Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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May I add this to my post about Cindy not frantically searching TonE's apt. Cindy did take the time to make that crack about "I hope you guys have lots of money" or something to that effect bad-mouthing Casey. I think Cindy was mad as hill that they had to pay the tow yard so much money. Was Caylee the number one thing on Cindy's mind then?

Absolutley not. Caylee was not the number one thing on CA's mind at that point. I think CA was furious over the car being towed, KCs lies, she had just spent time finding things out from AH (about the whole CA signing over the house to KC)... she wanted KC, and she believed find KC, find Caylee.

When KC had told CA outside TonE's apt that Caylee was with the Nanny (really, who uses the word Nanny nowadays anyway) CA believed that...

I don't at all believe that CA thought for a moment that the smell in that car was the smell that came from her grandbaby. Not for a moment... How many of us would even consider that a possible scenario?!? Yes, KC was a liar, a thief, a terrible daughter, and I bet CA even considered her a less than perfect parent... but a murderer? Thats not something you think. Yes she washed the clothes, yes she aired out the car... but I bet the thought "KC killed Caylee and put her body here thats why it smells so bad" never crossed her mind...Who could fathom something like that?

I don't think she was in cover-up mode when she called 911, that does not make any sense at all. If you are covering up you are not bringing the cops into it for any reason. I think only after everything came to a head with the police and the search that they went into cover up for KC mode. The washing of the clothes just so happened to be important... I bet CA sighs a big relief thinking "Thank god, I washed them clothes"

The saddest part of all of the hoopla is that CA/GA claim to love and miss Caylee so much, but they are not out there demanding the justice for her at ALL. Not at all. They are out there begging and pleading for the public to try to understand KC...
Ms.Heather - thank you for this:

"bet CA sighs a big relief thinking "Thank god, I washed them clothes".
I am not following you. I see little connection to my post and your response so color me confused.

I am saying two things.
One GA knew Casey was alive, so he could never have thought what he said in his deposition which was "please don't let it be Casey or Caylee". He knew it could not be Casey. Period. Nothing about GA coming up with other reasons for the stink. He himself was worried about what that stink could be .

Two, I am saying that the Anthony's knew it (meaning, that Caylee was dead) when Casey was willing to go to Jail and never produced Caylee or anything remotely plausible as to why she did not have Caylee. She went to Jail a day after the 911 call and after the police drove her around town to non existant baby sitter homes.

I see what you are saying and realized that I was confused. There is no connection. Sorry - my bad.
When GA got angry and left the house, that was the first time that Casey was bonded out by Leonard Padilla. The female bodyguard, Tracy, stated in her interview that George had become upset with Casey and demanded to know what had happened to Caylee. His friend, visiting from Ohio, and Cindy had to physically restrain George. Tracy said that Casey told George he had to leave.

At that time, there was a webcam on the Anthony house, and we saw George leave. He said something to reporters standing outside, like "I'm going to take a little walk and get some fresh air." A little while later, Lee came out and got in his car and drove somewhere. A short time later, within minutes, they returned.

I remember that at the time, there was a lot of speculation on why George left. Tracy's interview, which was recently released, confirmed what many had thought might have happened.

Thank you, Leila. Do you recall which direction he went walking?

I think him storming out shows he didn't know. As does his grand jury testimony (which he seems to be refuting now). Once CA wore him down, and he realized the truth, she mindmelded him into following her story.

I don't think she was in cover-up mode when she called 911, that does not make any sense at all. If you are covering up you are not bringing the cops into it for any reason. I think only after everything came to a head with the police and the search that they went into cover up for KC mode. The washing of the clothes just so happened to be important... I bet CA sighs a big relief thinking "Thank god, I washed them clothes"

The saddest part of all of the hoopla is that CA/GA claim to love and miss Caylee so much, but they are not out there demanding the justice for her at ALL. Not at all. They are out there begging and pleading for the public to try to understand KC...

Thank you, Heather, ITA. You dont call 911 before you have a plan, if you are in on it.

I do not understand the Anthony's at.all. Guess none of us do, which is part of the frustration. There is just no sane explanation.
Hello WS :)

George knew as early as his interview with LE where he tells them to give him time to tell his wife because this is going to "kill her" he says he knows what that smell means as he is ex-LE. He speaks of how his has lost "both his girls." He tells LE that he had to tell Cindy that the smell was/is pizza...he tells LE that Cindy asked him, "it is pizza, right George?"

