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Irony and sarcasm don't always carry well in on-line communications, so, for anyone baffled by my recent posts, they are satires of arguments made that excuse the Ramseys. Attempts to explain away the Ram's suspicious behavior are exaggerated to emphasize how absurd those explanations are.

It's another way of saying that no IDI theory, no matter how cogent, can succeed unless it can also provide some reasonable explanation for the parents' lies, inconsistent statements and the sheer amount of the family's bizarre behavior. Without such an explanation, the Ram's weirdness becomes an elephant in the IDI living room, overshadowing all IDI theories. Behind you, Ms. Lacey! Behind you!!
irony and sarcasm don't always carry well in on-line communications, so, for anyone baffled by my recent posts, they are satires of arguments made that excuse the ramseys. Attempts to explain away the ram's suspicious behavior are exaggerated to emphasize how absurd those explanations are.

It's another way of saying that no idi theory, no matter how cogent, can succeed unless it can also provide some reasonable explanation for the parents' lies, inconsistent statements and the sheer amount of the family's bizarre behavior. Without such an explanation, the ram's weirdness becomes an elephant in the idi living room, overshadowing all idi theories. behind you, ms. Lacey! Behind you!!

~rbbm~ :lol:


On the FLOOR, qft! Wiping my eyes...!!
It's another way of saying that no IDI theory, no matter how cogent, can succeed unless it can also provide some reasonable explanation for the parents' lies, inconsistent statements and the sheer amount of the family's bizarre behavior. Without such an explanation, the Ram's weirdness becomes an elephant in the IDI living room, overshadowing all IDI theories. Behind you, Ms. Lacey! Behind you!!

Not exactly true. There is always the possibility that we are missing a huge block of information. For instance, say the evening didn't end the way the Ramsey's say it did. Maybe there were guests at their house that night, after returning from the Whites. Maybe something "freaky" happened and JB wound up dead at the hands of one of the guests. Because the parents were involved in the "freaky" activity, they chose to cover it up. Not exactly an intruder theory, but it would involve an outsider, possibly the person that deposited the DNA.
REPORTER: How often does it happen that you are recognized in public? And do you ever find yourself wearing disguises or making yourselves so you are not recognized?

JR: No, uh, we are recognized

PR: Probably at least weekly, sometimes daily. Depends on, you know, the circumstances.

JR: We did discuss Patsy wearing a blond wig once, but thought 'That would be great'. They'll see me with a blonde. We know where that would go.


Dr. Hodges brought up the point that John could have said a red-haired wig or a hat. The public sees that John is having an affair with a blonde, a blonde who looks like Patsy.
Although I believe the evidence suggests RDI, then why the ransom note knowing that JonBenet would definitely have been found in the house? Since if they did it, they would have at least for most of the night, been the only ones who knew, and could have brought her body out and hidden it far away from the house. Instead they call the police without getting rid of her body?
Although I believe the evidence suggests RDI, then why the ransom note knowing that JonBenet would definitely have been found in the house? Since if they did it, they would have at least for most of the night, been the only ones who knew, and could have brought her body out and hidden it far away from the house. Instead they call the police without getting rid of her body?

Ransom note accomplished a few things for the Ramseys. Firstly is explained why JB ended up dead in the basement, establishing the possibility of an intruder. It also bought them time, establishing themselves as victims to LE before the body was found.

When people ask me "why the ransom note" I always ask how the first contact with LE would have gone? They would have immediately been suspects as opposed to victims. The ransom note worked miracles for them.

As to why they didn't dump the body, it is simply far riskier than you might think. Sure there aren't many people out at that time of night, but the ones that are stand out. It juat takes one person to notice you and you are done. Also, you have a whole forensic problem that you are introducing; hair and fibres in the trunk, trunk fibres on the body, tire tracks at the scene, etc, etc. By keeping the body at home any Ramsey forensic evidence is useless because its their home and expected to be there or can be easily explained.
Although I believe the evidence suggests RDI, then why the ransom note knowing that JonBenet would definitely have been found in the house? Since if they did it, they would have at least for most of the night, been the only ones who knew, and could have brought her body out and hidden it far away from the house. Instead they call the police without getting rid of her body?

One possibility is that they didn't originally plan for her to be found when the police were still in the house. I believe they assumed the police would leave after their investigation and they would have been allowed to remain in the home. This way they could say she had been "returned" dead because they disobeyed the note.
Although I believe the evidence suggests RDI, then why the ransom note knowing that JonBenet would definitely have been found in the house? Since if they did it, they would have at least for most of the night, been the only ones who knew, and could have brought her body out and hidden it far away from the house. Instead they call the police without getting rid of her body?

