Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/09-11

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Tweets from the afternoon portion of today's hearing behind the spoiler

11:02AM@TrialDiariesJWe are back at 1:30pm MST because Willmott has another witness #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:32PM@monicalindstromJM objects to any more witnesses bc he says he has no idea who these witnesses are #JodiAriasTwitter
12:33PM@TrialDiariesJJuan says he hasn't interviewed whatever witness's Jen Willmott is calling. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:33PM@monicalindstromCamera is back in the courtroom #JodiAriasTwitter
12:34PM@TrialDiariesJGilbert McReynolds is on the stand he's an investigator #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:35PM@monicalindstromThis witness was the investigator with the original defense team #JodiArias and viewed the evidence w/them in 2008Twitter
12:35PM@TrialDiariesJGilbert was with Maria Schaffer when they first looked at the Arias evidence #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:35PM@monicalindstromTwo defense attorneys, JM, Flores and him were at the viewing of the evidence #JodiAriasTwitter
12:36PM@TrialDiariesJMr. McReynolds was there to take pic's of evidence #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:38PM@TrialDiariesJHe doesn't know how the 1st computer was turned on but Det Flores turned on the 2nd one on #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:39PM@TrialDiariesJJuan wanted to know if there were any nude photo's of Jodi on the computer #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:40PM@monicalindstromJW done with direct #JodiAriasTwitter
12:40PM@TrialDiariesJJuan is up...McReynolds heard the comments Juan made but he never saw Juan touch the computer #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:42PM@TrialDiariesJMcReynolds left and Maria and the co counsel were still looking at the computer #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:53PM@WildAboutTrialJuan vs. Maria Schaeffer #jodiariasTwitter
12:53PM@TrialDiariesJJuan was looking at photo's on the computer and looking for *advertiser censored*. He said he has never seen so many pic's on the computer. #jodiariasTwitter
12:54PM@monicalindstromShe spoke w/ @michaelbkiefer and she had permission from #JodiArias and her team to defend MS, JM pointing out she didn't ask the judge 1stTwitter
12:54PM@WildAboutTrialJuan says Judge ordered Maria Schaeffer to testify but wants to know if judge gave her permission to talk to @michaelbkiefer. #jodiariasTwitter
12:55PM@TrialDiariesJTon's of Jodi on her's and tons of Travis on his #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:55PM@monicalindstromJM trying to hurt MS credibility by asking about ethical duties to a client #JodiAriasTwitter
12:55PM@TrialDiariesJFlores never showed any concern about turning on computer #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:56PM@mikewatkiss3tvFormer #jodiarias atty. M. Schaffer back on stand saying it was Juan Martinez who was touching TA's computer looking for *advertiser censored* #3tvariasTwitter
12:56PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- Did the judge give you permission to speak to Mike Kiefer from the Az Republic? #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:57PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- You didn't ask the Judge to speak and you went and spoke anyway. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:57PM@SKrafftFox10Juan Martinez says because Schaeffer spoke to media about computer *advertiser censored* deletion her testimony should be discounted. #jodiariasTwitter
12:57PM@WildAboutTrialMaria Schaeffer & her perm sip a large bottle of water while JM asks if she appeared on TV re: #jodiariasTwitter
12:57PM@TrialDiariesJMaria- I asked the defense team and Ms. Arias
Juan- You also went on tv before you came in here to testify #jodiarias #3tvarias
12:58PM@monicalindstromI doubt the attack on credibility will matter much to JSS...not for this witness #JodiAriasTwitter
12:58PM@TrialDiariesJMaria- When I read pleading it implied the defense team did it and I was defending myself #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
12:59PM@WildAboutTrialJM dramatically asks MS if she DIDN'T ask to see ALL of the evidence when working w/ #jodiariasTwitter
01:00PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- You were at the Mesa PD to look at the evidence
Maria- Yes we wanted phones, computers, journals and so on. #jodiarias #3tvarias
01:01PM@monicalindstromA judge looks at things and witnesses differently than juries do #JodiAriasTwitter
01:01PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- What do you remember you asked for at the Mesa PD
Maria- I have answered this #jodiarias #3tvarias
01:02PM@TrialDiariesJMaria- I think we looked at evidence prior to that date
Juan- YOU LOOKED AT EVIDENCE BEFORE JUNE OF 2009? #jodiarias #3tvarias
01:29PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- TA mentioned the 12 year old girl. The state kept calling Jodi a liar and time has proved that's not true. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:29PM@monicalindstromKN: the state was the one that came up with the "fog" concept #jOdiAriasTwitter
01:33PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- Martinez was looking for nudes of Ms. Arias and the computer was in the custody of the state. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:34PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- Arias can't move 4 a new trial until she's sentenced but the DA's office has a history of this. Debra Milke is 1 example #jodiariasTwitter
01:35PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- The defense experts can't fully process this evidence at this time. We have more evidence against TA's sexual proclivities now.Twitter
