Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/3 -12/04 In recess w/hearing

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Thank You AZ.

Doesn't make me feel any more confident, 67 out of how many, if you know.

Where can we read further? TIA

Actually, her stats make me feel more confident that she knows what she's doing and that there is method to her madness. I won't personally criticize her.
I also wonder if Tanisha's anger was about the juror's questions and how they were mostly about TA behavior instead of CMJA.

How could they ask anything about Jodi? All she did was talk about Travis!

I didn't see anything pro-defense in these questions. The one about the Hughes changing their opinion later on was particularly good, and the one about her not having enough information to know WTH she was talking about, too.

I suspect it was the sexual expression that she chose as much as or more than he did -- see KY lubricant.

I also wonder whether all the projecting JA did onto TA was mostly a window into her own soul.

I can easily picture her talking him into more and more physical intimacy -- he trying to remain temple worthy and she trying to convince him as she rationalized that it didn't violate the Law of Chastity (which by then she had been taught) because it was underwater, or in the back door, or oral, etc.

But then again I don't know how common it was to get/give a goodbye Lewinsky in the car on a first date circa 2007.

Either way, there's probably not much Toblerone tossing happening in the Estrella lockup.
That's just it. Fonseca tried to make it appear as though Jodi were the virgin in the relationship and that Travis was the one who wanted "dirty" anal sex as a way to preserve his Mormonism, yet Jodi had already had anal sex with previous boyfriends including Darryl and was living with Darryl. Heck, she moved in with Bobby when she was 15! This was no shy "suffering in silence" wallflower, more like a passive-aggressive female.
They could take a photo instead...then put both photos side by side on the Jumbotron to compare.


Actually, didn't they do something like that at Michael Jackson's trial so that one of his accusers could identify him in some distinctive way??
hi does pickle juice really work? no caps, cant use left hand.....bad bad pain. dr. thought arthritis but now I think beyond that. left over from accident maybe. no sleep tonite...........
Me too. The prayer I have is that Juan is discouraging JSS from interfering as a strategy.

I have noted a few times that my dad is a balliff. He doesn't follow this trial but is astounded by the things I have told him about the DT and JSS. I have sat in court many times waiting on him and cannot imagine this mockery of the justice system being tolerated here.

God bless the Alexander family.
Yes, exactly! I have an interest in following cases of wrongful incarceration, there's a show on CNN called Death Row Stories about men wrongfully placed on death row. Most of those cases involve Brady violations, discovery violations and hiding of evidence. Never does it involve hiding evidence so insignificant as this. It's usually alternate confessions, conflicting witness testimony that's hidden, DNA evidence. Things that could actually get these men exonerated. Things directly related to guilt or innocence. What exactly would be the point of deleting the *advertiser censored* off of Travis' computer when they knew they had their man? And so early in their case when *advertiser censored* was generally irrelevant at that point. Why would they be so spectacularly stupid to sabotage their own case by deleting something that really doesn't matter? And leave things that hurt them more like the text messages and pictures of them having sex on the day of the murder? In such a strong case as this, no less. It makes absolutely no sense. They wouldn't do it.

The real issue left, I feel, is whether or not all that *advertiser censored* would have helped Jodi. I guess it's a crap shoot, and AZL says probably not. I have to agree with that. It's such a small thing. This case was about premeditated murder. Even if it was revealed Travis was into the kinkiest, nastiest *advertiser censored*, I don't think it would have mattered to the jury. It would not have mattered to me. I think they got to that jury room and blocked out all the noise and lies and victim bashing and got to the bones of the case: was this a premeditated murder. I believe they focused on the evidence of that and on Jodi's lies related to the actual crime and came to the most logical conclusion.

