Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

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I see the gesture people have discussed, but I do not see throat slashing in it. I don't put a whole lot of stock into that "truth detector" micro-expression stuff.

JMO; another point of view. Not saying anyone is wrong, just want to say that some people see it and think it's meaningful; to some it's not.

It's fascinating how many different interpretations or opinions are offered on this case. Nonverbal communication is a recognised scientific study field but it is limited, by its very nature, in applyng to legal scenarios. Imagine lines of Body Language 'Experts' like 'ALV' offering opinion at $300 an hour? Initially, I didn't give much thought to the throat slashing gesture videos. After watching the trial on video, my instinct tells me that this is psychosomatic. It reflects her emotions, internal thoughts and provides visual clues to them. What people don't say can be as interesting as what they do say. There is no proof but speculating offers an interesting dimension.
I agree. It looks like to me she was just wiping tears. Tears for herself, that is.

She is doing that too, I agree. She isnt always crying when she does the throat slashing gesture. Thst is what is interestng. She certainly doesn't appear to be when Chris Hughes is being questioned. She looks dry-eyes and furious.
"When she opens a topic about her relation to God, there is an expectation of personal authenticity, even if you are irreligious, a non-believer. She is about to describe something spiritual." - Tuba

She couldn't even keep her lies straight about being a Mormon. She read the scriptures, either to deceive Travis or to lie better in court. It was apparent from her, "Thy shall not fornicate" breathlessly whispered answer to Detective Flores that she was all about the loopholes. You have hit the nail on the head about her authenticity on this. I don't believe she is religious at all. It's just another stupid ploy to appeal to the jury.
Is there a post #for the videos in question? Not coming up in Search. Yes, we've seen them in the past but my memory is dim on the details now. Thanks in advance.
She is doing that too, I agree. She isnt always crying when she does the throat slashing gesture. Thst is what is interestng. She certainly doesn't appear to be when Chris Hughes is being questioned. She looks dry-eyes and furious.

Oh yeah, I agree she looks furious. That's a non-verbal communication that I can easily read in her eyes and expression.

She has a weird, deliberate, and kind of dramatic way of moving, all the time. The way she flips her hair, holds a cup of water, dabs her dry eyes, peers through her fingers, etc. etc. etc. I don't see throat slashing in the way she moves her hand from her hair to the table—not in a threatening way—but she definitely does not move the way normal people do. I agree, she's pissed at Chris Hughes.
Not to be missed, when she tells the t.v. interviewer about her appearance before God, her face is all Duper's Delight. The smile with quotes around it, the batted eye. The little girl voice figures in this too.
The Pedophilia Lies.___________Arias wrote in her diary that there was nothing of note to report, January 21-24, 2008. I think she chose these empty days so that contradictory, competing activities would not surface to trap her in a lie. "But Ms. Arias, weren't you at the ball park on the evening of...."? That sort of information. So, having selected this spell of nothingness, she filled it with libelous accounts. She informed her lawyers and testified that she was so horrified by what she came upon in Travis's bedroom that she fled the scene, went home and vomited. Extremely disturbed, she then drove around aimlessly for hours. This may become possible decades into the future but it was a sci-fi stunt on January 21, 2008, because she did not have a car​. That's precisely why she needed a ride from work on January 22 and why she had been scheduled to pick up the car she wanted to borrow on January 21, if not for a sick headache.

"Ma'am, did I ask you if you vomited?" (I wonder if The Prosecutor realizes the effect he's having on our lingo.)

Extremely disturbed, she then drove around aimlessly for hours.
I guess that's kind of her go-to coping mechanism story. You know the old-fashioned plane-moving-across-a-map graphics in movies? In the next Jodi Arias movie (I'm sure there will be more), whenever they need to depict an occurrence of Jodi driving around aimlessly for hours because she was extremely disturbed by pedophilia or murder or something, the director could just use a picture of a car and a bunch of scribbles. (Weird how she never has to stop for gas when she's driving around aimlessly for hours.)

Also about the diaries... during her interrogation with Rachel Blaney, when the subject of Jodi's diaries comes up, Jodi asks if the police have all of them, then proceeds to tell the detective (helpfully) where they are, just in case the police somehow missed them in their search of her tiny room at her grandparents' house. Fiction fiction fiction fiction fiction. "Hey you guys make sure you read all of my totally true, historical accounts of everything especially Travis."

I don't understand how the defense gets away with... well... anything, but they seem to be able to refer to bits and pieces of Jodi's creative writing project as though the mere fact that she wrote something down makes it true. How is this allowed? Do the journals somehow count as testimony? Do they then count as "perjury on paper"? Does "you told us that..." hold the same weight as "you wrote in your journal that..."?

Similarly, if she fails to write something down, like Travis breaking her finger, that doesn't mean that he didn't. Of course I know that he didn't break her poor Godforsaken finger -- but I just don't understand why what she does or doesn't write qualifies as evidence of something either happening or not happening. I do understand how Dr. DeMarte can use Jodi's writing as evidence of her immaturity and BPD (or whatever label anyone wants to use). Jodi may be an inventive writer, but she's not so good that she can mask her personality. Kind of like her "artwork." She may be a marginally competent tracer and colorer, but the stuff she produces is immature, creepy, and above all fake. IMHO.

