"Reckless, irresponsible": Kansas teacher's "gay is same as murder" Facebook rant

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Mar 4, 2009
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Teacher's online remarks on homosexuality draw fire (Hutchinson News)
A Buhler USD 313 teacher/coach has caused a stir by writing on his Facebook page last week that homosexuality is a sin and ranks in God's eyes the same as the sin of murder.

The Kansas Equality Coalition criticized what Prairie Hills Middle School social studies teacher/Buhler High School assistant freshman women's basketball coach Jack Conkling wrote. It also urged USD 313 to review its policy on social media and bullying, whether by students or teachers.

Jon Powell, chairman of the Hutchinson chapter of the Kansas Equality Coalition, said Conkling's "inflammatory statements" could make students think it's OK to bully fellow students.

Powell termed the posting "reckless," "dangerous" and "irresponsible."
It was a former seasonal employee at Hutchinson's Salt City Splash, where Conkling works in the summer, who alerted the Kansas Equality Coalition to the Facebook statement. USD 313 Superintendent Dan Stiffler learned about it from a teacher.

Conkling wrote: "Gay marriage is wrong because homosexuality is wrong. The Bible clearly states it is sin."

He also wrote: "It ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying stealing, or cheating."
the rest at link above
God may differ but if I had to walk in a dark alley I would much rather meet a person whose sin is homosexuality, or lying, or cheating, or all of the above, than someone whose sin is murder.
While I don't agree with this teacher's postings, I do feel that he should be allowed to do so - as long as there is a clear policy that teachers keep their social media non-public & don't friend etc students (my wife's college has the latter policy, it helps to prevent questions of propriety etc).

This school, like many others, is now in a pickle because it didn't establish such simple, clear cut SM rules - you just can't punish a teacher for violating non-existent policies without incurring the wrath of the Teacher's Union, which is as it should be.

In addition, after reading his posting in its entirety (it's at the bottom of the article), I don't really find it inflammatory at all. I don't particularly like the 'one path to heaven' viewpoint, but it's not like he's calling for any action, just expressing his feelings - and he even goes so far as to say that everyone is guilty of sin etc, basically doing a roundabouts 'he who is without sin' type thing.

IMO, this is manufactured outrage, which is the true 'dangerous' 'reckless' 'irresponsible' action here.

He was expressing his opinion, as we all do whenever we post ANYTHING on the web.

As far as it being "reckless and irresponsible", meh, it's only a big deal if they make it a big deal, e.g. "manufactured outrage" as stated above. I'm sure it's been deleted by now. Personally, I do not agree with his statements, and I've read way worse on SM sites. Should educators be held to a different standard? Maybe. But if that's the case, there had better be a clear and concise policy and procedure in place outlining exactly what is acceptable regarding their use of SM sites.
A fool and his job are soon parted.

His equation of homosexuality and murder actively indicates that he would not be able to teach gay or lesbian students in a non-discriminatory manner. He has no place in public education.

Yes, we're free to state our opinion; but we're also liable for the beliefs we hold - especially those we express in public forums like Facebook.
facebook, even though it may be set to "private," is broadcasting. If you wouldn't stand up in front of a public audience and say it (due to manners, for instance, or job preservation :doh: ), perhaps it's better left unpublished on your facebook page? Uhhh, yeah.

I don't ascribe to facebook, won't do it until I know what they're going to do with all the minutia they're compiling-- but this case, like others, is a big hint, folks. A HUGE hint... heck, it'll probably become as powerful a screening tool as credit reports. They'll certainly use what they gather to "deny" you one thing or another... government and insurance companies will lead the pack, then employers, then...?

Comparing homosexuality to murder is not a benign comparison in a country where murder merits the death penalty. That comparison is practically an invitation to others to commit hate crimes.

But to be perfectly accurate, according to the Bible, God equates homosexuality with eating shellfish and wearing clothing made from two kinds of cloth. There are far more biblical passages condemning divorce.
Um, am I the only one who read his whole post in context? He equates homosexuality with all other sins, not just murder. Things like cheating on your taxes or other small stuff would be included in his premise. I'm sorry, while I don't agree that sexual orientation should be considered a sin, and I'm in fact not too big on the idea of basing ones notions of right & wrong on the writings of some self-serving males of ancient times, I have to say that his post is pretty benign.

Taking just two words from the whole to twist the meaning of his statement is no different from those who quote Leviticus to call homosexuality an unforgivable sin but neglect to go protesting down at the local Red Lobster.

All JMO, and sorry if this ticks anyone off, but I calls it like I sees it.
Um, am I the only one who read his whole post in context? He equates homosexuality with all other sins, not just murder. Things like cheating on your taxes or other small stuff would be included in his premise. I'm sorry, while I don't agree that sexual orientation should be considered a sin, and I'm in fact not too big on the idea of basing ones notions of right & wrong on the writings of some self-serving males of ancient times, I have to say that his post is pretty benign.

Taking just two words from the whole to twist the meaning of his statement is no different from those who quote Leviticus to call homosexuality an unforgivable sin but neglect to go protesting down at the local Red Lobster.

All JMO, and sorry if this ticks anyone off, but I calls it like I sees it.
In the first place, to designate homosexuality as "a sin," and to publish that opinion in a public forum when one's job consists of teaching in a public institution, is, in my opinion, grounds for dismissal.

Here's what he wrote: "It ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying stealing, or cheating."

Evidently he also is deluded enough to think himself able to view the world through the eyes of a deity.

