Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/17-11/18/14 In recess

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I agree. She demonstrated her pleasure in the letter she wrote his grandmother (graphic details of the murder, barely disguised by lies, taunting her about the children Travis wouldn't have), in her interrogation by Flores ("I think , if I was capable of killing him, I would have had to be more humane, " and her knife plunges into TA's family even then), by attending the memorial and staring down his grieving friends and family......etc. etc.

hope has the letter to TA'S grandmother ever been published? I heard it was 18 pages. I would love to read it.

And AZL, can JM submit the letter into evidence to have the jurors read?

As I said before, Jodi isn't human.
I tried for several years to get the State Bar of AZ to adopt a new Creed of Professionalism that I wrote. I thought we should make the creed very simple and clear and direct about how we should act like decent human beings. Didn't work lol.

Proposed creed:

As a lawyer I must strive to make our system of justice work fairly and efficiently. In order to carry out that responsibility, I will comply with the letter and spirit of the disciplinary standards applicable to all lawyers and I will conduct myself in accordance with the following Creed of Professionalism.

1. I will be courteous, civil, honest and dignified in all situations in which I am presenting myself as a lawyer, regardless of whether I am engaged in the representation of a client, including in all oral and written communications.

2. I will be loyal to my client’s cause, but I will not permit that loyalty to interfere with my ability to provide objective and independent advice, or with my professional obligations as a lawyer;

3. I will provide my client with realistic assessments of the benefits and costs of significant proposed actions and the likely outcomes under all fee arrangements offered to the client;

4. I will advise my client that it is not appropriate for me to manifest hostility toward any other participant in the client’s legal matter, or to act with any goal other than the expeditious resolution of good-faith disputes;

5. I will discuss with my client when necessary any outside pressures of which I become aware that might impact the client’s legal decisions, including, for example, emotional or financial stress, poor health, or family strife;

6. I will cooperate with opposing counsel, opposing parties and tribunals in matters of scheduling and will strive to appear in a timely manner for all scheduled proceedings;

7. I will resolve by agreement or stipulation wherever possible reasonable requests for extension of time, minor evidentiary objections, and all other matters that do not prejudice my client’s position on the merits;

8. I will avoid communications reflecting a lack of respect for the judiciary, clients, other persons involved in legal proceedings, or the legal system in general, except when necessary in a good-faith effort to raise or resolve issues; and

9. I will endeavor to devote uncompensated time to public service, the improvement or administration of justice, and/or the causes of those persons who cannot afford adequate legal assistance.

ETA: We do already have a creed. It's just so long and so full of minutiae that no one reads it.

AZL, that is a thing of beauty, so very different than the adversarial reality. This makes lawyering sound like an honourable profession. I hope you never give up on it.
Now add to the list Compaq, spybot and Dell to other stuff the trial made infamous with reference. :shame: I purchased a really big Toberlone at HomeGoods the other day and ate a gazillion calories..
Don't forget these innocent confections: Tootsie Pops, Pop Rocks, Strawberry Frappuccinos and Cinnabons. Oh well, at least cupcakes remain unscathed. :cupcake:
I think you extracted more meaning from my sentence than was actually there. I'm talking in reference to this board. There's this idea that if you hold an opinion that doesn't jel with the minority or express a theory doesn't paint a picture everyone else wants painted, you are "on the wrong side of the truth." That's silly. There are facts and there are opinions. Seems an attitude to debate is only tolerated when it supports the majority consensus. Otherwise, look out.

Well, I haven't personally noticed that, but I stand corrected, and thanks for clarifying.
hope has the letter to TA'S grandmother ever been published? I heard it was 18 pages. I would love to read it.

And AZL, can JR submit the letter into evidence to have the jurors read?

As I said before, Jodi isn't human.

I've seen it, it's utterly nauseating. Be prepared. Of course she wrote this soon after she slaughtered Travis.
fwiw I've been (((avoiding my decluttering project)))) and tweeting much of the day re: my cause about trashing victims. I've snagged a good tweeter named LissaThinks who's right there with me and shared this, created by outraged victims just like me:

I've also been texting w/ one of the Alexander siblings keeping them in the loop and they are right behind what I'm doing. So take that naysayers. There is POWER in using your voice and not accepting things as they are just because that's the way it's being done. I don't buy it and I will take it as far as I take it.

(when I say naysayers I'm not pointing the finger at anyone here, just generally ;) )

Thanks. I wonder if Maria justifies being involved in the auctions, etc., because Jodi's donating the proceeds to charity in order to use her charitable donations as mitigation?

I think you extracted more meaning from my sentence than was actually there. I'm talking in reference to this board. There's this idea that if you hold an opinion that doesn't jel with the minority or express a theory doesn't paint a picture everyone else wants painted, you are "on the wrong side of the truth." That's silly. There are facts and there are opinions. Seems an attitude to debate is only tolerated when it supports the majority consensus. Otherwise, look out.

I remember in the CA case, when I suggested that the first judge (Strickland??) would have to grant the motion to recuse himself, and everyone jumped on me (I bet you're not even a REAL lawyer etc. lol). The mods shut that down pretty quickly, though. :)

hope has the letter to TA'S grandmother ever been published? I heard it was 18 pages. I would love to read it.

And AZL, can JR submit the letter into evidence to have the jurors read?

As I said before, Jodi isn't human.

He might be able to use it in rebuttal. Frankly, I think he wants to finish by Dec. 18, though, so I doubt he can use all the great stuff that's out there. :)
Well, I haven't personally noticed that, but I stand corrected, and thanks for clarifying.

Thank you too elementary. I do agree with your second paragraph. Just thought the bolded part needed clarification :)

Apparently, Fonseca has projected a professional demeanor that was lacking in their other experts in the guilt phase and that the jury picked up on right away. I'm sure this is strategic. It doesn't mean what she's saying isn't professional and doesn't mean she's not in for a smack down. I can already sense the beginnings of a confrontation between her and Juan in the way she responds to his objections and such. Will she maintain her composure better than ALV? Remains to be seen.
Thank you elementary. I do agree with your second paragraph. Just thought the bolted part needed clarification :)

Apparently, Fonseca has projected a professional demeanor that was lacking in their other experts in the guilt phase and that the jury picked up on right away. I'm sure this is strategic. It doesn't mean what she's saying isn't professional and doesn't mean she's not in for a smack down. I can already sense the beginnings of a confrontation between her and Juan in the way she responds to his objections and such. Will she maintain her composure better than ALV? Remains to be seen.

I bet ALV is watching this trial like a hawk. Ya know, trying to mitigate her own self induced PTSD (did I just write that? ohyes I did)
Thanks. I wonder if Maria justifies being involved in the auctions, etc., because Jodi's donating the proceeds to charity in order to use her charitable donations as mitigation?

I remember in the CA case, when I suggested that the first judge (Strickland??) would have to grant the motion to recuse himself, and everyone jumped on me (I bet you're not even a REAL lawyer etc. lol). The mods shut that down pretty quickly, though. :)

He might be able to use it in rebuttal. Frankly, I think he wants to finish by Dec. 18, though, so I doubt he can use all the great stuff that's out there. :)

But I am telling you, and him if he reads here, if that jury reads that letter, knowing JA killed Travis she will get the deth penalty. I will bet on it!
I could read al pages by srolling down.
I've seen it, it's utterly nauseating. Be prepared. Of course she wrote this soon after she slaughtered Travis.

Let me hazard a guess: Was it by any chance 18 pages of Travis obsession? About herself and Travis?
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