Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 21

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This scares me a bit.

"MM said "I did not see any signs of viruses on the computer." MM had testified that he looked for viruses and he told the previous jury that. JW: We now know there were numerous viruses? EF: Yes, there were numerous. JW: We know those statements were false? JM objects." ~ BK Site

The answer may be as simple as "I looked for active viruses on the computer, and there were none".
I understand that people respect Beth Karas and her observations but taking them as gospel? She is a lawyer turned reporter voicing her opinions...As Azl has stated the hard drive turn over or non turn over is not a big deal this from a practicing lawyer in Az so who are you going to believe?
A few of the images JSKS allowed captured and released from Super Secret Maricopa County Superior Court yesterday:

Unholy Triumvirate.JPG
Team Trash Travis​
I was expecting some sob story about child abuse but rumour has it that there are no bombshells. What was the point of the secret testimony and why was Arias so upset? What a waste, huge waste! It's hard to believe that this petty drama is occurring in an American courtroom.

We still haven't seen what the transcripts contain.

Are they redacted or otherwise edited?

The primary value to JA of persuading JSKS to 'super secretize' Maricopa County Superior Court is, in my opinion, to dramatize, obfuscate, and delay these legal proceedings, thereby thwarting justice.

Attempting to overwhelm the system as a strategy for effecting change is hardly new.

The desperation Becky Sharp smelled yesterday is nearly palpable.

To date, JA has accomplished these objectives, with the added bonus of assassinating her victim's character in the process.

One has to wonder how this will play with the jury.

Will the trash-the-victim-at-all-costs strategy be recognized and discussed during deliberations?

If so, will it be -- directly or indirectly -- rewarded, punished, or ignored?

A unanimous sentence rendered by the jury, should there be one, will be our trial barometer.

If we ever get that far.
IIRC the original tweets said that the cost of the transcripts was going to be $400. There wasn't any mention of how many pages, just the cost. AZlawyer even posted that she had paid up to eight dollars per page. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first afternoon of tweets never mentioned 400 pages only the cost of $400.
IMO there is no way JSS is going to redaction any of the testimony. She would be caught so fast and be in big trouble. All it would take is for Juan to ask Jodi one question about her secret testimony that is not found in the transcripts and media lawyers would be all over it.
I could be wrong, but I haven't seen any tweets about there ever being 400 pages.
She also, less than eight hours after slitting Travis's throat, was hacking into his voicemail...trying to gain info she could use in her message she was about to leave on his phone

Yikes! I wonder if "the fog excuse" will be tried again, since it's so easily debunked by all the planned actions JA took to cover her tracks, beginning minutes after butchering TA.
Dr. Janene DeMarte is like a ray of sunshine and truth #JodiArias
The #jodiarias trial is about to take a turn towards the truth, thanks to the very bright Dr. Janene DeMarte. Every member of the jury in original trial that opined said they found her very credible.

during the VERY early months of their relationship, Travis held a very uniformed view of #JodiArias. Of course that changed dramatically to the point where he was predicted she would murder him to Dr. Karl Hiatt, "Don't be surprised if I am found dead one day at Jodi's hand"

Dr. DeMarte will explain that Travis' friends, save for Lisa, did know he was having a sexual relationship with JA. They have opined publicly and revealed they knew she had him twisted with the wild sex and they often advised him that though she may be great in bed, she was dangerously unhinged and becoming a fatal attraction. View attachment 67385

Dr. DeMarte will explain that JodiArias stalking of her boyfriends began at age 15, NOT with Travis. Likewise, her enjoying kinky sex, braids , etc dates back to Bobby who by the way Jodi studied the occult and vampire chasing with.

Dr. DeMarte can explain that Jodi's conversion to become Mormon was not sincere. Abe explained that She made fun of the entire conversion AFTER being baptized by saying "She was dabbling in Mormonism".

(Apparently JodiArias' sexpert did not understand that not only was Jodi dating other men while she was trying to get Chris and Sky to shame Travis into committing to her, she was indeed still living and sleeping with Darrell Brewer.
Here Chris Hughes explains

Dr. DeMarte will help jury see Jodi Arias as less than human with the extreme goal directed planning of her revenge, all of the higher functioning planning she did before, during and after the murder.

Juan may play clips of Jacob Mefford's testimony where he shows Jodi Arias on the lap of Travis in a hotel, in front of his very closest buddies, and the picture Jacob testified to of Jodi in a Hyatt bathrobe, getting a kiss from Travis, in the doorway of his HOTEL ROOM. This makes it very obvious the friends knew they were having a sexual relationship. She was not playing church bingo in a bath robe in a hotel room. THEY POSED FOR THE PHOTO. Travis was actually, proud to show Jodi off to his friends, UNTIL he started realizing her mental instability.

Here is Jacob's testimony

Dr. De Marte will explain that NONE of Travis' other friends or girlfriends, NOT ONE, has ever said Travis abused them, mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually. Indeed both Deanna and Lisa testified he was a gentleman that they loved, trusted and respected who treated them well. With them he had NO kinky or unacceptable sexual nonsense. This will make it clear that JODI ARIAS liked it, asked for it. Literally she sent him text asking him to ejaculate on her face, for example.

"That is so debasing. I LIKE IT" is a quote Dr. DeMarte will expand upon.

