Rebecca Zahau Wrongful death trial begins. Trial coverage and discussion #3

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I'm sure that this has been posted before. It is not uncommon that someone takes steps to make sure that suicide is completed. Such steps might be tying hands, or placing a gag in mouth. For example, this article discusses using a soft material as padding between the noose and neck. Additionally, it discusses how one might use an object as a gag. Specifically in this article's summary it states, "In suicidal hanging cases certain precautions and preventative measures were observed. For example, tying the hands together was regarded as a means to make self-release impossible; closure of the oral orifice as a means to prevent the victim from calling out for help, and placing soft material against the ligature loop was thought to be an attempt to lessen the feeling of pain."

While it is not relevant to this case, my friend did attempt to perform CPR on a neighbor. He did not realize that rigor mortis had set in until a few minutes later. I have also called 9-1-1 and I have to admit I probably sounded weird during that phone call. I also have CPR certification, but have never had to use it. Training on a dummy probably does not provide a solid comparison to someone who is using it, or attempting to use it on a human. If the P's attorney thought that it was necessary for their case then he would have subpoenaed the person. He did after all have JS testify on direct for the P's case in chief.
My note to Mr. Greer would be: I already believe RZ was murdered. Not suicide. However I am not totally convinced AS did it since no direct evidence. The things that do bug me about him is his odd personality, but that doesn’t mean much. But the ridiculous comment he yelled at poor dead RZ, are you dead? Sounds so crass and ridiculous. Who says that? Also pretending not to know the knots. That he did cpr with her hands tied behind her back. That he was up wandering outside that time of day in the first place. These thinqs don’t add up. And to yap about masterbation. Why bring that up out of the blue? You would think he wouldn’t mention that unless he was accused of something. Also, who was the Asian *advertiser censored* watcher and how much did that occur. Was he obsessed with that?

Other things that stand out to me is even if she could tie up her hands like that how and why tie her legs up like that? What would be her point to make it so hard to walk and jump. It would be near impossible to catapult yourself over the railing. Her legs wouldnt save her. Who would do that if they are going to jump off a building. I would stress that part. And why write that odd note on the door. What does that do for her?

This is what I envision. He tried to rape her. She fought back. He strangled her. He staged this scene. Had to hide the strangulation so figured a hanging would hide that. Maybe he hog tied her due to his fantasy. And he gagged her to keep her quiet. He walked her a couple of steps after death and tossed her off the balcony OR he never tossed her off there. Just tied a piece of rope there and staged that and dumped her in the yard to lo and behold find her at 6:45am. Just waiting til dawn to find her. I am sure others know more details than I do to put this story together in a more cohesive fashion but basically I think he killed her and spent the night staging the scene to hide his crime. I hope this can be brought home to the jury. Why LE didn’t investigate this case the right way is beyond me. They could have checked the guest house thoroughly and redone that lie detector test. Was it even performed correctly? Sorry for the long spiel....
Kathyn2 I could not agree more. Every point you brought up I think happened. In addition IMO he molested her with the handle of the knife and masturbated doing it. I believe the reason he said “are you dead” while on the 911 call was all show, as he had to pretend he was cutting her down and administering CPR. It’s as preposterous as him announcing “got a girl here, hung herself in the GUEST HOUSE, which is where his mind was because he just finished masturbating to her naked body before making the call. (Notice how he just tossed that comment out there in case someone went snooping for semen) Maybe he took her underwear to bed w him while he masturbated and then tossed them in the trash can. Since big brother JS made a statement to LE that his daughter Gabby had stayed in the guest house previously SDSO dismissed the underwear as not being relevant to the case. Also, The AR does not jive with her hanging at all, in fact to the contrary. The rigor mortis and the areas of R body where livor occurred were not in her extremities as is the case in hangings, it was in her upper chest as it would be if she were lying face down hogtied all night on the grass. And let’s not forget AS testified when asked what he was doing early that morning he admitted to masturbating, probably thinking about R’s naked body and fantasizing how erotic it was to molest her with that knife while she struggled for her life. IMO Adam was feeling pretty powerful having that much control. IMO I think he was still on a high and may have divulged his actions to JS, early that morning when he texted him to call and J left his son’s hospital room to call him back. Perhaps JS gave him instructions on how to clean up the evidence, what to say to 911, even to fully cooperate and answer all questions from LE. He sure didn’t seem all that upset over her death, acvirdung to Dina’s deposition he pantomimed she stuck a knife in her stomach to symbolize killing herself, remarking “Asian Honor”. Of course J denied saying that in court. I believe Dina wholeheartedly. She had no reason to make that up. Also further discrediting himself JS didn’t recall knowing how Rebecca had taken her life. I find it not the slightest coincidence that Phingst showed up. And for Phingst to say “Jonah Shacknai did not hire me” is so weird. Why the secret then why he was even there??? Nor was it unplanned to leave R body uncovered for 12 hours! Wouldn’t be surprised if that was not JS instructions as well. I can’t inagine the rage frankly, knowing how much he worshipped his son Max and thinking about Rebecca “not saving him and only giving him a few breaths.

