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I think on that night John called his attorney for advice on what to do. My question is, why would the attorney have given John and Patsy wrong advice, presumably, the information they wanted to know was, could a 9 year old be charged with murder and thrown in jail. Assuming he trusted the attorney enough to call him, it seems unlikely he would disreguard the advice given. So, how would an attorney not know, that 9 year old's Would NOT be charged with murder?

Assuming that JR did contact his attorney friend, I’ve never supposed JR said much more to him than that ‘a domestic event’ involving BR and JonBenet had occurred, that JonBenet was fatally harmed, and that he wanted legal advice. What is thought provoking is that JR hired the top lawyer in the H law firm for himself immediately. He soon after hired two attorneys for Patsy.

While JR may have learned that night/morning that a juvenile under 10 can’t be associated with a crime, he would also have learned that Colorado does have a protocol for involving CPS if a child in the household is harmed and especially if the child dies by violence. The first trigger is for a psychologist to interview any other children in the home. The psychologist did interview BR and, IIRC, recommended a second interview. The second interview never happened. If it had been determined that someone(s) in the household had been involved in the circumstances of JonBenet’s death, CPS would have been further engaged. It wouldn’t matter to define which of them struck the blow, the priority would be to protect the remaining child. Having CPS authorities involved would have been supremely humiliating and totally untenable for the R family, especially in light of the fact that JonBenet had shown prior sexual abuse.

If this was one of the scenarios they wished to escape, they avoided all the CPS interference by moving away in the summer to Charlevoix and then settling in Atlanta.
I've been saying that for years.

I agree, but I'm wondering if that was because they didn't have anyone who would be convenient.


Credit where credit’s due - it wasn’t for lack of trying that they didn’t find someone to pin it on. :)
I've been saying that for years.

I agree, but I'm wondering if that was because they didn't have anyone who would be convenient.

BBM: without doubt, the R's were in no position to check who might lack an alibi, or be absent overnight.

Regardless of who they named its likely they would be cleared since there was no intruder dna, or forensic evidence left at the staged crime-scene. So the R's knew their best bet was evidence removal and a fake crime-scene?

Whether the R's interaction with Lou Smit was by design or accident, he supplied the missing ingredient, abeit with no foundation, i.e. an Intruder, but it looked good coming from an ace detective.

I'm guessing there was prior communication with the BPD, since how else would they know to appoint an ex-drugs cop to investigate a serious homicide, and treat the R's as victims?

BBM: without doubt, the R's were in no position to check who might lack an alibi, or be absent overnight.

Regardless of who they named its likely they would be cleared since there was no intruder dna, or forensic evidence left at the staged crime-scene. So the R's knew their best bet was evidence removal and a fake crime-scene?

Whether the R's interaction with Lou Smit was by design or accident, he supplied the missing ingredient, abeit with no foundation, i.e. an Intruder, but it looked good coming from an ace detective.

I'm guessing there was prior communication with the BPD, since how else would they know to appoint an ex-drugs cop to investigate a serious homicide, and treat the R's as victims?


Lou Smits hiring was no accident. His IDI viewpoint was well known and he was hired for precisely that reason.

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You also have to consider that if the Ramsey's original plan was for the body to never be found, a patsy (pardon the pun) would be less necessary.

I think the Ramsey's had to rush for an internal suspect, once the body had to remain in the house. They jumped at the housekeeper and the "inside job" theory due to her body still being in the house.
Lou Smits hiring was no accident. His IDI viewpoint was well known and he was hired for precisely that reason.

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I've wondered about that myself. But I don't know if he was hired for it so much as one of the people in the DA's office got into his ear in those first days. Something along the lines of "the cops are going after the wrong people. Bill McReynolds is the man we want."
I've wondered about that myself. But I don't know if he was hired for it so much as one of the people in the DA's office got into his ear in those first days. Something along the lines of "the cops are going after the wrong people. Bill McReynolds is the man we want."

I think Smit was probably a better cop than that. If it was someone else's theory, he would have looked at it and likely abandoned it when it didn't pan out. I think Smit was simply trying to relive the glory days, the highlight case of his career. He had been right once by going with his gut, why not a second time? Smit simply fell for the Ramsey's BS and his gut led him in the wrong direction.

IMO any investigator that follows his gut rather than the evidence is not a good investigator.

