Raven's Website and Online Activity

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Okay, so I have been thinking about this all day and I finally have time to put this out. Here's a thought:
What if Raven has been using this site as a guide to what to do, and what not to do. As in, notice when we mention his activity, that activity dissapears. Even when someone mentioned him or a relative being Rooster, Rooster hasn't replied or signed on since then. (when I checked earlier today it was in June). He knows we watch his every movement. so being as well imformed as the site seems to be, he can use this as an opportunity to see what he is getting away with. What alias' are slipping through the cracks and so forth.

It was posted that he is conniving. I can see him trying to outsmart the sleuth and use it to his advantage. Maybe that is why he is so silent. Starting a new online life without the traces of the past.:waitasec:
Annandale1998 said:
Okay, so I have been thinking about this all day and I finally have time to put this out. Here's a thought:
What if Raven has been using this site as a guide to what to do, and what not to do. As in, notice when we mention his activity, that activity dissapears. Even when someone mentioned him or a relative being Rooster, Rooster hasn't replied or signed on since then. (when I checked earlier today it was in June). He knows we watch his every movement. so being as well imformed as the site seems to be, he can use this as an opportunity to see what he is getting away with. What alias' are slipping through the cracks and so forth.

It was posted that he is conniving. I can see him trying to outsmart the sleuth and use it to his advantage. Maybe that is why he is so silent. Starting a new online life without the traces of the past.:waitasec:
I think you are right on with this thinking. However, it's hard to hide from all of us for very long! I think Rooster quit posting because she/he figured out Raven was actually guilty and no longer worth defending.

Okay, so I have been thinking about this all day and I finally have time to put this out. Here's a thought:
What if Raven has been using this site as a guide to what to do, and what not to do. As in, notice when we mention his activity, that activity dissapears. Even when someone mentioned him or a relative being Rooster, Rooster hasn't replied or signed on since then. (when I checked earlier today it was in June). He knows we watch his every movement. so being as well imformed as the site seems to be, he can use this as an opportunity to see what he is getting away with. What alias' are slipping through the cracks and so forth.
I completely agree Anandale


Newbie here, and I can not sit by anymore and read, I am so upset​
that this senseless situation happened, and did not learn of Janet until​
researching the Groene case.​


I feel it may also help Raven (too much) to some extent.​


If this was my loved one who I lost , this sweet angel named Janet, I would be exhausting every last lead, clue, and/or possibility making sure that I used the internet in a postive way to keep this case focused
on the suspect and the facts.​

If this was not done by the person who is "in question", then they should be at the front of the line to help and solve what happend,
which he may or may not be doing. ( I sure hope he is helping )​

We are not at liberty to guess what is happening on this case, and I am counting my blessings everyday that LE is doing their job (crossing fingers)to keep Janet's case safe and "active" from start to finish. :)


I would not be anywhere but close to the place where I lost my loved one.​

Dropping out of site to grieve is one thing, but after this amount of time, this man should have up a tribute/memorial to Janet by now, with or without the permission of his lawyer.​


He always talks or posts about his VX, life, his job, his future outlooks, but yet not using it for the "right reasons" right now.​

I bet this must be so "hard" for someone who signed on and posted quite frequently, kind of "the man of the VX world" to hardly any activity at all. And now, just deleting, removing and take away memories of his life, and/or not posting at all.​

Then again, if he has several toys to use, he could be on all the time, and LE might not know he has a PC or laptop "toy here" or a "toy there" when he is traveling from place to place.


With an embezzlement charge going on, it does not make anything look better. It makes it worse when you are not around on the internet where you used to spend a "good amount" of your time, the way you should or could be as in the past on your personal life.​

My intention is to not let a sweet butterfly (Janet) get lost in the system of runaway bride stories and/or any other media circus frenzies, as we know can happen.​


Janet's family needs to know first hand that we are completely here for them, and help them in any way we can peacefully.​

I give kudos to the family member who said "Do not speak for them."​

It is so true. My heart goes out to Janet, Kaiden and every member of the family.​

You are an AMAZING family, and I send a million hugs to the stars and back.​


Just as I have learned as well, and by the wonderful active postings on ws.com, this guy was always, always, always on the net providing updates on his life, personally and financially, not even thinking for a minute that this would come back and haunt him with his own words etc.:waitasec:​

If he did not do this, than there would be NO Reason to take down his sites, keep in touch with family via the net, or hide from anyone because his "lawywer said so". :snooty:​

If this were me, I would NEVER, EVER stop looking, and would make sure that LE, and Janet's family knew it was not me, and most importantly, declare my innocence, and make sure Janet's name was never ever forgotten, even if it took my entire life to do so.


