Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 25

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Offhand, does anyone remember the name of the "new guy" that Juan talked about today that Jodi had an interest in? It was much earlier today. (I never remembered hearing this "new interest's" name before and don't know how to search for it in here to find it). TIA

I wonder though.. Could it have been introduced in the first trial or was the letter allowed in now because of the different evidentiary rules?

No the family had said they would never release the letter. Very few people had read it before this. We had said as much as we understsnd thst it is a shame because it would go a long way in showing her depravity. Like I said, IMO the fact that Juan is using it now tells me they must have given this to Juan quite recently.
I'm going to hazard a guess that she won't have the guts to take the stand now. This trial will quickly wind down and she will turn her attention to her appeals. I truly believe Juan killed the dragon this afternoon.

I'd like to think you're right, but I just can't see it. Why make a rational decision now, this late in the game? She'll be back, and her story will be more graphic and false than it was in the guilt phase (especially now that the fog has been debunked).

She can't stop herself, literally, to save her own life.
I think now she might not testify. If she does, can you imagine the steam coming out of the jurors' ears as he has her go through the whole letter and doing things like: "The woman screaming at him was you, RIGHT?" and "How did you FEEL when you wrote this part, knowing that it was YOU who was doing the killing?"


Jodi isn't going to take an assault on all her EXPERTS lying down.

Surely she will defend them. ;)
I'd like to think you're right, but I just can't see it. Why make a rational decision now, this late in the game? She'll be back, and her story will be more graphic and false than it was in the guilt phase (especially now that the fog has been debunked).

She can't stop herself, literally, to save her own life.

Lol, exactly. She thinks she's smarter than everyone else and can talk her way out of anything. (The verdict apparently didn't disabuse her of that notion..)
I think the family must have given this to Juan very recently or he would have used it before with Fonseca.

Hardly ever disagree with you MeeBee, but I think Juan has hung on to this for his final 'death blow'.

Brings to mind my dear and wise Dad who told me "Be careful what you put on paper. It can come back to haunt you."
She was ALWAYS coming back. Never been a doubt in my mind about that.

Juan has just boxed her in



I agree. She knows this is her last chance to be in the spotlight for many many years.
142 members logged in with some users I've never seen post. Please, share your thoughts on today. I'd love to read a "new" opinion. I promise to be quiet for a whole page. :p

Long time lurker. You folks rock it.:loveyou:

My thoughts are: how sad is this letter from the family. As hard as it was to release for them, it will be the final punch that takes the killer down. Personally I think it is a reenactment of how the killer ended Travis's life. JA just can stop herself.

I wonder how JA's mother feels now with that #1 mother necklace around her neck. What a great job she did with this child. She really should be proud. NOT

I will try to pipe up more. Very smart commenters here. Hope I posted right :)
Read about letter on BK. We are not confused. That evil <modsnip> did write that she looked at TA's phone and saw that he had been cheating on her with multiple women. That she checked dates to verify he had done so while they were "official."


It's clearer in her notes that JM used the question of what and when JA considered "official" to bring in the letter. That's why we're only hearing about a tiny portion of the letter. So far.


BUT remember folks, we are dealing with Einstein
Long time lurker. You folks rock it.:loveyou:

My thoughts are: how sad is this letter from the family. As hard as it was to release for them, it will be the final punch that takes the killer down. Personally I think it is a reenactment of how the killer ended Travis's life. JA just can stop herself.

I wonder how JA's mother feels now with that #1 mother necklace around her neck. What a great job she did with this child. She really should be proud. NOT

I will try to pipe up more. Very smart commenters here. Hope I posted right :)

Welcome to Websleuths fillymj!
Long time lurker. You folks rock it.:loveyou:

My thoughts are: how sad is this letter from the family. As hard as it was to release for them, it will be the final punch that takes the killer down. Personally I think it is a reenactment of how the killer ended Travis's life. JA just can stop herself.

I wonder how JA's mother feels now with that #1 mother necklace around her neck. What a great job she did with this child. She really should be proud. NOT

I will try to pipe up more. Very smart commenters here. Hope I posted right :)

Hardly ever disagree with you MeeBee, but I think Juan has hung on to this for his final 'death blow'.

Brings to mind my dear and wise Dad who told me "Be careful what you put on paper. It can come back to haunt you."

Well even if they only gave to him at the beginning of the retrial that is still very recently, relatively speaking. And his initial reason for getting it in today was to outline the beginning and end of the relationship in her words. That could have come in handy with Fonseca too as he's been making this argument for a while. I think he would have used it before this if he had it and used it a lot, not sat on it. But IMO.
Offhand, does anyone remember the name of the "new guy" that Juan talked about today that Jodi had an interest in? It was much earlier today. (I never remembered hearing this "new interest's" name before and don't know how to search for it in here to find it). TIA
William Zervakos?
Wow, really? The last word being her own lies and remorselessly brutal rehashing of their beloved brother/grandson's painful death? I can't fathom that even her sick mind interprets that as them getting the last word.

She's that sick. She's wanted to crush them from the very beginning, right after she murdered him. She cannot explain away that letter as an attempt to act normal, or sent because she "didn't know what to do."

Who do you think she's trying to hurt with the pedo lie and all the Travis is a pervert lies? Do you remember her stepping all over what Samantha said in her VIM?

She's that sick. That consumed with hatred for them.
I will never forget today, as long as I live. I couldn't even imagine the dangerous level of depravity from this defendant. I am speechless.

Exactly Frigga, she is dangerous, evil and has earned the right to be on death row.