Really, I think George knew the minute he smelled the car. He says he looked up to "heaven" and said, "please don't let this be..." I think George's first interview shows that he knew Caylee was dead and that Casey was responsible. GA: (paraphrased) How could I have raised someone who could hurt someone...or do something like this. I should find the actual quote because it is much more telling that what I have remembered here.

As far as Cindy...I don't know. I am reading what you guys have to say to help me decide. When did she know? I don't know. But I do know that she is either 100% insane(that is not an insult I mean that in the true clinical sense) or she is now covering for Casey because she knows she also did not have good tabs on Caylee and that she was threatening to take Caylee from Casey and "you'll never see..." "we'll do the child thing" and that makes her a certain amount of guilty in what happened to Caylee.

ETA: Lee tells Annie D "not to protect Casey" and Lee is the mouthpiece for his parents. I don't think he came to that idea on his own, completely. Why would he tell Annie not to protect Casey? If he and his parents thought Casey was innocent?

Hello WS :)

I know this is about Cindy, and what I am going to post is about George so mods if you want this somewhere else...please do and sorry about making work for you.

July 24th, 2008
Statement to LE
George Anthony

GA: Okay. Well, I need to set the record straight between you, you guys and me. You guys are doing what you can. I know that. Deep in my heart and my guy and my, my brain I know it. I know how you guys at least I have a rough idea of how every things put together. Granted, it's been years since I've done my stuff but I now the basic techniques of stuff are still here. I, I understand all that good stuff. Where this is leading I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about that but I had bad vibes the very first day, when I got that car. I can be straight with you guys and I hope it stays in the confines of us three. I don't want to believe that I have, have raised someone, and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person. I don't want to believe that. And if it happens all I can do is ask that you guys please call me so I can prepare my wife because it's going to kill her. And I tell you, I know my wife has been tough on you guys. We talked about going on emotion and trying to get focused and step back. She's trying. I know she is but that two and a half hours, forty-five minutes she's getting sleep a day, you guys knew when you are up for two and three and five days...
GA: All I can do is ask if, if you feel that this is going in the direction that my, my heart is killing me right now to say it even if its going into my granddaughter is not, no longer alive. I'm going to handle it the best I can, but I need to be there for my wife and my, my son. We, we need to just because its only us those left, the way I'm looking at it right now. Because if there's, if we lost my granddaughter I've lost my daughter. And, that's you know how hard that's going to be?

Trying to pin down when exactly CA went into cover up mode is confusing....
but I finally realized why- it's because she LIVES in that mode when it comes to Casey. That is her conditioned response to any behavior of Casey's that is suspect...
It's when she comes out of it that her behavior looks puzzling to us..
Hello WS :)

Cindy's interview with Orlando Sentinel

(A question is asked off camera that you can not hear: this is from a video interview with the OS. I assume "when did you last see Caylee?" from Cindy's response.)

CA: June the 8th. Her and I spent the day, we went up to, we went to sss(Cindy slurs her words several times in this interview: and I think "pills" have a lot to do with Cindy's behavior before, during and after Caylee's death jmo), to visit her great grandpa and she's coloring trying to help my dad color too and sitting there reading a story to him and at that moment it meant so much because it was my granddaughter and my dad together and its so vivid in my mind and (Cindy slurs here and seems to begin to say "and knowing" but she stops and says "and one." Was she going to say "and knowing what I know now?" It seems to fit when you read her next statement only if she was going to say "knowing what I know now." If you take the statement "and one" it does not "go" with her next statement)

"I would never have thought that I would remember that day other than a nice day with my dad and my granddaughter. But now that's the last day I saw...Caylee.
Reporter: I saw...
CA: I had called Amy to see if she had seen Casey lately and she said yeah she'd seen her on, um Tuesday. She, in fact, just several hours before I'd called her, she'd actually picked her up from the airport, Amy had come back from Puerto Rico, um Casey had picked her up. I asked her if she knew where she was at, and she said yeah. I said well can you take her to me, she said sure so I picked her up and when we went when we got Cay, Casey and I was hoping to find Caylee with her...but she wasn't with her. That's when I started to ask Casey questions. When she couldn't tell me where Caylee was at, well she said she was at the sitters but I wanted to go pick her up, I hadn't seen her in a month. I wanted to see her, wanted to bring her home and let her sleep in her own bed an she made an excuse "we don't want to disturb her mom its nighttime she's putting her down, by the time we get there she'll be sleeping. Why do we want to wake her up?" And I said, because I'm being selfish and I want to see her. Well, ya know I got a gut feeling, and my gut feeling was that there was something not right and my daughter's voice and something wasn't right, though I asked her to drive her to, you know to take her to me, when she said no I, um I called the police department."