This is my first post, and will not be my last.​

I am a mother of a son. I could never imagine sweet Kaiden having to not know who did this to his mother.​

I have no doubt that Kaiden will grow up surrounded by Janet's presence no matter where he is in life, he will know she is there for him in his heart and every step of his life.


I will do my very very best to make sure the MEDIA is quite aware of this story here on the West Coast, as there is so many states involved when it comes to Raven's BG of where he lives.​

He is a suspect in one case (embezzlement charges), and sure not acting like anything but a suspect in this case as well, with the silent treatment to the people who are trying to help solve a case of heartbreak.​


Does anyone know if an online memorial webiste was ever created for Janet?​

I have no clue on that one, but I would think "someone" close enough to Raven, one of his "computer friends", would offer to design one.(Jenique.com?)​


It still may be too early for him to do any type of "online memorial", as this is a "delicate situation" for anyone losing someone, and if they​
did not have a part of this tragedy, time still is necessary to heal and move on with life.​

If Raven really is too "grief stricken" to start the healing process, only time can heal, but being silent for "too long" can hurt his relationships with "others" (supporters) who may wonder "why" he has not stepped forward for justice for Janet yet. (Rooster etc)


Raven if this was not you that did this, my apologies for even being here in the first place putting in my two cents.​

This is a website, from what I have learned and read, dedicated to help locate the suspect who took away a beautiful woman, mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, cousin, friend, wife and confidant, who DID NOT DESERVE one bit of hurt in her life.

This is where me, as a good samaritan has to step in and say, "ws.com has one more sleuther on their side, and I will do whatever I can to help locate this "person" and bring them to justice for Janet, Kaiden and the Christiansen family".​


My apolgies for being so long, but what can I say, I have been very touched by this story, and what Anandale said was my thoughts exactly today.​

You are all doing an amazing job, and I hope to be able to do my part on this side of the coast. :)

welcome surf moon!

.........very insightful 1st post!

...i look fwd. to you representing the west coast..............god knows raven's got some $$$'s from the 'utah fund' at his disposal to travel back and forth...

...to answer one of your questions..........the memorial to janet...
...yes...............he did begin ( title ) a blog, "til we meet again'.............he never did post it, and in fact even removed the title posting a few days ago as he began to clean out his ravensblog...........

...i personally was giving him 'time' to write the memorial/tribute..............but after more than 2 months i'd say it was a kinda sorta pretend thing all along....the 'gloves are off' as far as raven goes.....
JerseyGirl said:
That sure sounds like Raven-talk.
I just caught this post regarding the Ducati. I had heard that he sold it before Janet's death. Not sure where I read or heard it, though.
LTUlegal said:
I just caught this post regarding the Ducati. I had heard that he sold it before Janet's death. Not sure where I read or heard it, though.

Also, Raven's Ducati was red and this one is yellow.
welcome surf moon!

.........very insightful 1st post!

...i look fwd. to you representing the west coast..............god knows raven's got some $$$'s from the 'utah fund' at his disposal to travel back and forth...

...to answer one of your questions..........the memorial to janet...
...yes...............he did begin ( title ) a blog, "til we meet again'.............he never did post it, and in fact even removed the title posting a few days ago as he began to clean out his ravensblog...........

...i personally was giving him 'time' to write the memorial/tribute..............but after more than 2 months i'd say it was a kinda sorta pretend thing all along....the 'gloves are off' as far as raven goes.....

Thank you for the warm welcome lauriej-

I am so glad to be here, and yes, the memorial fund is an issue to me as well.

If Jane'ts family has (1) established memorial fund for Kaiden, then why would Raven's family feel that they need to establish "other memorial funds" for Kaiden.

I feel this should have been an agreement between "close family members", such as Janet's family and Raven only, not family members who are "aware" or were not "made aware" there was already a fund established (for Kaiden).

I know it is "wondeful" for Raven's family and/or community (SD, UT, AZ) to help out, but wouldn't Raven want to make sure all money was accounted for , and not being handled by (3-4) different people.

After all this is about and for Kaiden's life and future, and the person handling that money should not be someone charged with embezzlement etc.

Janet's family should have been the ONLY ones who should have access to any memorial fund, and make this decision, not people in different states who are "most definitely" trying to help Kaiden, but opening up a memorial fund here, and a memorial fund there is going to put too many hands in a cookie jar. Why???​


I am sad that this has turned into a topic of discussion at all, as this really is PRIVATE information and it again, breaks my heart to see that a few people took a memorial fund, and extended out additional memorial funds in other states. I know you know where I am going with this....so I am done.