I don't have access to BK site but the parts of the letter Mr. Martinez showed the jury this afternoon shows how hateful, disgusting this convicted murderer is.
The only mitigating factor Jodi really has left is the "remorse" -
and after this letter, how can she or her defense team even speak about remorse.

She, in detail, describes the murder of their brother as she nearly skates by with her own life.
She puts this in writing, that takes more thought than just talking to a detective.
She's tested by doctors (plural), that she has PTSD from this event. Two strangers killing Travis.
Which she KNOWS is not true :eek:

But NOW she wants to say she's sorry?

WOW, the magnitude of this letter, at this time in court, is POWERFUL!

I'm not one for the death penalty - I could never be on a jury, but I'll tell ya,
this sure is making me think that IF I WAS on THIS jury, I'd have to follow the law and
this just shows how opposite of remorse this lady (said loosely) really is.
Me too. Can't wait to read how Kermit had the evil sisters forge this letter while Pickles is in on the fix with him.

wow. Even weirder than we thought. When the tweets were coming in about the ninjas being in the house and killing TA, several Jodi fans said they think this letter has some truth to it. Apparently they believe there were others there and she is not really the guilty one. ummm...OK.....:nuts:
This has to really wrap up a lot of things for the jury - this woman who's trying to look like a 4'6" nun in court is an absolute scheming evil monster. Juan can wrap all this up with a bow. She lied her @$$ off. She got others to lie for her during the trial. Her experts are liars. Her attorneys are liars. And for good measure she relished torturing the family some more in court.

I have to believe the jurors - if they came in not knowing THAT much about the case - must've had their jaws drop as they couldn't believe what they were reading. We can hardly believe it and we knew it was there. As our Glaswegian poster might say, they must be gobsmacked.

All I can say to hearing just that small part of the letter, is that I truly am horrified by what both TA and his family/friends have been put through, all because some "special" snowflake didn't get what she wanted, no matter all her tears, threats, dreamboards and LoA bs. In the end, all she is is a soulless liar, thief and despicable vicious murderer.
Trial Days &#8211; Jodi Arias Retrial &#8211; Jurors present
10/21/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:15 & 1:45 - 4:30 (4 hrs)
10/22/14 9:45 &#8211; 12 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:45h)
10/23/14 10 &#8211; 12 & 1:30 jury sent home (1:45h)
10/27/14 9:45 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:15 (4:15h)
10/28/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:05 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:00 (4:30h)
10/30/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:00 &#8211; 4:30 pm witness secret (3pm doors still locked) (5:30h)
11/3/14 1:30 &#8211; 3:30 (guessing since courtroom closed) (2h)
11/12/14 9:50 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:45h)
11/13/14 10:15 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:00 &#8211; 4:00 (4h)
11/17/14 9:45 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:30 &#8211; 2:50 Emergent situation closed court end of day (3h)
11/24/14 10:00 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:30h)
11/25/14 10:00 &#8211; 12:05 & 1:30 &#8211; 3:45 (3:45h)
12/2/14 9:45 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:15 (4:30h)
Jurors present 51:15 hrs in 8 weeks of trial
12/15/14 9:50 &#8211; 10:50, 11:06 &#8211; 11:58 & 1:32 &#8211; 2:58, 3:22 &#8211; 4:27 (4:30h) Day 15 Dr.Geffner
12/16/14 10:44 &#8211; 11:58 & 1:38 &#8211; 3:02, 3:22 &#8211; 4:26 (4:45h) Day 16 Dr. Geffner
12/17/14 9:43 &#8211; 10:39 & 10:55-12:00, 1:42 &#8211; 3:02, 3:23 &#8211;5:16 (4:15h) (13:20 this week)
12/18/14 (9am start) 9:26 &#8211; 10:28 & 10:42 &#8211; 12:00 (Geffner) 1:15 - 2:25 & 2:40 &#8211; 3:40 & 3:55 &#8211; 4:30 (4:15h)
Jurors present 69 hrs in 9 weeks of trial (more than ¼ total hours happened this week!)
1/5/2015 9am start but jurors sent home @ 9:30 without entering
1/8/2015 9:30 &#8211; 11:00 & 1:45 - 4:30 Pseudonym/John Smith &#8211; Computer expert (4hr)
Jurors present 4 hrs this week for total of 73 hrs in 10 weeks
1/12/15 8:30 &#8211; 9:30 & 10:00 &#8211; 10:50 & 12:40 &#8211; 1:00 (2:10h) Flores
1/14/15 9:05 &#8211; 10:30 & 1:50 &#8211; 1:55 min (poptart) & 2:05 &#8211; 2:45 Pseudo/J Smith (2:30h)
Jurors present 77:45 hrs in 11 weeks of trial
1/20/15 9:50 &#8211; 11:05 & 11:25 &#8211; 12:10 & 1:15 &#8211; 1:50 & 2:10 &#8211; 2:30 (1:40 sidebar) 4:10 &#8211; 4:45 Geffner (3:30h)
1/21/15 1:00 &#8211; 2:20 & 2:40 &#8211; 3:47 & 4:07 &#8211; 5:03 (3:30)
1/22/15 9:45 &#8211; 10:45 & 11:00 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:00 &#8211; 2:30 & 2:50 &#8211; 3:30 (jury kicked out) & 3:45 for 1 min - 3:47 (poptart jury) & 4:15 &#8211; 4:20 (jury out) & 4:30 &#8211; 4:40 (4:30h)

*Jurors present 89:15 in 12 weeks trial to date (21:00 hrs since Dec18th)
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