Here is Deanna on Dr. Drew explaining how she caught JodiArias breaking into Travis' home while he was on a trip, making herself at home there, baking cookies, AND ON TRAVIS' LAPTOP. ( Travis had asked Deanna to go feed his dog everyday while he was gone, she arrived one day and found JODI in there, without Travis' permission )

Here is Deanna Reid's testimony

Here is Lisa Andrews explaining JodiArias followed her and Travis, stalked them when they were together, slashed Travis' tires, two days in row, etc

Dr. Demarte will explain to the jury the TRUTH of the ever changing relationship between Travis and Jodi, not just the first couple of months that Nurmi asked his expert about. It is going to be the calm after the storm in that Maricopa courthouse.

Summing up, the appeals court will of course say JodiArias may not testify in secret. Nurmi will try to convince her it is NOT her best interest to take the stand, but her hubris will insist and we will have to hear from her. God help us all. The motion about the alleged *advertiser censored* on the computer will fizzle out and nothing will come of that. Nurmi will put up a second expert. At last we will get to rebuttal. Juan has his Bose system, many, many exhibits and CDs cued up ready to dismantle every single bit of spaghetti Nurmi tried to throw at the wall. We will hear from some of Travis' friends and the star witness, Dr. Janene DeMarte. She will explain what we have all known all along

Travis Alexander is not the first man to have sex with a girl from the wrong side of the tracks while he searches for a good girl to marry. After six and a half years, and searching the world over Jodi Arias cannot find ONE person to come into court to say he abused them, OR HER. Jodi was obsessed with Travis. This is HER history. They used each other for sex. Jodi knew he was looking ELSEWHERE for a wife. No secret. It is a tale as old as time, if she couldn't have him, no one else would. She planned and brutally murdered him with no remorse.

#JodiArias no more had PTSD than she was abused, Mormon, a blonde or the least bit sorry.

Thank you in advance Dr. DeMarte.

Well said and thank you!
Separate thread for the transcripts? And if BK is the only one posting them today is it OK to post snippets from her site?
I understand that people respect Beth Karas and her observations but taking them as gospel? She is a lawyer turned reporter voicing her opinions...As Azl has stated the hard drive turn over or non turn over is not a big deal this from a practicing lawyer in Az so who are you going to believe?

It is not a she said/she said situation. Nor do I want to pit one person against another. Beth hasn't practiced law since 1994 and yet in her live comments she was VERY sure of herself. She wasn't just giving an "opinion". That is why I came here to ask AZlawyer to explain it. I cannot get into JSKS head and figure out what her rulings will be. I gave up on that a long time ago. As for taking someone's word as gospel. I did NOT do that. There is one gospel for me. That is the Bible.

So yes, as far as this trial goes, I trust AZlawyer to tell me the facts the way she interprets them since she is an active Arizona attorney. I will trust her.
We still haven't seen what the transcripts contain.

Are they redacted or otherwise edited?

The primary value to JA of persuading JSKS to 'super secretize' Maricopa County Superior Court is, in my opinion, to dramatize, obfuscate, and delay these legal proceedings, thereby thwarting justice.

Attempting to overwhelm the system as a strategy for effecting change is hardly new.

The desperation Becky Sharp smelled yesterday is nearly palpable.

To date, JA has accomplished these objectives, with the added bonus of assassinating her victim's character in the process.

One has to wonder how this will play with the jury.

Will the trash-the-victim-at-all-costs strategy be recognized and discussed during deliberations?

If so, will it be -- directly or indirectly -- rewarded, punished, or ignored?

A unanimous sentence rendered by the jury, should there be one, will be our trial barometer.

If we ever get that far.

Question. Whois Becky Sharp?
IIRC the original tweets said that the cost of the transcripts was going to be $400. There wasn't any mention of how many pages, just the cost. AZlawyer even posted that she had paid up to eight dollars per page. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first afternoon of tweets never mentioned 400 pages only the cost of $400.
IMO there is no way JSS is going to redaction any of the testimony. She would be caught so fast and be in big trouble. All it would take is for Juan to ask Jodi one question about her secret testimony that is not found in the transcripts and media lawyers would be all over it.
I could be wrong, but I haven't seen any tweets about there ever being 400 pages.

Beth's video blog last night said the cost is now $576 for "expedited" transcripts. The media lawyer will get free copies for the parties he represents and Beth was hopeful she might get a discounted price from him. The $576 goes to the court reporter, not the court and iirc she said its under 200 pages
Separate thread for the transcripts? And if BK is the only one posting them today is it OK to post snippets from her site?

I look forward to reading every word. My fear is that the media will only give us snippets that they decide are important. Sort of like the trial by tweets. I am a member of Beth's site but most aren't and this should be posted on the Internet for everyone to view, IMO. I read that someone said her testimony was a big yawn. I want to read that for myself, instead of reading what some media types believe it to be. I hope we can relay snippets from her site. But more importantly, I wish everyone could see the whole already. :)
Separate thread for the transcripts? And if BK is the only one posting them today is it OK to post snippets from her site?

You can paraphrase what is in the transcripts. You can't copy and paste.
Question. Whois Becky Sharp?

She's another WSer famous for a keyboard fault with her letter "w". She would enter two letter "v" characters to replace the faulty "w" = "vv".

She commented yesterday on the smell of desperation as the courtroom 'madness' ensued and the tweets were flying.
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