All in all, most everything AS says contradicts previous remarks and seems like an attempt to establish an alibi or cause someone to believe something that couldn’t be farther from the truth. AS’s smug demeanor and crass commentary are the half of it! It’s his lies and inconsistencies that absolutely nail him. And while I’m on a bit of a speal here, I cannot stop thinking about JS’s testimony, the way he said, “well she didn’t save him” and “she gave him a few breaths” referring to his beloved son, Max. I felt he was hiding a huge amount of rage behind those comments. Very telling. So composed and painting Rebecca as such a good, caring, loving woman but then it seemed like in that moment he cracked, like down deep he blamed her. Did anyone else see or feel that? “Well she didn’t save him”, as if the cryptic message could have read “well, she didn’t save him, so can you save her either? NO! In fact she’ll die the same way! Asphyxiation. Blunt force trauma to the head. Falling over a railing to her death. Pretty similar circumstances if you ask me.
I recall from what was shown in court that her feet would have been approx 20 inches off the ground from where the rope length measurements were verified. I remember thinking as this was explained that it was very lucky she didn’t hit the ground, when it was shown.

This fact also wasn’t lost on the jury IMO.

When we all looked at the rope over the edge of the balcony on the picture on the screen in court, and heard AS testimony, it just didn’t seem to ‘fit’, if that makes sense...with to what AS was saying he did.

It seemed clear from the height where the rope showed RZ was hanging AS could quite easily have reached to cut her down. Also, the was it before or after the 911 questioning, AS said words to the effect of , ‘...well I must have cut her down after I called as it sounds like that’s what I’m doing...’ it was so vague...

The table also looked very unstable, and AS said he got down holding RZ without any difficulty at all. ( I stood on my table at home which is the same height after this testimony to see what it’s like...there’s absolutely no way I could get down by jumping, on my own let alone with a dead weight) ( you guys should try this! It gives you perspective)

Also, Mr Greer kept stopping the tape after each section of the call, especially when there was a lot of ‘huffing and puffing’ and he said ‘what are you doing here?’ AS said, ‘ ...sounds like cutting her down ( there was lots of heavy breathing)

After several similar questions Mr G asked him to demonstate how he was holding AZ, and cut her down. AS did so, and had one arm around her imaginary body, and one in the air with the imaginary knife. Mr Greer then said, so where’s the phone? How did you do all that while holding the phone?

Everyone sort of went...oh yeah! Where is the phone!

AS then replied ....maybe it was in the grass, maybe I put it down..

Greer- But we could hear you breathing, it sounded as if was very close to your face...( it was VERY obviously close to his face from the sound IMO)

AS’ ..I don’t recall where it was...probably I put it on the grass... ‘ was the reply.

I’m paraphrazing here, from my best recollection, and this is my opinion only, but the general feeling for me was that it was another thing in the proceedings that just ‘didn’t add up’ , and I believe for the jury members too.

