I'd say that's unusual. Especially for a man who could clearly afford to pay a babysitter if needed. We were also told RN quit her job to help care for the children? Did he object to babysitters for whatever reasons?
I guess I am out of the loop, not having much time lately to follow, but where can I find transcripts of the 911 call? Last I heard they weren't releasing it, but it sounds like you know the content of the call.
The new info about JS' employment agreement does put a new spin on JS' character and his priorities.
However, with today's technology, an executive is never out of reach. Sounds like he just has a clause that allows him not to answer a call or respond immediately or attend a meeting if he so chooses (with the agreed excuse that he is tending to his children).
8/12 Medicis CEO Shacknai’s Contract Put Kids Ahead of Company
The childcare clause dates back to 1999. It’s not clear why Shacknai wanted such flexible hours. He is the founder of the company, and as such dictates his terms to a large extent.
It sounds like Jonah really wanted to be an active part in his children's lives.
While usual maybe for a CEO..........I find it quite refreshing.
The new info about JS' employment agreement does put a new spin on JS' character and his priorities.
However, with today's technology, an executive is never out of reach. Sounds like he just has a clause that allows him not to answer a call or respond immediately or attend a meeting if he so chooses (with the agreed excuse that he is tending to his children).
Wow, that is interesting. I am a child of a CEO, and I saw my Dad for dinner just 3 days a year (and my parents were married until I was 24); Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving. Never saw him on my birthday in my life, and he doesn't remember any of our birthday's to this day. He was traveling for work and/or at the office up to 80 hours a week. I cannot remember a week where he was home 7 days in a row and I cannot remember (because it didn't happen) him ever picking us up from school, helping with homework, watching us at our sporting events, or having dinner with us unless it was one of those 3 days a year. He has been retired a few years and still doesn't remember his children's birthday's or his grandchildren's birthdays. My Dad is the tried and true CEO 'type,' there is no way JS is the same type. Even though JS was an older father compared to mine, my Dad would never take care of us 2 1/2 days a week, he has never even made us a sandwich, taken us to a doctor or gotten us a glass of water in the middle of the night.
I might have to change my perspective on JS because of this revelation about his work schedule and dedication to his children.
A real controlling type A man isn't taking care of kids and working from home 2 1/2 days a week, or going to the gym at 10 in the morning on weekdays, even in this day and age of home offices/phone/fax/blackberries.
Also probably decreases the amount of $$$$ paid out for child support and other expenses.
I'm having a hard time seeing him in this light; after reading articles about him and his company. Got to remember he is also an attorney and he also appears to really guard his expenses (no nanny, housekeeper, gardener, security cameras and any other necessary household help mentioned in any of the articles....) I just don't see him giving up things with out an advantage/motive for himself..
Also probably decreases the amount of $$$$ paid out for child support and other expenses.
I'm having a hard time seeing him in this light; after reading articles about him and his company. Got to remember he is also an attorney and he also appears to really guard his expenses (no nanny, housekeeper, gardener, security cameras and any other necessary household help mentioned in any of the articles....) I just don't see him giving up things with out an advantage/motive for himself..
How do we know he was spending time with his children? Not out golfing or traveling? Is there witnesses to hi actually spending that time with his kids? Just curious?
It maybe another excuse to remain control over his own life and hiding it under the guise of an excellent dad. Another possible mask or image he wanted to project.
8/12 Medicis CEO Shacknai’s Contract Put Kids Ahead of Company
[JS' employment agreement] requires that he work only four days per week, that he be allowed to work from home, that charity functions be considered part of his work, and that he “may not be available for corporate matters during such times that he is providing care for his children.”
The childcare clause dates back to 1999. It’s not clear why Shacknai wanted such flexible hours. He is the founder of the company, and as such dictates his terms to a large extent.
The police investigation is expected to take several more weeks — a time period in which Valeant clearly sees a weakened company with a distracted leader, ripe for the picking.
8/12 Medicis CEO Shacknais Contract Put Kids Ahead of Company
The police investigation is expected to take several more weeks a time period in which Valeant clearly sees a weakened company with a distracted leader, ripe for the picking.
How do we know he was spending time with his children? Not out golfing or traveling? Is there witnesses to hi actually spending that time with his kids? Just curious?
It maybe another excuse to remain control over his own life and hiding it under the guise of an excellent dad. Another possible mask or image he wanted to project.
Snipped by me
I must say that your post is fascinating. Thanks.
If you are a conspiracy theorist like me, this makes me stop and think. There are few big bad corporations more suspicious than Big Pharma. If I was writing a whodunit, this would make a great plot twist. IMHO. Sadly, though, this tragedy happened to real people. I mean no disrespect to those involved.