Remains found confirmed as Jacob Wetterling/Suspect led LE to Remains #1

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Any man who abducts women and children is sadistic.

That he was military at the time of the abduction, and that he practiced abducting and assaulting children for two years before Jacob was abducted ... Jacob didn't have a chance. That much seems obvious. Additionally, Jacob was probably murdered before the sun came up ... that's what usually happens with sexual predators ... the longer the predator has the victim, the less likely the victim is alive.

What if his best friend and younger brother had not been scared off. Would Heinrich have shot them?

No doubt they would have. I'm sure he wanted to just scare them off, but in the end, he would have shot them. Has nothing to do with him being a masochist though. That's where I'm confused with you're line of thinking. Possibly I misunderstood. Or, maybe we're on different wave lengths, lol. Though I do enjoy your take on things. It has me thinking. Enough said for me now though. Have a good night. :eek:fftobed:
I have the same problem. Making correlations and patterns. It makes perfect sense to me but I think it is a way of looking at things that perhaps is not common to many. I am always surprised when people berate me for making correlations and patterns. It is nice to see someone else who sees the world in this way.

I think a lot of discoveries are made by people that see patterns.

Micro/Macro ... patterns.
When it comes to murder, the fact that he abducted Jacob 20 miles away and buried him near his house helps me interpret similar evidence with other missing children.
I'm convinced that predator murderers have an MO, and that the MO of similar type murderers does not differ that much as they all have the same objective: grab someone and get away with it.
Since he was not from that town, it is of interest that he knew the Kramer house. What connection does he have to those farms?

He asked one of his victims for directions to the Kramer house. Obviously it was a ruse.

Did the suspect have a classmate with that last name?
Did the suspect know that the Kramer family had a home in the area?

He was a long time resident of the area, bouncing between father's and mother's house until the age of 19 - neither home had discipline. Did he know the right name to mention that would get the child's attention, or did he simply mention any name hoping that the child would engage in conversation?
No doubt they would have. I'm sure he wanted to just scare them off, but in the end, he would have shot them. Has nothing to do with him being a masochist though. That's where I'm confused with you're line of thinking. Possibly I misunderstood. Or, maybe we're on different wave lengths, lol. Though I do enjoy your take on things. It has me thinking. Enough said for me now though. Have a good night. :eek:fftobed:

What is confusing with my line of thinking?
Is there still some confusion as to whether a child predator is a masochist? What would a passive masochist want with a child?

Sleep well ...
Sept 20 1987 (assault of child in the company of others; children ran away)
Late Summer 1988 (9-10 months later assault; one child in the company of others was assaulted while camping, child escaped)
Late Fall 1988 (3 months later assault, child delivering newspapers attacked my man in bushes, man ran away)
January 1989 (3 months later abduction and assault; child walking 3 blocks home)
October 1989 (10 months later abduction and murder, child riding bike with other children)

In all reported cases, there are additional similarities in the description of the assailant.
(BBM) Oh we have all the makings here of a perfect storm!!

Exactly and that is why Jacob died. Not because he fought back, not because he tried to escape, not because he did anything to set DH off. Jacob died because DH was escalating his violence from fantasizing, to groping children, to kidnapping and raping children, to kidnapping, raping and murdering children. DH was having a bad year and he was a pedophile and a sadist who was escalating his crimes each time as is the usual pattern. DH was angry and felt out of control in his own life so he went out and found Jacob. He terrorized and then killed him. I think it's most likely Jacob died from blunt force trauma or strangulation or a combination of those two. I don't know if we'll ever know exactly how Jacob died and I'm not sure I want to know every detail.
I doubt that an 11 year old boy, or an 11 year old girl, has any idea that they were abducted for violent, sexual assault until it happens. Aren't 11 year olds somewhat oblivious about the reality?

But that creepy perv was probably saying 'scary' things to the poor kid, who likely figured it out by then.
How am I just learning this?!

So many emotions right now.


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I can't bear these types of horrors. Every time I see the picture of the victim, I think about my own son and how monstrous it would have been if it had been him. My son is now a game warden and I cry every time a police officer gets murdered.
Your children are always a part of you, even after they grow up.
He asked one of his victims for directions to the Kramer house. Obviously it was a ruse.

Did the suspect have a classmate with that last name?
Did the suspect know that the Kramer family had a home in the area?

He was a long time resident of the area, bouncing between father's and mother's house until the age of 19 - neither home had discipline. Did he know the right name to mention that would get the child's attention, or did he simply mention any name hoping that the child would engage in conversation?