01:36PM@monicalindstromKN: State has confessed to wrongdoing which negates its ability to go for death #jodiariasTwitter
01:36PM@monicalindstromKN: if court believes it was the defense that deleted files then ineffective assistance of counsel so death should be taken off #jodiariasTwitter
01:37PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- If the defense attorney's did it then we have ineffective counsel. Dismiss this case or the DP #jodiaris #3tvariasTwitter
01:38PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- The defense is saying this is factual and now they have expanded the dates. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:39PM@TrialDiariesJThere is no misconduct. Numeister said all this was on the registry, the command center. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:39PM@SKrafftFox10Prosecutor Martinez: facts show no misconduct. *advertiser censored* sites in registry, not "history" of computer, so Travis never looked at pornsites.Twitter
01:39PM@monicalindstromJM: we don't concede that what Neumeister said was true
01:39PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- This isn't the user that's responsible. The history says different. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:40PM@annerymanJuan Martinez says the facts show, "no misconduct at all."Twitter
01:40PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- They can scream child *advertiser censored* and then turn around and say oh maybe it was the virus. No child *advertiser censored* was on the registry #jodiariasTwitter
01:41PM@WildAboutTrialJuan is up, very calm, not typical Tornado. Technical. #jodiariasTwitter
01:41PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- Numeister hasn't turned over the info we have needed yet. (His father passed away, just an FYI) #jodiarias #3tvTwitter
01:42PM@TrialDiariesJJuan calls Numeister a shady character #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:43PM@SKrafftFox10Prosecutor Martinez heaps blame on defense expert Bryan Neumeister,says he is "shady character" whose *advertiser censored* testimony can't be trusted.Twitter
01:50PM@WildAboutTrialJuan reiterates that there was no misconduct, this isn't about *advertiser censored*. Or abuse. & those 2 aren't related. #jodiariasTwitter
01:50PM@TrialDiariesJJuan-The defense paid for Dworkin. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:50PM@WildAboutTrialThat on the stand, physical evidence contradicted #jodiarias' testimony about abuse & *advertiser censored*.Twitter
01:51PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- The defense position changes. Is the *advertiser censored* from a virus or him entering it in? #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:52PM@WildAboutTrialJuan fixates on Nurmi now reiterating child *advertiser censored* MIGHT HAVE COME FROM VIRUS. #jodiariasTwitter
01:52PM@monicalindstromJM just pointed out the mitigation expert goes by the name "Cougarlicious", wow, bet she never thought that would come back to haunt herTwitter
01:52PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- These leaks to the media made by State well let's talk about the MS.#jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:53PM@WildAboutTrialJuan says Maria, he refers to her as COUGAR-LICIOUS, gives scoops to The AZ Republic. #jodiariasTwitter
01:53PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- This Mitigation Specialist that goes by cougarlicious has leaked info to Michael Kiefer and others constantly through out this caseTwitter
01:54PM@WildAboutTrialJuan wants to know how Nurmi can point the fingers at him over #JodiArias' interview with Troy Hayden.Twitter
01:54PM@troyhaydenfox10Juan Martinez asking how it is his fault that Jodi agreed to talk to me after her conviction. #JodiAriasTwitter
01:54PM@TrialDiariesJYou point the finger at the state for Jodi giving an interview?? How is that a state action. Maybe she should say NO. #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:54PM@monicalindstromJM tells JSS to look at the facts #jOdiariasTwitter
01:55PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- The accusation of Sheriff office harassing Jodi and Maria as already talked about and we settled it #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:55PM@annerymanMartinez tells judge, "I'm asking you to take a look at the facts."Twitter
01:56PM@WildAboutTrial10 minute recess. #jodiariasTwitter
01:56PM@TrialDiariesJJuan- I am asking you deny the motion. Break time #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
01:56PM@william_pitts@teezmepeas @TrialDiariesJ that's the videoTwitter
01:58PM@william_pittsFollowing #jodiarias ? Here's the story Martinez accused Maria Schaffer of doing without permission. @12News
01:59PM@william_pitts@monicalindstrom perfect.Twitter
02:01PM@william_pittsJudging from what I just read, nurmi's bringing up a lot of settled stuff and saying its misconduct. #jodiariasTwitter
02:07PM@TrialDiariesJNurmi- I ask the court to look at facts #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
02:09PM@TrialDiariesJKN- An attack would be to attack Maria Schaffer. A fact is there's computer *advertiser censored* on computer and his detective testified it wasn't there.Twitter
02:10PM@TrialDiariesJKN- This could be instructive to the court to read. Do we wait 23 years for this to be awarded to Jodi? #jodiarias #3tvariasTwitter
Thanks everyone for all the tweets, and for answering all the questions. I think I'm going to go chill for awhile before my hubby gets home, LOL he says he can always tell when I've been on WS. See you all Monday :) Maybe we'll hear from this judge before then!!
Good. That MMS (Maria mitigation specialist) needs to be reined in and given a huge helping of humble pie. She looks like a fool the way she dresses for Court.