(Jeeze, I planned to go grocery shopping an hour ago. Why is this trial so addictive? Must. Turn. Off. Computer.)

What is this nonsense in the mitigating factors - that Jodi was ONLY 27 when she committed her first crime ! What?! That doesn't even make sense. So she should be spared because she was so young? Am I reading it wrong? And, really, how many people commit murder as a first crime? I'm sure Jodi has a history of criminal acts, but just never got caught. She was a bad seed from the getgo.

I seem to recall being held accountable for my actions well before my late-twenties.
Warped, into a black hole in space. Here's some more material for the book Who Does That? In her television interview from the jail, Arias was claiming she had no part in the crime against Travis. She made the following declaration: "I would be shaking in my boots right now, if I had to answer to God for such a heinous crime. But I'm very grateful that this is one thing that I will never have to answer to when I stand or sit before the judgment seat someday."

When she opens a topic about her relation to God, there is an expectation of personal authenticity, even if you are irreligious, a non-believer. She is about to describe something spiritual. Instead, we hear a deliberate, planned lie that takes God's name in vain. We can speculate that she injects this to add a measure of emphasis, of drama. Of course, she also assesses it as more convincing. The irony rests on her that it reveals to what degree she respected her solemn oath in the trials to come. "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."


Well said, Tuba:

Warped, into a black hole in space. Here's some more material for the book Who Does That? In her television interview from the jail, Arias was claiming she had no part in the crime against Travis. She made the following declaration: "I would be shaking in my boots right now, if I had to answer to God for such a heinous crime. But I'm very grateful that this is one thing that I will never have to answer to when I stand or sit before the judgment seat someday."

When she opens a topic about her relation to God, there is an expectation of personal authenticity, even if you are irreligious, a non-believer. She is about to describe something spiritual. Instead, we hear a deliberate, planned lie that takes God's name in vain. We can speculate that she injects this to add a measure of emphasis, of drama. Of course, she also assesses it as more convincing. The irony rests on her that it reveals to what degree she respected her solemn oath in the trials to come. "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."

Then there was this shining moment of piety:

(And why is it I want to slap her every time she says heinous?)

I'm very grateful that this is one thing that I will never have to answer to when I stand or sit before the judgment seat someday.

I guess she's not so clear on Pearly Gate protocol or potential furniture.
Is there a post #for the videos in question? Not coming up in Search. Yes, we've seen them in the past but my memory is dim on the details now. Thanks in advance.

Tuba, if you are referring to the gestures the videos were posted in the sidebar, post 977 and 978.
Then there was this shining moment of piety:

(And why is it I want to slap her every time she says heinous?)

I guess she's not so clear on Pearly Gate protocol or potential furniture.

If she doesn't accept the fact that she murdered Travis and asks God for His forgiveness, she will never face God, IMO. The ultimate sin is not being truly sorry for what you have done.
She needs to realize what she has done- if she does not, she will never see God's face and that will be her Hell. The real Hell is never seeing God face-to-face. Those who don't realize their sin of murder and who do not truly regret what he/she has/have done, will never see His face and that is the real Hell that they will go to. It's very simple to me- remorse- genuine remorse, but I don't think she can attain that. She doesn't know how to humble herself to show any remorse. That's what makes her evil.

All :moo: of course.
... If, for some weird alternate universe reason, Jodi is ever released from prison, she WILL kill again just because she can.

Snipped by me

She will kill again, either in or out of prison -- or both.

To pass on the the death penalty is to guarantee it.
You know...I am not really convinced they believe her. Her family, I mean.

They never believed her -- on anything.

They merely tolerated and placated her because -- well, you can see what happens when you don't.
Those letters frighten me. This new jury will be clueless because they will choose people who don't pay attention to the news or read about what's going on around them. So you get some very naive, uninformed people, and give them letters 'from Travis' admitting he is a pedophile? That could be a catastrophe. There will be a couple that believe her lies.

And it only takes one old bald guy with the hots for her.
From Beth Karas' Facebook page, just posted:

I'll be covering the Arias penalty phase retrial through a new website called Karas on Crime at When you go to the site, you'll see an introductory video where I describe my plan. I will give you a live report on the website every night along with updates, photos from the courtroom pool camera, analysis, and more. I've already posted some documents and analysis, a timeline from the first trial, etc. This is a members-only subscription site. If you want all the details from the retrial, please join!

Hey, JSKS' media gag on audio/video coverage created shovel-ready jobs!

I wish I could say it was intentional.
That's not too bad.. I hope she gets some subscribers, not a lot of people are interested in the trial this time around.

Her problem will be the competition doing it for free (advertiser-subsidized, of course).

What is this nonsense in the mitigating factors - that Jodi was ONLY 27 when she committed her first crime ! What?! That doesn't even make sense. So she should be spared because she was so young? Am I reading it wrong? And, really, how many people commit murder as a first crime? I'm sure Jodi has a history of criminal acts, but just never got caught. She was a bad seed from the getgo.[/QUOTE]

Zervakos et al were eager to buy it.
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