Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 13

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Response to Madeline's its always been this way, this sliming of the victim.

IMO, its always been this way is the least defensible reason for anything.

First, speaking as a historian, very little has always been this way about anything. Thirty odd years ago victims' families had precious few rights...not VISs, nor to be informed nor to be included. Victim rights advocates had to fight for those rights. They wouldn't have won if the public hadn't backed them.

They had public opinion on their side because the public believed it was wrong and misguided to have a system that pretended only the dead or the severely harmed had been victimized.

And that is where we are now. It is wrong, imo, to allow DT's a carte blance right to present any defense, even one based on lies, especially if those lies traumatize and re-victimize surviving loved ones.

Lies and unsubstantiated accusations have no place in a court of law. That its been that way forever just means its past time for it to stop.
Baby T Doggie @starknightz · 11h 11 hours ago

Dr Fonseca says "He snuffed her out, her identity" referring to email #jodiarias sent Travis abt getting no CREDIT.

All credit to the queen of editing
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

Bringing over YESorNO's List of Tweeters:

Originally Posted by YESorNO (As far as I know) Tweeting Live #jodiarias

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Court: Monday - Thursday

NO Court on Friday.

Days off:

Thursday and Friday - November 26th and 27th (Thanksgiving)

Response to Madeline's its always been this way, this sliming of the victim.

IMO, its always been this way is the least defensible reason for anything.

First, speaking as a historian, very little has always been this way about anything. Thirty odd years ago victims' families had precious few rights...not VISs, nor to be informed nor to be included. Victim rights advocates had to fight for those rights. They wouldn't have won if the public hadn't backed them.

They had public opinion on their side because the public believed it was wrong and misguided to have a system that pretended only the dead or the severely harmed had been victimized.

And that is where we are now. It is wrong, imo, to allow DT's a carte blance right to present any defense, even one based on lies, especially if those lies traumatize and re-victimize surviving loved ones.

Lies and unsubstantiated accusations have no place in a court of law. That its been that way forever just means its always past time for it to stop.

Whoa! Hold on there. I didn't say it was defensible, only that it didn't get invented with the Arias case/trial and it's been going on for the decades I've watched trials. Since that strategy (of smearing the victim and insinuating all kinds of terrible things) continues to occur in many murder trials I can only surmise that it's not illegal to do it, I'm not saying it's right in any way or ok to do so. I find it disgusting, personally.

It doesn't work on me and it doesn't work on lots of jurors either. It didn't work in THIS case because the jury convicted her of first degree premeditated murder. And while it may be painful to contemplate, just because a jury can sentence a murderer to death, doesn't mean any jury will do so -- that part is always the biggest unknown, even if zero smearing of the victim is done. It's always a crapshoot when it comes down to LWOP vs DP.

The outrage needs to be channeled into changing laws, for it is only through legislative changes in the laws that provide the ground rules of the courts that such a technique can be corralled.
I agree, MeeBee. I think its easy to underestimate the difficulty prosecutors have dealing with belligerent, hostile, non responsive witnesses without alienating the jury. Not to mention the difficulties of trying to get a sociopathic witness to say anything that resembles the truth.
Response to Madeline's its always been this way, this sliming of the victim.

IMO, its always been this way is the least defensible reason for anything.

First, speaking as a historian, very little has always been this way about anything. Thirty odd years ago victims' families had precious few rights...not VISs, nor to be informed nor to be included. Victim rights advocates had to fight for those rights. They wouldn't have won if the public hadn't backed them.

They had public opinion on their side because the public believed it was wrong and misguided to have a system that pretended only the dead or the severely harmed had been victimized.

And that is were we are now. It is wrong, imo, to allow DT's a carte blance right to present any defense, even one based on lies, especially if those lies traumatize and re-victimizes surviving loved ones.

Lies and unsubstantiated accusations have no place in a court of law. That its been that way forever just means its always past time for it to stop.

Jumping off this:

I don't think anyone's breaking any news with that anyway. We've seen this old song and dance before, turn blame outward, villianize the person who isn't here to defense themselves. It happens.

But, personally, I have not seen it reach these depths. It's one thing for the defendant to say it, and one thing for the attorneys to defend it. But I have never seen attorneys try SO hard in proving these things that are clear lies. They know they are lies. Most DTs I feel would have slid past it. But the levels of "slime" I've seen in this trial are beyond anything I've ever seen, personally.

I don't see the point in lecturing people on how they should react or feel about something. When something is outrageous, normal people react with outrage. We are visceral, emotional beings and to feel upset that an innocent man has had his name completely destroyed by his murderer is totally natural to me. I'm not as worried about it as I was the first time, in the guilt phase, because I know anyone with common sense can see they are lies and she has already been found guilty and it's not going to help her in any way to focus her mitigation case on trashing Travis and because we always have Juan Martinez waiting in the wings. But a part of feeling empathy is feeling the feelings of others. Our hearts break for the family and we express our emotions in a central place. No one's storming the courts of Maricopa. It's just getting the frustration and anger out.

No, it's nothing new. Obviously. But it never stops being outrageous. this a juror for real....confuzzled...

ps. good morning everyone!

(grrrr...forgot to attach post to which this is in response to. It was from MeeBee's post about a juror response.) this a juror for real....confuzzled...

ps. good morning everyone!

He was a juror in the Devault case and has been attending the Arias trial and reporting his opinions. They're very interesting reads.
Wonder if doc and DT had a late night prepping for today? Sadly for them, they just won't be able to predict where JM will go next - to infinity and beyond!