Mr Greer really needs to remind the jurors of these stand out moments in his summing up and closing argument, like revisiting the time there was the ‘gasp’ in the courtroom when the detective said she didn’t fingerprint RZs phone....
Wow. Greer really nailed it here. Just a thought, when G asked him “what are you doing here” while he was breathing so heavily, instead of cutting her down maybe he was masturbating again with one hand and holding the phone with the other hand. R was IMO already laying on the grass naked. JMHO
For the record, I don't know when AS cut her down, or if she was ever actually hanging from the noose at all, but imo, he didn't go anywhere near her that morning. I don't for one hot second believe he laid a finger on her when he emerged from the guest house and "discovered" her. She was already in the position LE found her in at that point. All he did was call 911 to kick off the lying.
Sure would explain a lot like none if his DNA on her! And no mention of the stench of her dead body while trying to give her CPR. And the length of the rope from bannister railing indicating she would have been 20” from the ground cinches it for me. Looks like someone miscalculated when they did their staging. IMO
Quote Originally Posted by wyatt View Post
There's nothing to remember though if he's breathing directly into the phone and conversing with the 911 dispatcher. Placing the phone down anywhere would not have registered those heavy vocals, imo. Someone would almost need three (3) hands to hold a 100 lb. body, cut through rope with a knife, AND have the phone next to their ear.

I originally read media reports of 2011 that AS said he cut RZ down and removed the gag BEFORE calling 911. Not sure why that account has changed. As it is now, it makes less sense.

The location of AS's phone after RZ's death isn't evidence he raped or murdered her. IMO

What points to AS’s rape and murder isn’t the phone location, it’s the circumstances in which he was using the phone, which point to numerous inconsistencies, first in that he initially asserted he cut RZ down and removed the gag BEFORE he called 911. Then later he stated he cut her down while on the 911 call, adding “if not before”. Then AS, while under oath bring questioned by Mr Greer, couldn’t recall much of anything. Listening to his own voice during that kind of a seemingly traumatic event to anyone would seem to trigger what was happening or some logical explanation that made sense. As I’ve pointed out in previous posts, and if you disagree please explain, he’s a college educated professional tugboat pilot trained to deal with all kinds of emergency situations, and to document the details, so for him to have such poor recall regarding his discovery of RZ body, coupled with his immediate and frankly absurd announcement to 911 that she hung “herself” when she was tied up like she was, and his continual confusing and conflicting involvement with supposedly trying to save R life, brother’s GF, and someone he knew personally, it’s just bewildering and mind numbing to make sense out of anything he says. For AS to be that confused points to his utter lack of truthfulness. IMO
I've seen no proof AS lied nor have I seen any forensic evidence that places him or anyone other than RZ inside the house's crime scene or on the balcony. JMO
So if AS hasn’t lied then it must be true she “hung herself in the guest house” because that’s one of the reasons why the Judge wouldn’t dismiss the case as you recall. Are you saying that his completely opposite statements as to when and how he cut RZ down are true then, even though it’s not possible he cut her down before he called 911, and then during his call to 911. Or is that just all poor recall or confusion, not a lie?
My 2 cents: We're not privy to AS's history with women or what sorts of 'scrapes' his brother has gotten him out of over the years. He's mid-50's, never married, with a 72-year-old 'girlfriend' and a taste for *advertiser censored*. Such a taste, apparently, that on the occasion of his nephew's fatal accident, while in Coronado supporting his brother in his hour of need, he still had to satiate his appetite for *advertiser censored*. If JS's first reaction to hearing the devastating news of RZ's "suicide" was to line up a defense attorney for his bro, common sense suggests AS might have a history his brother is well aware of.

Imo, obviously.

Spot on IMO! Have no doubt AS told his big brother waaaaaay more than “R took her life” as JS described in court. Maybe this was A’s way of paying J back after all the times he was there for him...knowing how much his brother loved his son, I’m certain he felt his RAGE.
So many disturbing comments and images, compliments of the S brothers.

“Asian Honor”

Every woman’s fantasy.

“In a phone interview with News 8, Bremner later confirmed that more than a dozen searches of sexual content – using terms like "raped, sexy Asian girls, and bondage anime" – were accessed on a computer the day before Zahau's death.
"It's important to the investigation because there is an image from anime, and its called bond anime and it shows an Asian women bound; at least her hands are bound behind her back," said the Seattle-based attorney.
Bremner said it was not Zahau who looked at the online content and suggested the computer may have been accessed by someone using an airline account.”

“Just woke up”. Right Adam. Sleep masturbation

“Bremner said Adam Shacknai claimed during a lie detector examination that he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his iPhone just before he walked out of the mansion guest house and found Zahau hanging.” censored*-found-on-coronado-mansion-computer

Staying positive that the jury can see the facts, notice the missing experts, resent the defense’s rendition of which cup is the ball under, and do not fall for JS's Zen Master and AS's Barney Fife routines.

