Relationships with family after being released

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I suspect that marriage will be short lived (now that more than weekly letter writing is required to hold them together).

She admitted they almost divorced over the attention/adoration Damien was receiving from female groupies while he was still on death row. Now that he's out, well.. I mean, one can just imagine.

The two remind me of Nancy Kerrigan and U2's Bono.

Major ICK factor.

Funny you mention ICK. The alias on his arrest report has the name as "ICKY" Michael W. Hutchison
I didn't see anywhere that Lorri said that they almost divorced over Damien's celebrity. I saw some kidding comments about it, but nothing to indicate that their marriage was in jeopardy. It was simply husband-and-wife banter, IMO, nothing more.

Damien and Lorri didn't go to New Zealand so Damien could appear in The Hobbit. They went (on Peter Jackson's dime, BTW, not on money collected from supporters before anyone gets off on that mistaken idea) for a much deserved vacation. The movie role, which is not definite, was an after-thought.

I don't know, but I would think that if Shelby Misskelley is still in the West Memphis/Marion area, Jessie would have seen her. Maybe it hasn't been reported because they don't want to make a big show of things. Apparently, Jessie is still very uncomfortable in the spotlight, IMO because of his low IQ and his inability to field questions on the fly, like someone with a normal IQ would be able to do. He has said that he will eventually answer questions, but that he simply doesn't feel up to it right now. I don't see that as an indication of guilt, but merely an indication of his mental deficiency.
I don't know, but I would think that if Shelby Misskelley is still in the West Memphis/Marion area, Jessie would have seen her. Maybe it hasn't been reported because they don't want to make a big show of things. Apparently, Jessie is still very uncomfortable in the spotlight, IMO because of his low IQ and his inability to field questions on the fly, like someone with a normal IQ would be able to do. He has said that he will eventually answer questions, but that he simply doesn't feel up to it right now. I don't see that as an indication of guilt, but merely an indication of his mental deficiency.

I respectively disagree. IMO, what is seen as a mental deficiency is actually a conscience. Misskelley would not be able to field the questions about his many confessions -- not because he has the mind of a 5 year-old, but because he will not be able to lie about that night.
After having taught high school students, many with IQ's in Jessie's range, I know how they act when they are being questioned. I know how they act when they are guilty of minor disciplinary infractions. Jessie doesn't act guilty IMO; he acts confused. All he has ever wanted was to go home. Right now, based on what I have experienced with people of his IQ level, he's trying to figure out how telling the truth (originally saying that he was innocent and then recanting all his statements of guilt) landed him in prison while lying (taking the Alford guilty plea) set him free. IMO, it's one of the reasons that he doesn't want to do interviews. It's all terribly confusing to him, and, until someone can properly explain the faults of our legal system to him, he will continue to be confused and will continue to refuse interviews.
I didn't see anywhere that Lorri said that they almost divorced over Damien's celebrity. I saw some kidding comments about it, but nothing to indicate that their marriage was in jeopardy. It was simply husband-and-wife banter, IMO, nothing more.

Damien and Lorri didn't go to New Zealand so Damien could appear in The Hobbit. They went (on Peter Jackson's dime, BTW, not on money collected from supporters before anyone gets off on that mistaken idea) for a much deserved vacation. The movie role, which is not definite, was an after-thought.

I don't know, but I would think that if Shelby Misskelley is still in the West Memphis/Marion area, Jessie would have seen her. Maybe it hasn't been reported because they don't want to make a big show of things. Apparently, Jessie is still very uncomfortable in the spotlight, IMO because of his low IQ and his inability to field questions on the fly, like someone with a normal IQ would be able to do. He has said that he will eventually answer questions, but that he simply doesn't feel up to it right now. I don't see that as an indication of guilt, but merely an indication of his mental deficiency.

Well if you find out please post it C.R.I found Shelby to be honest in her interview in PL.She acknowledged that Jessie had a problem,and I took that to mean that she knew he was socially on a different level than other children when he was growing up.
She has always stood out to me as how a stepmother should be.Hope I am not wrong on my opinion as I only saw a few moments here and there of her.She was in that courtroom too which says something.
I respectively disagree. IMO, what is seen as a mental deficiency is actually a conscience. Misskelley would not be able to field the questions about his many confessions -- not because he has the mind of a 5 year-old, but because he will not be able to lie about that night.

I think this is spot on accurate. Great post.
Jessie is back in Marion, Jason is in Seattle, and Damien is in New Zealand. By all accounts the locals are treating Jessie just fine.

I've read that DE and LE are living in New York.

Echols' wife, Lorri Davis, an architect and outspoken supporter whom Echols married while he was still in prison, had moved to Little Rock to be closer to him. The two have since relocated to New York.

They're on holiday in New Zealand, staying with Peter Jackson.
Well if you find out please post it C.R.I found Shelby to be honest in her interview in PL.She acknowledged that Jessie had a problem,and I took that to mean that she knew he was socially on a different level than other children when he was growing up.
She has always stood out to me as how a stepmother should be.Hope I am not wrong on my opinion as I only saw a few moments here and there of her.She was in that courtroom too which says something.


I'd like to know more about Shelby, too. I agree that she seemed to represent stability in Jessie's life, and I hope that she's still in his life, if she's alive. If I find out anything, I'll post.