I think asking where Kraemers live in Cold Spring is a safe bet. I stopped at the Cold Spring bakery on my way through town the other day, I saw the name Kraemers on trucks, heavy equipment, constructions dumpsters everywhere.
I am still in shock Jacob was found.
That man could have so easily kept his secret to his death.
Do we have any other child murderers reading here?
Would you like to clear your mind?
Because you will NEVER get to heaven or any other beautiful place after your death, if you keep quiet.
As far as why Heinrich killed Jacob, I suspect there was police contact with him after the abduction and assault of the boy 10 months earlier. One of the news articles said he had been identified as a suspect three days after that first abduction.
I think asking where Kraemers live in Cold Spring is a safe bet. I stopped at the Cold Spring bakery on my way through town the other day, I saw the name Kraemers on trucks, heavy equipment, constructions dumpsters everywhere.

That is absolutely true, Ifollowthis. Moreover, driving from Paynesville towards Cold Springon Hwy. 23, the first direct route into Cold Spring is via Cty. Rd. 158 – which is where the business “Tom Kraemer, Inc.” was located, just north of Hwy. 23. If DH had taken Cty.Rd. 158 into Cold Spring, he would have passed the “Kraemer” buildings almost immediately after turning off of Hwy. 23. He would almost certainly have seen the “Kraemer” name on the signs and trucks on the site. (Also, the “Kraemer”buildings would have “stuck out” more back in 1989, since the Cold Spring Granite Co. had not relocated its headquarters to that area back then; they were still located near the Sauk River in town.)
It is worth noting that Cty. Rd. 158 (which is “First Street South” in Cold Spring) would have taken DH right by “Pioneer Park,” which is where Jared and his friends were ice skating the night of January 13, 1989. Perhaps the lights and skating rink attracted DH, so he got out and saw the kids skating, followed them into town –just to see what possibilities might arise – and decided to abduct Jared afterhe got separated from the group and was walking home alone. Jared’s abductor was certainly familiar with Cty. Rd. 158 – that is the road where Jared wasdropped off after the attack.
Didn't I describe him as a sadist who preyed on pre-adolescent boys ... parked his car nearby, tackled children? ... not a masochist.

Perhaps you misunderstood what I wrote. I suggested that Heinrich, a sadist, looked for a masochist, and barring that he would abduct a child.

I'm interested in patterns of behavior - and apologize for providing examples that are unfamiliar.

Apologies, I did misread your earlier post. Well at least I'm not confused anymore. :blush:
We don't know that. With Morgan Harrington, it appears that she walked to the rural location where she was murdered, but she had broken ribs among other injuries.
When the autopsy report is released, we will know whether he is sadistic. From the search warrant, I wouldn't rule out sadism.

Is there some connection to Morgan Harrington?

Can there be an autopsy when the remains are just bone?

A safistic one is one who likes to kill for the pleasure. Like a Ted Bundy.

There are those that kill to cover up evidence. They don't do it for the thrill and satisfaction killing gives them. BTK is another one who loved to kill.

I don't think Heinrich loves to kill. I don't think his motivation is the killing

I tend to agree. I think if the killing was part of the thrill for him...we'd be hearing about more deceased victims. And maybe we will. But as of yet, I don't think we have.
Danny's nephew factors into this somehow. He was 17 years old and from reading the search warrant it seems that Danny had a photo that connected him to his nephew and friends of his nephew. Danny was living at his nephew's house at the time. Was Danny assaulting his nephew as well? Is that how the connection was made to Danny?

Can you even imagine what it was like living with this brute of a man? I'm sure he was manipulating and abusing everyone he came into contact with.
Its a risk you sometimes have to take because now look what happened? He got away with it. Most people hate child molesters and there was other proof. He had pictures of random young boys in various states of undress. What man that does not have a sexual interest In kids keeps pictures like that? The fact he molested Jared wearing camoflauge and DH was in the National Guard is huge. He also had duck tape on his police scanner. I think there was enough there to prove they had the right guy. What was dh's alibi on what he said he was doing the night of JS assault?

What if the evidence the police had was insufficient and Heinrich was acquitted of the murder? He wouldn't have been able to have been tried again and would've truly gotten away with it.
Oh do I ever agree with this! The facts are that this is so true it's borne out again and again. Well into their 80s, these types continue to offend over and over again.

No, as for this guy there is absolutely no way I'm believing this was it for him. It might have been it in that area but if I was working this case I would want to know ANYWHERE that this man had connections in childhood, former friends and hangouts where he spent any length of time.

I was a young man when all this started and he was out of control. OUT of control. There is so much to be learned from this case. But I would start with a detailed accounting of his whereabouts for his whole life.

The thing here is that he is VERY age specific in choosing his victims. Right down to actually asking them how old they are and picking among the boys in preference.

If I were LE I'd be looking at every cold case in nine states around there where a boy specifically that age has gone missing. This was a big, powerful man in his day, looks like he still is. This whole thing is just amazing.

(And he fits the geographic profiling perfectly). So much to learn. It's the only good that will ever come out of this.

Totally agree. My guess is that they will find more bodies attached to this animal

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