Adam had not arrived when the Asian *advertiser censored* was viewed. If your description of the content is correct, that’s a point in the Defenses favor IMO.
I’m guessing that whatever the jury decides, there will be appeals. This will not be “over.” Any legal reason to think that won’t be the case?

I watched AS’s testim9ny again, and my impression (admittedly from afar) was very different from the consensus here. He reminds me of a man I know with high functioning Asperger’s syndrome. This man is highly intelligent but has poorly formed social skills. A job on a tugboat would seem to fit someone who struggles with that disorder. And AS made a success, becoming Captain, in the life he chose.

I felt sorry for him as he testified. I know Mr Greer was doing his job for his clients, but AS’s social discomfort made it seem like bullying. Obviously, those in the courtroom believe the jury saw him as a liar and crafty manipulator. But, I certainly did not.

He seems like the most vulnerable of the Shacknai set, seized upon for that reason. Anyone could have walked through the open doors that night into the mansion. Even in the best murder scenario, since there’s no dna or fingerprints, it could be anybody doing all the nefarious things suggested here.

Adam is vilified for maturbating to *advertiser censored*...but RZ probably watched *advertiser censored* the night before he arrived...ALSO after the accident...on her computer. The inconsistencies in the reactions here are discouraging.
So IMO here is a scenario that I really think could've have happened:

Complete rigor mortis takes up to 12 hours after death to fully set in, and starts with smaller parts of body first, i.e. eyelids, jaw etc., and larger muscles last. ( With the time of death range given in this case, it is likely that full rigor mortis had not set in at the time that AS discovered RZ's body. When placing RZ on the ground, or any attempt to move her body, it is likely that one would place arms under the leg, as this is the natural way to carry/pickup/move a body. Furthermore, since RZ's hands were tied behind her back you wouldn't place her directly on her back. This could explain how the body was positioned with legs bent, and slightly on one side. It would make sense as full rigor mortis set in that the legs then became rigid in this position.

As for lividity settling in the back, if a body is moved within a certain time after a hanging death and placed in a different position, then the hypostasis in the limbs will fade and new areas of lividity can appear along the back.

Suicide is sad, tragic, and traumatizing for those left behind. It might not always make sense, and it is understandable that grieving family members do not want to think that their loved one chose to die. However, that does not make it murder.
And it's just a mighty strange coincidence that the rope ends between feet and hands meet, because of the way he carried her.

How did she bump her head 4 times across the top when her head height was several feet below the balcony structure? Was it the plants? The same plants that gave her back abrasions under her arms?

How does -

Wecht's opinion of strangulation and staging,
her fractured cricoid,
the detective's admission that the scene was wiped down,
the plaintiff's knot expert's finding that she was hogtied,
the defense knot expert's difficulty in replicating the knots 50-60 times and admission that tight knots means homicide,
her prints on the knifeblade with her hands behind her back when she could just slip out of the knots to hold the knife,
her tied ankles,
her centre of gravity being too low for the railing,
her purposeful behaviour showering and preparing clothes for the morning,
a message painted in the third person, that reveals no guilt conscience over Max whatsoever,

either point to suicide or equate to a case based on the family's denial?
And it's just a mighty strange coincidence that the rope ends between feet and hands meet, because of the way he carried her.

How did she bump her head 4 times across the top when her head height was several feet below the balcony structure? Was it the plants? The same plants that gave her back abrasions under her arms?

How does -

Wecht's opinion of strangulation and staging,
her fractured cricoid,
the detective's admission that the scene was wiped down,
the plaintiff's knot expert's finding that she was hogtied,
the defense knot expert's difficulty in replicating the knots 50-60 times and admission that tight knots means homicide,
her prints on the knifeblade with her hands behind her back when she could just slip out of the knots to hold the knife,
her tied ankles,
her centre of gravity being too low for the railing,
her purposeful behaviour showering and preparing clothes for the morning,
a message painted in the third person, that reveals no guilt conscience over Max whatsoever,

either point to suicide or equate to a case based on the family's denial?

Just about everything you list is just a repetition of what the plaintiffs paid experts said, or as in the case of the defense knot expert...answering a typical “could this be possible” courtroom question that is essentially meaningless after providing strong testimony that your professional belief is...nothing of the sort.

These plaintiffs points are recited here as gospel, but they are not fact, they are the plaintiffs interpretation of the available evidence. There is no video of how RZ’s death transpired. There is no proof offered in all these years of a payoff to the authorities by JS. None.

