Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 25

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We used his full name a long time ago, way back in October I posted his full name and the screenshots of his public social media posts. He posted it so it's fair game. So, if the DT is reading here, know that the anonymity didn't fool anyone so you can stop crying about it now.

I second that motion.
Re the *advertiser censored* red herring, I hope JM has a stellar computer person who'll clear up any lingering doubt that TA ever had child *advertiser censored* on his computer. I really, really, really hope JM plays the video of JA on the stand being shown her journal entries and phone records proving she made up the child *advertiser censored* episode and promoted a vicious, character-destroying lie to the first jury.
I thought Marc McGee said he lied to the bishop because he was afraid he'd get in trouble. Also, can the defense even spin a new story unless it stems from MM? He'd have to send a new affidavit in right, which would be weird and probably stupid since that would be version number 3 or 4.

I'm not very concerned.

I'm reading BK notes on this. Didn't read all of hers yesterday. What just popped out....did tweeters mention that MM had never met his wife before he married her??!
I'm reading BK notes on this. Didn't read all of hers yesterday. What just popped out....did tweeters mention that MM had never met his wife before he married her??!

I don't think that was ever made clear. I think we heard that they met on line, though.

You know, I've got to just suck it up and join her site. I can just hear my wonderful husband now: "let me get this straight. We eat take out constantly, the children have taken to doing their own laundry, and now you want to pay to join a site that discusses this little obsession of yours even further?" :shame:
I'm reading BK notes on this. Didn't read all of hers yesterday. What just popped out....did tweeters mention that MM had never met his wife before he married her??!

Wow I did not read that! All I rememebr is he met her online.

This guy's a winner.
the DT will run with the *advertiser censored*, child *advertiser censored*, teen *advertiser censored* no matter what. At least the PT is not afraid of the *advertiser censored* issue and by admission of the subject speaks volumes to me. I look at it like this, this defendant, her attorney's and the whole team, including expert witness' are not afraid to lie, or even invent things it seems, but when confronted with any of it they Object( attorney's, defendant just comes up with a new story, expert witness suddenly have trouble with memory or avoid the topic when questioned) Why are they afraid of the subject, except only when it is brought up by their side? I think the jury sees this and I don't think they are impressed. IMO.
I don't think that was ever made clear. I think we heard that they met on line, though.

You know, I've got to just suck it up and join her site. I can just hear my wonderful husband now: "let me get this straight. We eat take out constantly, the children have taken to doing their own laundry, and now you want to pay to join a site that discusses this little obsession of yours even further?" :shame:

Yes, dearest! You got it. Glad you understand! kiss kiss :blowkiss:
We used his full name a long time ago, way back in October I posted his full name and the screenshots of his public social media posts. He posted it so it's fair game. So, if the DT is reading here, know that the anonymity didn't fool anyone so you can stop crying about it now.

In addition to that, he chose to post all over the internet using his own name rather than a 'handle'. Now he demands anonymity? Idiot.
Ok. From BK notes about MM and *advertiser censored*.

1. In the 3 pages of notes written during interview of MM he says that TA denied that the *advertiser censored* on the computer was his, despite, says MM, the fact that TA's name was on the *advertiser censored* file.

2. MM 's aff says that Travis confessed the *advertiser censored* was his, after responding to a note MM left on the computer telling TA to talk to him, that the computer had crashed.

3. MM says he was afraid to tell the bishop what had happened because he did look at the child *advertiser censored* downloaded by Travis.

4. MM described the *advertiser censored* in great detail, including the age of the children (both boys and an 8 year old girl) and descriptions of sex acts.
We used his full name a long time ago, way back in October I posted his full name and the screenshots of his public social media posts. He posted it so it's fair game. So, if the DT is reading here, know that the anonymity didn't fool anyone so you can stop crying about it now.

Mornin MeeBee ~ I think we knew his name even before Oct. IIRC, soon after JA's trial last year. On the J4T FB page. He has such a big mouth that IF anyone is to blame, it's his own arrogant self! He was no secret EVER.
Wow I did not read that! All I rememebr is he met her online.

This guy's a winner.

I guess he ordered his wife online. Then, per BK notes...his bride arrived in CA. They met for the first time in Jan 2001, at the bishop's house, got engaged a few weeks later, and married in March 2001.

I wondered yesterday as it unfolded why JM cared about MM's marriage. Its about the marriage date of course.
I guess he ordered his wife online. Then, per BK notes...his bride arrived in CA. They met for the first time in Jan 2001, at the bishop's house, got engaged a few weeks later, and married in March 2001.