Like a bowel prep? heh heh..
Hey everyone, Good morning :)  Juan Martinez makes me start believing again in our justice system. It’s really sad though that the victim has to be destroyed first. I do hope Travis’ family was in the court room to see Juan Martinez do what he always does to those who lie. I feel like Juan Martinez has shown the truth of who Travis’ Alexander is, and I know he’s not done yet. I pray today will be the same if not better for Travis and his family.
Also, the word successful appeals is making me begin to change my opinion about this judge, a little. I understand the murderer will appeal, on everything and anything, but will she be successful????? God bless Travis and his family.
Baby T Doggie @starknightz · 11h 11 hours ago

Dr Fonseca says "He snuffed her out, her identity" referring to email #jodiarias sent Travis abt getting no CREDIT.

You know, I suspect Fonseca is just as much a sexist as ALV, and that would explain the direction of her bias, but if she is a radical feminist then playing the victim only goes so far before it becomes hypocritical. For her to use that term, in this case has got to be highly offensive to anyone not as blindly one-sided as her, and that includes the jury, most likely. It's a pretty disgusting reference to make in this trial.

Below is a list which contains the number of Court Days to date and the number of NO Court Days.
As a reference, I listed the name of witness who testified and if the day was spent on hearings.
This list is to keep track of what days court was held and how many days court was DELAYED.
I hope this helps !

Jury Selection: Began September 29, 2014

Re-Trial of the Sentencing Phase Began October 21, 2014:

Day 1: Tuesday - October 21, 2014

Opening Statements
Witnesses: Detective Flores and Officer Melendez

Day 2: Wednesday - October 22, 2014
Witnesses: Dr. Horn and Former Det. Mendes

Day 3: Thursday - October 23, 2014
Witnesses: Dr. Flores, Wal-Mart Employee, Det. Friedman

Friday - October 24, 2014
Saturday - October 25, 2014
Sunday - October 26, 2014

Day 4: Monday - October 27, 2014
Witness: Detective Flores

Day 5: Tuesday - October 28, 2014
Witness: Detective Flores

Wednesday - October 29, 2014

Day 6: Thursday - October 30, 2014
Victim Impact Statements: Tanisha and Steven

Friday - October 31, 2014
Saturday - November 1, 2014
Sunday - November 2, 2014

Day 7: Monday - November 3, 2014
Hearing: Court of Appeals
Hearing: JSS Court : how to proceed re: Court of Appeals Order

Tuesday – November 4, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing on how to proceed.

Wednesday – November 5, 2014
Thursday – November 6, 2014
Friday – November 7, 2014
Saturday - November 8, 2014
Sunday - November 9, 2014
Monday – November 10, 2014 [No Court – previously scheduled]
Tuesday – November 11, 2014 [Veterans Day]

Day 8: Wednesday – November 12, 2014
Witness: Dr. L.C. Miccio-Fonseca

Day 9: Thursday – November 13, 2014
Witness: Dr. L.C. Miccio-Fonseca

Friday – November 14, 2014
Saturday - November 15, 2014
Sunday - November 16, 2014

Day 10: Monday – November 17, 2014
Witness: Dr. L.C. Miccio-Fonseca

Tuesday – November 18, 2014
Wednesday – November 19, 2014

Day 11: Thursday - November 20, 2014
Witness: Dr. L.C. Miccio-Fonseca

Friday - November 21, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing on Computer.

Saturday - November 22, 2014
Sunday - November 23, 2014

Day 12: Monday - November 24, 2014
Witness: Dr. L.C. Miccio-Fonseca - smackdown by Juan Martinez !

And ... TODAY:

Day 13: Tuesday - November 25, 2014
:What time starting today? Snowstorm on the way and I have been so involved here In haven't shopped for Tgiving yet.
Baby T Doggie @starknightz · 11h 11 hours ago

Dr Fonseca says "He snuffed her out, her identity" referring to email #jodiarias sent Travis abt getting no CREDIT.

OMG, seriously, this witness couldn't have chosen any other words! This witness is just, ah hell, I got nothing! It's to early to get this angry about this person! God bless Travis and his family! Thank God for people like Juan Martinez, the ones who go after the truth!
But, personally, I have not seen it reach these depths.

I think that's been said in every murder case I've followed, at the time the defense was doing their smearing.

I don't see the point in lecturing people on how they should react or feel about something.

And who is telling people "how they should react or feel about something?" Certainly not me. I'm recognizing the outrage (feelings) and also recognizing how long this kind of strategy has been going on in the decades I've personally watched trials. Pointing it out and correlating it to its occurrences in other trials from before is not lecturing people on how they should feel or react.
:What time starting today? Snowstorm on the way and I have been so involved here In haven't shopped for Tgiving yet.

I feel ya with the shopping. Get your shopping done before the snow! We will keep you updated.

Court starts at 9:45 MST today. 15 minutes later than usual so that the <modsnip> can finish her reading.
I feel ya with the shopping. Get your shopping done before the snow! We will keep you updated.

Court starts at 9:45 MST today. 15 minutes later than usual so that the witless can finish her reading.

:seeya: If Dr. F. has any sense at all, she will confine her answers to "Yes' and 'No' today. I'm not betting on it though, 'cos she doesn't have any sense, thank goodness. :juanettes:
@TrialDiariesJ: Most of the jury is dressed up today...did I miss something? Lol #jodiarias
@TrialDiariesJ: #jodiarias is back in session today at 9:45am MST. Dr. Fonseca is still being crossed by Juan Martinez
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