A year ago, the majority of this Board agreed upon a scenario that included the Romano sisters torturing RZ. Many, many theories posted, applauded, ardently believed and treated like Gods truth. Then Mr Greer had to come out and apologize. Exit Romano sisters.

Now it is Adam, master assassin.

Now there’s another scenario...also ardently believed. But there is no dna or fingerprints of AS..on any evidence.


As to the wipedown, gloves theory...IMO it’s inconceivable that this man became a master professional in some spy thriller...overnight.
As an experienced Tugboat Captain, AS stated he never carried out the types of knots, found in Rebecca's case!! He may have read about them in the past.
JS specifically states, when on his boat, Rebecca performed tasks, such as making knots, to tie the boat, to the pier!!
JS and AS have planned their statements to a T, to incriminate Rebecca.

Sorry, I am unable to add their statements, in this post.
And it's just a mighty strange coincidence that the rope ends between feet and hands meet, because of the way he carried her.

How did she bump her head 4 times across the top when her head height was several feet below the balcony structure? Was it the plants? The same plants that gave her back abrasions under her arms?

How does -

Wecht's opinion of strangulation and staging,
her fractured cricoid,
the detective's admission that the scene was wiped down,
the plaintiff's knot expert's finding that she was hogtied,
the defense knot expert's difficulty in replicating the knots 50-60 times and admission that tight knots means homicide,
her prints on the knifeblade with her hands behind her back when she could just slip out of the knots to hold the knife,
her tied ankles,
her centre of gravity being too low for the railing,
her purposeful behaviour showering and preparing clothes for the morning,
a message painted in the third person, that reveals no guilt conscience over Max whatsoever,

either point to suicide or equate to a case based on the family's denial?

BBM, the second expert yesterday testified about the 4 marks on Rebecca’s head. :rolleyes: How does one continue to bruise after death? Hard to believe he calls himself an expert, IMO.


Dr. Gregory Davis, a forensic pathologist from the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital, testified Monday and Tuesday that he saw no injuries on Zahau that suggested homicide.

Four hemorrhages under her scalp were described by plaintiff’s experts as being caused by blows to Zahau’s head. Davis said they were small and possibly caused during the initial autopsy.
Update from page...

Wow today was not much different than yesterday. I wanted to yell that they are lying as I sat there and listened to their fabricated interpretation of evidence and picked my sister’s life apart to fit their theory of suicide. They present her life in such a way as if their life is perfect. The defense medical examiner from Kentucky finished his testimony saying he will not change his opinion of suicide even after Attorney Greer pointed out several evidence that says otherwise including absence of DNA and fingerprints on items that should have been positive and evidence of sexual assault with knife handle.

Then their clinical psychologist picked incidences throughout Rebecca’s life, some weight loss (5lbs per autopsy weight), some sleeplessness, her stress with Jonah’s kids, her relationship with Jonah, and her 2 entries found in her phone to fit his testimony that she committed suicide. He claimed that Jonah Schacknai’s phone message about Max condition was “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. The fact is nobody has heard this message and nobody will ever know what that message said. The San Diego Sheriff department and lead detective conveniently forgot to retrieve the message in time from the carrier. Their most important “straw that broke the camel’s back” cannot be proven. Attorney Greer pointed out how this clinical psychologist ignored positive factors in her life and positive coping habits Rebecca had including my exercise, healthy eating, prayers, and her faith in God. Rebecca had no history of depression, no threats of suicide in the past, no diagnosis of depression, no history of alcohol or substance abuse, and anybody who knows her will say she always had positive outlook in life and lightens the mood of those around her. She made plans for the future that included our father’s birthday party that fall of 2011.

According to this psychologist, most of us are at risk of suicide and will most likely commit suicide because we all have stressors whether it’s issues in relationship at one time or another, stress about step kids, lost sleep, lost weight, have tragic events/deaths, and so on. I have not slept more than 5-6 hrs a night since Rebecca was murdered, our father has died 2013 with broken heart, and obviously I am under a lot of stress leading up to trial since 2011, financial stress of trial expenses, and now during trial in addition to daily stress of being a parent, having a job, taking care of family etc. I wonder what my psychology evaluation would be according to him?????

