Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/13/15 Break

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Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
01/14/2015 8:00 AM



This is the time set for Oral Argument on Defendant’s Motion for Reconsideration:
Motion to Dismiss State’s Notice of Intent to Seek Death Penalty Due to Defendant’s Inability to
Present a Complete Case for Life.
The motion is argued and taken under advisement.
2:21 p.m. Matter concludes.
Yes, she will.

I agree. She won't be able to control herself. It will be the last time for decades that she will not be in Perryville, locked up 20 hours a day. She wants to talk. She has plenty to say in her opinion.
What a disappointment these transcripts are. Same old hogwash from Arias except this time she wanted a private audience with the jurors.

I realize that the Defense intentionally uses words such as 'bad thing' but it sounds so asinine--like the jurors are supposed to believe that this bad thing concerns toddlers who refuse to share their toys with one another rather than about a woman who almost decapitated a man.

She talks about those 'few minutes of her whole life' but fails to mention that those few minutes cost Travis his very life.

She began covering her tracks near Hoover dam? No. She began that devious plan in May--she plotted and planned the murder of Travis and was convicted of it.

She desperately wants the jury to believe that she is a wholesome, soft-spoken and meek woman who just happened to kill Travis. No remorse whatsoever. None! I hope the jurors are insulted and outraged by her testimony. They are well aware that this same poser used sex to manipulate men, punched walls and kicked down doors, kicked her mother, stalked Travis and then brutally tortured him to death. Juan should be able to cross-examine her but he doesn't need to. It's not going to hurt his case at all. As long as the jurors are willing to hang on I do believe that there is a very good chance of Arias being sentenced to death.
I'm praying you're correct.
I thought January 9, 2015, was to argue the prosecutorial misconduct motion.

According to the latest minute entry, published early:

1:32 p.m.
Courtroom SCT-5C
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi & Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present.

A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.

This is the time set for Oral Argument on Defendant’s Motion for Reconsideration: Motion to Dismiss State’s Notice of Intent to Seek Death Penalty Due to Defendant’s Inability to Present a Complete Case for Life.

The motion is argued and taken under advisement.

2:21 p.m. Matter concludes.

Trial reporting by tweet leaves something to be desired.

It is set for 8 AM today, before trial starts.
I've started off by reading the November 3rd transcript first. The most interesting thing is the sidebars. The murderer also asserts that "I don't cheat on my boyfriends".

She's such a liar. I wish I could find what one of her co workers said. I remember reading it, but I can't or the life of me remember where! At one of her 19 waitresses jobs, this co worker said JA was having an affair with (maybe the cook ?) while she was living with Bobby ? :gaah:

I'll reluctantly go look for it, but honestly I'm getting really sick of JA.
This case had everything, even pictures of the actual crime being committed WITH timestamps! You don't see this kind of evidence everyday. But that's before we met JA :rage:
If JA doesn't continue and tell this jury what happened that day that forced her to kill TA in self-defense or made her "snap", who will?
If JA doesn't continue and tell this jury what happened that day that forced her to kill TA in self-defense or made her "snap", who will?

IMO, this is the reason for the witnesses that the defense has put on so far. Travis was abusive to JA, he was into *advertiser censored* yet JA couldn't just leave him ~ she had to help him, etc. The "not diagnosing anyone" witness was put on the stand to testify to the things that ALV had during the first trial. The defense is expecting the jury to connect the dots, even though they make no sense and are clearly lies, to come to the conclusion that JA was doing the world a favor by killing Travis.

It is set for 8 AM today, before trial starts.

This is the argument to remove the death penalty that happened on Friday. The matter was concluded and taken under advisement. They're just late with filing the minute entry.
What if the *advertiser censored* turns out to be images of JA and/or TA?

Ha! that's exactly what I thought when I read there was 'one *advertiser censored* video'. That would be one of Arias' and Travis' home movies!
Unfortunately, the PDF is from scanned images and not generated directly, so you can't extract the text. This attachment has just the 13 pages at the end of day 2 covering the discussion after the higher court decision was received.

(atttachment snipped)

I posted this in the other thread for anyone who wants to just see what went on after they got notice the stay requested by the press was granted. It's a little confusing to try to follow but only takes a few minutes to read.
........... Juan should be able to cross-examine her but he doesn't need to. It's not going to hurt his case at all. As long as the jurors are willing to hang on I do believe that there is a very good chance of Arias being sentenced to death.

I agree, Rose. He has no need to go tit for tat with her over what amounts to a slew of minor lies and distortions. And in any case, that's not his MO.

There's only one aspect of her drivel that deserves his attention, and that's her unsurprising but still stunning inability and/or unwillingness to even try to fake remorse.

I don't think she'll take the stand again. The 2 docs were her surrogates for slamming and dirtying Travis and they've done their duty. She already stuttered out her words of regret, and can use allocution to repulse the jury some more. I hope JM doesn't opt for having her testimony stricken. Gives it more significance then is due and deprives him of throwing her lack of remorse back in her face.
My guess about schedule....

Today- - annon .
Thursday- Nada.
Friday- dark.
Monday- defense affadavits
Tuesday , Jan 20. Geffner

No JA, defense wraps by end of week.
So, let's do a little poll.

Just a simple yes or no....WILL JODI GET BACK ON THE STAND.

I vote no, not a chance in hell.

I voted NO, even though I think Arias desperately wants to get back in Juan's face one more time 'cos, y'know, unlike her he ain't no Einstein! lol But I think her defense team will restrain her - with duct tape and bungee cords, if necessary - since their client is her own worst enemy. Next to them, of course.

This case becomes more farcical by the day. I half expect the defense team to arrive in court en masse in a clown car.
So, let's do a little poll.

Just a simple yes or no....WILL JODI GET BACK ON THE STAND.

I vote no, not a chance in hell.

No way - she will have been told by now that her first two days' worth didn't go over at all well. Plus, I don't believe she wants to go up against Juan again. That was the whole purpose of this - to avoid cross, IMO.
This is the argument to remove the death penalty that happened on Friday. The matter was concluded and taken under advisement. They're just late with filing the minute entry.
The argument to remove the death penalty was set for the 16th, no? Today is the 15th. So I felt this was to complete pseudonyms testimony before the judge.
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