Regroup/Refocus for 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thank you very much, PepperP. I need to decide now whether there is any point in going forward with the web page and paying the hosting fee, especially since I do not know how to update it and make changes myself. There seems to be very little action or interest in the case right now; it may be that we have all given it our best effort and can't think of anything else to do.

I'd be happy to Annasmom. I'm not a website genius but my buddy is and if you do decide to pay the hosting fee, we could make changes and update things. Up to you! Anna's story is so important.
I'd be happy to Annasmom. I'm not a website genius but my buddy is and if you do decide to pay the hosting fee, we could make changes and update things. Up to you! Anna's story is so important.
Thank you, PepperP. It looks as if I need the log-in and password to do even this, and unfortunately at present those are unobtainable.
I am interested in Anna's case. I wish i could help somehow. I know nothing about hosting websites though. :heartbeat:
Thank you, PepperP. It looks as if I need the log-in and password to do even this, and unfortunately at present those are unobtainable.

If ever, in the future, you change your mind, let me know. I work in marketing, public relations and communications and could help host a site (with help from a trusted colleague).

I know this may not ever be a possibility due to login creditentials, but I wanted to put it out there. You never know what one decision can do.

Agree. It is one of the best ways to keep the search for her alive...even if it is slower.
Thank you, PepperP. It looks as if I need the log-in and password to do even this, and unfortunately at present those are unobtainable.

It's possible that could provide the log-in and allow the password to be reset for whoever pays the hosting fee.

Although I don't have anything to add, I was following Anna's case when I ended up at websleuths several years ago. I check back in here often and recently re-read "Searching for Anna."

It's been awhile, hope all is well!

I was just wondering if you've seen this - The height and weight are kind of odd, but was found in the Tenderloin and thought you might want to have a look.

It was added fairly recently. No DNA available as of yet. It looks like the address is or was a hotel, I haven't spent much time looking into it yet, though.

ETA: My apologies if this has been mentioned previously, I haven't had time to catch up on all the threads yet.
Fake Facebook Account

Someone has put up a Facebook account with the name "Anna Waters", using a photograph of Anna and me, the place of origin being Rio De Janeiro, Bfrazil. I have reported this to Facebook as well as I can (on line, using their robotic system), but if anybody has an idea how I can get this taken down, I'd appreciate it.

It's been awhile, hope all is well!

I was just wondering if you've seen this - The height and weight are kind of odd, but was found in the Tenderloin and thought you might want to have a look.

It was added fairly recently. No DNA available as of yet. It looks like the address is or was a hotel, I haven't spent much time looking into it yet, though.

ETA: My apologies if this has been mentioned previously, I haven't had time to catch up on all the threads yet.

This report indicates a female decedent with thick, black curly hair. Wonder how long she was out on that roof?
I also noticed that the height and weight were kind of off. I don't have kids, so I wasn't sure what the typical height/weight were supposed to be for a child, but they didn't seem too terribly far off of Anna's. I looked at a website that shows the average height and weight by age, and it seemed that the height matches an 11 year old and the weight matches a 5 year old.

I also don't know what that medical terminology means that is at the bottom of the 'physical/medical' section.

I just thought I should mention it, since the location and timing and approx. age (based on height/weight) seem to work. It appears to be a child.

There was something about a hair treatment in the G's possession, I can't quite remember, that wasn't a black hair dye by chance, was it?
DH (MD) says it's evidence of prior open heart surgery.
Ok, I guess that does rule her out then.

I wouldn't have put it past the G's to dye her hair though, especially since I could swear there was some mention about hair dye among their things.

Back to the drawing board...
Fake Facebook Account

Someone has put up a Facebook account with the name "Anna Waters", using a photograph of Anna and me, the place of origin being Rio De Janeiro, Bfrazil. I have reported this to Facebook as well as I can (on line, using their robotic system), but if anybody has an idea how I can get this taken down, I'd appreciate it.

If you have a Facebook account, please report the "Anna Waters" page which has been posted without permission from Brazil, using Anna's and my photograph and pretending to be Anna. As you can imagine, this is intrusive and very painful to me, and I suspect this site has darker motives than trying to find a lost child.
Annasmom, I did report it last night. I also sent a message to someone I know whose husband works at Facebook to see if there is anything else that can be done. I haven't gotten a reply yet, I don't think she checks Facebook very often.
Oh M, I'm so sorry about the FB thing. That is terrible. I tried to report it but for the life of me couldn't find the "report" button nor the gear icon they were pointing me to. I tried to report it as an imposter site but it would not allow me to do it as I was logged in at the time.

If someone more sophisticated than me can't figure it out, this site has a link that you can report to if you don't have an account. Hopefully this will work for you:

eta: oops - need a nap or some afternoon coffee - I just re-read and saw that you reported it to the robots already. Sorry about that.
i also reported the account twice once to facebook as a fake profile name and the second time as a fake account i wish they would let you send a little message. from other stuff on her profile page like her likes she also likes another missing persons could she be trying to set up a page for anna? but if she was she would have made the account say "anna waters" missing from half moon bay ..ect

also she is a member of the anna christian waters facebook page as well she does not have much stuff up public i am going to "friend her" so i can see the rest of her profile ill take a look see what i find then unfriend her
i also reported the account twice once to facebook as a fake profile name and the second time as a fake account i wish they would let you send a little message. from other stuff on her profile page like her likes she also likes another missing persons could she be trying to set up a page for anna? but if she was she would have made the account say "anna waters" missing from half moon bay ..ect

also she is a member of the anna christian waters facebook page as well she does not have much stuff up public i am going to "friend her" so i can see the rest of her profile ill take a look see what i find then unfriend her
Thank you so much, Smile22. I got the impression from PlanetBabyBlue that this page was set up by a man. She said something about his claiming George Waters had reincarnated in him or some such nonsense. She unfriended him. I wonder if there's a way to block him from the ACWMissing page. There is something really unsavory about this whole thing and I don't like his having access to the photos, since he is using one (with me in it, no less) without permission. I wrote Facebook asking them to take the page down, but the last time I looked, it was still up.
I was asked to befriend this person and cautiously agreed.
They asked if we could talk about Anna.
We chatted briefly, very strange indeed. Firstly, they said their name was Indigo... Then Tom!
I have the conversation saved.
GW was reincarnated and spoke to this person,,, Anna in the forest....
I mentioned if you have any pertinent info, contact LE.
They shared my pics so Anna.... One never really knows who is joining a FB group, I've tried to be careful.

They thanked me, and thankfully it all ended ...

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