The defense eliminated several witnesses as I mentioned on yesterday’s update. They rested their case today. But they were not ready to make closing arguments. So closing arguments are scheduled on Monday 4/2/18.
On a positive note I get to see my kids 2 more days than in past weeks.
Regardless of how I feel or my mom and family feels,
I have to step back and take a deep breath that God is in control and sees the bigger picture that I cannot see. We wouldn’t be here without God, Attorney Greer, and everyone who has prayed with us and stood alongside us through this fight for justice. Please pray with us fervently that God will speak through attorney Greer on Monday and open the eyes, ears, and hearts of the jury to the truth.

Help spread the word!
As an experienced Tugboat Captain, AS stated he never carried out the types of knots, found in Rebecca's case!! He may have read about them in the past.
JS specifically states, when on his boat, Rebecca performed tasks, such as making knots, to tie the boat, to the pier!!
JS and AS have planned their statements to a T, to incriminate Rebecca.

Sorry, I am unable to add their statements, in this post.

Additionally, When JS was asked to show the court how Rebecca would typically tie up the boat, there was no knots used. Which Greer pointed out. JS responded that there wasn’t any knot and that this is how everyone in the world tie up boats. Didn’t he also say that he can’t say if he ever saw Rebecca tie any knots?
Adam had not arrived when the Asian *advertiser censored* was viewed. If your description of the content is correct, that’s a point in the Defenses favor IMO.

According to Gore:
"There was activity on Rebecca’s computer the day before the incident. The forensic examination of the hard drive showed the file access at about 3:00 am the morning of the event was likely a “cookie” left behind by an automated update for a tool bar."
Update from page...

Wow today was not much different than yesterday. I wanted to yell that they are lying as I sat there and listened to their fabricated interpretation of evidence and picked my sister’s life apart to fit their theory of suicide. They present her life in such a way as if their life is perfect. The defense medical examiner from Kentucky finished his testimony saying he will not change his opinion of suicide even after Attorney Greer pointed out several evidence that says otherwise including absence of DNA and fingerprints on items that should have been positive and evidence of sexual assault with knife handle.

Then their clinical psychologist picked incidences throughout Rebecca’s life, some weight loss (5lbs per autopsy weight), some sleeplessness, her stress with Jonah’s kids, her relationship with Jonah, and her 2 entries found in her phone to fit his testimony that she committed suicide. He claimed that Jonah Schacknai’s phone message about Max condition was “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. The fact is nobody has heard this message and nobody will ever know what that message said. The San Diego Sheriff department and lead detective conveniently forgot to retrieve the message in time from the carrier. Their most important “straw that broke the camel’s back” cannot be proven. Attorney Greer pointed out how this clinical psychologist ignored positive factors in her life and positive coping habits Rebecca had including my exercise, healthy eating, prayers, and her faith in God. Rebecca had no history of depression, no threats of suicide in the past, no diagnosis of depression, no history of alcohol or substance abuse, and anybody who knows her will say she always had positive outlook in life and lightens the mood of those around her. She made plans for the future that included our father’s birthday party that fall of 2011.

According to this psychologist, most of us are at risk of suicide and will most likely commit suicide because we all have stressors whether it’s issues in relationship at one time or another, stress about step kids, lost sleep, lost weight, have tragic events/deaths, and so on. I have not slept more than 5-6 hrs a night since Rebecca was murdered, our father has died 2013 with broken heart, and obviously I am under a lot of stress leading up to trial since 2011, financial stress of trial expenses, and now during trial in addition to daily stress of being a parent, having a job, taking care of family etc. I wonder what my psychology evaluation would be according to him?????

The defense eliminated several witnesses as I mentioned on yesterday’s update. They rested their case today. But they were not ready to make closing arguments. So closing arguments are scheduled on Monday 4/2/18.
On a positive note I get to see my kids 2 more days than in past weeks.
Regardless of how I feel or my mom and family feels,
I have to step back and take a deep breath that God is in control and sees the bigger picture that I cannot see. We wouldn’t be here without God, Attorney Greer, and everyone who has prayed with us and stood alongside us through this fight for justice. Please pray with us fervently that God will speak through attorney Greer on Monday and open the eyes, ears, and hearts of the jury to the truth.

Help spread the word!

No question this family is in great pain. When I read this update, I would hope for peace and comfort for her, but as a juror, no, I could not rule in her favor.

