Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 15

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Witness of the week for the defense is Dr. Robert Geffner (if you recall from the first trial, he of the spilled water and audible burping into the microphone). Wilmott spent just about the entire AM going over his credentials and getting the whole thing Juan hammered him on in the first trial out of the way - namely a judge in another case telling him he was nothing but a hired gun and completely ridiculous. He spent the afternoon going over some of JA's psych tests. He says she is severely depressed, submissive, and highly suicidal. He said she is not aggressive, not a liar, not assertive, does not have anger issues, and a whole bunch of other things that made us LOL.

In other news, Nurmi has filed another motion to dismiss the case or in the alternative drop the death penalty based on - wait for it - prosecutorial misconduct. This was filed yesterday. We also learned that Neumeister has still not turned over whatever it is he was supposed to turn over, and that Juan needed to interview him, Tony, and mystery computer guy further. Oh and defense never provided summaries/notes of today's witness, and the judge graciously agreed to give Juan a whole hour tomorrow before trial to interview him (note the sarcasm).
Oh man....I remember this guy. He had me literally laffing out loud during his testimony at first trial. What a bungler!
Reading BK notes and it appears BN will be a DT witness. Juan wants 3 hours to interview him from beginning to end. The DT wants the original 2008 image, and JSS told Juan to provide it to DT. Juan wants BNs cloned? copy which is apparently not handing over because it's a "working copy". Huh?
Easy answer to that one. "JSS".
Sure, the DT is bringing up the purposely BS delays, but JSS is absolutely the ONLY person that can help speed this trial along and she is doing nothing about it. Juan tries to help but gets little to no support. So I put a large part of the blame of the length of this garbage right square in the judges chambers.

I had high hopes before this phase started that she would play some hard ball this time around but no, that is not what we are getting. We are getting an endless game of Nerf Badmitton.

The schedule makes 0 sense and we should be having every single workday possible to finish this phase. Instead it seems every single excuse to NOT have a trial day is taken by JSS. I know its getting old harping on the judge but she is the absolutely only person with authority that can do anything about speeding things up. And its not happening. And no sign things are going to get any better.

So we may as well all start taking the judge's attitude and pull up a lounge chair, take some more breaks, have a drink or 2, and settle down for a long winters nap. :)

Lets just hope the jury is still around by the time they are given the case.

On the bright side. Jodi probably gave up her very best chance for a compromise verdict right at Christmas. IF this panel survives until the twelfth of never, I believe they will come to a consensus.

(UNLESS they are forced to deliberate over Christmas 2015)
So far, JA's only scheduled tomorrow at 9:30 am, for this week. What all does Juan have to do? Provide the original hd, take the transcripts & testimony from the trial & ta dah, oh interview JM vs Geff's? I really didn't understand the schedule for the remainder of this week and the Jan. 2nd, date JSS threw out there. Crazy.

Any explanation for the schedule via tweets would be appreciated. I was busy today but checked when I could. (lame, I know) tia

I wonder what end date JSS promised the jury this time? She seriously needs to stop Nurmi from submitting any more frivolous and ridiculous motions! Save it for appeal!
I think she is PASSIVE/AGGRESSIVE personality. Not outwardly assertive, but then strikes in an aggressive manner after seemingly passive.

Completely agree with that.
Just have to comment on JA's current pictures. Of course it's been 6 years going on 7, but she looks, umm not so good the past 1 1/2 years. Nothing like her first inteview or last either. She surely changes in my eyes. Big changes. jmo & for what she is guilty of, I personally don't care about the defendent.

I'm hunkered down till the end of this farce the DT is putting on. Let it fly all they want, it just might be a very very hard landing.

This is just horrible for the family. I wish them strength. I for one have witnessed cruelty, undue stress, defamation etc.. As a taxpayer, I hope the State can recoup the waste of time, money and sue her for it, along with her legal team. jmo
I am so sick of this fracking trial. Now we have her as mentally ill wilting wall flower. So, sick of these motions that Nurmi twists around. So sick of looking at her fugly puss and her unusual minions. I just want her to wither away into the dirt and get trampled on. I can't wait for Juan to get up and take her, her team and her manipulated witness and make them pound dirt. Feeling frustrated. Get it done with.

