Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/05-08 In recess

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Ahh but remember the bent pins, was that TA's HD or this external HD that was, according to Dworkin, an internal HD with a bag of parts for an external case that he received on Oct,25, 2012 that I suspect may have been JA's? When and how and on what was the original mirror image done for the PT and did they make more than the first original, if so why and when? Same for this HD that Dworkin had sent out to some un-named third party. Who used the incinerator and on which HD, if there was more than one(TA and JA's) being "worked" on?

I bet Lonnie D. is the 3rd party here. :facepalm:
I bet Lonnie D. is the 3rd party here. :facepalm:

If so, JM knows it now and I hope he will subpoena him for this hearing. We know that he and BN worked together last weekend and he agreed that all of the newly discovered *advertiser censored* has always been there and he missed it.
So does this mean a status conference at 9:30 (per docket) and trial in the afternoon?

Here's what JSS's calendar has for Monday, Dec. 8th, and where I hope she reads the riot act to the DT but have no idea what it is about, yet. jmo The court calendar is ever changing in JA's case so you have to check it often. Afternoon though. is the media decision. Can't wait for that!

CR2008-031021 12/8/2014 9:30 Status Conference - Undesignated State Of Arizona
Jodi Ann Arias

I still think what the current defense is referring to are links to *advertiser censored* sites, probably triggered by viruses. What the original prosecution and defense experts were referring to were actual *advertiser censored* files, videos and pictures. The formal were there, the latter weren't. Even the current defense isn't saying they found videos and pictures, just a history of searching for them, which could all be due to viruses. Even though that's weak evidence that Travis looked for/at *advertiser censored*, it wouldn't surprise me if JSS allows them to claim he did, or at least imply it.

So far Jodis 'mitigation' has consisted wholly of making Travis look bad. I can only hope that that becomes obvious to the jury, and reflects appropriately back on Jodi, and that it becomes obvious that trying to justify the murder by sliming the victim is the very opposite of remorse.

So, BN removed all the viruses on his HDD copy/clone. Did he bother to trace where they came from or what damage they may have done? Can he testify that he checked all of them and they weren't the cause of his alleged *advertiser censored*? Yep, I'd like to see a detailed accounting of every step he took working on the HDD, and every copy/clone he is in possession of.
Granted, I am basing my opinion on snippets and very limited information from what was posted here, but I for one think juror #3 would have been a good juror. She seemed like she would have been able to make a rational and intelligent decision had she stayed. It doesn't seem fair to judge her just because she wasn't waving around an 'i heart Juan Martinez' flag. Besides, she didn't seem impressed in the least bit with the defense team or their witnesses anyway.

At this point I'm not even worried about whether the jury can or can't make the right decision. My fear is we will never even get to that point.
So, BN removed all the viruses on his HDD copy/clone. Did he bother to trace where they came from or what damage they may have done? Can he testify that he checked all of them and they weren't the cause of his alleged *advertiser censored*? Yep, I'd like to see a detailed accounting of every step he took working on the HDD, and every copy/clone he is in possession of.

I really think Juan will get his own expert, to counter BN.

Honestly, all Juan needs to do is get his own expert to extract the data from the original hard drive. Once that is done, then we get into the *advertiser censored* allegations. This is never going to end.
I really think Juan will get his own expert, to counter BN.

Honestly, all Juan needs to do is get his own expert to extract the data from the original hard drive. Once that is done, then we get into the *advertiser censored* allegations. This is never going to end.

Haven't we been told (through tweets and maybe the motion with the hd pic) that the hard drive itself is now damaged to such an extent that no forensic examinations are possible?
My guess is, if BN didn't accidentally run the incinerator on Travis' hard drive (instead of one with the mirror image) then he bent the pins back into place enough to be able to seat the drive but when disconnecting it one or more repaired pins broke off.

Long ago I was told one way to secure a hard drive's contents when you had to replace it was to bend the pins by whacking them with a hammer (which is what I did when I replaced my very first hard drive, and then the seond one when it finally went to hard drive heaven lol).
wow. I remember that now. JA, the narcistic trace artist who thinks she has the same talent as Vincent Van Gogh. Just incredible.

That story is a lie or exaggeration from start to finish. First of all I seriously doubt CMJA the Denny's waitress had a friend who owned a Van Gogh or a Monet, or who ran a gallery with old Masters on the wall. That's just ludicrous.

And I hate to sound snottier still, but if a guy did offer to hang her tracings next to a Monet, he was either a con artist or a horny guy who sniffed her out and was essentially asking her to come over to see his etchings.
It says:

Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next thing I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena(?) that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. its a lie like no other. It's freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.

