Reason for LA and KCs big grin and high-five***MERGED***

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So does anyone now still want to give Lee the benefit of the doubt. He grabbed signs last night, acted like a jerk to the media a week or two ago and now High Fives his sister when they thought they were out of camera range.

I don't.

MSNBC reported it too.
This is the weirdest case - EVER. I think that's the only reason it holds such fascination for so many. Fox reported that when Casey & Co. got inside her attorney's office where they thought they were out of camera/public view, Casey and Lee exchanged "high fives."

WHAT ?????????? Link Please
Sickening....I also heard about her and Lee and their high five antic. The Fox News reporter was disgusted.....

players in a game often HIGH FIVE when they are winning a game, and the Anthonys feel they are winning, the day will come when LE is the one HIGH FIVING this is a game to the Anthonys and I can't wait to see it all implode, their actions make me sick!
I USED to think Lee was cute. I thought he was staying away and respected him. Ew.
If the high 5 is true, it's solid evidence of overconfidence and arrogance. Their attitude can only help the FBI and LE in the long run.

Thank heaven we care for and think about Caylee. It appears that when she was lost, she wasn't even worth reporting in a timely manner to this "family".

High 5 away Anthony's. We get your deal.
This whole thing just sickens me ---- your suspected of doing god knows what with your BABY --- and bailed out to home confinement --- yet your free to wander outside of the house from 10-4 DAILY ----

Please explain to me why --- When she was the jail felt she was in so much jail she was in solitary - yet on the outside she can run whereever........

I sincerely hope someone follows them to Baez --- wouldnt want them to make any stops along the way..............
I don't get it what were they high 5ing about? :confused:

How about that the search was called off? Every day Caylee is missing, is a good day for them.

Or maybe that they get to spend the day chillin' at Jose's, order take-out, cruise the net, play x-box, get a massage, mani and pedi, heck who knows, maybe Jose has a hot tub, a pool table, big screen TV... it's a regular day at the spa!

Maybe it's all those donations coming in.

Maybe it's just like what the other poster said, she's getting away with murder.

Perhaps Joran and OJ do a lot of high fiving too.
I think the high 5 is because KC got so much time away from home granted by her case worker. Being in that home must beyond belief. I'm not saying she deserves to be away, I'm just saying I think this is what high 5 is about.
So does anyone now still want to give Lee the benefit of the doubt. He grabbed signs last night, acted like a jerk to the media a week or two ago and now High Fives his sister when they thought they were out of camera range.

I don't.

MSNBC reported it too.

I sure don't give him the benefit of the doubt anymore. With this family it's "all for one and one for all" there are no boundaries apparently.:mad:
How do these people sleep at night!
I saw it, and hopefully they will air it again tonight (maybe on NG). Lee escorted Casey out of a vehicle and into a building hallway without incident from reporters. Supposedly, because of their success in not being mobbed, the video shows (up-close and unaware) Lee raise up his right arm in a high-five to Casey. Casey not only meets his high-five, she then *laughs* and smiles as she looks to her left in the direction of the camera, at which point she composed her glee.

Can any one here tell me, what in sam he77 does Lee think the cloroform was for? How is he not only rationalizing all the evidence, but high-fiving his sister who is laughing while she has a baby missing?? I had hope Lee might be the sane one of the group, but no more. To say the least, the video clip was repulsive.

I am really beginning to think somehow the whole damn family is in on a cover-up - as if for some reason everyone of them is protecting Casey to protect themselves from what will happen if she is found guilty.
I think the high 5 is because KC got so much time away from home granted by her case worker. Being in that home must beyond belief. I'm not saying she deserves to be away, I'm just saying I think this is what high 5 is about.

could be wrong but I thought this happened as soon as they got in building not after meeting

It just makes me sick that LE and the jail is treating this woman like a queen. EVERY DAY THIS WEEK she is spending the whole day at the attorney office! Why? And why would they alllow her to stay out of the home every day? I thought she was on home confinement. I think I am very unhappy with LE in Orlando. No wonder they have so much crime there and people like this. They treat them like queens. And what attorney spends 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with 1 client? Come on now. How bad does that look? Doesn't this man have any other clients? If I were one of the I would be ticked.

I really have a problem with that too...this is not home confinement. :furious:[/QUOTE]

I can't imagine what they need to cover for 6 hours in the next four days! Doesn't Baez have any other clients that he needs to see and spend an hour or so with too? It's like he the cash cow ride Casey now!
I think the high 5 is because KC got so much time away from home granted by her case worker. Being in that home must beyond belief. I'm not saying she deserves to be away, I'm just saying I think this is what high 5 is about.

Why would being in the house be all that bad? Cindy even mentioned she isn't even bringing up the subject of Caylee.
Probably the extra-ordinarily lenient 'out of house' arrangements. Surfing time on the Lawyer's computer - which probably can't be subpoenaed do to client privilege. Oh, this bites.

"Gimme five high,
Gimme five low,
Now we can go spend
the donation dough"

They sicken me to no end. I abhor everything about this.

Once again Tater you have gotten it correct!!! Let's go spend that money honey before they puit us all in jail! That's what they were high fiving....ugh..they are not people who should be given any leniEncy!
Imagine the disgust of Sheriff Beary? He has blood in his eyes and he will nail her butt GOOD.
How do these people sleep at night!

Good question! I don't sleep much at nights. I toss and turn trying to figure out "what's really going on here" with this case. It's surreal. Nothing makes sense to me. I have some theories about why this family is so "at home" with Casey's behavior, but for now I best not share them. LOL
Details Emerge About Fight Casey Had With Mom In Mid-June

POSTED: 2:58 pm EDT September 8, 2008
UPDATED: 4:48 pm EDT September 8, 2008

As soon as the brother and sister got through the path between reporters, they high-fived each other as if they were celebrating some sort of victory. According to the Orange County Corrections Department, Casey met with her home confinement case manager Monday afternoon for approximately 20 minutes. During the meeting, her case manager set her out-of-the-home schedule for the remainder of the week.
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