Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 5

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It's also possible that Arias liked to play the young innocent and Travis was simply playing along, again, because it's what she liked. Regardless, it's no more than sex talk, that's all.

Absolutely right. Arias was fully involved in role playing as texts and the tape showed. Arias was the one asking to be " ****** like a dirty, horny little schoolgirl". Arias found the braids to be hot and dressed to participate consensually. The stupidity of the Defense in trying to smear Travis (when their client was into role playing schoolgirls) is breathtaking. Same with the blaming Travis for being an imperfect Mormon, when their own client broke all the rules. Underestimating the intelligence of the jury resulted in a damning verdict last time.

She will absolutely LOVE LWOP! It will be a dream come true for her! She will be the bell of the ball in jail and all she wants is attention whether it be from a man or a woman. LOOK at her behavior with the public. She doesn't care whether she is getting attention because the butchered a person or because she is Mother Theresa. She only cares that she is getting attention, regardless of the reason. There is NO punishment that will suit her other than the DP. Then she gets NO attention and for her, THAT is the real death sentence, not the needle.

The good news about the needle is that the taxpayers wont have to pay for her lifelong sexcapades with other women and guards!

Actually I think LWOP would be her biggest nightmare. If she gets death then she'll get decades of appeals at taxpayer expense. If she gets LWP then she can be hopeful to maybe get out some day. But if gets LWOP parole then she doesn't get all the "free" appeals and she'll never get out. That's the worst outcome since she has to spend decades with no one to con but fellow inmates. No marriage. No riches. No TV time. Nothing.
Remember this scene from the first trial in JSS' courtroom:

This case has affected me like no other. It has left me depressed at how this one innocent victim has been vilified and put on trial. While I have seen that done to some extent in other cases I have never seen it done to this extreme cruel degree.......

I literally could feel my blood pressure rising and my head was pounding yesterday as I read the twisted evil questions KN was asking. I had to stop reading the tweets and walkaway. I just couldn't take it anymore. I think in over 20 years of trial watching this is the first time I have had to do this.

I thought that I would never see another defense attorney as much as I despised Steve Feldman and Baez. I was wrong. But then I had never heard of KN either.

He without a doubt is as slimy and creepy as his client. Everything to KN is about sex, sex, and more sex. Yet if he was defending a child rapist or an adult sex offender, which he says is his expertise, he would fight tooth and nail that the sex aspect be kept out or he would be dismissive.

It breaks my heart that Travis' past life has been reduced to a 40 minute sex tape and that is all the jury knows about him. And to know that this was nothing more than a lure of a black widow is even more painful. Imo, she planned to blackmail Travis with this sex tape. I think she told him around March 26th she had recorded it and he better take her to Cancun or else. This is when Travis knew he was dealing with a psychopath and knew he never wanted her in his life again knowing she was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

Travis was so much more than a 40 minute span of time. All that knew Travis, loved him. Its hard to find a person that everyone seemed to have liked, admired, and loved but Travis seem to have no enemies... except one of course.

Somehow I hope the jury gets to hear who Travis really was and how kind and thoughtful he was to so many. How he helped the homeless, how he brought people into his home that were down on their luck and how he always tried to find the good in everyone.

Sorry for the lengthy post but as much heartache this one case has given me I know it cant begin to compare the pain and suffering JA and KN have put Travis' family through for 6 long agonizing years. She has held them hostage and just like she stuck the knife deep into Travis' chest she has done the same thing over and over again to the many people that loves Travis.

There is no bar too low for KN. He is going to even be more vulgar and disgusting than the time before. We know that already by the way he ask Det. Flores such filthy questions.

I have never wanted another defendant to get the death penalty as much as I do JA. She reeks of evil and she must be snuffed out permanently one day on a gurney. She doesn't even deserve to breathe air. IMO

obe I'm quoting this entire post because it's that important to put out there again. I came back to this case to champion two causes and you've nailed the essence of one of them right there. The revictimization of victims by defense attorneys and killers during the trial process. It's gotten out of control.
Defense attorneys are doing this for only one reason: they can. And We The People have been lulled in to some kind of complacency that this is "fair" or the "law". It appears mostly with the worst of the worst killers and of course they are going to have the worst of the worst confabulations about their victims: enjoying the reliving of the kill over and over again vicariously thru their attorneys in court.

