Reporter Britt McHenry suspended after her rant at parking lot clerk goes viral

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SO. WHAT? I don't get it. Are we all perfect and never make mistakes? Do any of us want to be judged by our worst moment? We have no idea what lead up to it. Nothing of a back story just people filming people at their worst and ruining their lives.
I think it stinks. I think that people should be allowed to be people and not have people ruin their lives for carp like this.
She is a mean PITA, But she should not lose her job. People should not lose their livelyhood for having a crappy moment in time.

The last thing human beings are is perfect. Never have been, never will be. What drives me the craziest about adults is we think we can break all the rules we teach our children to follow.

Don't be mean - unless you are TV reporter having a bad day then it's OK
Don't be rude - unless you are TV reporter having a bad day then it's OK
Don't hit anyone
Don't lie
Don't kill
Don't steal
Don't any rules - unless you are TV reporter having a bad day then it's OK

Seriously though, I would say she didn't lose her job over the incident but that she referenced her TV position as a form of flexing muscle. What she does on her own time is one thing but I suspect the company frowns upon using her status to belittle another and being caught in the act. That could be what got her into trouble at the home plate. Honestly, it could have nothing to do with the backlash at all but more to policies of the company that she lost her job. Let's not blame the people for something she created and her employee stopped.
3800 out of millions.. Silly.

It is so petty imo. What are we going to do ferret out all the mean people and put them on welfare?

Who knew in 2015 it would be a crime to be a jerk.

I don't think she will ever be on welfare. She could probably make up to $5,000 a session hurling insults, spitting on, and whipping (among other things) "customers" who are very rich.
Virginia Towing Company Says ESPN's Britt McHenry Should Keep Her Job After Rant

"Parking enforcement is contentious by nature. At the same time, neither Gina, our lot clerk, nor our company, have any interest in seeing Britt McHenry suspended or terminated as a result of her comments," Advanced Towing Company, located in Arlington, Virginia, said in a statement.

Looks like the person who was insulted along with the tow company are taking the high road and moving on. That's showing some class in my opinion.
SO. WHAT? I don't get it. Are we all perfect and never make mistakes? Do any of us want to be judged by our worst moment? We have no idea what lead up to it. Nothing of a back story just people filming people at their worst and ruining their lives.
I think it stinks. I think that people should be allowed to be people and not have people ruin their lives for carp like this.
She is a mean PITA, But she should not lose her job. People should not lose their livelyhood for having a crappy moment in time.

People in television do lose their jobs for having a crappy personality. Normal people tend to turn the channel.


Represent your company well and have the comportment, confidence and trust of someone we want to let into our homes every night.
After that video and the seven-day vacation it brought, how can ESPN expect anyone in America to do that for Britt McHenry?

She represents their brand, and clearly is a liability now. Just sayin.
She states:

"In an intense and stressful moment, I allowed my emotions to get the best of me".

Unfortunately, for her, she doesn't sound like she's stressed out or that her emotions are getting the best of her. She sounds like she's calmly insulting someone with the most mean spirited comments she can think of. What a NASTY woman!!! A one week suspension isn't enough---she should be fired.

I agree wholeheartedly. I would guess this girl was probably a bully to other girls in school and very mean. She should be fired. I don't watch ESPN, but if they don't fire her, everyone else should quit watching. Maybe some advertisers should start pulling their ads from ESPN......that would get the ball rolling on this jerk of a reporter. Pretty is as pretty does......makes her pretty ugly to me.
WHO CARES?! So she is a not nice egomaniac?! Wow..
Why do people have to lose their jobs these days when they screw up?
It is ridiculous to me.

She is likely an at will employee at ESPN. She doesn't represent their brand well. There are lots of other men and women who would love a shot at that job.
Anyone who works in TV should be aware there are cameras around.
In this case the bullied and belittled employee was kind enough to tell McHenry that she was being filmed.
It's time for McHenry to find a new line of work. Sometimes petulance has consequences. That's life.
I don't think she should be fired or suspended. Aren't people allowed to have bad days? To lose it once in a while without losing their job??
I am tired of this new culture where a mistake ends up being your demise. If we put that same measure on ourselves, Would we pass the test? I bet not. People do stupid things because they are PEOPLE!!!

I sure am glad my worst moment was never videoed.

She did not murder anyone, do drugs, steal anything, run over an animal.. She lost it.

Get over this and let her work. It has nothing to do with her job.

I've literally never in my life flipped out at some random person and called them ugly and told them to lose weight. Literally never. Who cares? I care. It shows terrible lack of compassion, empathy, and character.

And ESPN has to think of their image, they can't have a volatile MEAN representative as one of the faces of their company. They have to think about how that makes THEM look as a whole.

What petition ? Think I'll go sign it. This McHenry gives the the total creeps. Vile woman !