He really should have stuck to giving multiple choice tests about material covered by his textbook.
Um, am I the only one who read his whole post in context? He equates homosexuality with all other sins, not just murder. Things like cheating on your taxes or other small stuff would be included in his premise.....but I calls it like I sees it.

I read the whole thing too, hence my initial post in this thread. As I said, I do not agree with his statements. He does lump it all together. The SM sites give everyone plenty of rope - and I think he hung himself as far as his teaching career.

I do not think he would be able to objectively teach a student who was openly gay.
In the first place, to designate homosexuality as "a sin," and to publish that opinion in a public forum when one's job consists of teaching in a public institution, is, in my opinion, grounds for dismissal.

Here's what he wrote: "It ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying stealing, or cheating."

Evidently he also is deluded enough to think himself able to view the world through the eyes of a deity.

He really should have stuck to giving multiple choice tests about material covered by his textbook.

No - here's what he wrote:

"All this talk in the news about gay marriage recently has finally driven me to write. Gay marriage is wrong because homosexuality is wrong. The Bible clearly states it is sin. Now I do not claim it to be a sin any worse than other sins. It ranks in God's eyes the same as murder, lying, stealing, or cheating. His standards are perfect and ALL have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Sin is sin and we all deserve hell. Only those who accept Christ as Lord and daily with the help of the Spirit do their best to turn from sin will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There aren't multiple ways to get to Heaven. There is one. To many this may seem close minded and antagonistic, but it doesn't make it any less true. Folks I am willing to admit that my depravity is just as great as anyone else's, and without Christ I'd be destined for hell, if not for the undeserved grace of God. I'm not condemning gay marriage because I hate gay people. I am doing it because those who embrace it will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And I desire that for no one."

Facebook posting by Buhler USD 313 teacher/coach Jack Conkling

Taking just a piece of it to make it look like hate-speech is just as bad as picking and choosing only the Biblical passages that appeal to you, IMO.

As I said, I don't like what he has to say, but none of it is advocating anything, just stating what he's been taught as far as the Bible's take on an issue. He then goes on about how it's no better or worse than anything that he's done, and then some stuff about forgiveness. Taking it all in context, it's just not what it's being made out to be.

In addition - it would be reprehensible (and illegal) for this school system to punish this teacher for SM content when they have no policy in place regarding such. You just can't go around punishing employees for violating non-existent rules.

I read the whole thing too, hence my initial post in this thread. As I said, I do not agree with his statements. He does lump it all together. The SM sites give everyone plenty of rope - and I think he hung himself as far as his teaching career.

I do not think he would be able to objectively teach a student who was openly gay.

You're probably right on the latter - in which case he can be punished for his performance in the classroom.
I think it kind of reads like he was expressing freedom of religion on his personal facebook. JMO.
With all due respect, I think SkewedView and Soulmagent are ignoring the historical context of homophobia in this country. It is NOT a benign statement of opinion that homosexuality is akin to murder. We punish murderers with death in this country; we have laws that allow others to kill to prevent a murder.

Do the math! What is one saying when one compares consensual sex between adults to murder in that historical, legal and social context?

As for freedom of religion, we also have freedom of speech. But that doesn't mean we can yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater; the Supreme Court has made that clear. Comparing what my husband and I do in private to murder is very much the equivalent of yelling "Fire!" in the crowded "theater" that is American society.
A fool and his job are soon parted.

His equation of homosexuality and murder actively indicates that he would not be able to teach gay or lesbian students in a non-discriminatory manner. He has no place in public education.

Yes, we're free to state our opinion; but we're also liable for the beliefs we hold - especially those we express in public forums like Facebook.

He didn't equate the two
He said they are both sins
With all due respect, I think SkewedView and Soulmagent are ignoring the historical context of homophobia in this country. It is NOT a benign statement of opinion that homosexuality is akin to murder. We punish murderers with death in this country; we have laws that allow others to kill to prevent a murder.

Do the math! What is one saying when one compares consensual sex between adults to murder in that historical, legal and social context?

As for freedom of religion, we also have freedom of speech. But that doesn't mean we can yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater; the Supreme Court has made that clear. Comparing what my husband and I do in private to murder is very much the equivalent of yelling "Fire!" in the crowded "theater" that is American society.

He didn't yell Fire in a crowded theatre nor did he threaten anyone - he simply stated an opinion from the Bible.
Actually, the original meaning in the original bible languages is vague about homosexuality. The interpretation of it being a sin is based on later translations and reflects that morality rather than the original meaning.

There is a lot of stuff of a sexual nature in the Bible that would be regarded as dubious or immoral in today's society, but you can bet that this guy won't be going on a rant defending those practices. The truth is this guy is just a homophobe, a rabid dangerous one at that, and it has nothing to do with religion.

One could say that intolerance is a sin as well, and that is certainly something that is taught as such in the new testiment. Presumably this teacher is not a Christian, or he would not be holding those views.
Actually, the original meaning in the original bible languages is vague about homosexuality. The interpretation of it being a sin is based on later translations and reflects that morality rather than the original meaning.

There is a lot of stuff of a sexual nature in the Bible that would be regarded as dubious or immoral in today's society, but you can bet that this guy won't be going on a rant defending those practices. The truth is this guy is just a homophobe, a rabid dangerous one at that, and it has nothing to do with religion.

One could say that intolerance is a sin as well, and that is certainly something that is taught as such in the new testiment. Presumably this teacher is not a Christian, or he would not be holding those views.

a rabid homophobe, because he doesn't embrace gay marriage?
That's a rather intolerant viewpoint -
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