I've not seen one as bad as this, like you.

In my sister's cases it came up just a couple of times. Once they tried to say she had slept with a bunch of guys so (she was a *advertiser censored* therefore deserved to be killed) it could have been someone else. That got shut down very quickly.
Then, the worst was when they tried to argue the killers "had" to be so cruel with the killing and "had" to inflict all those knife wounds and slit her throat because she fought to hard to save her own life. (talk about insulting the jury).

Still to have to listen to that...

And it's NOTHING compared to what the Alexanders and Travis' loved ones have had to endure. All conjured from the mind of a sociopathic killer then embellished and abetted by her attorneys for sport.


I'm gonna keep shouting this from the rooftops during this trial and tweeting the *$&% out of it so at least it's getting out there.

Our culture once thought a different race sitting in the back of the bus was "fair" and "normal" and that changed. I believe this can too.

it's not "normal", it's not "fair" and it's not humane.

Obviously I'm with you 1000% and deeply appreciate the posting you've been doing on this trial. Xoxoxo
Did Nurmi actually imply that JA shot him in the shower stall, or was that a miscommunication via Twitter?! Because if he did...the story changes again! :facepalm:

I'm trying to hunt that down too because if he goes there, he's just thrown her under the bus (which I hope he has).
Nurmi would have been acting from multiple purposes yesterday, with Detective Flores. He knew he could embarrass Flores and he meant to, because embarrassment wilts confidence. He does not want the answers he gets to bear the full force of confident statements. The smut is one of his implements in this. He also employs slightly off-center questions, the better to misguide direct answers. The messier the session, the better he likes it. Many suggestions were left hanging in the courtroom air. Where he likes them. We are witnessing the awful synergy of Arias & Nurmi at the fleshpots. Nurmi is very experienced at this due to the concentration of his practice heretofore. Arias, of course, likes to get down by inclination. "That's so debasing! I like it." My hope is that the smut will reach containment so as not to run over the facts of the murder and detract from it. This was not a sex crime, it was slaughter of a human being with zero justification.

I've said it before and will say it again. I love reading your posts, your mind and the way you string words together. YOu continue to blow my mind Tuba (which is kind of a funny visual). lol
I'm trying to hunt that down too because if he goes there, he's just thrown her under the bus (which I hope he has).

Katie, do you think that Nurmi feels he has to blame the victim because in a year's time she has done nothing to show remorse for what she had admitted to doing? Nurmi did say that Jodi was her own worst enemy.
If anyone wants a REALLY good read about this buy the book "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakauer. It is my all time favorite book and will bring one up to speen on the history of Mormonism and also blood atonement. It is the most fascinating book I have ever read. However, I think the argument that Jodi was doing this is absolutely ridiculous and she is just not that deep or spiritual to do that as she has but one care....herself.

Ex Mormon, born and raised in the LDS church. Grandpa was in the Mesa Temple Presidency, 1970's.
Blood atonement WAS part of the doctrine and practiced in the early church, for that matter, there are a LOT of "dirty secrets" in the foundation of the Mormon church that members new to the church will never know about unless they study the foundational doctrine of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The early church always found a way to skirt the issue of "murder" versus "divine intervention". Note: Mountain Meadows Massacre. My mother's 2nd marriage is to a man who's grandfather was a part of the slaughter and the journals from that dude are totally different that what the church claims. Polygamy is another "gray" area.

Did CMJArias know about "blood atonement"?

I think these yahoos talking about the "Mormon Mafia" got her onto the idea, and TA wasn't murdered in the method used for "blood atonement". Major FAIL.

Just like all her so called "knowledge" of the "Word of Wisdom" and LDS Doctrine. She thinks she "talks the talk" but she doesn't "walk the walk". Her record timing from missionary lessons to baptism (-4 weeks if I remember correctly) is ridiculous. A Mormon at "Starbucks"? REALLY. Sucking down de-caff........right.