It’s understandable that a loving sister would want to believe her sister was living a happy fulfilled life just before she died. But IMO, RZ had just endured a hideously painful stretch before that fatefull night. WAY too many stress factors converging!

The sister writes:

“According to this psychologist, most of us are at risk of suicide and will most likely commit suicide because we all have stressors whether it’s issues in relationship at one time or another, stress about step kids, lost sleep, lost weight, have tragic events/deaths, and so on.”

But all these stressors were compounding each other!

If we are to assume that RZ truly loved Adam, well...he was already dating the woman he would marry at this point. Did RZ know this...well, Mr Greer indicates that her sister was one source of this info. Maybe they discovered this later...but I believe most women can sense when a man’s interest begins to be elsewhere.

JS had all the power and essentially as just as he’s courting another woman, he puts RZ on probation. So passive aggressive. The problem with his daughter must be solved or they will “re-evaluate.” Yet by RZ’s words, he does not back her when she’s disrespected by his children. A no-win for RZ.

There’s the second wife down the street...that the daughter does get along with...and she is also hostile. RZ is pretty much living in a toxic enviorment, with a cheating boyfriend and, having quit her job...dependent on him for money.

She seems powerless ...especially if she truly loves him.

Into this miserable environment, comes an unspeakable tragedy. The beloved youngest child is gravely hurt when only she and her sister are in the house. She soon realizes there will be an investigation, the mother will blame her, the older kids will have more ammunition, and the cheating boyfriend is devastated.

What are the chances of saving this relationship when he’s already one foot out the door and so many in his immediate circle hate her? And then she hears the child is doing even worse. And she will have to face that investigation, something anyone would find stressful.

My God, she would have to be Spock from Star Wars not to be an emotional basket case!

To say that she was not beset with enough problems to be disingenuous. That’s not proof she wasnt murdered, but continuing to deny that her life was in a hideous spiral is sad, it not credible.
Update from page...

Wow today was not much different than yesterday. I wanted to yell that they are lying as I sat there and listened to their fabricated interpretation of evidence and picked my sister’s life apart to fit their theory of suicide. They present her life in such a way as if their life is perfect. The defense medical examiner from Kentucky finished his testimony saying he will not change his opinion of suicide even after Attorney Greer pointed out several evidence that says otherwise including absence of DNA and fingerprints on items that should have been positive and evidence of sexual assault with knife handle.

Then their clinical psychologist picked incidences throughout Rebecca’s life, some weight loss (5lbs per autopsy weight), some sleeplessness, her stress with Jonah’s kids, her relationship with Jonah, and her 2 entries found in her phone to fit his testimony that she committed suicide. He claimed that Jonah Schacknai’s phone message about Max condition was “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. The fact is nobody has heard this message and nobody will ever know what that message said. The San Diego Sheriff department and lead detective conveniently forgot to retrieve the message in time from the carrier. Their most important “straw that broke the camel’s back” cannot be proven. Attorney Greer pointed out how this clinical psychologist ignored positive factors in her life and positive coping habits Rebecca had including my exercise, healthy eating, prayers, and her faith in God. Rebecca had no history of depression, no threats of suicide in the past, no diagnosis of depression, no history of alcohol or substance abuse, and anybody who knows her will say she always had positive outlook in life and lightens the mood of those around her. She made plans for the future that included our father’s birthday party that fall of 2011.

According to this psychologist, most of us are at risk of suicide and will most likely commit suicide because we all have stressors whether it’s issues in relationship at one time or another, stress about step kids, lost sleep, lost weight, have tragic events/deaths, and so on. I have not slept more than 5-6 hrs a night since Rebecca was murdered, our father has died 2013 with broken heart, and obviously I am under a lot of stress leading up to trial since 2011, financial stress of trial expenses, and now during trial in addition to daily stress of being a parent, having a job, taking care of family etc. I wonder what my psychology evaluation would be according to him?????

The defense eliminated several witnesses as I mentioned on yesterday’s update. They rested their case today. But they were not ready to make closing arguments. So closing arguments are scheduled on Monday 4/2/18.
On a positive note I get to see my kids 2 more days than in past weeks.
Regardless of how I feel or my mom and family feels,
I have to step back and take a deep breath that God is in control and sees the bigger picture that I cannot see. We wouldn’t be here without God, Attorney Greer, and everyone who has prayed with us and stood alongside us through this fight for justice. Please pray with us fervently that God will speak through attorney Greer on Monday and open the eyes, ears, and hearts of the jury to the truth.

