"Reckless, irresponsible": Kansas teacher's "gay is same as murder" Facebook rant

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I personally don't understand why most religions focus so much of their theology on sex. I really don't care what others do so long as it is consenting and not hurtful to someone. I don't think it's my business. Whatever gets you through the night.
I personally don't understand why most religions focus so much of their theology on sex. I really don't care what others do so long as it is consenting and not hurtful to someone. I don't think it's my business. Whatever gets you through the night.

No one is talking about sex, we're talking about the redefinition of marriage.
So its okay for homosexuals to have sex with each other, as long as they don't get married?
No, the issue is a teacher comparing homosexuality to murder. Are you telling me gay people can have sex with each other with Biblical approval as long as they don't get married? Would it maybe be less sinful, like only comparable to manslaughter without the issue of gay marriage?
"The issue of the thread is the appropriateness for a teacher and assistant girls' freshman basketball coach to use his Facebook page to post material some might consider hateful," said the thread starter.
I have nothing else-you are free to be a superior heterosexual, pleasing to God and free to publicly condemn all who do not share your views as you obviously know the mind of God. Saying God said it is just a way to shut down discussion so fine, there's plenty of open minded people to discuss things with but once people like you take over it's just a game for you to win, I guess, "for God" by changing the subject to gay marriage, my lack of faith whatever...I know enough not to hurt people and consider them inferior sinners because of their race or creed or gender orientation. It's always easy for the majority to dominate and control but few groups except your brand of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims need to make this particular minority the recipient of disdain. Those gays are sinners-easy and self satisfying for certain heterosexuals to say.

If Nova says approx 5% of the population is gay, and I believe it's about half that number, there is no way you can safely assume that means the teacher has a gay student in his class.

I get it, religion, much less faith is not a part of your life. That's fine - anything else?
...I will say we've already covered that science hasn't proven it cannot be changed. Nova even stated that origins of homosexuality are still being studied/as yet unknown....

Seek, I know you wouldn't do so on purpose, but either I explained myself poorly or you are accidentally misrepresenting what I posted.

There is quite a bit of data showing a biological origin to male homosexuality. (Females haven't been studied as much, which is a shame but not unusual.)

Identical-twin studies strongly suggest a genetic cause. Studies of women with multiple sons show that the chances of a son being homosexual rises radically with each additional male child: since mothers build up an increased resistance to testosterone with each son, researchers suspect that may also cause homosexuality in later children.

What I said was that research continues and these causes aren't perfectly understood. For example, they haven't yet isolated the "gay gene." But that isn't to say that evidence for biological origins of male homosexuality isn't quite strong.

The surprise is not that there is a biological cause, but that there may be more than one.

This is factually incorrect.

Okay, yes, I'm sure there are gay Catholics that would like their Church to change its policy against gay marriage. But what we are saying is there is no organized political movement trying to force churches to do so by law.

Everyone knows the Constitution prevents such a requirement. I would oppose such a law even if the Constitution did not.

If you have evidence otherwise, it's time to provide a link and let us examine your evidence. Otherwise, I'm going to chalk up this claim to more imaginary Christian martyrdom and unwarranted self-pity.
If you have evidence otherwise, it's time to provide a link and let us examine your evidence. Otherwise, I'm going to chalk up this claim to more imaginary Christian martyrdom and unwarranted self-pity.

pot....meet kettle (again)
disingenuous and sad. If you equate a person because of an immutable characteristic (and stop acting like Nova thinks gay is a choice-it isn't as has been shown by every reputable source of study, only certain fringe groups who like to condemn gays tend to find it otherwise) like race, gender or sexual orientation to a murderer, sinner, criminal you have set them apart from acceptable society. As has been shown this is especially an issue for gay teens who are subject to abuse, bullying and suicidal tendencies. There is no Christian reason for a high school teacher to need to publish his thoughts on gays-these are not God's thoughts, they are his and many Christians disagree with him. No one is saying he CAN'T do it but there are ramifications that might be necessary to protect his students.