Twice Cindy gets something wrong: she asks Amy "well can you take her to me?" And then at the end she says she asked her daughter "I asked her to drive her to, you know take her to me."

Is this a Florida thing or something? Is it the pills? Twice she asks that someone can "take her to me." What is that all about?

I think *possibly* she/they did clean the knife, pants, car etc (and washed the carseat cover!) but that it was still on the assumption that KC got into some kind of "bad trouble" and at that moment in time they had not connected it to Caylee.

If the doll and/or carseat were tampered with beyond that, the theory doesn't hold. But if they were NOT (which is my current theory) than it still fits..

I do think the carseat cover and doll were washed, same as everything else in the car, due to the smell. Fabrics hold it (odor) the worst compared to hard plastic.
Sounds reasonable. I agree, that if she tampered with the doll and carseat beyond washing those items (ie:switching them), it was done for more than just odor...
Chiquita ~ It's not a Florida thing. It might be a Cindy thing or pills, as you also speculated. We have lots of colloquialisms here in Florida but "take her to me" is not one of them.
Hello WS :)

Cindy's interview with Orlando Sentinel

(A question is asked off camera that you can not hear: this is from a video interview with the OS. I assume "when did you last see Caylee?" from Cindy's response.)

CA: June the 8th. Her and I spent the day, we went up to, we went to sss(Cindy slurs her words several times in this interview: and I think "pills" have a lot to do with Cindy's behavior before, during and after Caylee's death jmo), to visit her great grandpa and she's coloring trying to help my dad color too and sitting there reading a story to him and at that moment it meant so much because it was my granddaughter and my dad together and its so vivid in my mind and (Cindy slurs here and seems to begin to say "and knowing" but she stops and says "and one." Was she going to say "and knowing what I know now?" It seems to fit when you read her next statement only if she was going to say "knowing what I know now." If you take the statement "and one" it does not "go" with her next statement)

"I would never have thought that I would remember that day other than a nice day with my dad and my granddaughter. But now that's the last day I saw...Caylee.
Reporter: I saw...
CA: I had called Amy to see if she had seen Casey lately and she said yeah she'd seen her on, um Tuesday. She, in fact, just several hours before I'd called her, she'd actually picked her up from the airport, Amy had come back from Puerto Rico, um Casey had picked her up. I asked her if she knew where she was at, and she said yeah. I said well can you take her to me, she said sure so I picked her up and when we went when we got Cay, Casey and I was hoping to find Caylee with her...but she wasn't with her. That's when I started to ask Casey questions. When she couldn't tell me where Caylee was at, well she said she was at the sitters but I wanted to go pick her up, I hadn't seen her in a month. I wanted to see her, wanted to bring her home and let her sleep in her own bed an she made an excuse "we don't want to disturb her mom its nighttime she's putting her down, by the time we get there she'll be sleeping. Why do we want to wake her up?" And I said, because I'm being selfish and I want to see her. Well, ya know I got a gut feeling, and my gut feeling was that there was something not right and my daughter's voice and something wasn't right, though I asked her to drive her to, you know to take her to me, when she said no I, um I called the police department."

Twice Cindy gets something wrong: she asks Amy "well can you take her to me?" And then at the end she says she asked her daughter "I asked her to drive her to, you know take her to me."

Is this a Florida thing or something? Is it the pills? Twice she asks that someone can "take her to me." What is that all about?



Not really sure in this particular case, but I've learned over the years that in the Deep South people tend to use the words "bring" and "take" interchangably. Whereas I would ask, "Can somebody take me to work?" down here I hear "Can someone bring me to work?" I think Cindy transposed her pronouns and intended to ask Amy "if she could take me (CA) to her (KC)."
Hello WS :)

Cindy's interview with Orlando Sentinel

(A question is asked off camera that you can not hear: this is from a video interview with the OS. I assume "when did you last see Caylee?" from Cindy's response.)

