Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

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Thanks very much, I was really disappointed to find I could no longer hear the voices on some of those videos(interrogation 5 where she said the "still hate me, brat?!" in particular), it's like someone hacked them and replaced the voices with music.

What a bizarre thing to say... to me, it sounds as though she is saying 'still beat me, brat?' :thinking:
Do the journals ever talk about anything other than Travis?

I would think she'd have entries about Ryan leading up to her trip. I'd think she would mention looking for jobs.

I would have thought she would have talked about the spiritual changes after she was baptized, being the "spiritual" person she was and all.

I would expect a one year and five year goal plan mixed in somewhere.

The whole thing is so contrived.
Supposedly she was supposed to be Red Riding Hood and he the wolf... not an uncommon fantasy tbh. Many men have a fantasy about being the first..... and only.

There is a photo of Jodi's sister Angelia wearing a little red riding hood costume and IIRC the big bad wolf?standing next to her, online.
In the phone call transcript (with Det. Flores) she keeps saying she spent the last week she was in Mesa at Travis' house - I thought her Mom came down for a few days to help her move back? Did her Mom stay in a motel alone? I notice she hasn't mentioned anything about her Mom being there, did she really stay at Travis' at all before she moved up to Yreka? Were there texts between them from this time frame to conclude one way or the other?

Sandy came down to take Jodi back to Yreka to supposedly to get her some help. Bill Arais said Sandy missed work to do it, and he wasn't happy that when she did her things, that it was just crap. I think Sandy said she told her to just leave the things, that she could start over. and somewhere in here Jodi kicks her mother, and Sandy goes back home, and Jodi who I think was only going to be a night stretched it out for several days.
JA: Umm I wasn’t even…like I had been talking with Ryan at this point, and obviously there’s a distance there, and that was difficult and he really wanted to spend time with me, and I really wanted to spend time with him, and it just seemed like he had made a few comments like, “When am I going to come out there,” and, I was like, “As soon as you want,” you know, but I didn’t think he was serious, and uh…

I guess Ryan Burns wasn't that hot and heavy for her. He's not making the moves to go see her. How would Geffner say about that? I guess that she'd go to a man, that wouldn't take the time and go see her will be Travis fault.
Thanks very much, I was really disappointed to find I could no longer hear the voices on some of those videos(interrogation 5 where she said the "still hate me, brat?!" in particular), it's like someone hacked them and replaced the voices with music.

I listened to a few more times. Sounds like 'beat' to me. Regardless of whether she said beat or hate it's still a very bizarre thing to say. Creepy. I wonder whether she realized that she was being recorded...
I haven't watched all the interrogation tapes but I've been reading the transcripts (thanks TxJan1971!) and boy, are they revealing! Two things struck me: 1. JA rambles on and on with lots of trite details but when asked whether Travis was expecting her on June 4, 2008 she is unable to answer him.

DF: What happened when you left? Why did you go the other way?


DF: That’s my question.

JA: You know…

DF: Why go to see Travis if you are going to see Ryan as well, and did Travis know you were coming? He knew? I saw you kind of shake your head a little bit.

JA: This is hard.

DF: It’s okay. Did he know you were coming? Did you guys talk on the phone?

JA: (Whispers) (Unintelligible)

and then again a little later...

DF: So he knew you were coming? He was expecting you? Obviously you guys had, you know, a little encounter. Is that when those pictures were taken? Did he even show you those pictures?


DF: It’s going to be all right, Jodi.

JA: I feel really powerless in here.

2. Regarding the shower photos... I hadn't read this little gem before. Now I'm inclined to think that she took the photos without his consent...

FO: Is it the one with him in the shower?

JA: He had water all over his face or something.

FO: You took a nice picture of him.

JA: He would never let me take pictures of him in the shower, you know, despite our intimacy he was very private about his showers. You know, like he had a room. I don’t think you’ve seen the room, but

(Jodi becomes animated and proceeds to use her hands to draw a diagram of Travis’ rooms on the table)

it was here. There were double doors here leading into the room, a walk-in closet here and a hallway, sort of short hallway here that went this way, and then there was a bathtub here, a shower here and a bathroom here, full enclosure, and so if he was taking a shower you couldn’t see if you were in the bedroom unless you walked down the hall, and I never went in the bathroom when he would shower because he was just private about it, you know. It’s not like we were a married couple ever. We had a time when we did something and then after that it was …you know…we weren’t a couple, you know…

FO: Are you saying that those pictures were taken without his consent?

JA: I’m just saying that whoever took those pictures must have, I mean it’s hard to imagine because I got pictures of him once shaving and he was already weird about that.
Jodi said they were official/exclusive/girlfriend/boyfriend from Feb. 2 2007 until June 29, 2007. But I honestly don't think they were EVER. Here is an email from Jodi to Abe dated Feb. 18, 2007. I didn't copy the entire email, because she never shuts up. You can just skip to the second paragraph if your sick of her ramblings that go on and on.