My bias against religion is precisely BECAUSE of what he says. There is no other way to read it. The only people who seem able to are those of you that think as he does. No one else finds it a benign statement of faith so who is being colored by bias in the reading of the teachers words? He was making a point, that had no need to be made.

It isn't like this guy is the first "Christian" teacher who felt the need to make his disgust at homosexuality known you know. I'm sure it's their love of God and the Bible that drives them.

Jerry Buell, a history teacher at Mount Dora High School in Mount Dora, Fla. wrote on his Facebook page that he "almost threw up" when he was having dinner and news came on of New York's decision to allow same-sex marriage showed up July 25.
"It wasn't out of hatred," Buell told the Sentinel of his post. "It was about the way I interpret things."

A New Jersey high school teacher became the center of a Facebook controversy on Thursday after writing on the site that “homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation” and complaining about a school display recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History month.

Ms. Knox wrote that while she had friends and loved ones who were gay, she believed that the way they lived was “against the nature and character of God” and that the high school was “not the setting to promote, encourage, support and foster homosexuality.”


I need to worry about MY bias. Every one of these Christians who feel the need to post their opinions about how disgusting gays are seem to me to be letting their bias influence their reading of God's mind.

The teacher did not set anyone up for ridicule and hate by stating that all sin is equal and that all are sinners, including him. He did not state anyone's existence was distasteful or anything similar to that. He likewise did not condemn anyone as equivalent to murderers by virtue of how they were born. Please note, as Nova pointed out, the causes/origins of homosexuality have not been established. Stating it's how they're born is thus opinion.

Definition of bias:
b : an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : prejudice

Bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives. Anything biased generally is one-sided, and therefore lacks a neutral point of view.

Have you considered that your stated bias against religion might color your perception of what he's saying?
I have nothing else-you are free to be a superior heterosexual, pleasing to God and free to publicly condemn all who do not share your views as you obviously know the mind of God. Saying God said it is just a way to shut down discussion so fine, there's plenty of open minded people to discuss things with but once people like you take over it's just a game for you to win, I guess, "for God" by changing the subject to gay marriage, my lack of faith whatever...I know enough not to hurt people and consider them inferior sinners because of their race or creed or gender orientation. It's always easy for the majority to dominate and control but few groups except your brand of fundamentalist Christians and Muslims need to make this particular minority the recipient of disdain. Those gays are sinners-easy and self satisfying for certain heterosexuals to say.

If you'd look at what you wrote,
free to publicly condemn all who do not share your views
isn't that exactly what you're doing? It's just coming from an anti-God perspective? Is your perspective more valid because of disbelief?
If you'd look at what you wrote, isn't that exactly what you're doing? It's just coming from an anti-God perspective? Is your perspective more valid because of disbelief?
What godlike powers have been granted you that you may summon up the term "anti-God perspective" with such wrongheaded aplomb?
pot....meet kettle (again)

Self-professed Christians have been killing homosexuals and accused homosexuals since at least the 1300s. That's not my imagination.

See John Boswell's Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality (1980), a carefully documented account.
Is your perspective more valid because of disbelief?

No, that's not the reason. Our perspective is more valid because we have actual reasons for it which are based on up to date knowledge of human rights and human sexuality. All you have is "the Bible says..." and there are even reasons to dispute that.
This thread is the defining reason that I don't believe in organized religion.

Hate in the name of god.


I feel for the teacher if his beliefs are being misrepresented. Other than that...meh.
Self-professed Christians have been killing homosexuals and accused homosexuals since at least the 1300s. That's not my imagination.

See John Boswell's Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality (1980), a carefully documented account.

and yet, look how many self-professed Christians have NEVER killed a single homosexual....
and yet, look how many self-professed Christians have NEVER killed a single homosexual....

Do you happen to have any stats to back up this statement? And not just those who have committed murder, but who have committed any of the other "sins" lumped into this fellow's FB post; lying, cheating, etc.

I will say, I've always found it fascinating how many murderers become "self-professed" Christians after the fact. I suppose that opens the gates of heaven to them.
and yet, look how many self-professed Christians have NEVER killed a single homosexual....
That's chop logic at its most specious. I'd call it sophistry but it would have to climb up the ladder several rungs to qualify.
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