There are several reasons that come to mind for me, derekj72. andreww named two of them. To those two, I would add a this:

3) they (or at least one of them) couldn't bear the idea of JB decaying out in the elements. PR wouldn't have been able to brag about how beautiful JB looked in her coffin that way.
There are several reasons that come to mind for me, derekj72. andreww named two of them. To those two, I would add a this:

3) they (or at least one of them) couldn't bear the idea of JB decaying out in the elements. PR wouldn't have been able to brag about how beautiful JB looked in her coffin that way.

I think you are correct and this is the scenario that explains it the most
Irony and sarcasm don't always carry well in on-line communications, so, for anyone baffled by my recent posts, they are satires of arguments made that excuse the Ramseys. Attempts to explain away the Ram's suspicious behavior are exaggerated to emphasize how absurd those explanations are.

It's another way of saying that no IDI theory, no matter how cogent, can succeed unless it can also provide some reasonable explanation for the parents' lies, inconsistent statements and the sheer amount of the family's bizarre behavior. Without such an explanation, the Ram's weirdness becomes an elephant in the IDI living room, overshadowing all IDI theories. Behind you, Ms. Lacey! Behind you!!

I thought so but was afraid to say anything in case I was wrong. I do love sarcasm though.
Hi everyone! :seeya: I'm new to the forums, and have recently fell into the rabbit hole of this case. I have been lurking the forums for a while now & while I have a lot of catching up to do here, I know the case inside and out. I strongly believe that RDI, however, I go back and forth on who was involved; and how the tragic event had played out that night. The Ramsey family seemed very robotic in all of their interviews (and coached) that, to me, felt like they were hiding something.

Not sure if my theory is better fitted here, or in the member's theories thread, but I wanted to introduce myself to everybody and look forward to discussing the case with everyone here -- both RDI and IDI. So hello!
Hi mochii, welcome to the forum! (smiles and waves)
Looking forward to reading your viewpoints, comments and theory!
One possibility is that they didn't originally plan for her to be found when the police were still in the house. I believe they assumed the police would leave after their investigation and they would have been allowed to remain in the home. This way they could say she had been "returned" dead because they disobeyed the note.

Perhaps, but why make things so complex? If you believe they were both involved, they had the perfect excuse not to call the police: the ransom note. They were worried their daughter would be killed, so they decided to do all they could to save her without involving outside authorities. Is anyone going to blame them? They could have used the entire day to stage the crime, get rid of the body, etc. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to write that long, rambling ransom note and then immediately call the police with the body still in the home.

Yes, I realize they have a plane to catch later that day. But they could have easily postponed that flight, claiming someone was sick. Later they would say they had to lie to keep things quiet while they tried to save their daughter, etc.

I agree that someone in that house killed JBR. But if you claim both Ramseys were involved in the crime and cover up from the beginning, it's very hard to explain why PR called the police.
Perhaps, but why make things so complex? If you believe they were both involved, they had the perfect excuse not to call the police: the ransom note. They were worried their daughter would be killed, so they decided to do all they could to save her without involving outside authorities. Is anyone going to blame them? They could have used the entire day to stage the crime, get rid of the body, etc. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to write that long, rambling ransom note and then immediately call the police with the body still in the home.

Yes, I realize they have a plane to catch later that day. But they could have easily postponed that flight, claiming someone was sick. Later they would say they had to lie to keep things quiet while they tried to save their daughter, etc.

I agree that someone in that house killed JBR. But if you claim both Ramseys were involved in the crime and cover up from the beginning, it's very hard to explain why PR called the police.

I figured they called the police because they had nothing to fear. There would be no consequences to JBR. The RN was a diversion...

Let's say they didn't call the police, and postponed the flight. They dispose of the body (which as I've read over here they would want to keep -- for proper burial, or the thought of their daughter being exposed to the elements). There would be at one point a time TO call the police. There was no call, no money delivery, and what evidence could have been left behind by moving the body? I know they would want the body back, but how would they explain finding her? Leave it to happenstance? Say someone called (but if police check the records, there is no call?), maybe another note anonymously left with her body? By this point I believe the FBI would still be involved (kidnapping + with no body + no leads). Without calling the police, they would have created an even bigger mess. This is all just top of my head here, as it's the first time I've looked at it from the angle of not calling, so just pure speculation.
Perhaps, but why make things so complex? If you believe they were both involved, they had the perfect excuse not to call the police: the ransom note. They were worried their daughter would be killed, so they decided to do all they could to save her without involving outside authorities. Is anyone going to blame them? They could have used the entire day to stage the crime, get rid of the body, etc. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to write that long, rambling ransom note and then immediately call the police with the body still in the home.