ETA: Why is it so hard for some people to realize that Jessie's low IQ makes it very difficult for him to participate in a Q & A format show? He simply can't formulate cogent answers. It's not because he's guilty and doesn't want to tell lies; it's because he realizes that he doesn't sound intelligent when he speaks, and he's embarrassed.
Jessie held his own quite nicely fielding questions from a 2001 prison on-line chat interview. Someone transcribed his answers to questions via phone. IF this is Jessie, and his responses were accurately transcribed, he did a very thorough job answering shot gun questions from a wide variety of topics. It didn't appear difficult at all -- in fact he mentioned a couple of times how much of a joy the interview was....that nobody ever hears from him. He responds to a question from one of the grieving parents, and continues with the rest of the interview without skipping a beat. He even responds to a question about his confessions. Simply states that he cannot address the subject without his lawyer. IMO, that's the heart of the matter. Jessie cannot dodge questions because his is an active case, or that he needs his attorney present. He would have to answer these questions directly.
Well, he already answered the most important question directly in that chat log. To Dana Moore - "I can't change the way you feel about me. You can keep on thinking I'm guilty - but I'm not. I know you miss your son. I pray for him every night."

My theory about why Jessie is uncomfortable about being interviewed along with Damien and Jason - because he's ashamed that he got them into trouble.
Also, it's one thing to answer questions on a phone chat and quite something else to answer questions live, especially in front of television cameras. It's just not an indication of remorse or guilt or anything like that. He's just uncomfortable in a high profile situation right now. That's all.
Has Echols ever gotten in touch with his son, mother or sister? I find it very odd that we never see photos of him reunited with his family. Does he dislike them or has he moved on to bigger and better things now that he's been released from prison?
Will Echols try to make up for support of his son since he's making all that money from his donors? He should at least give some of it to his son's mother for raising and caring for his son all this time and also to his son.

I wonder how the relationship is between Lorri and his son and if they have ever even met before.
IMO the people responsible for falsely imprisoning Damien for 18 years should pay 18 years of child support for his son.
Have you seen the Piers Morgan interview Udbcrzy?Damien talked about his realtionship with his son there.
As far as his relationship with his mother or sister I have not heard anything.
I would not be surprised if he wants to be as far removed as possible from everyone that reminds him of his life back then.It's a new start .
You can love your family but sometimes it's too painful to be around.
I'm sure he talks to them.
I thought he said that he did not have a relationship with his son. Never sees him.

Why does he dislike his family?

His co-murderers have stayed in contact with their families.

I wonder if it's because Echols family are not celebrities?
I thought he said that he did not have a relationship with his son. Never sees him.

Why does he dislike his family?

His co-murderers have stayed in contact with their families.

I wonder if it's because Echols family are not celebrities?

Echols doesn't give a rat's azz about his family. Did they get to attend the "after party" and dine with dazzling celebrities? Where are the photos of Echols embracing ANY of his family members?

Echols better find some honest work to occupy his time, or he will crash quickly. And I say honest work, because working on a "new book" about his perceived ill-fated life is not only getting tedious, but it's a load of bull and will serve nothing but to make him more isolated within his own warped mind. He should be worrying less about how to stay away from *advertiser censored* (yeah, right) on his iphone, and worrying more about how he's going to earn an honest living and help prepare a secure future for his 18 year old son. A real man would see that as HIS responsibilty, and move heaven and earth to make it happen. But let's be honest, he doesn't care about his son.

Was Jason's family present at the after party?

We know where Jessie was. With his family. And doing some honest work.
Echols doesn't give a rat's azz about his family. Did they get to attend the "after party" and dine with dazzling celebrities? Where are the photos of Echols embracing ANY of his family members?

Echols better find some honest work to occupy his time, or he will crash quickly. And I say honest work, because working on a "new book" about his perceived ill-fated life is not only getting tedious, but it's a load of bull and will serve nothing but to make him more isolated within his own warped mind. He should be worrying less about how to stay away from *advertiser censored* (yeah, right) on his iphone, and worrying more about how he's going to earn an honest living and help prepare a secure future for his 18 year old son. A real man would see that as HIS responsibilty, and move heaven and earth to make it happen. But let's be honest, he doesn't care about his son.

Was Jason's family present at the after party?

We know where Jessie was. With his family. And doing some honest work.

I think Echols has the same problem many deadbeat dads have, they need to learn how to be a man during the daytime and not just at night. Given his attitude that's something he will never take responsibility for. His son may not want to have anything to do with him either and I really can't blame him one single bit.

I thought I read somewhere that Baldwin's mother and siblings attended the 'after party'. Echols family were left sitting outside the courtroom waiting for him to just say hello, but he snuffed them. I really think they might be better off staying as far away from his as possible considering his past performances at their home and then the murdering and butchering of 3 cub scouts.

That's the kind of relative I'd really want to avoid, but I do find it odd that Echols thinks he's too good for them now.
Damiens mom simply was too young and had too many problems of her own to take care of him properly.
What about Damiens family life do you guys think should he have been so fond of that he would seek a close relationship with them?
Jason had a loving mom that tried her best with the resources given.She had problems of her own as well,tried to commit suicide,Jason saved her by calling 911.He's very close to her.
Jessie is close to his dad and his stepmom.
Damien expressed how much he regrets not having been able to be much of a dad for his son because he was FALSLY imprisoned and put on death row.
His son was visiting and they were in contact,that's all he could do,wasn't it?

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