I wondered yesterday as it unfolded why JM cared about MM's marriage. Its about the marriage date of course.

Hmmm I do remember someone on here saying something about McGee getting a mail order bride but I thought that was just an overreaction to his meeting his wife online. Maybe that poster caught on to something that we missed, like something that was tweeted.
Ok. From BK notes about MM and *advertiser censored*.

1. In the 3 pages of notes written during interview of MM he says that TA denied that the *advertiser censored* on the computer was his, despite, says MM, the fact that TA's name was on the *advertiser censored* file.

2. MM 's aff says that Travis confessed the *advertiser censored* was his, after responding to a note MM left on the computer telling TA to talk to him, that the computer had crashed.

3. MM says he was afraid to tell the bishop what had happened because he did look at the child *advertiser censored* downloaded by Travis.

4. MM described the *advertiser censored* in great detail, including the age of the children (both boys and an 8 year old girl) and descriptions of sex acts.

BBM - Can't you picture him saying, "These were so disturbing I had to watch them three times because I couldn't believe what I was seeing"?
I guess we know now why the defense was fighting to keep the Bishop's wife from testifying (if I recall correctly she was one of six witnesses the defense was opposing).
Poster on another trial site says JM pointed out yesterday:
* MMc affidavit cites Jan. 18, 2001 as day TA attacked DR, after checking his wife's journals
* DR didn't return from her mission until Nov. 2001
* MMc then changed DR attack to Dec. 2001
* MMc married March 2001
* MMc and/or Mrs. MMc weren't living w/the bishop in Dec. 2001

Just posting those dates for discussion, not vouching for them or their coming from JM yesterday.
Whether JM's 3x telling of MM's name yesterday was accidental or not, of the 14 faceless prevaricating witness by affadavit , he is the one least likely to rouse any sympathy in JSS.

I'm sure she knows about him, his lies, and his relentless and bizarre quest for online fame. Not to mention thst Nurmi doesnt hsve the law on his side.

I see a speedy denial of any Motion to dismiss based on this silliness.
Hmmm I do remember someone on here saying something about McGee getting a mail order bride but I thought that was just an overreaction to his meeting his wife online. Maybe that poster caught on to something that we missed, like something that was tweeted.

Sorry. I was being snarky about the mail order thing. BK didn't say that. else to describe flying in your unmet intended and arranging for her to stay at your bishop's house? Then getting engaged 3 weeks later?
MM didn't out himself about *advertiser censored*.

My point is JM destroyed MM's credibility (and Dr. G's , as least as it related to MM's allegations) by producing the 3 pages of notes that contradicted crucial parts of MM's affadavit. The very last minute correction of dates went towards that deconstruction of MM as well.

So why say there was *advertiser censored* there at all? Why not insinuate that MM made up the whole story? MM describes the *advertiser censored* in detail. Playing devils advocate, a story could be spun he remembered it well because it shocked him so much. And lying to the bishop? Because he took pity on Travis after hearing that he was sexually abused as a child.

Why leave even the tiniest shred of doubt in jurors' mind about Travis and child *advertiser censored*? Saying that there was child *advertiser censored* on the computer leaves the DT the opening to keep asserting it belonged to Travis. I just don't get why JM would give the DT that.

My guess is that Juan knows for sure that there is child *advertiser censored* on that computer. And, of course, how would Marc knows about the details of those revolting images unless he was the child *advertiser censored* viewer? If I even came across such nastiness I would immediately close those sites and tell someone. I wouldn't look at them long enough to remember details. If Travis had really watched child *advertiser censored* then Arias/Marc would have made sure to focus on it every single day during the first trial. I think Marc recently remembered that he had looked at child *advertiser censored* on the Bishop's computer and realized that he could try and blame poor Travis for it--hence the ever-changing dates and testimony. This kind of evil is nauseating.
If it was such a big deal that JM said MM's name in court, why didn't the judge say something to the public and media in attendance after the first side bar? Even though she didn't say anything (or maybe she did?) it didn't appear that anyone tweeted his name anyway.

But every forum or discussion site that was talking about or following the trial knew it was him because HE told everyone the same lies. For years.

I hope this does cause KN to appeal when his motion is struck down. I hope the appeals court overturns the whole secret affidavit testimony in this trial because there is absolutely no proof that any of these people are in any danger. And a number of them have already been "cyber bullied" for years.

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