Yes, I realize they have a plane to catch later that day. But they could have easily postponed that flight, claiming someone was sick. Later they would say they had to lie to keep things quiet while they tried to save their daughter, etc.

I agree that someone in that house killed JBR. But if you claim both Ramseys were involved in the crime and cover up from the beginning, it's very hard to explain why PR called the police.

JR can be heard on the 911 tape too, so he was aware Patsy made the call. IMO. Patsy HAD to call police because it wasn't a real kidnapping. What else could they have done? They knew she was dead in the basement. How would they explain JB's disappearance? Even if they cancelled their flight and the trips, they then have to tell the rest of the family, including diverting the older R children who were supposedly en route to Charlevoix. I cannot imaging telling grandparents, friends, other family members that JB was kidnapped and there's a note, etc, and not having these people urging them to call police (or even making the call themselves in lieu of the parents' inaction).
How would they explain JB's disappearance? Even if they cancelled their flight and the trips, they then have to tell the rest of the family, including diverting the older R children who were supposedly en route to Charlevoix. I cannot imaging telling grandparents, friends, other family members that JB was kidnapped and there's a note, etc, and not having these people urging them to call police (or even making the call themselves in lieu of the parents' inaction).

They wouldn't explain her disappearance. Why? They would say JBR is sick and they will fly in 24 hours once she feels better. Later they would say they had to make up that story to save their daughter. Would anyone blame them for not calling the police right away, or not being open with other family members, when the note says JBR would be killed if they talked? Hardly.

And with those 24 hours, JR (if he acted alone) or both Ramseys (if they both knew) could properly stage the crime scene, get rid of the body, better align their stories, etc. They would have bought themselves an additional 24 hours, that's huge. JR would have called his bank to withdrawal 118k USD, making it look like he was ready to pay the kidnappers. While out to pick up the money, he would have left her body in a nearby field.

The ransom note makes zero sense when her body is later found inside that home.
They wouldn't explain her disappearance. Why? They would say JBR is sick and they will fly in 24 hours once she feels better. Later they would say they had to make up that story to save their daughter. Would anyone blame them for not calling the police right away, or not being open with other family members, when the note says JBR would be killed if they talked? Hardly.

And with those 24 hours, JR (if he acted alone) or both Ramseys (if they both knew) could properly stage the crime scene, get rid of the body, better align their stories, etc. They would have bought themselves an additional 24 hours, that's huge. JR would have called his bank to withdrawal 118k USD, making it look like he was ready to pay the kidnappers. While out to pick up the money, he would have left her body in a nearby field.

The ransom note makes zero sense when her body is later found inside that home.

The RN only makes sense within the crime, IMO, if it was left to fool PR, and ultimately provide JR an opportunity to either dispose of JB'S body or set it up as if "the kidnappers" ended up killing her before he made "the pick-up".

Then, PR'S call to 911 also made sense if we believe she did not read the whole note before she placed the call, as she later explained.

Most of the other factors of this crime are explainable if PR had no involvement prior to discovery of the RN.
This is a little off topic, but I've been formulating a theory for a few weeks. Tonight I stumbled onto something that's again given me that sick feeling in my stomach. It's mixed with fear. Is that why this case is so addictive? There's something intellectual about solving a puzzle but something frightening and dangerous as well.

I'm just curious if anyone feels this way too?

I'm going to put a crazy theory on the Theories thread (but only as a whole story when I get it together). Only what I stumbled on tonight, made the ransom note make sense. I've still new here, read hundreds of pages, but it feels like two pins have just locked into place. I'm sure everyone has felt that way too about some parts of this case so it'll probably be nothing new. But there's that sick feeling like I want to unlearn what I just learned. Is there a way to get over that?
Many ask why did they called the police right away (not to mentioned all the friends ).
But what I find even more strange is that they don't even mentioned stopping for a second to discuss the RN. Like, should we? Here it says she'll be beheaded if we do?
Also in the 911 call Patsy doesn't seems preoccupied with the fact that the RN says they're being watched, I mean, asking something like "could you try not being noticed when getting here? or something like that...

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