WOW. I really should have bolded the entire email!
JA knew there WAS a way to mend it, and she was not going to let Travis ruin her "reputation." She would have to kill him....She is pure evil, through and through. I swear I actually had chills reading that email, and knowing what was coming :frown:
Granted, I am basing my opinion on snippets and very limited information from what was posted here, but I for one think juror #3 would have been a good juror. She seemed like she would have been able to make a rational and intelligent decision had she stayed. It doesn't seem fair to judge her just because she wasn't waving around an 'i heart Juan Martinez' flag. Besides, she didn't seem impressed in the least bit with the defense team or their witnesses anyway.

At this point I'm not even worried about whether the jury can or can't make the right decision. My fear is we will never even get to that point.

I still wish she'd waited until the trial was over to speak out, but all of that is irrelevant. Who knows how she would have voted.

I agree with you. Either penalty is better than a mistrial due to forced attrition.
Haven't we been told (through tweets and maybe the motion with the hd pic) that the hard drive itself is now damaged to such an extent that no forensic examinations are possible?

IIRC from BK notes, BN did not touch the original HD .
If so, JM knows it now and I hope he will subpoena him for this hearing. We know that he and BN worked together last weekend and he agreed that all of the newly discovered *advertiser censored* has always been there and he missed it.

And why were they "working" on the HDD last wkend? I thought BN had already finished his analysis. What was left to work on?
It says:

Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next thing I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena(?) that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. its a lie like no other. It's freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.

I am amazed that TA goes on this 'rant' about her imaginary friend, email and the things she has done to him and the Dr. believes JA has no idea what this is about. She calls herself a Dr. Really? Any reasonable person with common sense would know there was a reason to this rant and the reason behind it was definitely not good. Expert witness my azz.

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Just wondering who the third party was that repaired and subsequently sent Dworkin the mirror image from the HD he had received on Oct.25, 2012 and was that TA's HD or JA's? If it was TA's, why were the penis pics on it with what looks like DB's fingers, unless he had gotten it from JA somehow(or someone had planted it while out for "repairs" before anyone was able to create the new mirror image)?

I just read somewhere in trial Jodi had CLAIMED the pic of beeny weenie was BEFORE she was baptized ??? No WAY.....I'm going to try and find that now.
Ok, here it is ~

Remember, not too long ago, a few days ago, a computer forensic guy said that he had taken a couple of photos off of Jodi Arias` hard drive and they were male genitals, actually an erection very close up. Well, these photos were identified today. They were sent to Jodi by Travis Alexander 15 days before he baptized her. And they were displayed in the courtroom.
Speaking of hacks and stuff, I just came across the relevant testimony on how those penis pics got into the trial. Starts @ 1:22

If I got it right, Dworkin received the broken external HD on Oct.25, 2012. It was a 2.5" internal HD with a bag of relevant parts for an external HD case. He said it appears the HD used to be housed in it. He sent it out to be repaired. A representative of his office received a mirror image of the HD on Nov.5, 2012. He then proceeded to use Encase and other tools to try and process it. The top sectors(he referred to it as basically the file index) were damaged and unuseable, so with his other tools he had to search through the files without it until he found a previous backup on the drive and was then able to retrieve what was left. In that he found the penis pics, Evidence #393 and #394.

Now first of all, it was a HD from who.. JA? Second, he was unable to identify who the penis belonged to and in any case, they had been taken from a mirror image done by a third party shop.... now what I have yet to see, is the dates shown on the pics themselves, anyone catch that?

Iirc, this is also the HD where all JA's defence "proof"(phone messages, emails, sex tape, penis pics, whatever... oh and of course all the stuff that has been claimed was on this HD but magically can't be retrieved) came from... and it was received 4.5 YEARS after the murder with no chain of custody for that whole time that I heard. Does anyone have anymore info to fill in the blanks?

First of all I would like to say thanks to ALL the computer gurus here. Fascinating!

My question in on my highlighted above.

Was anything else found on that particular hard drive?
IIRC from BK notes, BN did not touch the original HD .

BN didn't, but "our expert" did?
I still wish she'd waited until the trial was over to speak out, but all of that is irrelevant. Who knows how she would have voted.

I agree with you. Either penalty is better than a mistrial due to forced attrition.

Agreed, be fair, if she would have waited until after the trial, we probably wouldn't have heard from her until she's old and gray, because clearly this trial is going to be known as the trial that never ended, ever.
1:13 p.m. ET: Defense attorney Nurmi is showing photos of Alexander's genitalia that he sent her with his phone. The photos were sent November 11, 2006, just 15 days before her baptism. Arias seems to be getting upset on the stand as the photos are shown.

1:07 p.m. ET: Alexander baptized Arias in to the Mormon faith on November 26, 2006.

That should be easy to track I would think???? It was on his phone
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