did. It was an awesome experience and something that my friends and I want to make an annual event.

We did some pretty cool stuff while there. Our company was able to give us access to all the pre-game events such as the Opening Ceremonies, Awards Gala, Pre-Game Hospitality and I got to play in the Media Cup. I was able to mingle with the likes of John Harkes, Dwayne DeRosario, Jaime Moreno, and much, much more! The highlight for me was the Media Cup where I played on Paul Calagery's team and where I played against Alexi Lalas and Marcello Balboa. The coolest was when we played against Telemundo, which was a televised game. I got a red card in the last minute, but had pulled off some huge saves prior to that!

Kaiden had a great time meeting his Nana and Tata and we did fun things like go to the beach, visit my Tia Josie and of course eat good food!

10/30/04 Kaiden Experienced his first live Professional soccer game today. We drove 4 hours to DC to see the DC United take on the MetroStars for the semi-finals for the East Coast championship. We sat in the mezzanine level away from the big crowd. Surprisingly Kaiden stayed up almost the entire game. He fell asleep in the last 10 minutes. Unbelievably that's when DC scored two goals and the crowd went nuts... I guess he's not a crazy soccer fan yet, but he'll get there!!!

10/23/04 This weekend was Homecoming Weekend at Southern Virginia University. The boys were back for an Alumni game verses the Varsity Soccer Team... "All for one, one for all, lets all kick there *advertiser censored**" was our theme.
I think the highlight of the game came from one of my closest friends, Paul Johnson (he's the one kneeled next to me in the second image). He is the swiftest and most skilled player I have ever played with and I have played with many professional athletes. He avoided countless tackles, outran everyone who challenged him and just left the varsity team looking stupid every time they tried taking the ball from him. Paul now works for AOL (I know, its a shame) in DC and I still get the pleasure of seeing him a couple times a year!

Anyway, We were victorious 4-1. I had a shutout the first half and an assist as a midfielder the second half. Joy to the world, we can still play, or was SVU that bad?
Here is an earlier version of SHOW ME THE MONEY!"Show+Me+The+Money"+"Raven's+Tree"&hl=en

The decisions I have made regarding my financial life have taken me down roads I never thought possible at such an early stage in my life. The final decision I made brought me to Durham, NC. While my main focus is on my full time job as a manager for a leading sports company, I also have hobbies on the side. These hobbies include coaching individuals in soccer and managing data on personal digital assistants.

Stay tuned for links and images of what I do to provide for my family, my dogs, and my hobbies!
Great find, gm! Interesting how many trips he's taking, and t-shirts he's buying, etc., a mere month or so before losing his job and needing to ask for free rent, (in spite of embezzling for three months at that point in time).

Hey Raven, why'd you say you stole that stuff again? Was it to buy that Durango that you bought just for your trip out west that Christmas? You know, I've had financial troubles in the past, and they've never included stealing, first of all. But those troubles also never included trips to DC to see soccer games, buying t-shirts for the whole team (what a guy; bet he loved the attention he got for bringing all of those really cool (and completely inappropriate) shirts, or buying new vehicles.

Wow, you must have been really down on your luck, buddy. How did you ever get by?
golfmom said:
Stay tuned for links and images of what I do to provide for my family, my dogs, and my hobbies!

Yeah Raven we stayed tuned and saw exactly what you did to provide for your family, dogs and hobbies. Obviously the hobbies are the only thing that have survived to date.
golfmom said:
I'm just finding new stuff right and left today. I must be on a roll here.

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I wasn't able to get this to come up, GM, is it still there?
completely unrelated and off topic - but,

GM - I just looked at your signature line with the pic of Raven, etc. And then I looked at the media reports from when Raven was in NC for the embezzlement hearing, etc. I'm SHOCKED at Raven's appearance! I mean, is it just me, or has he gained like 25 pounds and lost a LOT of hair?????????? Boy, I guess the various stresses in his life are taking their toll on him these days. At this rate, I hate to think what he might look like down the road - - - huge and bald maybe? Geez. Somehow I bet he doesn't have his current picture up for ratings on "hot or not!"...wait, maybe they have a category for "chubby and balding????"
I think Raven has done as much as possible to mitigate us finding his online activites. What's interesting is over time much of the Google Cache has been removed and I've had to use *other* methods to uncover some of the information that has been stored. Here's google's policy:

"Cached Links

Google takes a snapshot of each page examined as it crawls the web and caches these as a back-up in case the original page is unavailable. If you click on the "Cached" link, you will see the web page as it looked when we indexed it. The cached content is the content Google uses to judge whether this page is a relevant match for your query.