Feb 18, 2007

Hi Abe I'm writing you for a few reasons. Let me get the more trivial ones out of the way first. I tried reaching you by phone during the week without any luck. Probably because I've been calling at ridiculous hours of the night after I'm off work. Like the last three months, I find myself once again near the end of the billing cycle of my cell phone, out of minutes, and paying through the teeth to talk on the phone during daylight hours. But I digress. The reason I've been trying to reach you is to let you know that I was listening to the online version of "Never Before never again" at (?) and some thoughful jerk laced a voice over on Mr. Stonecipher toward the end of the video. He says "there has never been a better time or a better opportunity than right now at Pre-Paid Loser" I am not joking. That's what you hear. If you want to hear it for yourself, go the video. It's about 11 minutes and 45 seconds into it. Just thought I would make you aware of that, since you use that on occasion for your prospects.

The other, and more important reason that I am writing to you is regarding our friendship. You have been a wonderful source of information on many levels and I appreciate your insight and perspective. I'm glad that we met, and I'm glad we are friends. But after considering a few aspects of our friendship, such as the conversation we had the other night revisiting the dream you had to the hug we exchanged at the last AFT in Anaheim. I think we should re-think our conduct toward each other. I know that between you and me those things are simply gestures of a functioning friendship between a couple of single individuals. Up until recently I've considered myself single, and I never would have considered it to be inappropriate or even given it a second thought. Although I'm not married and I'm not Travis' girlfriend.
JA: We spent the day in Scottsdale and when we were done, umm…we drove to his house, but Deanna was there waiting for him for some reason, to visit or something, and he was so scared that she would see him in my car that I practically had to keep the car rolling and kick him as I drove by his house, and he’s like, “Don’t even put it in park. Just roll up real quick,” and he jumped out, shut the door, and he was like, “Now go, go, go” and I was like, “Okay,” and I just kind of laughed at that. That was August 18th.

What does Jodi have in her journal for August 18,2007? That was the month she moved to Mesa. That was the month she said she started writing in those three journals. August up until two or three days ago....

I'm pretty sure she moved to Mesa in early July, maybe the 7th ? That's interesting about Deanna on 8-18-07. I'll have to look for her journal entry for that day. I'm sure it will not match :rolleyes:
What a bizarre thing to say... to me, it sounds as though she is saying 'still beat me, brat?' :thinking:

I listened to a few more times. Sounds like 'beat' to me. Regardless of whether she said beat or hate it's still a very bizarre thing to say. Creepy. I wonder whether she realized that she was being recorded...

It sounds like "Still beat me Brad" I don't know who Brad could be. :waitasec:
I found this showing that according to CMJA Travis broke her finger twice? Or once on two separate dates!
I wish Juan would ask her!

Jan 22, 08- When Jodi claims Travis chased her, then kicked her which broke her finger.
Jan 22, 2008- Jodi comes back. She can't loan him anymore money. He throws her to the floor. Then he kicks her, then kicks her a second time and breaks her finger. Travis leaves the room. Jodi wondered if Travis was getting a weapon , But Travis comes back and splints Jodi's finger. (4/3/13)

Apri 08- Jodi went on a date with Abe. She said Travis got mad, hit her then threw her on the ground and broke her finger
Posted from Morbitbuzz.blogspot
I found this showing that according to CMJA Travis broke her finger twice? Or once on two separate dates!
I wish Juan would ask her!

Jan 22, 08- When Jodi claims Travis chased her, then kicked her which broke her finger.
Jan 22, 2008- Jodi comes back. She can't loan him anymore money. He throws her to the floor. Then he kicks her, then kicks her a second time and breaks her finger. Travis leaves the room. Jodi wondered if Travis was getting a weapon , But Travis comes back and splints Jodi's finger. (4/3/13)

Apri 08- Jodi went on a date with Abe. She said Travis got mad, hit her then threw her on the ground and broke her finger
Posted from Morbitbuzz.blogspot

And some guy wants to make a movie from Jodi's viewpoint. Puh-lease!
I found this showing that according to CMJA Travis broke her finger twice? Or once on two separate dates!
I wish Juan would ask her!

