Rebecca McEvoy case

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May 15, 2004
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I am posting to ask you all to please HELP the McEvoy family. Rebecca McEvoy was molested by her stepfather Bob Ingle, and before the case could get to trial, she sadly died in a car accident. Now because of the SCOTUS Crawford ruling (right to confront accuser in court) her molester could go free.

And according to the father he is living in MS, in a house WITH CHILDREN. And there are other children in Alabama who have been molested by him, but they are afraid to come forward. Apparently Bob Ingle used his badge (he was a police officer) and used the fact he was in LE, to gain power and control over his victims, and threaten to jail the victims or the relatives if they told.

Please sign the petition here:

And here are some email addresses of the media so they can pick up this story. People need to be aware this man is FREE:
This is beyond disgusting, Levi is correct- we need to find the way-
Levi- I might suggest you post the link of the accident or any links associated with this case.
I've also been told by some family members of Rebecca, that Bob Ingle has molested even his daughters. But they lawyered up and have since recanted their allegations.

I talked with prosecutor Robin Sax, and she is talking with a contact of Larry King. If you want to email Larry King's show you can email them @:
Hello everyone,

Thank you for talking about the Becca McEvoy case. It truly is outrageous! Becca's cousin Rhonda has a website now with all information, videos, photos and pertinent links.

You may go there by clicking the below link:

My name is Cherry I am the mother of a rape victim. I became involved in helping Becca's family because I empathized with their problems in court.
You can see my daughters case info at my blog
Do you have any link to the news coverage about the car accident Becca was killed in? Running down a possible thought, longshot, but just the same..

The car crash is under the youtube link at Becca's site it's right in the 1st post. Just click through it till you find it.

It is rumored Bob Ingle sat in the gas station across from the cemetery when they buried Becca. It was the coldest day we have had this winter in Mobile.

He's just as cold hearted!
I am rebecca mcevoys cousin rhonda wheelus!!Our family has been thru so much!!from the rape & sodomy for over a year of beccas short lil life 2 the death of becca!!having 2 endure the pain of watching her lie helplessly there on lifesupport for 10 days until her death!!her fight for justice over the past year of her lil life showed great courage!!
now that she is no longer here with us to fight this fight we must pick up the torch & fight for Beccas last wishes & that was that no child ever have to endure the horror of what she endured at the tiny lil age of 9 yrs old for over ayr of her life!!Then at 10 yr old she was so brave 2 come 4ward & stand up not only against Bob Ingle her stepdad but also he was a policeman!!!now we ask everyone 2 please help us bring justice 2 becca & her memory!!
theres 2 much evidence confirming her statements!!police report
med exam
video tape testimony
testimony 2 counsellors
2 grand jurytestimonies

All confirming Beccas truthfulness!!Please go 2 website we have created in honor of Becca 2 bring justice 4 becca

There are slideshows,newsstories,links 2 natl media outlets that we r asking everyone 2 send out beccas story 2!!u can send them the link 2 Beccas website!!
the natl news outlets email add are listed under comments!!please go there & send Beccas story 2 then!!We will be eternally grateful 2 you 4 doing this!!
"I just want to know where the victim's rights are for a speedy trial. This is the fifth time that this has been reset." said McEvoy.

Rebecca's Father Aden McEvoy is worried statements his daughter made before her death won't be allowed as evidence in the trial, because of a law that guarantees the defendant’s right to cross examine a witness.

Defense requested postponement so they could sit down with medical exam doctor & discuss his findings. Request was originally made on april 2nd then rescheduled 2 more times, to give them the time they need to get med exam squared away. A month and a half isnt long enough?

Go Here For Story
Becca's case went to court yesterday and Becca's jury trial is set for Sept 22, 2008. They wont allow police statements Becca made. And have another hearing to be scheduled for the doctor and nurse that attended Becca's rape medical exam. They are to come and tell what statements Becca made during exam. I don’t know if the actual rape medical report will be allowed in or not, They’re shooting for June 25th if doctor and nurse can come then but nothing is set for sure, as of yet.

It comes down to deciding what’s testimonial and what’s not. Statements Becca made to a friend will be allowed! Becca’s voice will at least have a chance to be heard thru others! The Police Reports & DHR Reports will not be allowed.

Becca's case goes to jury trial on Sept 22, 2008. Pray for the well being of all the other children and that justice will come forth on Becca’s behalf.

Pray that Medical Exam will be allowed. In my opinion it should be allowed because the jury should be able to see all the evidence. I don't what the big problem is? If Bob Ingle is as innocent as they propose then why not allow the evidence to come into play if he’s not guilty the evidence will show that! Let the evidence speak for itself!