I think the only way it would have helped her was possibly if it was child *advertiser censored* because that's the only kind Jodi ever talked about. And it clearly wasn't. Like I've said before, if you're going to try and convince me that someone was a pedophile you better have some damn evidence. And usually with pedophiles there is no shortage of evidence. They leave tracks. Either Travis was some mastermind at hiding things or it's just not there. Not on his computer, not in his past. It's just a vicious lie that Jodi just has to "prove." It's almost like it's more important to her than fighting for her own life.
I disagree about the child *advertiser censored*. Even if he was a pedophile, this was vigilante justice on her part. And if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't have been interested in having any type of sex with a grown woman- pigtails or not, and she kept going back for more. Even if it were true, which clearly there is NO evidence for, the pedophilia is a sideshow distraction lie by Jodi to destroy Travis's reputation.
the crazy sexpert kept harping on Jodi being a secret. That Deanna was more known as a girlfriend. Did she not see the video of Jodi sleeping on Travis's lap while he was telling a story to 6-8 friends?

The "secret" that all his friends immediately told LE: "Jodi did it"!!!
I disagree about the child *advertiser censored*. Even if he was a pedophile, this was vigilante justice on her part. And if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't have been interested in having any type of sex with a grown woman- pigtails or not, and she kept going back for more. Even if it were true, which clearly there is NO evidence for, the pedophilia is a sideshow distraction lie by Jodi to destroy Travis's reputation.

The defense isn't saying it was OK for her to kill him because he looked at child *advertiser censored*. Well, yes, they ARE saying that, but they're PRETENDING to say that the child *advertiser censored* was just an incident that happened to make the relationship more stressful and abusive, which, combined with JA's already screwed-up mind, led her to react in a premeditated and cruel manner.
I disagree about the child *advertiser censored*. Even if he was a pedophile, this was vigilante justice on her part. And if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't have been interested in having any type of sex with a grown woman- pigtails or not, and she kept going back for more. Even if it were true, which clearly there is NO evidence for, the pedophilia is a sideshow distraction lie by Jodi to destroy Travis's reputation.

I agree but the DT is asserting that the state hiding this *advertiser censored* stuff made Jodi look like a liar to the jurors. The state hid something to make Jodi look like more of a liar than she already was. They're saying this further prejudiced the jury against her. It's pretty rich, obviously, because Jodi is a liar and this doesn't go to all of the other lies she told on the stand. But this is the DT's assertion and this is why I think that will be the main issue now, whether the *advertiser censored* would have helped her at all, either in proving her story of how the abuse escalated after she discovered his addiction or in proving her veracity, in general, whether the state hid it intentionally or not.
I totally agree!!! And I think we will see a better outcome than Judge Lance Ito or Judge Belvin Perry's courtrooms!!

For those who think Judge Perry had a "perfect courtroom", let me remind you he allowed onto the jury a juror who refused to judge for fear of Cheney Mason crying racism!
I have to admit, I was rather disappointed that JM didn't do this with Dr.F., when she said TA "gutted" women, he should have put the autopsy pics up and asked if she meant like that.

I have to believe that Juan just letting out that line for her to hang herself during testimony. She said so much that he can come back with later. Either as a rebuttal or at closing

If CMJA get back up to testify, I am sure that juror who asked about the reason for the rant, will ask CMJA.

And if not, I perhaps as a juror might feel inclined to "take up" for the one that has left with their line of questioning.

Oh, how I miss HHJP! He was quick, stern and even had a sense of humour ('in and out like poptarts' :lol:)

I remember during the FCA trial, we had an entire thread of quotes from the trial. It was hilarious at times, and just downright fabulous words at other times. This trial, awwwww, we don't have one. But heck, we do have some folks who's names reflect the trial forever here, e.g. YesOrNo :floorlaugh:

Easter or....the Fourth of July? That would get us to the two year anniversary of the first-degree murder verdict. If Arias is given life, then the Judge and lawyers will need some time to prepare for the sentencing proceedings. :scared::hills:

Don 't say 4th of July... that was the verdict with Caylee... :( I'll have to head to her thread which Tulessa and WolfMom light a candle for her twice a day. So special... join in there perhaps to do a thanks on that thread which is always up top for recent posts EVERY DAY after all this time.

Please don't steal my "W" . . . . I could have a major identity crisis!

ene4!!! :blowkiss: ene4! ene4!