Liet.....I replied to your post yesterday with the link for the petition but my post has been deleted for some reason. You can google " Britt McHenry" and it will come right up.
I don't think she should be fired or suspended. Aren't people allowed to have bad days? To lose it once in a while without losing their job??
I am tired of this new culture where a mistake ends up being your demise. If we put that same measure on ourselves, Would we pass the test? I bet not. People do stupid things because they are PEOPLE!!!

I sure am glad my worst moment was never videoed.

She did not murder anyone, do drugs, steal anything, run over an animal.. She lost it.

Get over this and let her work. It has nothing to do with her job.

GMAB- That was not a mistake- that is who that woman is and if you put your face on television than you will be held to a higher standard (if caught- apparently) behaving in such a vile, despicable manner.

A bad moment is getting mad, ranting about how you can't afford this or what a pain this is for you, the signs weren't prevalent etc. NOT what this woman said and how she behaved. She could not stand not getting her way, I am sure many other grocery, parking, dry cleaning and wait staff would have a watered down (maybe), similar experience with this "celebrity" as we witnessed on the tape. I hope she is fired.

We are ALL allowed bad days- this, however was not that, this was evidence of how this woman relates to the world and others and she is a low life in my book.
Interesting news piece that just aired here in regards to the woman at the tow company involved in this. Seems she isn't a nice person herself.

thats nice and all, but i dont see video of the tow truck employee behaving in that manner.

also, this is not the first time that miss reporter has been a #$%

her personality is to belittle others whom she feels are beneath her. like i said earlier, no way that was a one time mistake.
she also purposely ignored the rules that her car would be towed, if she left it overnight. this was ALL her fault. her narcissistic calm demeanor when lashing out at an innocent employee deserves ZERO defense. unless some footage comes out that shows the attendant being a B*&^% to her, then the word of someone wanting on TV means nothing to me. that is certainly not evidence that the attendant was deserving of what happened to her.

the more that comes out the more we see that miss reporter is not a nice girl.

IMO of course.
(Lol 10,000 people have signed the petition)

EXCLUSIVE: Disgraced ESPN reporter abandoned her car in Chinese restaurant parking lot after happy hour (despite the warnings)... before abusing clerk when it got towed the next day

ESPN reporter Britt McHenry was filmed berating tow clerk Gina Michelle

Her car had been towed from a Chinese diner in Arlington, VA, on April 6

Enraged, she insulted mother-of-three Michelle's looks, education and job

'Lose some weight, baby girl,' McHenry told the worker in the video

However, her blog tells women to 'be comfortable in their own skin'

McHenry apologized on Thursday after security footage surfaced online

But she has made no approach to the firm or her victim

Some 10,000 activists have signed petition calling for her to be sacked

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thats nice and all, but i dont see video of the tow truck employee behaving in that manner.

also, this is not the first time that miss reporter has been a #$%

her personality is to belittle others whom she feels are beneath her. like i said earlier, no way that was a one time mistake.
she also purposely ignored the rules that her car would be towed, if she left it overnight. this was ALL her fault. her narcissistic calm demeanor when lashing out at an innocent employee deserves ZERO defense. unless some footage comes out that shows the attendant being a B*&^% to her, then the word of someone wanting on TV means nothing to me. that is certainly not evidence that the attendant was deserving of what happened to her.

the more that comes out the more we see that miss reporter is not a nice girl.

IMO of course.

Agree completely with you. McHenry could have stopped her insults at anytime but she chose not to. It is a perfect example of person displaying rude behavior and being respectful to another human being who working and assisting McHenry in getting her car back. That video proved nothing to me. It was just an attempt to move the negative spotlight off McHenry and onto the towing company and its employee. It's not always about what you said but how you say it. McHenry wasn't kidding or goofing off with her best friend, she was insulting someone because she was being treated like a commoner.
In my opinion, this person needs to go bye-bye fast.

Don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't think there is an apology in the world that could cut it.
An online petition has been started calling for her resignation. :cheers:

I'm not in the US, I don't know who she is .. but I do know the kind of person she is which is clearly apparent from that video. Her faux twitter apology is all about saving her job and reputation.

I don't know who her employers are but they should fire her immediately. One week's suspension is pathetic for someone behaving in this manner. Ordinary people presumably watch this television station and this video shows clearly what she thinks of ordinary people, just going about their business and doing a day's work. Her comments are ... I don't even know what to say really so I'd best shut up.
I watch ESPN. I watch it quite a lot.

If this horror of a human being is not fired, I will no longer watch ESPN.

I suspect many ESPN viewers feel the same and I imagine they are letting ESPN know how they feel.

Bottom line is the mean girl has become a liability to her employer and that usually isn't a good thing.
Shamed ESPN reporter Britt McHenry returns to work, apologizes for her 'hurtful' rant against tow clerk and asks for a second chance

McHenry, 28, berated single mother Gina Michelle for towing her car

She insulted her looks and social status in footage that went viral

ESPN suspended the sports reporter for a week amid investigation

But despite thousands of calls for her to be fired, she returned this week

Covered NHL game between New York Islanders and Washington Capitals

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