The defense went to court with WKRG Channel 5 about the reports Jessica Taloney did on Becca's case. They want transcripts of everything that Jessica did with the family on Beccas case, on air and off air what was said. They want to subpoena transcripts and WKRG has taken Jessica off the story. A new reporter for the case, Keeshia Peyton; she said "It looks like I’ll be the one covering from now on because they want Jessica off the story.“ Right before Becca's court yesterday was court between Bob Ingle's defense & WKRG News.

Below are links to the new coverage on Becca's case: McEvoy
I'm glad Becca's best friend will be allowed to testify.

It's a shame the defense was able to get Jessica off the story. That doesn't seem right at all.

We Need A "Becca's Law"
Sunday, 29. June 2008, 12:25:28

sexual bause, Aden McEvoy, sexual abuse, Becca McEvoy, Crawford vs Washington, Child Abuse

I am writing concerning a case here in Mobile, Al. that involves my recently deceased baby cousin Becca. Becca died this past Jan. 14, 2008 as a result of a car wreck. She was seriously injured and stayed on life support for 10 days from which she never recovered. Unfortunately her death came while awaiting Grand Jury in Mobile, Al.

Before her death Rebecca suffered over a year of rape & sodomy and other unspeakable acts from Bob Ingle. He was her step-father/cop at the time of the abuse.

The reason for my concern now, is that an even greater injustice may occur due to her untimely death. Due to" Crawford V' Washington "a law that not only supports the right to cross examine the victim but, also stops a lot of testimonial evidence. In cases such as Becca's this law stands in the way of justice. Under Crawford statements made to friends or anybody as a cry for help is acceptable.

However, this law works backwards for the victims of sexual abuse. It stops police reports, counselor’s statements, and often-medical personnel from being used in these cases. Everybody has a 6th amendment right under our constitution but under Crawford they have taken away almost all the victims rights.

Certainly, in a case such as Becca's where the victim is no longer available for cross-examination due to death. I find it quite disturbing that our system puts these children through the whole process of exam, counseling, and police statements and then does not even accept it in the court of law.

I would like to see Crawford amended and a law enforced for victims like precious little Becca. At age 9 she had no rights because, he took them from her and still he has more rights under our backwards justice system that works in the favor of the perpetrator.

I want National media attention to this case because; already the police statements and counselors have been thrown out due to Crawford. My family has suffered enough and now we are suffering even more due to this flawed judicial system.

We need a "Becca's law" stating that in cases where the victim becomes deceased the testimonial evidence has to be accepted - an exception to the Crawford rule. This needs to be one so, we don't invite perpetrators to kill their victim's in order for Crawford to work in their favor.

I can't believe a law that promotes so much more crime could have been passed. If Crawford goes uncorrected then there will definitely be more killings when our justice system fails these children.

People will take the laws in their own hands because; the current ones do not protect our children. Perpetrators will be encouraged to kill the victims!

Becca McEvoy suffered and many others have as well at this mans hands but none willing to testify due to the fact they are all his family. They previously gave statements and then later recanted after Becca's death. It’s a shame my 9 yr. old cousin was the bravest of all and treated the worst.

Now, we Rebecca's family will fight until there is justice and corrections made for her. We want her last wish fulfilled and him + other pedophiles punished for such horrific crimes of children under 12. Please, help us with this very important matter before it's too late.
Becca died while awaiting trial for being sexually assaulted by her ex-step-father/cop Bob Ingle. Becca was 8 when the abuse started, she died at age 11. The crime was reported in 2006. She went before the Grand Jury twice. The case against the alleged sex criminal may be in jeopardy because a little girl died in a traffic crash.

IMHO The defense is using legal loop holes, tricks and victory by delay. Siting the Crawford vs. Washington law, which states the perpetrator has the right to cross examine the victim. In Becca's case this isn't possible because she died. Please note this law has only been in effect for a few years and is wreaking havoc through the justice system. Prior to it the prior testimony and records were allowed.

Her case goes to trial on Mon. Sept. 22, 2008 at 9am at the Mobile County Courthouse, 205 Government St, Mobile, AL 36602 (gov't plaza) on 8th floor. Judge Youngpeter is presiding over the case.

• We believe the medical report and doctor's testimony will be allowed.

• The Police Reports & DHR Reports will not be allowed.

• Statements Becca made to a friend will be allowed.

• Judge never ruled on the gag order from May 2008.

Becca's cousin Theresa has been busy calling on Alabama Senator's and Congressmen asking them to pass a law that states in cases of child victims of sexual abuse they must be heard within a two year period.

The wording which is applicable to victims is "a right to a trial free from unreasonable delay", this is at issue for many people across the county. Becca's family would like the law to be named in honor of Becca.

Cut and paste this into your browser for all the links and stories found on Becca's Case
If everyone could carry Cherry's post to all other forums, message boards, websites that you belong to it would be so helpful in getting the word out about Becca's case.