Jan 22, 08- When Jodi claims Travis chased her, then kicked her which broke her finger.
Jan 22, 2008- Jodi comes back. She can't loan him anymore money. He throws her to the floor. Then he kicks her, then kicks her a second time and breaks her finger. Travis leaves the room. Jodi wondered if Travis was getting a weapon , But Travis comes back and splints Jodi's finger. (4/3/13)

Apri 08- Jodi went on a date with Abe. She said Travis got mad, hit her then threw her on the ground and broke her finger
Posted from Morbitbuzz.blogspot

Wow! Good find ICit.
I looked up the temperature for that day and it was 94 degrees. On the 3rd of June it was 98! So the house was clearly closed up with the air conditioner running. JA made sure that Naps (who was a small dog) was gated downstairs. Plus that time of day most people are still at work, or heading home. TA had a good size home, and he rented out two bedrooms upstairs down the hall and on the other side from his. She got real lucky (or they got lucky) that neither one came home from work while she was viciously killing him. From what I can gather is that both men were simply renters, and not particularly close friends of his. When they came home they simply assumed TA was gone on his trip. They did notice it was odd that Napoleon was downstairs with a gate across the stairs. They said Nap always had the run of the house.

They left him gated downstairs because they just figured that what Travis had wanted. :frown:
I literally tear up when I think about that little dog. I'm sure JA gave him a big kick to keep him out of her way while she threw the stuff in the washer. Dogs have such a keen sense of smell, and he knew Travis was upstairs...poor little guy could not get up the steps. He surely would have went to up to TA's door and barked and scratched (as my dog does if my door is shut) and possibly even alerted the roommates much sooner. Travis loved that dog so much he even made him a Facebook page.

Maybe I've just forgotten, but do we know who was taking care of Naps all of those days before Travis' body was discovered ? Someone had to feed and water him and let him out to use the bathroom. It's just always struck me odd that the roommates didn't wonder where Travis was, they thought he would just leave for Cancun and not have someone take care of his dog ?
Bernina, I am also in the "what if" mode. It is not totally out of the question, imo. It's just weird that she would make any reference to a stun gun. I know she is a liar and even lied to her journals but don't all liars intertwine bits of truth? Even the totally delusional Casey Anthony sprinkled bits of truth here and there.

It is weird. Another thing, why would she think Travis needed a stun gun, when according to her he already had a gun, you know, the 22 he kept in the top of his closet . Guess when she mentioned the stun gun, she hadn't planned the lie about the 22 yet.
I found this showing that according to CMJA Travis broke her finger twice? Or once on two separate dates!
I wish Juan would ask her!

Jan 22, 08- When Jodi claims Travis chased her, then kicked her which broke her finger.
Jan 22, 2008- Jodi comes back. She can't loan him anymore money. He throws her to the floor. Then he kicks her, then kicks her a second time and breaks her finger. Travis leaves the room. Jodi wondered if Travis was getting a weapon , But Travis comes back and splints Jodi's finger. (4/3/13)

Apri 08- Jodi went on a date with Abe. She said Travis got mad, hit her then threw her on the ground and broke her finger
Posted from Morbitbuzz.blogspot

She has three stories on how her finger was cut/bandaged as well
Maybe I've just forgotten, but do we know who was taking care of Naps all of those days before Travis' body was discovered ? Someone had to feed and water him and let him out to use the bathroom. It's just always struck me odd that the roommates didn't wonder where Travis was, they thought he would just leave for Cancun and not have someone take care of his dog ?

I do remember that the roommates and their girlfriends did feed him and give him water at some point. :frown: The guys were just renting rooms from TA. I don't think they were particularly friends. Maybe they just assumed TA had someone coming over daily to feed the dog and let him out? It breaks my heart to think of what that little dog must have gone through for 5 days downstairs and all alone.
On the tail end of the previous thread I had mentioned about a certain picture that I had not seen before of Travis in the shower and to me he looks very shocked and surprised. Val was nice enough to find them and I wanted to try to show it again to see if people agree that this particular photo is one where it appears Travis sees Jodi and maybe sees the knife or gun. It is the one labeled with 5:27:18
and it always appears in a list of other photos. For some reason, this photo I dont think has been discussed much and to me it maybe a very important one because it looks like Travis is reacting to something scary. Its hard to see because it did not come out well and the shading is dark but to me it looks like his mouth is dropping and he looks terrified.

The time squence doesnt make sense since there is some after that which he is not reacting so I wonder about the whole time stamps on all of them and maybe Jodi managed to mess with the time stamps or something.

It is in link below and the one with 5:27:18.

On the tail end of the previous thread I had mentioned about a certain picture that I had not seen before of Travis in the shower and to me he looks very shocked and surprised. Val was nice enough to find them and I wanted to try to show it again to see if people agree that this particular photo is one where it appears Travis sees Jodi and maybe sees the knife or gun. It is the one labeled with 5:27:18
and it always appears in a list of other photos. For some reason, this photo I dont think has been discussed much and to me it maybe a very important one because it looks like Travis is reacting to something scary. Its hard to see because it did not come out well and the shading is dark but to me it looks like his mouth is dropping and he looks terrified.

The time squence doesnt make sense since there is some after that which he is not reacting so I wonder about the whole time stamps on all of them and maybe Jodi managed to mess with the time stamps or something.

It is in link below and the one with 5:27:18.


Is there a larger picture somewhere of it?
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