I will address this issue in the general discussion or right post, becasue I don't want to switch topics here, as website activity was the main topic...


Well, I gave my two cents about the online activity, and I respect privacy just like the next person, so I will say that I appreciate each and everyone of you who has been keeping this case going.

This case truly needs and deserves the attention so we can help bring Justice for Janet. :)

I did forget to ask why this memorial was not finished, or why it was removed.

I am new here, and have read pretty much every thread on this forum, but did not see why it was not completed, posted and/or not finished.

My apologies for asking what may have been discussed already.

For respect to Janet's family I will not bring it up again.

Thank you for lettting me know he did start something.
surf_moon_stars said:

I was just browsing before bedtime, and I did another search for
a memorial of "some kind" and came across this.

Please, please, please, my apologies if this has already been discussed,
as I came across this site by search engine a few moments ago.


So...here is what I located, and please know, that I thought this site
belonged to Raven for his business, not personal, but as of July 1, 2005 , Google did cache this on the webiste....
( I tried to locate this to see if it was duplicated , but did not see it on this site yet)


[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"In this world ye shall have tribulation:
but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
We Miss You Janet.[/font]

Ok, since I posted this...it is on the cover page as well..




Have a good night. :)

Interesting find SMS. I remember that right after pocketpcguy "disappeared," I checked WHOIS, and noticed that the domain registration had actually expired around that same time. I also checked the various other sites, and as I recalled 2nutmeg.net had expired a long while ago.

So, I just checked WHOIS on 2nutmeg.net again. The domain registration expired on March 15, 2004.

So, it seems to me that someone must have re-registered the domain (as I understand it, WHOIS is not an automatic update, meaning that is someone had re-registered the name, or, someone NEW registered the name, it may in fact take awhile for the new owner to show up on WHOIS.)....

Once a domain expires, it's up for grabs for the next person to pay and register. So who knows, perhaps Raven has re-registered the name, or, perhaps a family member, or, even just some random creep....I mean it could be anyone, for all we know at this point.


I find the choice of Bible text very interesting as well.

John 16, to some biblical scholars is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the book where Jesus meets with his disciples one final time, prior to the crucifixion, imparting words basically about how to handle life in a difficult world. Verse 33, in particular, is important, as it is Jesus' last words to the disciples, where we gives, as many Biblical scholars write, his 'final words of assurance'...not words of warning, but of assurance.

'Jesus has predicted that the disciples will flee when the going gets rough within a short time. What the disciples needed to know was that ultimate victory was not dependent upon their faith, but upon the work of the Savior on the cross of Calvary. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).'


Simply put, Jesus speaks that the heartaches of the world, are not the end of the world, they can be overcome.

So in choosing this verse, the owner of 2nutmeg.net says what?

That JANET has overcome the trials and tribulations of the world, to move on to a better place?


That the owner of 2nutmeg.net is somehow comforting him or herself with these words - out of guilt? out of sorrow? out of grief?


Was the verse simply chosen with a more sinister reason, the final sentence, "I have overcome the world.".... taken in a more literal sense. The words perhaps that would be uttered by a sociopath it would almost seem.
I forgot to add, it's an interesting cause and effect that we're seeing again, we complain, no memorial and poof 2nutmeg appears with a memorial. However, if that's Raven's idea of a memorial website, well it's pretty lame. :(
Hi Golfmom,

Thank you for your posts, and I agree , if it was someone other than Raven, an outiside person who bought this domain strictly to "help or release what they think" because they "got lucky" buying this domain, why so?

This link is a website which is a source to a very important case.

I am hoping this is not the case, and more information becomes clear.

With that being said, I would really like to know why the person who put up this page, has not stepped forward and say who "we" are as in "we miss you Janet".

Again my apologies, I am here to help, but kind of torn on what to do at this point when finding anything, because I want nothing but closure like yesterday for Janet, her family and Kaiden.

Please know in our hearts we are here to help, not to hurt, and I feel so lost in translation sometimes when I post for respect to family members.

My best to each of you~
I just located this.



Whois Server Version 1.3Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registeredwith many different competing registrars.