This case is so important on so many levels. Not only is justice for Becca hanging in the balance, the legislation that will weigh in on that balance should be questioned.

It is time for victims to be heard in the courtrooms across America. Where are Becca's rights? Just because she can not be here physically should not mean that what she has said in the past should be silenced by legislation that keeps this testimony out.

Please do everything you can to help Becca be heard!
thank you all for helping us get beccas story out there!!we will be goin 2 court on sept. 22.its just a few days from now & we r asking that everyone try & send beccas story out 2 all nat'l media outlets.also & most importantly please pray that justice will be served & beccas last wishes will come forth,having this man put away 2 never harm any other child!!thank you all so very much!
Another Delay - Evidence is being sent to AL capitol, Montgomery
written by Rhonda Wheelus

D.A. Giardini told us that the defense is challenging the information that was going to be allowed in the case. The information is going to be sent to the Alabama capitol, Montgomery, to decide if the information can or can not be allowed

Since Becca is not here anymore for him to cross examine this gives our family great concern. I am truely worried that the defense is doing all this as the tactic known as Victory by Delay!! The accused pedophile Bob Ingle has only served 6 hours in jail for this, he was released the same day back in December of 2006.

What happened to the victims rights? What to a speedy trial for Becca?? What about the fact that this man has served only 6 HOURS for what Beca had to endure at his hands for over a year of her short life!

Could someone Please help us & tell us exactly why this is being sent to Montgomery and our family has to face another delay?

Now we are forced to wait til Montgomery reviews the evidence and decides whether or not it will or won't be allowed before the case can go to trial.

Please someone, anyone tell our family what is goin on & why? Why are the victims force to endure such heartache while the perps walk free, when they are the cause of all this?

Our family will be protesting on Monday morning @ 9a.m. Sept.22 this was suppose to be the time of the trial until now! We need supporters and if you see that you can come out and help us, please be at the government plaza @ 9am on Monday morning.

We are Inviting the media to come out then too.
Pedophile may walk victims 10 yr old dies

I am forwarding latest email update from Becca's McEvoy's cousin Theresa Jordan.

Hopefully this is good news! This is a good story which needs to be told! For a full background go to Becca's Blog


----Orig email 12/31/2008----

We have heard back from the Court of Appeals and Steve Giaridini with the D.A's Office here in Mobile,Al. in the case of Rebecca McEvoy.

As you all know the evidence was sent to Montgomery to the court of appeals by the defense. DA Giaridini says the Court of Appeals has denied the request to have Judge Youngpeters decision overturned.

The defense is now having it sent to the Supreme Court and all though it's not written in stone in looks good for now.

The D.A. says it will probably be ready to trial sometime early 2009. Possibly around May. Keep us in your prayers and pressing for "Becca."

Thank You & God Bless,

Theresa Jordan

Rebbecca's Blog

-----Story Background below click above link to read whole story------

Child rape case may die with victim's unexpected death

Prosecutors say a man who may be a danger to local kids may walk away from child rape charges all because the victim died. The case against the alleged sex criminal may be in jeopardy because a little girl died in a traffic crash.

(MOBILE, Ala.) March 12 -- Becca McEvoy's personality spills out of pictures, photos taken of her before a terrible accident. She was goofy, pouty, and her cousin, Theresa Jordan says, Becca's smile was dazzling. "Her little smile, she'd just come in the room and light up the room."Family members wanted Becca's face to be shown in the attached video of this news report because she doesn't have a voice... not anymore. When she could speak, police say Becca told her best friend a secret. That secret led to an investigation and rape charges being brought against Bob Ingle. Ingle used to be a Chickasaw cop. Nina Tucker says he used to be Becca's step-dad. "It took guts for her to say as much as she did." Tucker says she stood beside her little sister as the 10 year-old went into graphic detail in front of police, in front of doctors, just not in front of a jury. That's because Becca died in a car accident.

"If we can't use what she said, the case is over," said Steve Giardini who prosecutes child sex crimes for the Mobile County District Attorney's office. He says there will be a hearing to determine if what Becca said before her death can be used in a trial.

That hearing was supposed to be held on March 13th. It has been pushed back for a second time in order to accommodate cases where the victims are alive. Giardini says he wants to prosecute the case. Whether he can will be up to a judge." She's not here and her case might not be seen and if its not, I feel like I failed her."

Even though Becca's voice is silent, Jordan says she can still hear her. "We lay awake at night and toss and turn and we hear the things she said to us and her voice is in our ear."

The last thing Tucker says she wants is to fail a little girl whose smile lit up her life.
Trial starts for Becca's case on Mar. 30th at 9am at Mobile, AL Court House.

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