When the cached page is displayed, it will have a header at the top which serves as a reminder that this is not necessarily the most recent version of the page. Terms that match your query are highlighted on the cached version to make it easier for you to see why your page is relevant.

The "Cached" link will be missing for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites whose owners have requested we not cache their content."
SouthEastSleuth said:
completely unrelated and off topic - but,

GM - I just looked at your signature line with the pic of Raven, etc. And then I looked at the media reports from when Raven was in NC for the embezzlement hearing, etc. I'm SHOCKED at Raven's appearance! I mean, is it just me, or has he gained like 25 pounds and lost a LOT of hair?????????? Boy, I guess the various stresses in his life are taking their toll on him these days. At this rate, I hate to think what he might look like down the road - - - huge and bald maybe? Geez. Somehow I bet he doesn't have his current picture up for ratings on "hot or not!"...wait, maybe they have a category for "chubby and balding????"

OMGosh!!!! I just did a google search for futbalrguy. Do you know what it offers as an alternative suggestion?

Did you mean: fatbaldguy LOL!

another interesting tidbit going through our own archives here ... raven had at least two gmail accounts raven.abaroa@gmail.com and pocketpcguy@gmail.com.

Makes me wonder why LE was sooooo interested in getting GOOGLE's records .... hmmmm
golfmom said:
We did some pretty cool stuff while there. Our company was able to give us access to all the pre-game events such as the Opening Ceremonies, Awards Gala, Pre-Game Hospitality and I got to play in the Media Cup. I was able to mingle with the likes of John Harkes, Dwayne DeRosario, Jaime Moreno, and much, much more! The highlight for me was the Media Cup where I played on Paul Calagery's team and where I played against Alexi Lalas and Marcello Balboa. The coolest was when we played against Telemundo, which was a televised game. I got a red card in the last minute, but had pulled off some huge saves prior to that!

Red Card Means a player is ejected from the game & may not be replaced (i.e., his team must "play short"). A red card does not have to be preceded by a "Yellow Card". (See "Cards" and "Rules").

ETA: Here's another definition ... Red Card - If a player has already received a yellow card or commits an overly aggressive foul, the referee will issue a red card, removing that player for the duration of the game. The player receiving a red card may not be replaced, and his or her team must play with one less player for the remainder of the game.

ETA AGAIN: Players are penalized for rough or unfair play through the use of cards. When a referee gives a player a yellow card, it is considered a stern warning. A serious infraction, such as an act of violence of some type on the field, will earn a player a red card. A red card signifies the player has been ejected from the game and cannot be replaced, meaning the player's team has to play with less players.

Why doesn't it surprise me that Raven was ejected and his team penalized by not allowing a replacement for him? Sounds like a serious case of poor-sportsmanship to me.
golfmom said:
Why doesn't it surprise me that Raven was ejected and his team penalized by not allowing a replacement for him? Sounds like a serious case of poor-sportsmanship to me.
And you know what? The way he mentioned it, it was almost with pride.

"I got a red card in the last minute, but had pulled off some huge saves prior to that!"

Is it considered cool in some circles to get a red card? Does Raven have aggresive and determined sportsmanship confused with hostility and unnecessary roughness?
Just out of curiosity, has anybody tried to email the 2nutmeg "tribulation"?

Or do you think it is just a place to put your blessings for Janet and the family.

Totally off the wall question, but it seems a bit odd a place to put an email link.
Annandale1998 said:
Just out of curiosity, has anybody tried to email the 2nutmeg "tribulation"?

Or do you think it is just a place to put your blessings for Janet and the family.

Totally off the wall question, but it seems a bit odd a place to put an email link.

It's not an email link. Someone who doesn't really know what they're doing put that together.

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