She got baptized because she had her eye on the "prize", a return missionary who was doing well for himself, without the conflict of parent-in-laws or children and/or child support/alimony from a previous relationship, who had a car and house. HUGE goals for a plain girl without a high school degree, no college, a professional "waitress", silicone in her butt and chest, and in full tilt "deny my heritage, wanna be white" mode (SPF 85? REALLY?). CMJA has MAJOR self image issues on top of all the "other" mental issues.

BTW: No problem with LDS and bi-racial marriages. Pretty common in Ariz. NOT an issue.
Katie, do you think that Nurmi feels he has to blame the victim because in a year's time she has done nothing to show remorse for what she had admitted to doing? Nurmi did say that Jodi was her own worst enemy.

He's been attacking Travis since day one. I think it has less to do with Jodi and more to do with him and the whole "winning at all costs" defense attorney crap that things have escalated to. It's so far beyond a "fair trial" for an obviously guilty predator/killer/danger to society that they've lulled everyone in to complacency believing this kind of thing is "necessary". Now couple his motives with a truly evil and sociopathic personality and it's a perfect storm of depravity disguised as "legal argument". I hope I answered your question. ;)
It is hard follow all of this from work, but I just saw a tweet from Michael Kieffer that says, We have officially jumped the shark, and it is only day 5.

I assume the shark is Juan. Who exactly is we? Does MK side with all murderers?
Ex Mormon, born and raised in the LDS church. Grandpa was in the Mesa Temple Presidency, 1970's.
Blood atonement WAS part of the doctrine and practiced in the early church, for that matter, there are a LOT of "dirty secrets" in the foundation of the Mormon church that members new to the church will never know about unless they study the foundational doctrine of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The early church always found a way to skirt the issue of "murder" versus "divine intervention". Note: Mountain Meadows Massacre. My mother's 2nd marriage is to a man who's grandfather was a part of the slaughter and the journals from that dude are totally different that what the church claims. Polygamy is another "gray" area.

Did CMJArias know about "blood atonement"?

I think these yahoos talking about the "Mormon Mafia" got her onto the idea, and TA wasn't murdered in the method used for "blood atonement". Major FAIL.

Just like all her so called "knowledge" of the "Word of Wisdom" and LDS Doctrine. She thinks she "talks the talk" but she doesn't "walk the walk". Her record timing from missionary lessons to baptism (-4 weeks if I remember correctly) is ridiculous. A Mormon at "Starbucks"? REALLY. Sucking down de-caff........right.

She got baptized because she had her eye on the "prize", a return missionary who was doing well for himself, without the conflict of parent-in-laws or children and/or child support/alimony from a previous relationship, who had a car and house. HUGE goals for a plain girl without a high school degree, no college, a professional "waitress", silicone in her butt and chest, and in full tilt "deny my heritage, wanna be white" mode (SPF 85? REALLY?). CMJA has MAJOR self image issues on top of all the "other" mental issues.

BTW: No problem with LDS and bi-racial marriages. Pretty common in Ariz. NOT an issue.

darn....that was one heck of a post!
I don't know if she'll love LWOP. Won't she go to Perryville? I saw a video about it. It looks pretty awful. But I personally think she deserves the DP. If she ever did get parole, I think she is a danger to society.IMO she isn't crazy,but is an evil sadist.
Nurmi did imply that Arias shot Travis while he was seated in the shower. He demonstrated the trajectory of the bullet to the head of Travis, using his finger as the gun. Remember now?

I will add, one of the reporters who witnessed the demonstration & reported in was Keifer on October 23. I think I wrote about it at Retrial Day 3, p. 31 #771
He's been attacking Travis since day one. I think it has less to do with Jodi and more to do with him and the whole "winning at all costs" defense attorney crap that things have escalated to. It's so far beyond a "fair trial" for an obviously guilty predator/killer/danger to society that they've lulled everyone in to complacency believing this kind of thing is "necessary". Now couple his motives with a truly evil and sociopathic personality and it's a perfect storm of depravity disguised as "legal argument". I hope I answered your question. ;)

Defense attorneys represent murderers, child molesters, monsters of every kind. That's their job, and they're obligated professionally and ethically to defend their clients with zeal.