KK, so I'm watching Hellraiser movies, but when I read this I read "I can't wait for Juan to get up and STAKE HER."
Witness of the week for the defense is Dr. Robert Geffner (if you recall from the first trial, he of the spilled water and audible burping into the microphone). Wilmott spent just about the entire AM going over his credentials and getting the whole thing Juan hammered him on in the first trial out of the way - namely a judge in another case telling him he was nothing but a hired gun and completely ridiculous. He spent the afternoon going over some of JA's psych tests. He says she is severely depressed, submissive, and highly suicidal. He said she is not aggressive, not a liar, not assertive, does not have anger issues, and a whole bunch of other things that made us LOL.

In other news, Nurmi has filed another motion to dismiss the case or in the alternative drop the death penalty based on - wait for it - prosecutorial misconduct. This was filed yesterday. We also learned that Neumeister has still not turned over whatever it is he was supposed to turn over, and that Juan needed to interview him, Tony, and mystery computer guy further.

Oh and defense never provided summaries/notes of today's witness, and the judge graciously agreed to give Juan a whole hour tomorrow before trial to interview him (note the sarcasm).

RBBM: Just imagine IF the shoe were on the other foot and Nurmi and Wilmott need time to interview one of Juan's witnesses because JM just happened to not turn over the notes to the DT.

The DT would whine whine and continue whining until they got the amount of time they needed to sufficiently interview JM's witness and request a DELAY in the entire trial, which of course, JSS would graciously grant to the DT.

As my grandmother used to say: She's [JSS] showing her drawers !


Witness of the week for the defense is Dr. Robert Geffner (if you recall from the first trial, he of the spilled water and audible burping into the microphone). Wilmott spent just about the entire AM going over his credentials and getting the whole thing Juan hammered him on in the first trial out of the way - namely a judge in another case telling him he was nothing but a hired gun and completely ridiculous. He spent the afternoon going over some of JA's psych tests. He says she is severely depressed, submissive, and highly suicidal. He said she is not aggressive, not a liar, not assertive, does not have anger issues, and a whole bunch of other things that made us LOL.

In other news, Nurmi has filed another motion to dismiss the case or in the alternative drop the death penalty based on - wait for it - prosecutorial misconduct. This was filed yesterday. We also learned that Neumeister has still not turned over whatever it is he was supposed to turn over, and that Juan needed to interview him, Tony, and mystery computer guy further. Oh and defense never provided summaries/notes of today's witness, and the judge graciously agreed to give Juan a whole hour tomorrow before trial to interview him (note the sarcasm).

Anyone have a link to yesterdays defense motion to dismiss? TIA!
Even if she is currently depressed, suicidal, anxious, and is no longer aggressive - still doesn't negate that she murdered Travis in an especially heinous fashion.

I don't see this as a defense even with the dissociation because she was not actively psychotic (ie: The woman who killed her 5 kids because the voices told her to do so).

My thought is, that if she is so dissociated, as Dr. G states, then is it possible that this "dissociative" state also makes her more prone to dissociate to the point that she can kill someone ? I mean, wouldn't being disconnected, dissociated make it easier to do something one wouldn't ordinarily do if they weren't in that state ? Does this make sense to anyone except me ?
Ok, I've been busy all day. Can someone please summarize today's session. Assuming anything actually happened. TIA

The day was filled with tension ... to see if the witness would spill water or burp. But alas, neither apparently happened.
My thought is, that if she is so dissociated, as Dr. G states, then is it possible that this "dissociative" state also makes her more prone to dissociate to the point that she can kill someone ? I mean, wouldn't being disconnected, dissociated make it easier to do something one wouldn't ordinarily do if they weren't in that state ? Does this make sense to anyone except me ?

I was wondering about that too. Dissociative to the point where she can pictured that two ninjas came in and did the deed. Failing that, she dissociates from the reality of what happens and turns it into "the lunge" and him chasing her into the closet to get the gun with the disappearing holster etc.
That patch slammed my pc too. I got into my updates log and deleted the bad update. Then I had to reset Explorer back to the default settings. I don't use Google because of conflicting audio/video drivers that Google uses. Removing the bad update/patch worked for me.
Anyone have a link to yesterdays defense motion to dismiss? TIA!

I forget where I saw it today (maybe Trial Diaries?) but I think it is also reprinted in the Sidebar thread sometime this evening (without citations, but the gist of it is there)
I forget where I saw it today (maybe Trial Diaries?) but I think it is also reprinted in the Sidebar thread sometime this evening (without citations, but the gist of it is there)

I've been pasting the links to motions on the top section of the forum in the Media and Timeline stickie thread for easy findability. :)
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