CA: June the 8th. Her and I spent the day, we went up to, we went to sss(Cindy slurs her words several times in this interview: and I think "pills" have a lot to do with Cindy's behavior before, during and after Caylee's death jmo), to visit her great grandpa and she's coloring trying to help my dad color too and sitting there reading a story to him and at that moment it meant so much because it was my granddaughter and my dad together and its so vivid in my mind and (Cindy slurs here and seems to begin to say "and knowing" but she stops and says "and one." Was she going to say "and knowing what I know now?" It seems to fit when you read her next statement only if she was going to say "knowing what I know now." If you take the statement "and one" it does not "go" with her next statement)

"I would never have thought that I would remember that day other than a nice day with my dad and my granddaughter. But now that's the last day I saw...Caylee.
Reporter: I saw...
CA: I had called Amy to see if she had seen Casey lately and she said yeah she'd seen her on, um Tuesday. She, in fact, just several hours before I'd called her, she'd actually picked her up from the airport, Amy had come back from Puerto Rico, um Casey had picked her up. I asked her if she knew where she was at, and she said yeah. I said well can you take her to me, she said sure so I picked her up and when we went when we got Cay, Casey and I was hoping to find Caylee with her...but she wasn't with her. That's when I started to ask Casey questions. When she couldn't tell me where Caylee was at, well she said she was at the sitters but I wanted to go pick her up, I hadn't seen her in a month. I wanted to see her, wanted to bring her home and let her sleep in her own bed an she made an excuse "we don't want to disturb her mom its nighttime she's putting her down, by the time we get there she'll be sleeping. Why do we want to wake her up?" And I said, because I'm being selfish and I want to see her. Well, ya know I got a gut feeling, and my gut feeling was that there was something not right and my daughter's voice and something wasn't right, though I asked her to drive her to, you know to take her to me, when she said no I, um I called the police department."

Twice Cindy gets something wrong: she asks Amy "well can you take her to me?" And then at the end she says she asked her daughter "I asked her to drive her to, you know take her to me."

Is this a Florida thing or something? Is it the pills? Twice she asks that someone can "take her to me." What is that all about?

I don't know....maybe she was confusing "bring her to me" with "take me to her" ?????

The two transcripts you have posted with CA and GA are very enlightening.It's good to be reminded,since it's been awhile since I looked at those.
Big Thank You!
Exactly when was it that CA said to GA "it is pizza causing that smell, right?" and GA knew better but told CA yes, it is pizza. Well, IF that was right at the time they picked up the car on 7/15, I could see CA landing on that logic and then just being furious at how the car had been so messed up. She sends GA to work because it's a brand new job, she cleans the car in a frenzy, all the while thinking about the $$ KC had caused them to spend at the tow, being gone a month, etc. At the time she made the 911 call, she was frantic, she even spoke with her boss on the phone in the garage saying 'if something's happened to Caylee...' I really think that in the jailhouse visits she's trying so so hard to get KC to tell her anything at all that will allow her to hang onto the belief that KC is telling the truth that the Nanny took Caylee. But somewhere in that timeframe while KC is still in jail the first time, the realization really starts to creep in, a little at a time. Now for GA, it was immediate, and when he demanded to know where Caylee was when KC first came home from jail, he was in a rage........not from thinking the Nanny had her but "tell me where she is" was all he could say - but meant - tell me how she died and you covered up an accident, or tell me how where you have hidden her. I'm all pretty comfortable with this, until I remind myself KC actually said in one of the jailhouse visits "oh don't worry, I haven't said anything." Now what in the world does that really mean??? Bottom Line: I am still so confused!!

Not really sure in this particular case, but I've learned over the years that in the Deep South people tend to use the words "bring" and "take" interchangably. Whereas I would ask, "Can somebody take me to work?" down here I hear "Can someone bring me to work?" I think Cindy transposed her pronouns and intended to ask Amy "if she could take me (CA) to her (KC)."

I'm going to take exception to this!!!! I live in the DEEP South. MOST Southerners don't talk that way. JMO :dance:
LOL I live in the deep south as well and don't speak that way, but I have heard it. I think in this instance, CA was saying 'bring me to her' as she should have said 'take me to her' or 'show me where she is.'