It's a long one, but I will watch it! Thanks for taking the time to post the link Shady!
hi does pickle juice really work? no caps, cant use left hand.....bad bad pain. dr. thought arthritis but now I think beyond that. left over from accident maybe. no sleep tonite...........

No! Don't do it. My daughter has GERD and so do hubby & I. It's a mechanical problem due to the sphincter separating the stomach from the esophagus not closing off, so the acid backwashes up. IMO it is stupid to add more acid to the situation. Two people have personally suggested this to me!
So is the *advertiser censored* hard drive crap gonna go on tomorrow or not?

Also, did they find any images of *advertiser censored* or only the words "tween" and "teen"?

I guess it depends on whether the DT "expert" can turn a Dell into the Compaq Presario hd. I wouldn't be surprised if that was what his report had been done on and not the CP. You can just imagine how delighted the DT was that they may have overlooked that they had done their analysis on the wrong hd, at least until the PT caught it.
Travis & Deanna went to their own Bishops and confessed their sex stuff. Both were given whatever sanctions, but Travis lost his Temple Recommend. He was still working on getting his priviledges back so he could do Temple work at the time of his death. The blackmailing Jodi could do with this info would be very concerning IMO. If she went "public" with this info (ie: his friends, family, church members, co-workers, prospective clients) knew of this - it would have a significant impact on his life. I do not know if he would be excommunicated (my dear friend who is an active LDS says yes) because this would be a second "transgression" while he was still working on the first one. It most certainly could have an impact on every aspect of Travis life if she alleged pedophile stuff. Either way, she threatened to smear Travis if the death penalty wasn't taken off the table. I think she used this tactic on Travis threatening to smear his "30 yr old virgin" image if he didn't give her credit for the book, take her to cancun, (take your pick)

This question has been nagging me - Any Atty's who want to chime in I would love to hear!

Could this whole defense strategy be some of the following:

1) Jodi demands this defense be presented and nothing else
2) Nurmi knows that this defense will not fly but is forced to proceed with JA's wishes - he has tried multiple times to get off this case.
3) Nurmi set up this defense with the aspect of not providing any mitigation factors so that it could be overturned on appeal for "ineffective counsel".
4) Jodi demanded the closed courtoom - Atty's patched together a way to buy a little time to get her on the stand in secret
5) Jodi alleges child *advertiser censored* - (blackmail, means to close courtroom, diminish & trash Travis to make her look better)
6) There are no other witnesses willing to stand up and talk about how she could be a benefit to society in some way (other than tshirts, reading & recycling hair)
7) there is a "daisy chain" that leads to Jodi's innocence (ha)

*ETA - please don't throw stones - JMO

I wouldn't be surprised on #3. If that happens, he should have to forfeit $1M or however much he's pocketed off this case and face a disbarment hearing.

But of course it doesn't work that way.
Re: The educational background of the "sexpert" (love that word, by the way!)

Anyone who has attended a college or university, who has put years of their time and effort in earning a degree, or two or three degrees, is highly UNLIKELY to not list them anywhere.

The one and only higher education facility with whom this witness can thus far be found to be associated happens to have a "checkered" background - being described in various places as unaccredited and a diploma mill.

Did Nurmi go over her educational qualifications at the beginning of the direct examination of her? If he did, I must have missed it.
hi does pickle juice really work? no caps, cant use left hand.....bad bad pain. dr. thought arthritis but now I think beyond that. left over from accident maybe. no sleep tonite...........

Sorry for OT
i would pm you but didn't want to wait for you to find it. Does your arm or chest hurt? I'm worried about stroke symptoms - smile, stick out your tongue in the mirror - any problems?
I disagree about the child *advertiser censored*. Even if he was a pedophile, this was vigilante justice on her part. And if he was a pedophile, he wouldn't have been interested in having any type of sex with a grown woman- pigtails or not, and she kept going back for more. Even if it were true, which clearly there is NO evidence for, the pedophilia is a sideshow distraction lie by Jodi to destroy Travis's reputation.

I respectfully have to disagree with the above BBM part. Some pedophiles DO have sexual interests in grown women. Regardless, Travis was not a pedophile IMO.
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