Add to that.... most defense attys are anti-DP. They're not out to win at any cost because they get a prize at the end. They're in it to save their client's life.

I hate that Nurmi has tried to slime the defenseless, butchered Travis. But taking even the smallest step back , it's clear that he isn't the source of "depravity.". She is.
It is hard follow all of this from work, but I just saw a tweet from Michael Kieffer that says, We have officially jumped the shark, and it is only day 5.

I assume the shark is Juan. Who exactly is we? Does MK side with all murderers?

It means that things are on the decline in terms of new ideas. Not sure why the State's case would change. They can't make up fantasy situations like defense can.
It is hard follow all of this from work, but I just saw a tweet from Michael Kieffer that says, We have officially jumped the shark, and it is only day 5.

I assume the shark is Juan. Who exactly is we? Does MK side with all murderers?

I take everything Kiefer reports rather "reports" with a grain of salt. Jumping the shark refers to when something has turned a corner to being over in a way. As I understand it, it references a Happy Days episode where Fonzie was water skiing and jumped over a big shark and it was clear someone needed to put a fork in that series hence that phrase (that's what I've been told anyway). Kiefer wants to say that like the trial is all over and I"m sure in his wishful thinking mind he thinks the jury's already made up their minds for LWOP. He's no longer a reporter but some kind of opinion writer and the opinion will be skewed toward bias for this murderer. I just know he's against the DP and he's burned all his bridges in the County attorney's office for sources. He can't be long for this job I don't think.
Defense attorneys represent murderers, child molesters, monsters of every kind. That's their job, and they're obligated professionally and ethically to defend their clients with zeal.

Add to that.... most defense attys are anti-DP. They're not out to win at any cost because they get a prize at the end. They're in it to save their client's life.

I hate that Nurmi has tried to slime the defenseless, butchered Travis. But taking even the smallest step back , it's clear that he isn't the source of "depravity.". She is.

I disagree. I think he has also enhanced the depravity factor in the courtroom because he can. Just because Jodi Arias wants to fly some cockamamie story, doesn't mean he has to grab it. The pedophilia accusation was pure smear and he flew that flag with glee. I don't agree with is an ethical defense done with "zeal". I believe it's all gone too far, drug far too many innocent people into the mud needlessly and without corroboration just to make an impression on juries that somehow the murder victim deserved what they got. It happens all the time, is escalating and I believe limits should be installed. And yes I do think they are in to win it at any cost. And they aren't stupid, they also know the chance of ANY death penalty felon being actually executed, run around 1-2%. So this "saving their life" BS is a dramatic line but not supported by the numbers.
I don't think Casey Anthony's father should have been smeared needlessly and from the mind of an accused murderer and pathological liar in that case nor do I believe Travis Alexander should have been smeared as a pedophile and abuser born from the same kind of depraved mind in this one. Aided and abetted by their defense attorneys.
It's ok, we can agree to disagree but I'm gonna keep shouting this from the rooftops anyway.
Yes, she can be ex-communicated. Kate Kelly was excommunicated earlier this year for spearheading a movement for women to have priesthood authority. Murder is much worse than that. Hopefully JA already got the boot. Not that she was really devout in the first place.

OT Oh man, when I read "Kate Kelly" I was startled for a sec and thought I had somehow landed on the John Dehlin FB page or on RFM ! Sleepy.
Nurmi did imply that Arias shot Travis while he was seated in the shower. He demonstrated the trajectory of the bullet to the head of Travis, using his finger as the gun. Remember now?

I will add, one of the reporters who witnessed the demonstration & reported in was Keifer on October 23. I think I wrote about it at Retrial Day 3, p. 31 #771

Thank you Tuba...i'll go back and look. I've been sketchy with my trial following on twitter due to time constraints and no HLN anymore. So you're talking this retrial I take it. This is a VERY important detail imo.
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