Also, just to throw my opinion in, I do believe that CA was genuinely upset during the 'damn dead body' 911 call. When it shifted from CA wanting Caylee and placing an importance on her to CA putting an importance on KC, I'm not sure.
Exactly when was it that CA said to GA "it is pizza causing that smell, right?" and GA knew better but told CA yes, it is pizza. Well, IF that was right at the time they picked up the car on 7/15, I could see CA landing on that logic and then just being furious at how the car had been so messed up. She sends GA to work because it's a brand new job, she cleans the car in a frenzy, all the while thinking about the $$ KC had caused them to spend at the tow, being gone a month, etc. At the time she made the 911 call, she was frantic, she even spoke with her boss on the phone in the garage saying 'if something's happened to Caylee...' I really think that in the jailhouse visits she's trying so so hard to get KC to tell her anything at all that will allow her to hang onto the belief that KC is telling the truth that the Nanny took Caylee. But somewhere in that timeframe while KC is still in jail the first time, the realization really starts to creep in, a little at a time. Now for GA, it was immediate, and when he demanded to know where Caylee was when KC first came home from jail, he was in a rage........not from thinking the Nanny had her but "tell me where she is" was all he could say - but meant - tell me how she died and you covered up an accident, or tell me how where you have hidden her. I'm all pretty comfortable with this, until I remind myself KC actually said in one of the jailhouse visits "oh don't worry, I haven't said anything." Now what in the world does that really mean??? Bottom Line: I am still so confused!!

BBM - Me too. I've thought about that remark a lot. I wonder if KC was saying to her parents, 'don't worry, I haven't said anything that you should know...or anything that might incriminate me.' You know - more like 'no, I'm still not admitting anything.' If she was saying this, it might have been because she knew her parents were suspecting her and wanted to tell them that she hasn't told LE anything, because she doesn't know. Not sure - it's just a thought.

Either that, or she was letting her parents know she didn't spill the beans about something...whether it was directly related to where Caylee was or not.

I am completely confused too!
I know I'm probably going to get slammed for this, but I don't believe that Cindy or George knew at the time they got the car back that Caylee had actually died. I made the mistake one time of missing a package of chicken breasts in the trunk when I put up groceries once. It was summertime. It was horrible, and it lasted a really long time no matter what I used to clean it up with. I don't think I could make that quantum leap from just the smell of decomp that my daughter had murdered her baby and that was the odor source. I don't think I could wrap my head around that right away. I would be led kicking and screaming to it eventually, but if I got my car back reeking, I'd probably air it out and begin cleaning it up just as Cindy did also. No one would wsant to drive it or buy it like that, and I would want to mitigate the damage as much and as soon as possible, just as if I got it back splattered with mud I would want to hose it off immediately. Just kinda a pride of ownership thing, you know? And if shoes or pants inside the car stunk to high heaven, I'd give 'em a wash.

I don't think my mind would go immediately to that was my dead grandchild I smelled. That is so horrible to contemplate, it would definitely take me awhile to even go there in my mind. So I just can't fault the As actions in that particular scenario. I also think that early on they developed a sort of siege mentality, probably under the influence of KC, the "us against them" mindset that set the tone for their future dealings with LE, the public and the media. Not excusing it, but perhaps explaining it.

Add the fact that your Granddaughter had not been "home" for a month and your Daughter was unable to be tracked down in person?

Think of the scenario to include the facts above to the story.
imo by then, you'd have had your hackles up.

It's a whole picture scenario that includes the 31 days prior up to and to include finding the car, the attempts to locate KC prior to July 15, that cause one to question their gullibility.
May I add this to my post about Cindy not frantically searching TonE's apt. Cindy did take the time to make that crack about "I hope you guys have lots of money" or something to that effect bad-mouthing Casey. I think Cindy was mad as hill that they had to pay the tow yard so much money. Was Caylee the number one thing on Cindy's mind then?

Not only did CA have to pay big bucks to get the car out but she viewed the impounded car as a mistake made by KC as indicated by CA's question - why didn't 'she" pick up the car?

The car became the "outing" evidence - the cog in the wheel so-to-speak - the moment of truth - the elephant in the room - the public exposure - the caught with your pants down moment. The car was the turning point to hiding - KC said, "just give me one more day." Does that sound like a permission question? It sounds to me like the past 31 days were "given" too.
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