Go to http://www.internic.netfor detailed information. Domain Name: 2NUTMEG.NET Registrar: NAMESECURE.COM Whois Server: whois.namesecure.com Referral URL: http://www.namesecure.com Name Server: DNS2.NAMESECURE.COM Name Server: DNS1.NAMESECURE.COM Status: REGISTRAR-LOCK Updated Date: 24-jun-2005 Creation Date: 04-jun-2004 Expiration Date: 04-jun-2007>>> Last update of whois database: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 04:21:28 EDT <<<NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date theregistrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry iscurrently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expirationdate of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoringregistrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database toview the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whoisdatabase through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume andautomated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names ormodify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global RegistryServices' ("VeriSign") Whois database is provided by VeriSign forinformation purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining informationabout or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does notguarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abideby the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data onlyfor lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Datato: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of massunsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone,or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processesthat apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation,repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expresslyprohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not touse electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access orquery the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to registerdomain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the rightto restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensureoperational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to theWhois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSignreserves the right to modify these terms at any time.The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains andRegistrars.

Hope this can help.
Justice for Janet
surf_moon_stars said:
With that being said, I would really like to know why the person who put up this page, has not stepped forward and say who "we" are as in "we miss you Janet".
You know, I was thinking about that too. Who is the "we"? If it were solely from Raven, I would think that he might put "I." Now I know that if it were Raven maybe he meant for it to be from him and Kaiden, thus the "we" but if I were trying to do something personal like that for a spouse (even with 3 kiddos), I think that i would put "I" because it would be a dedication to my life's companion, the love of my life and father of my children. This isn't meant to be thoughtless, but in all reality, Kaiden never knew his mother, and so I might hope for a more personal dedication. But I can see it being done for the both of them too.
BTW, Hi SouthEast :)

I just noticed I forgot to include your name when posting for you and golfmom on my post after yours.

My apology, and YES, I agree with both of you on what you said.

Hope you are doing well. :smile:
surf_moon_stars said:
BTW, Hi SouthEast :)

I just noticed I forgot to include your name when posting for you and golfmom on my post after yours.

My apology, and YES, I agree with both of you on what you said.

Hope you are doing well. :smile:
Hi SMS -

I'm just trying to be clear for myself on this whole 2nutmeg.net thing. So you were doing just a basic google search for a memorial page of any sort I think you said... and it looks like on the google cache page you posted, that you were using the search term "we miss you Janet," unless I'm looking at it incorrectly (which could certainly be the case! LOL)....

I'm just curious how you came up with that particular phrase to search? I did the search without quotations marks, and came up with over a million hits... It's actually an AMAZING find, BTW.... and makes me wonder if there are in fact other "memorial" pages out there that we've not even located, YET.

Sent you a Private message.

For the reason being I do not want to reveal my sources.

I am a person who cares about justice and would dig to China if I had to make any sense of why each day is passing by with no resolve yet.

I have no personal ties to either side of the family, I am a mother who cares very deeply about justice in a world that should not have these kind of situations happening , which is why we are here to help.

I am praying that whatever we may turn up here can be of help to LE, and open some eyes to a life taken so young, and some timelines that need to be accounted for.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Hi SMS -

I'm just trying to be clear for myself on this whole 2nutmeg.net thing. So you were doing just a basic google search for a memorial page of any sort I think you said... and it looks like on the google cache page you posted, that you were using the search term "we miss you Janet," unless I'm looking at it incorrectly (which could certainly be the case! LOL)....

I'm just curious how you came up with that particular phrase to search? I did the search without quotations marks, and came up with over a million hits... It's actually an AMAZING find, BTW.... and makes me wonder if there are in fact other "memorial" pages out there that we've not even located, YET.
....i think, if i were raven, and wanted to post a memorial to janet, for her friends/family/their freinds to read....................that i wouldn't "hide it" in some obscure fashion ,making it practically impossible to hit on...

...raven is not a computer dummy.............why wouldn't he just finish the 'til we meet again' blog...........? i(nstead of deleting all traces of it ?)

...i find the "we miss you janet" on the 'old' nutmeg site to be a very lame excuse .......if he DOES have others out there that we haven't located.................how does he expect her friends or family to come across them either ?
lauriej said:
....i think, if i were raven, and wanted to post a memorial to janet, for her friends/family/their freinds to read....................that i wouldn't "hide it" in some obscure fashion ,making it practically impossible to hit on...

...raven is not a computer dummy.............why wouldn't he just finish the 'til we meet again' blog...........? i(nstead of deleting all traces of it ?)

...i find the "we miss you janet" on the 'old' nutmeg site to be a very lame excuse .......if he DOES have others out there that we haven't located.................how does he expect her friends or family to come across them either ?
LOL!!!! Maybe this is his lame effort to show the "jury" he really cared?? IMO, he doesn't have any other proof that he cared one bit about Janet!

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