OT: You requested one heaping helping of Humble Pie? Love me some Humble Pie!

I give you "30 days in the hole" for your listening pleasure. I find it appropriate for this occassion!
Just read the posts from Beth Karas. They are in depth. It seems the tweeters like Monica, WAT and others, miss a lot. Nurmi bought up the Milke case no less than three times. And regardless of how we all feel about Nurmi, his closing wasn't bad. We just got snippets here. He didn't sound like the idiot he does when reading here. Of course, Jodi is his client so that makes everything he says suspect. Hope JSS issues her ruling overnight. She said she was taking it under advisement.

To those of you subscribed to BK: Did anyone address why the *advertiser censored* hits were not initially discovered by either the DT or the PT .... and why they are found now? Color me confused.
You know what I thought was hilarious, Maria S bringin her boss along to show the judge she's speaking the truth."I'm not lying - my boss is here!" Someone show me the purpose of that little exchange between MS and JW.
You know what I thought was hilarious, Maria S bringin her boss along to show the judge she's speaking the truth."I'm not lying - my boss is here!" Someone show me the purpose of that little exchange between MS and JW.

Ok, Maria. Let's just say you have "credibility issues."
So will the judge make her ruling on this on Monday?
No. I don't do criminal defense, except at the appellate level.

So... if I want to get rid of my husband...KILL him anywhere....TOMORROW, but drag him over the line and get Nurmi as my Attorney...

Guess I'll get to meet you in about 2050 unless he cleans up his act. Provided he is done with Jodi. ;)

Thanks for giving all of us your precious time! XX00
From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 21s 21 seconds ago

Nurmi counters that no *advertiser censored* sites found in history bc TA had 19 *advertiser censored* cleaners on his computer. #jodiarias

Right. I run avast, spybot, glary, ccleaner, and malwarebytes as needed. There is absolutely no way anyone knowing how to boot a computer would have 19 copies of any one type of program all running. Not only is it redundant and rather incredulous - it's pretty much guaranteed to fry your computer.

And I gotta admit, I have never seen scrubbers or shredders marketed as *advertiser censored* cleaners. People use them all the time because they prefer privacy in a digital age where identity theft and fraud are rampant.

Lastly, I wouldn't recommend anyone googling '19 *advertiser censored* cleaners' unless you wanna do some *advertiser censored* cleaning for yourself. My mistake. :biggrin:
So... if I want to get rid of my husband...KILL him anywhere....TOMORROW, but drag him over the line and get Nurmi as my Attorney...

Guess I'll get to meet you in about 2050 unless he cleans up his act. Provided he is done with Jodi. ;)

Thanks for giving all of us your precious time! XX00

Don't leave the drag marks behind if you want AZ jurisdiction. ;)
Ok, Maria. Let's just say you have "credibility issues."

Lolol. I think Nurmi manipulated Maria just like he did Sky Hughes.
This is how imagine it went (In my imagination)

Nurmi: Travis was a pedophile.
Nurmi: We have evidence. E-mails, pictures..
Sky: You know, I always thought there was something weird about him..

Now Maria

Nurmi: Did you check out evidence in 2009?
Maria: Hmm, maybe, Idk, why? *Yawn*
Nurmi: Was Juan there?
Maria: Sure, Idk, why? *YAWNN*
Nurmi: Juan just told JSS that you pressed ok on itunes or something like that.
Maria: I don't know man, pass the salt.
Nurmi: I mean, JUAN just told JSS that YOU tampered with evidence and deleted *advertiser censored* files of the victim's computer
Maria: He's a LIAR! I remember now. He touched it. He pushed things. He caressed it. He was the one who deleted things and I remember it like it was yesterday
Nurmi: OK! Now remember you can't take what you just said back. And say hi to MK when you call him.
So are you saying that you are in charge of JA's Appellate Fund? :giggle:

No way. My understanding is that she's going to hire someone super-awesome, though. Much more awesomer than I.
Disagree, Curious, about Nurmi making a decent closing. Read BK too. He was all over the place. Disjointed, sloppy, full of disproved accusations, misrepresentations, and half truths.

JM's made it clear he sees the motion as an "ad hominem" attack on him, replete with all of the above.

Both are arguing, bottom line, about whether the *advertiser censored* should be admitted.
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