Help spread the word!

Thanks for sharing. Poor Mary, she must be exhausted by now, emotionally and otherwise. She's an incredibly strong person to have dealt with so much since the death of Rebecca. I'm going to make another donation today.

She makes very good points about psychologist's testimony. By all accounts Rebecca was a very active, fit and healthy person. No alcohol or drug use. Those things all have a positive impact in helping people deal with stress in their lives and should have been considered in his evaluation. That wasn't the case, though, so I doubt this testimony will have much influence over jurors. After all the evidence presented so far to indicate murder, they're probably not swayed by this.

Greer is doing a fantastic job, as usual. I really think they will prevail.
No question this family is in great pain. When I read this update, I would hope for peace and comfort for her, but as a juror, no, I could not rule in her favor.

It’s understandable that a lov8ng sister would want to believe her sister was living a happy fulfilled life just before she died. But IMO, RZ had just endure a hideous painful stretch before that faithful night.

The sister writes:

“According to this psychologist, most of us are at risk of suicide and will most likely commit suicide because we all have stressors whether it’s issues in relationship at one time or another, stress about step kids, lost sleep, lost weight, have tragic events/deaths, and so on.”

If we are to assume that she truly loved Adam, well...he was already dating the woman he would marry at this point. Did RZ know this...well, Mr Greer indicates that her sister was a source of this info. Maybe they discovered this later...but I believe most women can sense when a man’s interest begins to be elsewhere.

JS had all the power and essentially as he’s courting another woman, he puts RZ on probation. So passive aggressive. The problem with his daughter must be solved or they will “re-evaluate.” Yet by RZ’s words, he does not back her when she’s disrespected by his children.

There’s the second wife down the street...that the daughter dies get along with...and she is also hostile. RZ is pretty much living in a toxic enviorment, with a cheating boyfriend and, having quit her job...dependent on him for money.

She seems powerless ...especially if she truly loves him.

Into this miserable enviorment, comes an unspeakable tragedy. The beloved youngest child is gravely hurt when only she and her sister are in the house. She soon realizes there will be an investigation, the mother will blame her, the older kids will have more ammunition, the cheating boyfriend is devastated.

What are the chances of saving this relationship when he’s already one foot out the door and so many in his immediate circle hate her? And then she hears the child is doing even worse. And she will have to face that investigation, something anyone would find stressful.

My God, she would have to be Spock from Star Wars not to be an emotional basket case!

To say that she was not beset with enough problems to be disingenuous. That’s not proof she wasnt murdered, but continuing to deny that her life was in a hideous spiral is sad, it not credible.

My impressions over the last few years following this case is that Rebecca had already distanced herself from JS. She was ready to move on and get back to living a happy productive life. She showed indications, not of being distressed, but more of being "fed up" with some family members. She apparently showed a lot of patience and calm in dealing with the drama withing JS's family life. She dealt with their family stress in healthy ways - exercise, journaling, sharing with family. She had her coping mechanisms down pat. JMO, she was being strong, tolerating the family's mess until it was time for her to move on.

It's possible to remain detached from someone else's family drama and JMO, that's what she was doing with Jonah & his kids, ex wives, etc. Max's accident (remember, she never lived long enough to know he would pass) was a very sad time for her, but not enough to cause suicide. Had she not been murdered, I think her relationship would have ended soon after his death. She probably wouldn't have wanted to stick around to deal with more family dysfunction, anger, accusations, etc.

I'm agreeing with a theory someone recently posted, one I considered very early on: Adam knew JS and RZ were splitting up. He was angry over Max's death, unfairly blaming her. He was sexually attracted to her and thought it would now be ok to proposition her. When she refused, he attacked her. She struggled and he became angry. Because of his anger, the situation escalated and she was killed. Anyone who follows WS has read of similar scenarios playing out many, many times between rapists and their victims. Rape isn't as much about sexual gratification as it is about expressing anger and exerting power over another.
BBM. I suspect that very fact is 99% of the reason Lucas wasn't called. Indefensible.

Edited to add: There's also that pesky little problem of her missing throat post-autopsy.

Will the jury be allowed to view and read the autopsy report themselves?
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