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Not our first time seeing politics at work. But I swear it may be my first time seeing prospecting attorneys acting as defense attorneys
I would like to thank the mods for the quick and timely manner in which they got the "IDI Theories and Discussion" thread up and running again.
Since it's been a bit quiet around here lately, I guess I'll try to get a discussion going. I guarantee this has been discussed before, but it's better than nothing (I'm not putting this in the "Ransom note analysis" thread because my question is typically something only RDIs theorize about):

Does anyone think JR helped PR write the ransom note by giving her ideas, or do you think she came up with everything to write on her own? Why do you think this? I have an idea, but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks.
The movie quotes in the note baffle me. Did the person who wrote the note just know relevant quotes off the top of their head?
Since it's been a bit quiet around here lately, I guess I'll try to get a discussion going. I guarantee this has been discussed before, but it's better than nothing (I'm not putting this in the "Ransom note analysis" thread because my question is typically something only RDIs theorize about):

Does anyone think JR helped PR write the ransom note by giving her ideas, or do you think she came up with everything to write on her own? Why do you think this? I have an idea, but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks.

I think the note was co-authored by both parents with Patsy actually writing it. I think they formulated some plan of who to implicate- a list that included their housekeeper, LHP (who was the perfect "patsy" - no pun intended). She needed money, had intimate knowledge of the family, had access to the house, and did not have the financial or intellectual means (or so they thought) to fight back. She was the person JR had in mind when he told Det Linda Arndt at the moment he brought up JB's body from the basement that "this was an inside job".
To cover all bases, the Rs also added in a terrorist twist, with the "beheaded" comment and the "small foreign faction" bit. They also added in some "disgruntled bussiness (sic) associates link with the comments about not respecting the country (The US) that JR does business with. They covered a lot of bases with that note.
The movie quotes in the note baffle me. Did the person who wrote the note just know relevant quotes off the top of their head?

Possibly. Some of the quotes were from a movie that was watched at the White's house that day.
The movie quotes in the note baffle me. Did the person who wrote the note just know relevant quotes off the top of their head?

Hi Eileen, Were there search engines in 1996? A search of "ransom" would bring up ransom notes and quotes from movies. etc. Cynic or anyone?

Not much has been written about the information from the computers seized from the search warrants. I think CBI was involved in that, if I recall.
Hi Eileen, Were there search engines in 1996? A search of "ransom" would bring up ransom notes and quotes from movies. etc. Cynic or anyone?

Not much has been written about the information from the computers seized from the search warrants. I think CBI was involved in that, if I recall.

Phrases and words from the RN have been linked to many films, just search websleuths its all here.

Information relating to the computer contents have been sealed!

Phrases and words from the RN have been linked to many films, just search websleuths its all here.

Information relating to the computer contents have been sealed!


Yes I was thinking maybe the writer of the ransom letter did the search.
I think the note was co-authored by both parents with Patsy actually writing it. I think they formulated some plan of who to implicate- a list that included their housekeeper, LHP (who was the perfect "patsy" - no pun intended). She needed money, had intimate knowledge of the family, had access to the house, and did not have the financial or intellectual means (or so they thought) to fight back. She was the person JR had in mind when he told Det Linda Arndt at the moment he brought up JB's body from the basement that "this was an inside job".
To cover all bases, the Rs also added in a terrorist twist, with the "beheaded" comment and the "small foreign faction" bit. They also added in some "disgruntled bussiness (sic) associates link with the comments about not respecting the country (The US) that JR does business with. They covered a lot of bases with that note.

I definitely agree JR had plenty to do with the note, with PR being the actual writer. I've read a theory somewhere (where, I unfortunately don't remember) that said JR and PR could've typed the ransom note together on their computer as they did while writing their book The Death of Innocence, with PR later penning the note. I'll take this theory one step further: I think JR could've typed a "rough draft" of the ransom note on his computer (to be erased by JR later) for PR to copy by hand while he finished the cover-up in the basement. PR proceeded to add a lot more to the rough draft than what JR felt was appropriate. This could also explain why there was tension between them by the time police arrived.
Possibly. Some of the quotes were from a movie that was watched at the White's house that day.

Yes, "Nick of Time" aired at 7:30 P.M. and was being watched at the White home by Bill Cox, who I believe is the husband of Priscilla White's niece. The movie is about a six-year-old girl who's kidnapped by a political *"faction"*. I wonder if anyone else in the home maybe passed by a television playing the movie or watched some of it themselves, later using lines from the movie and movies similar to it later in the note...
Hi Eileen, Were there search engines in 1996? A search of "ransom" would bring up ransom notes and quotes from movies. etc. Cynic or anyone?

Not much has been written about the information from the computers seized from the search warrants. I think CBI was involved in that, if I recall.

I've wondered about the search engines available in 1996 myself. In fact, I made a search yesterday trying to find information on it and didn't find much.

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